《The Four of Fools - Book one of the Deck of Fate》Chapter 26 - Tiberius
The training was rigorous. They were woken before dawn and given a breakfast consisting of bread and eggs. Then they would be sent to the yard where they perform calisthenics with the veteran gladiators for two turns of the hour glass. They would do one turn of intensive sparring with wooden weapons. And then they would train to die.
This wasn’t as atrocious as it sounded. Tibi found that it was relatively rare for a gladiator to die fighting. They were expensive to maintain and train, so owners didn’t want them wasted. He found that the typical man here would only fight maybe five times per cycle. Most deaths would be those of criminals or trash slaves. It certainly lit a fire of motivation for the nine other chaff like Tibi to learn that. Moving from iron to copper could literally be the difference between life and death.
No, training to die was where Tibi excelled because it was incredibly painful. They had to learn not to flinch, fear or flee from combat. They would frequently be pitted against veterans who would beat them mercilessly. Tibi was blown away to find out that they kept a full time medici on staff as well as a part time priest of Neptia.
Neptia was the goddess of the Sea and Wealth and she was very popular on the Savage Sands. There was a large temple centrally located in the city that hired its acolytes to the nobles and the arena. The temple itself had more power over the island than any singular merchant lord.
Tibi had gone to the small shrine on property himself and done a silent prayer to the statue of the goddess. Neptia’s statue was made of gold and inlaid with sapphires. Her beauty was inhuman, as was the fact that she had a tail with fins instead of legs. She held her trident and on her brow was a crown of shark teeth. She was certainly majestic.
Neptia was one of the seven, but here she was the premier goddess. Back home, most of the goddesses were fairly evenly worshiped, and while he himself wasn’t much for religion, the nobles of Valeria were big supporters of Rae, the goddess of the sun and harvest. She was frequently represented by her halo and scythe.
It was certainly in death training that Tibi’s dull senses shone. Tibi had grown used to Kinkaid pulling his blows at the last moment. The veteran gladiators did no such thing, and the pain was intense. Many an iron left the field with tears in their eyes and bruises upon their bodies. After learning to die they would be fed a large mid day meal of barley and mystery meat stew.
Goddess, but Tibi was growing to hate that stew. Then back to the yard where they would be forced to lift heavy rocks and chunks of metal until their arms felt like they were made of water. Then running, then calisthenics, then stew, then basic weapons training.
The difference between morning spar and evening training was night and day. The morning practice was rigorous and painful, where the evening practise would put them through basic forms as they learned them. There was a solid monotony to it. Especially since it was everything Tibi hated. No books, no learning anything but combat. Maybe his father would finally be proud.
On the final seven day the tenth iron finally returned. Others tried to ask where he had been but the lad wouldn’t speak. He was probably the youngest in the group outside of Tibi, and they could all see the yellow of faded bruises on the boy. They gave him his space as he refused to speak with anyone about anything and just went silently through the motions with the rest of them.
They weren’t given Synday off like any cultured civilization, the only way Tibi was even able to keep track of the seven days was on Synday they fed a grilled meat and potato instead of stew. He wondered silently if the goddess Syna was offended that they were forced to work on her day of rest.
The evening weapons training was actually becoming a highlight as well. Partially because it changed, allowing them to practice the different arts, partially because he gained some new weapons skills. There were four general types of basic training, and TIbi could see where they each exceled would be where they would end up continuing their training with the doctores.
Tibi learned that there were four doctores who would teach them once they had advanced to copper. Each a retired gladiator in his own right. There was Myrmillo who taught sword and round shield. Retiarius who used a net and trident. Samnis who used two short swords. And Thrax who used the war chain and tower shield. The irons didn’t qualify to receive their attention yet.
And just like that a month had passed. Inside the manor on a chaise lounge lay Mistress Cinder. She wore a light fabric that was so thin it left little to the imagination about the voluptuous curves of the gorgeous woman who wore it.
Two slaves stood by with wine and snacks. One was a young beautiful girl with hair as black as night and caramel skin that was almost completely uncovered. The other was a man, a perfect physical specimen with short cut golden hair, they both stood neatly at attention, waiting for the mistresses beck and call.
Across from her stood Deckard the lanista as he gave his report on the new slaves.
“Three of them don’t have what it takes to be gladiators, I’ll bring them before the mistress to see if they are pleasing to her eye?” he asked her. If she found them handsome enough they might be passed on to her head of house hold to become manor slaves. The men would have to become eunuchs but that was the mistress's pleasure. If they didn’t please her, they would wait until the games started where she could recoup her expenses by selling their deaths.
She nodded and took a sip of her wine. “And the expensive one?” the lanista looked slightly nervous at that. “His takes to the training like a fish to the sea, but he is still to young. He doesn’t have the size or build yet to compete against full grown men. But…” Lady Cinder lifted an eyebrow and Deckard continued.
“In a cycle or two he will be ready to trounce coppers and maybe compete with silvers, but I worry about his fire. He hasn’t truly been broken, and he could embarrass us on the sands.” The lanista dropped his head with that. It was his responsiblty to break anyone with to strong a spirit, but the mistress had been opposed to risking her very expensive purchase.
“There are other ways to train a pet, sometimes if not the stick, we can try the carrot.” Lady Cinder’s evil smile made Deckard grin.
The next day in the training yard Deckard came forward and they all knew there was something new today.
“Your evening basic weapons have progressed far enough to put you into your future styles. Jules, and Jarich will begin full time training with Retiarius’ coppers. Welsh and Stoben will be with Samnis. Orgald and Lu Yu are with Thrax and finally Tibi will be with Myrmillo.” Everyone looked around, very conscious that three names hadn’t been included. Caleb shot Tibi a worried look. “You three go with Hammish to see Olaf.”
With that, Deckard strode away without a backwards glance. “Who’s Olaf?” asked Caleb. Hammish shrugged and answered. “Olaf is the head of house, don’t worry this could be a good thing for you, eh?” Hammish gave Caleb a gentle pat on the back and usher the three men toward the back of the manor where for the first time TIbi noticed a tall, older man standing.
He had salt and pepper hair and a square jaw, he was handsome, even for an older gent. Tibi assumed Caleb was about to be having a much better time inside the manor than in the yard. He shook his head ruefully, what a lucky bastard.
The rest of the day went normally until weapons training. This time everyone was split off to start training the styles that the lanista had felt suited them. Irons were not important enough to train with a Doctore, but at least they were now training with the Doctore’s coppers where they would have a chance to become skilled enough to become a copper. As the others separated, Tibi noticed that he hadn’t been pulled away by coppers, instead Deckard and Doctore Myrmillo himself approached him.
As they got closer TIbi could only wonder what was going on. “The lady has decided that you were too expensive to remain an iron.” Deckard lifted his hand an in it was a copper collar. TIbi felt his jaw drop. A copper already? “Thank you sir.” Tibi did a quick bow of his head. He didn’t notice the lanista’s smirk.
The man pulled out a key and switched TIbi’s iron collar for a copper one. “don’t disappoint us.” Deckard said before he turned and walked away. Leaving TIbi alone with the Doctore. For the first time he noticed the Doctore didn’t wear a collar. He was surprised to see the man was a citizen.
Myrmillo was tall with pale skin, short-cropped brown hair, and rippling muscles. There was a scar on his that went from above his left eye down to his lip. Where his lips curled into a sneer.
“Follow me boy. I have agreed to an extra turn of the hourglass training you worthless coppers, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Myrmillo quickly turned and walked toward the west side of the yard with a small crop of pells.
His words were sinking in for a moment as he remembered that the Doctores personally trained the coppers during the morning session, the others irons would only be going through a basic session with the coppers, not directly with a Doctore. As he got there, there were several other coppers who already held wooden training swords and shields. Tibi noticed Hammish there as well, though the man wasn’t making eye contact. Tibi hurried to grab his own training implements.
Myrmillo stepped forward and spoke. “As you have all heard, instead of using this hour to train amongst yourselves or train a lowly iron, you get another turn of your master's precious time.” At that, there were several grimaces amongst the group.
Tibi finally noticed the demeanor of the gathered coppers, and it didn’t seem happy. “Kraken” Myrmillo called out. Immediately all the gathered coppers moved into an attack sword form with their wooden sword poised above their shields. Those who were slow or whos form was off would get a lash from Myrmillos switch as he walked amongst them making corrections.
Tibi was given no instruction and almost completely ignored as he did his best to mimic the others. “Orca” a form that went from shield bash into a vicious uppercut “Turtle” a defensive retreat poking their sword under their round shield. A dozen forms.
They were expected to be swift and precise. The red switch marks built upon everyone's arms and legs except TIbi who was conspicuously ignored. Sweat poured down everyone's brow as the heat mixed with constant movement of their bodies.
When the hour was up, Myrmillo said not a word. He simply turned and strode away. Tibi mirrored the others and dropped the heavy wooden training implements into the sand. He noticed several glares from the others, and unsure what the issue was he went and tried to speak with Hammish.
Hammish glanced at Tibi, it was clear something had changed in their relationship. “Is something wrong, what did I do?” Hammish shook his head and spoke quietly. “other than another hour of that villain Myrmillos attention? Every man here has seen the arena.
Forced to prove ourselves on the sands where failure’s cost was our very lives.” Hammish nearly spat. “What did you do to earn the right to wear copper?” Then Hammish turned and stormed away to be with the other coppers.
Tibi finally realized that every copper gladiator in the villa had earned their collar with blood, and yet he had been given his freedom. For a moment he wondered if this had been done intentionally, but that thought quickly vanished as he realized it probably did have everything to do with price. As they put their training tools away and moved towards the food hall Tibi just internally shrugged. There was only so much he could do, they would have to eventually accept him.
He grabbed his stew and made his way over to the table with the other six irons, happy to have a moment to let his muscle relax. As he moved to sit down Welsh pushed himself over on the bench blocking the spot Tibi had been about to sit.
From the other side of the table Jules spoke. “You’re not welcome here copper.” Tibi was stunned. Then angry. “What the hell is your problem?” Tibi asked angrily, genuinely confused. “Oh lord captain special pants wonders why he isn’t welcome at the lowly iron table” mocked Welsh. Several of the others laughed, making Tibi’s face turn red. “I didn’t pick the collar fool, it was given to me.” The laughter stopped as Welsh turned and stood.
Two others behind him stood as well. “We know you ain’t a real copper. So we know your still weak.” Welsh cracked his knuckles. “Call us fools again.” Tibi glanced at the three in front of him. He was confident he could take Welsh, but all three made him unsure. With a glance around the room at all the glaring faces, even the coppers, he knew he had no friends in this room.
“Fine, be that way.” Tibi was turning away when the iron on the left smacked his stew out of his hands. Tibi glared at the man, ready to try his luck against all three of them, when Jules and the other two stood as well. Tibi had no choice but walk away with an empty stomach tonight. “Don’t come back copper, you’re not welcome here.” Tibi ground his teeth in frustration, but turned and left.
As he was walking out past a table, he heard Hammish speaking to the copper next to him. “Are we really gonna let a couple irons push around a copper?” the man just grunted. “He ain’t no copper.”
As the fading light of the sun hit Tibi, he sighed deeply. This was a truly unfortunate turn of events.
He still had half a turn of the hour glass to himself so he pulled up his profile for the first time in some time to see if he had made any gains.
Tiberius Rex
Lvl - 5
Class - Slave (locked)
Sign - The Warrior (All weapons skill increase 25% faster)
Attributes: Free points 5 (locked)
Power - 10 (Substats: Strength 6 Speed 4)
Reason - 8 (Substats: Wisdom 4 Intelect 4)
Odds - 3 (Substats: Luck 1 Crit 2)
Finesse - 6 (Substats: Reaction 3 Alertness 3)
Insight - 5 (Substats: Perception 3 Kinesic 2)
Lure - 4 (Substats: Diplomacy 2 Charisma 2)
Endurance - 8 (Substats: Constitution 3 Willpower 5)
Novice Combat Skills: Sword, Mace, Axe, Spear, Shield, Medium Armor, Unarmed
Novice Non-Combat Skills: Research, Riding
Would you like more info on skills? (y/n)
Racial Perks: Second Wind, Dauntless
Class Perks: (locked) Speak to your master about assigning class perks
Would you like more info on perks? (y/n)
Not much had changed. He had gained two points in constitution, he was sure that was the food and exercise. As well as one point in strength and unarmed combat as a new skill. He had gained no level and still couldn’t change his class or select class perks. With another deep sigh and nothing else to do, he walked toward the shrine of Neptia. He was far from religious, but for some reason lately he had been pulled to atleast make an effort. Maybe it was the hope for some divine help.
As he passed the infirmary he paused, his steps and did a double take. A young girl was helping the Medici put something on a shelf, but both of them seemed to be struggling with the heavy box. Tibi quickly stepped in an offered his assistance. “Can I help?” He asked. The medici looked over and nodded. “Ah, just what we needed, a strapping young lad to lift the heavy stuff. Tibi had already met the medici and knew his name was Bertrand.
As he walked over, he easily lifted the box and set it on the high shelf for them. Then he gave a short bow and introduce himself. “Tibi,” he said to the girl. She was a hand shorter than him, with a heart shaped face, curly brown hair and green eyes. Her lips were full and blossomed into a smile. “Charlotte,” she said. “but you can call me Charlie.” And just like that TIbi was in love.
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