《The Four of Fools - Book one of the Deck of Fate》Chapter 22 - A night in Gadalfa'Va
“Drop the class.” Gargamel told her. It wasn’t until Gargamel pulled her aside for a scolding she came down from cloud nine. The entirety of Beginner magic and even the start of combat is just a blur. “What?” she blurted out. “You don’t belong here. I’ve been giving you a chance, but it’s clear your heart isn’t in it.” “I’m not… no… I” Gargamel gave her a piercing look. “Do you even know why you took this class? Everyone else in this class is a future defender or battle mage, but you, why are you here.”
Lizzy looked down at her hands, not daring to make eye contact with those pink glaring eyes. She truly didn’t have an answer. She had, in part, joined this class on a lark. The lark that her mother had told her conflict was coming. Was that just the ravings of a woman who had lost her mind? Lizzy loved her mother dearly, but even she couldn’t say. She enjoyed the class. She enjoyed the physicality of it, but she was a far cry from belonging with those who put their heart and soul into combat.
She had only ever won a single spar, and that she knew was from a low blow. So she sat in silence, not giving a response. “I’ll give you until the end of the next seven day to decide, if you don’t make a choice, then I will.” Gargamel turned and stormed off. Lizzy just sat there until the end of class, because it took every ounce of her being not to sob.
She wasn’t sure how she ended up there, but she found herself in the library breaking down tearfully in a hidden corner. Perhaps it was because the library was one of the few places not full of prying eyes. “And what do we have here?” Said a tired voice as Miss Mordan stepped around one of the dusty shelves. Lizzy sat with her arms around her knees, and her head buried, but she did her best to wipe away the tears as she looked up. “Sorry, I’m just having a moment.” Lizzy said to the librarian. “Ah truly I get it child, I myself have had a trying week.”
Lizzy noticed the bags under the older woman’s eyes. “Is everything ok?” She asked quietly. “Nothing for the likes of you to worry about. I’m just worried about the direction Gilroy is taking us.” Gilroy?” Lizzy asked. Miss Mordan looked spooked, like she hadn’t realized she had spoken. “Must be lacking sleep.” She muttered to herself. She walked over and pulled Lizzy to her feet. “Now, whatever is bothering you, you remember that your grandfather is one of the most powerful men on this island.
Regardless of how he left, you don’t let the others get to you. I know what they’re trying to do is outrageous, but it has nothing to do with you. Now off with you, get some food and a good night's rest.” Miss Mordan showed her out of the library quickly and Lizzy just stood there in shock. “What about grandpa?” she whispered to herself.
The next day began somewhat better. It also helped that she had her date with Traveth tonight. As she began her day and brushed her hair, she noticed the dark circles under Clarita’s eyes. “Are you feeling alright today?” Clarita gave a small nod. “Just haven’t been sleeping well.” “I understand, the beds here are terrible.” Clarita gave a small shake of her head. “No, just bad dreams.”
Lizzy gave her a pat on the shoulder. “I hope you feel better, I can switch bunks if you need to.” Lizzy went back to brushing her hair. “Oh, and I might be back late tonight, I’m going into the city for dinner.” This time Lizzy couldn’t hide her smile. Yet she had no time to notice the scowl that came from her bunkmate.
The day passed like a flash of lightning for Lizzy. Traveth had confirmed that he would meet her in the hall, and that his father would have a carriage waiting for them.
After classes she pulled out her best dresses. She couldn’t decide between the blue with the gold trim, the emerald green gown, or the slim black dress. After much hemming and hawing, she finally chose the blue, feeling that it really brought out her eyes. She put on some of her best jewels, picking the diamond studs for her ears. She looked at the amulet her grandfather had given her; it really didn’t match this dress.
She looked through her necklaces until she found a sapphire set in gold. Perfect. She reached back to unclasp her amulet when her roommate walked in startling her. Clarita truly didn’t look well. “Are you feeling worse, you don’t look well?” Lizzy quickly asked. “I’m fine.” Was the terse response. “Maybe you should go see the healer and have them check you out.” “I’m fine, I said.” Clarita lashed out. Lizzy grimaced, shook her head and left. You can’t help those that won’t help themselves.
When she walked into the main hall, she saw him. He was all square jaw, rippling muscles and a well-fitted suit. His overcoat was black with silver stitching over a white blouse made of silk. He looked just like a dashing prince. He looked at her and smiled. “My lady, you look beautiful this evening.” She covered her mouth as she blushed, but she couldn’t help but release a little giggle.
He gently took her arm into his and led her outside to the waiting carriage. It was gilded with the earl's crest finely painted onto the door. There was a coachman atop with his lead to the four horses. Two attendants opened the door and rested a stool on the ground, helping the two young nobles inside.
Lizzy took a seat at the back, and Traveth sat across from her at the front. The seats were really comfortable and plush. Her father the count was only a minor noble, their wealth could reach a higher tier because of her father’s incredible business acumen, but they still couldn’t touch an earl.
The king had three dukes beneath him, who in turn had three Marquis or Marchioness under them. They each had three earls, who had three viscounts who had three barons. Then finally you had the counts, the most prevalent noble before the landless lords and the lowly knights. The nobility of Valeria was vast, and her father did his best, but this was a true opportunity for her to reach higher.
The carriage rolled down the cobbled streets of Gadalfa’Va and she looked out the window at the busy streets. “Count Lazarus is under Earl Graysmith right?” Lizzy was quickly pulled from her reverie. “Um, yes.” She agreed shyly. “Graysmith and my father both serve duke Fuldank.” Lizzy wasn’t really sure what he was trying to say so she just stayed silent. “I just want to make sure you know to make a good impression on my father when we arrive.” He said with a smile. Lizzy furrowed her brows. “Of course.” “Good girl.” He said as he reached across to pat her knee.
As they pulled up to the restaurant, LIzzy couldn’t help but marvel at the beautiful façade of the building. It must truly be an exquisite place. The stewards out front were impeccably dressed, and she could smell the faint aroma of spices wafting out the doors. As she was led down from the carriage, Traveth again took her arm, and led her into the foyer.
They stopped at a podium near the front door where a host stood. The man had a luxurious mustache and a finely tailored black suit that draped to his ankles. “Ah, lord Karmel. Your father has not yet arrived, but please allow us to seat you and the lady.” They were led to a small table for three in a secluded corner of the restaurant. The candlelights were dim, and the sound of quiet conversation created a low lull. The occasional clink of glasses added to the ambiance.
One of the waiters pulled the seat out for her, and took her seat, taking a gander around the upscale dining room. “Something to drink for the young master?” “Watered wine for Elizabeth, and an Ale for myself.” Traveth smartly responded. “Very good sir.” The waiter gave a nod and stepped away. Another waiter remained standing off to the side.
“This place is beautiful.” Lizzy said in awe. “Yes, one of my fathers favorite establishments.” Then a dark look flashed across his face. “All though sometimes they allow undesirables in.” Lizzy was startled with his shift in attitude, but followed his gaze. Sitting at a table across the room was an older, elegantly dressed man with a large gray beard. Sitting with him was a stunning brunette with an evening gown that revealed an ample amount of cleavage. Across the woman’s bust was an elegant butterfly tattoo. “I don’t get it, is there something wrong with them?” Lizzy asked.
Traveth gave a scoff. “The woman is from the butterfly palace, they brand all of their people with those disgusting butterfly tattoos. The palace is nothing more than a brothel in a fancy dress.” Lizzy glanced over at the gorgeous woman. “I think her tattoo is very pretty.” She muttered. Traveth lip peeled up into a sneer.
“It’s good to know that you admire whores.” Both youngsters were startled by the new voice cutting in. They looked up to see an lavishly dressed man with a clean shave, dark hair with silver over the ears. “Father,” Traveth said, immediately standing and bowing. Lizzy just blushed as she stood and curtsied. “Lord Karmel” she said with her face low, trying to hide the redness.
“It’s of no consequence, I shouldn’t be surprised by a vassal of Greysmith lacking class.” The blush turned into anger, but she didn’t respond to the insult. “Father, please.” Traveth said through grit teeth.
At that moment the waiter arrived with the drinks. He dropped a light pink wine in front of Lizzy, a small beer for Traveth, and a fancy looking drink in long stemmed glass for the Earl as the other waiter pulled out the earl Karmel’s seat for him. They both quickly stepped back and stood at attention, not ready to interrupt their betters.
The earl didn’t apologize, or pay any attention to the two children whatsoever. He briefly glanced at the cover of the menu before pushing it aside. “Alfred, the usual” The earl stated. “Very good sir.” He responded and quickly stepped away. “Then his attention fell back on his son.
“I’m only in the city for two days. I asked you here to discuss your younger brother. He has just been accepted into cavalry training. As such I may decide to move some of your resource allotment over to him.” Traveth grit his teeth together and didn’t say a word. Lizzy in turn was embarrassed and angry, but there was no room for her to speak. “I’ll give you a couple more years, but I’ll expect to see results soon.”
Lizzy wanted to reply that it didn’t matter what the odious man wanted, mages were considered neutral and didn’t get involved in political affairs, but she wasn’t that naive. She kept her head down; hoping the ire of this viper wouldn’t be directed at her.
Traveth himself would never interrupt. His father had a vile temper and pitted his children against each other often. This wasn’t new for him. He had a total of eight siblings; every one would throw you under the stampeding Rhicorns to get a half a hand a head.
The waiter arrived with three starter plates of seasoned and grilled gratan root served with a vinaigrette sauce. They ate in silence; the earl seemed to have no interest in speaking with either of them past his initial verbal cut to Traveth. Lizzy took the moment in between the starter and entrée to excuse her. If she had looked back, she would have seen the small bottle the earl passed to his son. The waiters turned their heads as Traveth dumped it into Lizzy’s wine.
The entire dinner was uncomfortable, and Lizzy was as thrilled to see it end, as she had been for it to start. They walked out to the carriage with a snide comment from the earl that Lizzy would look good with a tattoo herself. Lizzy kept silent, seething on the inside, not willing to talk back to an earl.
As the carriage started away, neither she nor Traveth spoke much. Abruptly Traveth got up and sat next to her. The suddenness of it surprised her. She liked Traveth very much, but it was inappropriate to be so close to him without supervision. “Traveth, what are you doing?” He put his hand on her leg. “How are you feeling?'' he asked with a smile.” She quickly pushed his hand off her leg. “I feel confused as to what you think you are doing.” She answered angrily.
His smile fell for a moment, then grew back like it had troll regeneration. “Don’t worry, in a moment the aphrodisiac should kick in.” He put his hand on her leg and licked her ear. She almost screamed as she flinched back. “What are you talking about?” She growled as she tried in vain to push his hand away.
He squeezed her thigh hard through her dress as he slid his lips down to her neck. “Don’t worry. You might not remember it, but I promise you that your first time will be fantastic.” He said with an evil smirk. She tried to push him off of her, but he wasn’t being gentle at this point. “What are you talking about?” She shoved him again. “It’s never taken this long to kick in before, but to be honest.” He leered at her and grabbed her cloth-covered breast. “I like it more when you struggle.” It felt like time stopped for Lizzy.
This wasn’t something she had ever experienced before. She didn’t know what he was talking about, but it was clear he had attempted to drug her. She didn’t know why he did it, she didn’t know why it didn’t work, but she knew that the sense of powerlessness would be a thousand times worse if she didn’t have her wits about her.
She made a silent prayer to Syna, and then she reached around with her left hand grabbing Traveth’s hair and pulled his head back. He yelled in pain, and looked startled at the sudden attack. He looked a lot more started as her right palm came up and struck him in the nose. A sharp crack sounded and he screamed as the blood started gushing from his nose.
The carriage slowed to a stop as she shoved the boy with all her might. There was a loud crack as he flew back, his head striking the wall of the carriage. The door of the carriage opened and Lizzy jumped out landing in a roll. There was a loud tear as he dress was ripped, but now that it was covered in mud it was ruined anyway. She glanced around and saw that she was on an empty side street. She quickly got to her feet and saw the footman approaching her. A shout came from the carriage. “Stop that bitch, don’t let her get away.”
A boy was one thing, she knew she couldn’t overpower a grown man, so she turned and ran. The footman gave a halfhearted chase, but when they reached a main street he gave up. With all of the onlookers, he didn’t want to attract the guard. Lizzy could only run so far before she had to switch to walking. It took her an entire turn of the hourglass to reach the gates of the tower. Thankfully the streets were relatively safe this close to the magi’s home, because it was near pitch dark when she finally arrived.
The gate guard didn’t harass her too much as she made it past fairly quickly. Now that she was safe, she struggled to keep the tears from pouring down. By the time she reached the baths, she realized it was a losing battle and just let the tears flow. She scrubbed the dirt and blood from her scratched skin, and could only think how much worse it could have been.
As she walked back toward her room, she was terrified of what tomorrow would bring. Thankfully her father wasn’t directly under earl Karmel, nor was Greysmith an ally of the man, but there were a thousand problems that could come up. Her head was so full of jumbled thoughts; that she didn’t even notice Clarita wasn’t in the room when she climbed into bed.
All she knew was that tomorrow would be coming too soon, as she fell into a fitful sleep.
- In Serial108 Chapters
Mother of Learning
Zorian is a teenage mage of humble birth and slightly above-average skill, attending his third year of education at Cyoria's magical academy. He is a driven and irritable young man, consumed by a desire to ensure his own future and free himself of the influence of his family, whom he resents for favoring his brothers over him. Consequently, he has no time for pointless distractions or paying attention to other people's problems. As it happens, time is something he is about to get plenty of. On the eve of the Cyoria's annual summer festival, he is killed and brought back to the beginning of the month, just before he was about to take a train to Cyoria. Suddenly trapped in a time loop with no clear end or exit, Zorian will have to look both within and without to unravel the mystery before him. And he does have to unravel it, for the time loop hadn't been made for his sake and dangers lurk everywhere... Repetition is the mother of learning, but Zorian will have to first make sure he survives to try again - in a world of magic, even a time traveler isn't safe from those who wish him ill. ********************************** If anyone is interested, I have a story-related worldbuilding site that can be found here. I don't update it as often as I should, but there is a fair amount of content there already. It also contains a page with all the fanart, fan translations, audio books and the like - you can reach it directly by clicking this link. I have a patreon account for those kind people that want to give me money. It also contains info for those who want to donate via paypal. The story was originally posted on fictionpress, back in 2011. When I reached chapter 91, I started uploading the story to RoyalRoad, one chapter per day. The story will continue to be updated on fictionpress as well as here, and can be reached by clicking on this link if somebody is interested, though at this point there is nothing there that isn't also on RoyalRoad. ********************************** The cover you see on the side has been made by a fellow RoyalRoad user Sydorow. Thank you for your time and art skills.
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❝Never mess with the Royals. You'll feel the flames of hell before you even get there.❞Back then, I wasn't anyone special. I wasn't some hero who saved anyone. I thought I was smart. I knew I was quiet and observing since I didn't like attention, unlike Raiden, my protective twin brother. He would never let anyone hurt me... but he could only protect me from threats he's aware of.As a result of what I was secretly suffering, I sealed off my emotions the best I could. I closed down my heart. Their words couldn't hurt me if I couldn't feel them. If only that worked for their hits. For five years, I'd been slowly falling into depression and no one noticed.Then of course, I turned out to be Asher's mate and he rejected me and if that wasn't enough, he banished me from my home in Moonblood pack. I left and became a rogue with the vow of keeping anyone else from suffering the way I did. I was done crying, past letting others push me around. And I was going to make sure no one went through anything like I did.Now, almost two years later, I'm returning to Moonblood pack, even though it could mean death since I was banished.But I'm not alone.Things have changed. Before, I could barely kill a spider. Now, I kill anyone who has it coming, like those abusive assholes. Before, my biggest worry was whether I could make it through the day without getting hurt. Now all I have to worry about is getting the blood out of my clothes and keeping Thatcher far away from me.Before, I was shy and timid.Now, I'm the Rogue Queen.➵Started: August 22nd, 2018Completed: November 13th, 2019Rewritten in November-December 2020
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