《The Four of Fools - Book one of the Deck of Fate》Chapter 13 - The Academy Cometh
Early in the morning she could feel the coach as it began to incline up the pass. In the afternoon, as they approached the city of Gadalfa’Va, Lizzy stuck her head out of the carriage to stare. The city towered into the sky, taking up the only pass through the mountains between the two kingdoms of Agothir and Valeria. She had never left Valeria, the capital of Valeria, but she had always assumed it to be the most majestic city she would ever see. The beauty of the city on the bay could not be understated. Now she knew she had been wrong. The towers of the academy rose like the peaks of mountains, the city wall seemed to be made straight from the mountain rock, other than the fact that the entire thing appeared to be made from smoked quartz. The raging Kadassi river ran along the side of the road that led to the gates giving the city facade an enchanting majesty .
They waited in a short line at the gates, Darwin had shown them their noble crest and Lizzy’s academy introduction signed by her grandfather, and they were through. The streets were clean and cobbled. The houses seemed normal stone and wood, unlike the towers and walls. If it weren’t for the towers' majesty she might think this was Valeria. She saw quite a few non-human races, which was unusual for the kingdoms, but Gadalfa’Va’s academy brought visitors from all over the mainland. The academy and its spires took up the central palace of the city. There were rumors that the city existed before the magus took over, these were only spread on the sly and never in earshot of the tower. The magus, on the other hand, claimed that they built it and who could argue with the powerful magi? As they reached the academy gates, there was another set of guards in black and white tabards, these were much more thorough and checked their invitation from a list.
Darwin pulled the carriage into a large courtyard filled with curated gardens and a large fountain with an exquisitely detailed statue of Syna. The goddess of night and magic, stood strong with her scepter and staff crossed in front of her. You could even see the vertical pupils of her eyes and the dark azure of her scales with flecks of gold. It was exoticaly beautiful. She was the mother goddess, the other six her daughters.
The carriage pulled to a stop and the door was opened by Darwin. The two guards set her trunk on the ground. Darwin gave her a chagrined look as they abruptly turned to leave. “Sorry, young miss, orders.” as he and the guards climbed back on the carriage, he looked over his shoulder. “Good luck, miss” and then they drove away. Lizzy looked down at her trunk in a sudden daze. Looking around, she shrugged her shoulders and grabbed one of the handles.
The female attendant looked up from the foyer desk as the young lady in an expensive dress pulled her trunk across the tiled floor. Outside of the ridiculousness of the young woman struggling to pull the trunk with both hands, the clerk grimaced at the noise and the marks it left on the floor of the pristine entrance hall. She cringed with Lizzy’s every pull as the sound of nails on a chalkboard screeched around the hall. When the girl finally reached the desk, she dropped it with a loud bang and sat down on the trunk, clearly out of breath. “Lazarus… new… student… checking in” Lizzy managed to get out. She felt sweaty and tired, and she was hating every minute of it. The clerk had a disdainful look on her face, but she checked her ledger regardless.
“Yes, I see a miss Elizabeth Lazarus here. You're late.” the clerk said with a sneer. Lizzy didn’t notice the hint of disdain hidden in the clerk's eyes. The clerk looked to be in her mid-thirties, but was already gray. She also seemed to have a perpetual frown. Lizzy, having caught her breath, felt a little agitated at the attitude of this clerk. “I am not late, I distinctly remember classes do not begin until tomorrow.” She replied firmly.
The clerk gave a sniff and a pointed glare. “Yes, I’m aware of when classes begin, but clearly you are unaware that orientation was yesterday.” A look of surprise crossed Lizzy’s face. “But grand-” the woman continued over Lizzy. “That means you do not have your books or your map.” The woman opened a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper. “You may take this to the library for your books, and you are in the novice dorm room...” The clerk paused in thought, tapping her pen against the book. “One-hundred” The clerk muttered as she made a scribble on a piece of parchment. She passed the paper across the desk and then went back to what she was doing.
Lizzy was a little shocked. This was not how people treated her, but her father had always told her that you should treat the help with respect. “Excuse me, but If someone can escort me to the library and take my trunk to my room I would appreciate it.” Lizzy gave her best smile. The clerk looked up from her work with her pasted on frown. “Miss Lazarus, no one else is responsible for your tardiness, I suggest you find your own escort, nor do we provide porters, this is not a hotel, it is a school. Learn how to do it on your own” The clerk gave a rigid smile and went back to work.
Lizzy had only made it about three feet of dragging her trunk. The shrieking noise of metal on marble echoing around the hall. When an exasperated clerk looked up again in exasperation. “Fine, someone will bring your trunk to your room” The clerk nearly shouted. “Oh thank you very much.” Lizzy said. She looked down at the scratch marks the trunk had left, the noise hadn’t been that annoying she thought to herself as she quickly left to find the library. Either way the annoyed clerk didn’t notice the small smile that crossed Lizzy’s face as she walked away.
Someone had graciously pointed her to the library where she had exchanged her slip for books. As she was leaving she bumped into an old woman nearly dropping her books. The woman had a high necked black dress that reminded lizzy an awful lot of her tutor. “Oh, excuse me miss” Lizzy quickly apologized. She could feel the palpable aura of a mage immediately. The woman gave her a gentle smile. “No worries, I’m Miss Mordan, the head librarian. Do you need something?” she said kindly. “Umm, do you know where the new student dorms are?” Lizzy asked nervously. “Of course” The woman took Lizzy’s map and explained where she needed to go.
As she handed Lizzy’s map back, the Librarian gave he a thoughtful look. “You seem very familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” Miss Mordan asked. “Maybe you know my grandfather? Archmagus Lazarus?” Recognition quickly registered in Miss Mordan’s eyes. “Ah, of course, you have his eyes. It’s a shame what happened.” the librarian replied. “Umm, what did happen?” Lizzy asked tentatively. The librarian gave her a small smile. “He was a good man but not well loved” The old woman gave a shake of her head “but you aren’t old enough for politics. Run along now.” The librarian then quickly shooed Lizzy away. Lizzy only glanced over her shoulder briefly at the Miss Mordan, before she realized her arms were getting tired and she made her way toward her room.
It was at the bitter end of the lowest level. Only a hair's breadth from the servants quarters. As she entered she was surprised to see the tiny room already had an occupant. “Oops, I’m sorry I thought this was my room.” Lizzy said as she went to step out. “Oh, you must be my roommate, I’m Clarita.” Spoke the other young caramel skinned girl. Lizzy stopped. “Roomate?” Clarita was around the same age, pretty with long black hair and brown eyes. “Yes, all novices have roommates, I guess you missed orientation?”
Lizzy just stood there with a slack jaw. Staring at the tiny room that had two beds stacked on top of each other. One had a ladder. A ladder! To reach it. There was a small desk and a closet. “Your trunk is behind the door, '' Clarita continued. “There’s really no where else to fit it, the door won't open all the way, but it shouldn't’ be a big problem.” Lizzy did her best to center herself. She was not some spoiled rich kid, her father had taught her better than that.
With a deep breath she put on a big smile and centered herself. “Thank you Clarita, I’m Lizzy, where are you from?” Lizzy set her books on the desk and began to pull things from her trunk. She noticed Clarita didn’t seem to have much in the closet. “I’m local, I’m from Cabek” Lizzy wracked her brain trying to remember where that was. As a merchant her father had connections across the kingdom and had been fastidious about geography. “A small farming village south-west of here right?” Lizzy said as she hung up a dress. “Yes!”
Clarita seemed very excited.”It feels like no one here knows what I’m talking about, and we're one of the closest villages, a lot of this city’s food comes from my town and the surrounding farms.” Clarita had come over to her trunk and was looking at her clothes. “You have some very pretty clothes, is your family wealthy?” Lizzy gave an internal grimace, this girl clearly did not know how to behave in polite society. “Yes my father is Count Lazarus.” Clarita’s eyes grew big. “Wow, did you grow up in a palace?” she asked.
Lizzy kept her sigh hidden. “No, we do live in a large estate in Valeria though.” Once her clothes she moved over to the desk to go through her books. She pulled the book her grandfather had given her from her bag and set it on the stack. She then grabbed the next book in the stack as she briefly looked through them. Clarita rambling in the background had become white noise as she grabbed the next book down, and the next. “My parents had to use their entire savings to get me a spot here, so I only hope that I don't disappoint them.” Clarita poked her head over Lizzy’s shoulder, nearly causing her to jump. “So what classes do you have?”
Clarita pointed at the beginner’s enchanting book. “Ooh! An enchanter. My primary affinity is illusion. I’m not sure what I want to do with illusion, I’m terrible in front of a crowd, so being an entertainer is out of the question!” Lizzy gave a snort. She’d never met someone who could talk so fast. Entertainer seemed like it should be right up Clarita’s alley. “But enchanter, my, you can do whatever you want. Create magic items. Work in a castle setting up wards. Drawing formations. Oooh! Formation’s for Acolytes. So you are going into formations.”
Lizzy took a deep breath. In the library they had given her books for the four classes that had been chosen for her. She had been given History which was required for all new acolytes. After that would be Enchanting and formations which were assigned based on the magic users talents and affinities. Finally she was assigned magical basics which was another class assigned to everyone. “What did you choose for your elective?” Clarita broke into Lizzy’s reverie. “I chose etiquette. I’m hoping to be able to work with the nobility, I think that would be wonderful.” Clarita finally stopped speaking in anticipation of Lizzy’s answer.
While most enchanters took a form of crafting to combine with their art, Lizzy had gone a different route. “I chose combat,” she admitted boldly. Clarita’s mouth opened as if we were going to say something, then for a moment there was silence. Clarita was literally speechless. “But enchanters are combat mages, '' Clarita finally blurted out. Lizzy gave a deep sigh. She was certain she would hear this more than just once. Her grandfather had also given her the rundown. Typically one's elective was always taken to further streamline the path of any mage. Illusionists for example, would typically tape some form of theatrics, etiquette, or something in that vein. They would usually become court magicians or entertainers. Utilizing their powerful illusions to entertain, impress, or even impose the power of nobility.
Combat on the other hand, was almost entirely evocation or abjuration specialists, with the occasional summoner or transmutation mage. But enchanters, illusionists, and diveners were almost nonexistent. There were too many safe paths to power for anyone to want to tread a dangerous road for a much smaller reward. What did combat mages do? They fought. They would be in the military, or mercenaries, but that could never compare to becoming filthy rich from making magic items.
Lizzy might be spoiled, but she wasn’t an idiot. Something about what her mother had said had given her the impression that something was coming. Some large event was on the horizon. Lizzy was firm in her choice, she could hide behind others, or stand at the precipice. And she made her choice. “Well then i guess i’ll be the first '' she smiled at Clarita. The night moved on, and as Clarita got over her shock, she shouted. “I can tell we’re going to be fast friends.” Lizzy could only nod and wonder if it was too late to buy some earplugs.
Her first class of the day was history, and while she and Clarita didn’t share any of the same class times, this would give Lizzy a much needed break. As she walked into the class she saw that there were still quite a few open seats. The room wasn’t large, with about thirty seats, a podum, and a chalkboard. She saw a girl her age with black hair and a pretty smile in the back corner, so she went next to her. As she set her books down with a groan she waved her hand. “Hello.” The girl smiled back. “Perla Boore '' she introduced herself. “Elizabeth Lazarus, but you can call me Lizzy '' Lizzy replied. Perla’s face instantly fell.
“Lazarus” she whispered. She grabbed her books and went to the other side of the class sitting down there. A few others that were near Lizzy inched their desks away. As the class filled in, anyone who would walk towards her would be pulled aside and whispered to. By the time the instructor walked in there was a palpable space around LIzzy's desk. Like a plague border. The instructor slammed his hand down on his podium causing the class to instantly quiet down. He was tall with pointed ears, clearly a mixed race. His skin was a light purple which implied he might be half drow. He had long black hair tied neatly back with a purple blue ribbon. His robes were royal blue with a silver accent.
He began with a surprisingly whiney voice. “This is Magic History. We will be covering the great mages, the founding of this great city, and other moments of historical significance” He turned to the board and began to write with chalk. “I’m Professor Scottum, and I am an illusionist. It is my great displeasure to have to take time out of my own studies to teach ungrateful children, but once you are journeyman magus yourselves.” he gave a slight scoff. “You too will be forced into this unenviable position.” Scottum glared at the students, as most sat there with their jaws hanging open. “Now take notes.” The professor turned around and began again. “In the first great magi era…” Lizzy picked up her pen, and with a great sigh began to write.
After leaving the class, Lizzy was feeling rather dejected, but she held high hopes for her next class. Enchanting excited her the most. Unfortunately her mood soured after she had a very similar opening experience. The upside at least was this professor seemed much less of a curmudgeon. Miss Maribel had a lovely smile. With green eyes and long straight golden hair she was stunning. With her enchanting smile, one could almost overlook the fact that she was very short. Her head only made it over the podium with the short stool she stood upon. “Enchanting is at its core, an exercise in imbuing magical formulas into a non magical existence.” Maribel’s voice was light and whimsical. “There are many different forms of enchantment. Can anyone tell me some of the ways enchanters work?” she asked the class. “Magic items!” one student shouted.
“Yes, the most common is of course enchanting items. This is where we imbue spells into wands, swords, rings, and a thousand other things to allow them to be able to create magic.” Miss Maribel didn’t use her board but instead let them take notes on their own. “Now even that has many different factors. Low level enchantments can be used only a few times, while higher level enchantments can recharge energy on their own. Does anyone have an example?” A dark skinned girl in the front raised her hand and was called on. “Rings of holding?” She said quietly. “Yes, exactly, '' Maribel smiled. “A ring of holding keeps its charge on ambient energy otherwise its capability to store items would quickly run out. That's why lower level rings have smaller holding areas because their energy recharges slower.” she nodded and smiled as she spoke.
“There is also the factor of the amount of mana the enchanter has to imbue in the first place, those of you who are natural enchanters will find your mana goes much further while imbuing than those who aren’t.” Maribel gave a look around the room. “Anyone else?” A young boy near Lizzy raised his hand. “Warding” he said. “Perfect, yes. Defense wards, vermin repulsing wards, there will always be a need for Warders.” Maribel continued on about glyphs, scrolls, and more. By the end of the class all of the students knew they had a lot of material to cover by year's end. In formations, Lizzy again tried to talk to other students but was treated like an outsider. One girl at least apologized as she moved away.
She finally understood it wasn’t her personally, but that her grandfather was persona non grata in the tower. None of the students knew why, but they knew to stay away from the vexed family. Lizzy begrudgingly began to accept that maybe school wouldn’t be everything she had hoped. She struggled to keep in her tears and put on her face of indifference. Formations were for enchantresses that would be going the way of warding or glyphs. It was creating a collection of magic symbols to form something greater than the whole. The professor was an old gnome named Stein, he seemed incredibly indifferent and spoke with such a monotone voice that it was hard to keep her eyes open.
By the time Beginner Magic came around, Lizzy was in a terrible mood. She nearly slammed her books down on her desk in disgruntlement. “Are you ok?” asked a boy next to her. “I'm Lizzy Lazarus, bye.” She sneered. To her surprise the boy didn’t immediately get up and move. Instead he just replied. “I’m Traveth Karmel, nice to meet you.” For the first time she looked up at the boy. He looked to be slightly older than her. With sharply cut light brown hair. Brown eyes and a handsome smile. His clothes were neat and expensive. And he wasn’t running away in terror. For a moment Lizzy couldn’t say anything as she again fought down tears.
In her silence the boy spoke again. “My father is Earl Karmel, I think your father does business in our lands, no?” “Ya..yes” Lizzy managed to squeak out. She now remembered she knew exactly where Baron Karmel’s land’s were from her lessons. At that moment the professor walked in. A tall dark skinned woman with hair pulled back into a tight bun. Her hair was gray and her face full of wrinkles. “I’m professor Xavian, welcome to Magic class.” The class didn’t cover much that Lizzy didn't already know. It was incredibly basic, but she assumed not everyone came from a family with private tutors. “I’ll see you tomorrow lizzy.” Traveth said with a smile. “Umm. Yes, that would be nice.” She said shyly. Traveth gave a light chuckle as he walked away. Suddenly Lizzy was full of smiles and she almost did a little twirl right there in the hallway. Unfortunately plenty of other students were staring at her so she quickly made her way towards the final class of the day.
She walked into the large courtyard where combat class would take place. It was a massive area hidden behind the far tower, Lizzy had practically run to get here on time. There are some bleachers to the side where most of the other students are sitting. They overlook a large dirt covered area that is at odds with the majesty of the rest of the campus. As she rushes to sit with the others she notices for the first time that everyone else is in a specific athletic attire and no one is carrying books. Her bright smile slowly fizzles as she sees people staring at her strangely and whispering to each other. Her cheeks flush red when she realizes there must be a uniform and she didn’t receive it because she had missed orientation.
The instructor walked in right behinder her and immediately noticed LIzzy’s attire. With a large grunt. “I’m Gargamel, the combat instructor.” His pale skin immediately strikes Lizzy. It's almost as if he has never seen the sun in his life. His eyes are pink and he doesn't have any visible hair. While he is somewhat unusual looking, his aura reeks of competence and he carries himself with a natural grace. “My job is to get you into fit and fighting shape so that the first time you run into a goblin you don’t piss yourselves.” Lizzy grimaced at the vulgar language.
The man stood tall, back straight, his hands on his hip and gave all the students a good stare. “I don’t have high hopes for the lot of you. Most of those sent my way think that as long as you can cast a fireball you don’t need to do much else.” Gargamel’s snort shows exactly what he thinks of that. “I’m here to tell you that won't cut the borscht. Plenty a wizard has found himself in a predicament where some basic combat skill could have saved his life. I’m a great example.” Gargamel gives an almost evil smile. “I have the Albreton bloodline.”
There are a few gasps from some students, but many look confused. Lizzy also has no idea. “I’ll give you a hint, before I was taken on to teach you lot, I was a witch hunter!” Several more gasps now, but while Lizzy has heard of witch hunters, she only knows that they are hired to chase down rogue mages. He walks closer and stares them down. “For those of you who don’t know, that means I'm resistant to magic.” Lizzy’s jaw drops as she finally understands. “That’s right. Many warlocks I chased down because of their devil pact, and when they arrogantly target me with a spell that I can shrug off…” He gives them all a glare and then turns around.
“So we begin with basic exercise. Give me one hundred laps around the courtyard. GO!” There’s only a momentary pause before the students flood off the stands and begin a jog around the track. Lizzy looks down at her dress, and then up at the instructor who is staring at her. With a flex of her fists and another flush of her cheeks she joins the rest of the class in jogging. “The last five to finish their laps will be doing push-ups” shouts Gargamel. Everyone begins to jog faster, and Lizzy can only put her head down and follow.
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