《The Immortal》Chapter 4 : Later


The Fourth Chapter

711 B.Z.

March 17th

I was 14 years old. It was then I had grown much taller than her highness, the princess, Dianna, and when soon would come a turning point in my early life. Over the years I had grown to become quiet and reserved, ultimately fitting for a bodyguard. Nothing had happened during these years and I hadn't seen any action, but still I honed my skills in case of emergency. I remained a sharp blade.

“Zidon!” she called me. Her voice was as always melodic and soft, like water, rippling my emotions.

“Yes, your highness?”

“What are you doing? Come quickly!”

“Yes, coming.”

I drew around a ruined column and saw her, an ascendant maiden standing under the shade of a wrinkled tree, shreds of sunlight striking her face, her fiery red hair illuminating brilliantly in stripes. She smiled at me, blinding me with her pearly teeth, and for a moment I was mesmerized.

Dianna was 19 years old, the age to be wed. She had grown beautifully and blossomed into a well-groomed lady. Personality fortunately didn't stray far from her appearance; she was charming, good-mannered, and at times, cute. I envied the man who would marry her.

“Your highness, are we leaving soon?” I asked.

She didn't answer and continued examining the markings on the wall.

“Fascinating, isn't it?” she asked, dodging my question.

“Yes… it is, your highness.”

Dianna wanted to visit these old ruins of ancient structure and she brought me along with her. It was a remnant of the old Lathian Empire, when Lathia was once a whole and united continent. The Empire was founded by the legendary Fae, Reikon Draceye. He died during a battle with Renua and the nation collapsed centuries ago. Warsa, Drasta, Morinth, and Asteya were all states formed from the pieces of the shattered empire, but all of them, excluding Warsa, were in dispute over land and sea. All their kings claimed to be descendents of Reikon, but it was all petty dispute, especially when the leviathan of an empire that was Renua loomed over our whole continent.

I guessed it was because Dianna had always held a great interest in history. She probably came here for reference. The princess was an odd one, who studied history, science, and even magic, but at the same time committed herself to more ladylike activities. She worked herself to death in order to live up to her name and goals - I should know I watched over her for several years. There were some things still mysterious to me though.

She circled around the tree, tracing her delicate finger across its ancient bark.

“When my ancestors were here, this tree wasn't even sprouting.”

She sighed longingly.

“What of your ancestors Zidon?” she asked.

This was a question she would always pry about. She wanted to know my origins, my roots, but I'd always give her the same answer.

“Apologies, your highness, but I'm afraid I don't know.”

She stared at me, frowning, then pouted. She could never tell if I was lying or not.


“I really want to know, Zidon. I've read the books and I've never seen anything of your like.”

“I want to know my little bodyguard.”

My heart skipped a beat. She had always teased me about my short height and called me her ‘little bodyguard’, but all that ceased when I grew taller than her. This was the first time in years she had called me by that nickname.

She had a habit of breaking the formal barrier between us and did it whenever no one was around, but I knew I could never defy the boundaries her parents set. I was her royal protector, nothing more.

I had to deny the emotions that built up within me and bury it deep inside. I could only be satiated with what I had.

At that moment though, I couldn't resist. I slowly walked up to her with a slight smirk on my face and patted her head.

“Yes, I'm your highness’ ‘little bodyguard’.”

She stood still, paralyzed, speechless, as I patted her head.

Unexpectedly she pushed my hand away.

“Zidon…” she voiced with her head lowered.

“Yes, your highness?”

She backed away and turned around, hiding her face.

“Let's go back.”

“Agreed, your highness.”

She was an adorable creature at times like that.

We returned to Warsa on horseback. The citizens regarded us with awe as we rode through the city and gave us no trouble. I had a good reputation among them and so did Dianna. We were benevolent and kind, but most of all likeable qualities, we were genuine. The citizens liked us. But rumors still circulated, scandals about our relationship, and they had been hot topics throughout all levels of society.

I was detested by the nobles, especially the Fae. I overheard whispers of conspiracy, involving plans to take over the throne or eliminate the counsel. Those were the king’s worst fears.

But he'd rather have his daughter protected by promoting me, an unknown individual of unknown origin with no known powers or skills. It had actually undermined his authority in the eyes of others. All of it could had been avoided if I had simply complied to his demands, but I wasn't a completely selfless person. Years of training and studying led me to think I deserved something.

I was having those same thoughts again, but they were for something I couldn’t have.

“Royal protector, are you listening?”

“Ah, yes.”

It was that night I was at a party hosted by the king, one where all nobles were invited. Dianna was forced to come when her royal parents insisted.

Ancient music was played, by the gentle lyre, and tables of abundantly stacked food were placed everywhere.

“What do you think of my daughter Illia?” the noble in front of me asked.

He was Lord Shoe Faldson, one of the few nobles that actually talked to me and one of my few friends. He was an upright man unlike all the hedonists and pompous clowns that filled the room, and was someone I could turn to when I needed some help. He was someone my father was familiar with, almost like kin.


If only he had stopped talking about his daughter. He might had well fell to his knees and worshipped her at this point.

“She's the same age as you and-”

“Lord Faldson, no.”

His mouth remained open in mid-speech.

“You're a man of few words, Zidonius.”

I nodded with a discrete smirk and turned my attention back to the princess. She also had few friends among the nobles, but waves of unfamiliar young men crowded around her, eager to introduce themselves. She looked bothered, annoyed, and her impatience was written all over her face. Those boys would never pique her interest. The lot of them were much taller than me though.

I was a bit short and lithe for my gender and age, but still fairly taller than Dianna and definitely stronger than all those buffoons. My immortality always made me be a bit arrogant.

“We'll talk later Shoe.”

“Likewise, Zidon.”

I headed towards Dianna to keep her on my close watch. I couldn't get too comfortable when she was under my protection and I had no other friends in this party anyways. I could feel many scrutinizing and contemptuous glances and gazes from all around.

But as I was walking, I noticed fleeting shadows at the corners of my eyes. I paused, looking around suspiciously.

Everybody was in their own circle, talking, paying little to no attention to me, and I noticed that absolutely no one was within ten meters of my vicinity.

Then… the lights blew out. Candles, fires, and all lighting, all went out. The room was pitch black. Before I could react I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Someone had stabbed me. I lunged my fist forward, but only felt air wisping around it. I heard screams all around and tables overturning. It was instant chaos. Instinctively I went to grab my xiphos, but froze, recalling that I didn't bring it. It was a party after all, in the king’s own halls. I never expected much.

“Your highness!” I called out to her.

No answer.

I held my bleeding abdomen and stumbled around, yelling and screaming for her.

“Your highness, Dianna!”


Another jabbed my back. I felt its cold metal plunge through bone, flesh, and lung. I sucked in cold air through my teeth and clenched them. It was agonizing, but tolerable. I had been through worse.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab and pull me by the shoulder and one ultimate lunge went straight through my heart. I gagged and coughed blood, glaring at the darkness before me. My assailant, realizing I was still breathing pulled me in closer and rammed his blade in deeper.

I wasn't a virgin to such things, so I didn't appreciate being trifled with. I grabbed my attacker, wrested his hands from me, and caved his nose in with a punch. His blood spewed on my knuckles like splattered paint. The dagger was dropped.

“Gah!” he oinked in pain and collapsed on the floor.

At a drooling pace, the candles and lights were all lit up and revealed a dimly unfamiliar young Fae man lying on the floor, holding his nose, and groaning in pain. I was standing not so far from him, clutching my bleeding wounds, and staring icily at the downed man.

“Zidon!” Dianna screamed.

From the crowd circling around us, Dianna, fraught with worry, emerged and ran to me. Her tears flew everywhere.

“You're hurt! We need to get you to the healer!”

She stretched her hand to me, but I dodged away. I couldn't be too familiar with her in public. Any hugs or skinship was scandalous in this society.

Beaming, I said, “I don't want to ruin your dress, your highness.”

Her eyes ripened and she screamed, “What are you talking about! You're dying!”

She extended her hand again and I stepped back. I sighed.

“Your highness, I'm fine,” I said. “Look.”

“You don't understand! There's no magic to-”

I lifted a piece of my chlamys to reveal my white, fair skin, and the open, cut flesh that blemished it, but my wounds were quickly closing themselves already. Everything healed until no trace remained besides splotches of smattering blood.

Everyone around me had their jaws dropped and eyes open. Even Dianna couldn’t help but be in utter shock.

“Zidon.. You… you…” Her eyes brimmed with tears. “I was so worried about you!”

She threw herself into my arms and cried, sniffling endlessly. I was so dizzied by her honeydew scent I couldn’t care less her snot was staining my brand new clothing. The crowds’ whispers grew in volume, but I didn't mind them at all.

Following a blissful moment, the assassin picked himself up and remained staring at me. He wore no hatred or anger, but rather, surprise, and he was scared too. His fear was shown through the corners of his quivering mouth.

“You… you should be dead!” the fallen assassin screamed like a madman.

“Wait, is that Lord Faldson’s son!?” one of the spectators cried out.

“It's Jason!”

“What!” Shoe yelled and shoved his way through to the scene.

His eyes turned red as he gazed at his son. They had a short stare-down

“Father, wait, I can explain-”

“No! You have marred our family name! Know that once you return home punishment will be in order.”

Shoe, red with anger and embarrassment, turned his head and rushed out of the palace in a fury of stomps.

Following a long and momentous silence, the crowd around us dispersed and left. The party was over.

Jason sat and remained on the floor, staring lifelessly at the door his father left through. I looked at him curiously. He was acting strangely at his failure. Dianna was still in my arms, but I stared blankly at the boy.

As the guards came in and detained him, he murmured frightfully, “... They're going to come…”

His posture slackened and he went limp like a corpse.

“... Why…”

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