《My second chance is as Dungeon Master?》Chapter 6 - Blunder


After realizing his weapon broke, Elias throws its hilt to the ground and take a step back — reaching another weapon in his back. His situation is disadvantageous — his weapons are trash, his left hands were gone, and his opponent is stronger which apparent from the earlier clash.

His realizes that his decision to escape from those goblins towards this direction is a blunder.

However, he can't back down — he won't run when his master is behind him — never again.

His agile movement becomes more flexible as time goes on, but his stamina depleted quicker as the consequence. If this goes on, he won't survive for another ten minutes. However, he never plans to continue this farce until his death.

He will make the circumstance favorable towards him.

He charges towards that dungeon master again with another sword in his hand. Their weapon clashes again and creates a spark of fire between them. Elias face serious thinking while observing and predicting opponent next action, while that dungeon master let out a sneer on his face, knows this puny race called human is weaker than him — he has all the advantage.

The dungeon master sees him only as his prey which he can slay anytime he wants.

"I can't comprehend why you didn't run earlier. With your current ability, I'm sure that you can escape if you use that person as a bait," that dungeon master speak for the first time while in defensive — his speech was loud and clear in Elias' ears as the English language.

Even though all species have different language and dialect, in this world, listeners will hear a translated version of the speaker speech. However, this only works, in verbal communication and not in writing — therefore in Elias previous life, humans often use encrypted letters to send an important message.


There are many skills to intercept a telepathic message, but a letter message which even the messenger doesn't know to interpret the letter, there is no way dungeon masters will understand the content even if they intercept it — it'll be worthless for them.

There are many mysterious things in this world which yet unravel by humanity in his previous life, like how these phenomena happen. However, for a survivalist like Elias, those technical things aren't important. He prefers honing his skill or learns something that can increase his survival chance.

Nonetheless, even though Elias have lots of experiences in this world from his previous life, his low status pushed him into his limits to avoid the dungeon master attack, either form those black poisons or stab from opponent's spear.

Hearing the dungeon masters sudden question in the middle of fights, made him surprised a bit.

"Maybe it'll be hard for you to understand for your species — dungeon masters." He swings his sword which finally broken after blocked the dungeon master stab. "However, for a human, there are people that worth to protect even with their life is at stake."

Another sword has broken again, but this time his weapon can reach the dungeon master arm once.

He notices that there are no blood flows from that wound, 'damn, that attack earlier is too shallow.'

He throws his broken sword and changes with another weapon — a rusty short sword. He realizes that this sword is worse than earlier, but he doesn't have many choices — there is only two weapon remaining from six he brought earlier.

He charges towards the dungeon master while trying to avoid weapon collision as little as possible.

'For solitude species like dungeon masters, my act can be considered foolish — throwing my only opportunity to escape to give a chance for others to live.'


He sighs and moving while tries attacking vital spots for dungeon master.

This time, the dungeon master stop his sneer. Not because of Elias speech which he considers crazy — but because Elias could hurt him even though this time is just a scratch. He realizes that he underestimate this creature.

He starts to get serious — this time, he isn't viewing Elias as mere prey — this time, he recognizes him as a proper enemy and changes his attack style.

This sudden change of style caught Elias off guard. The dungeon master offensive style — creates a deep wound on Elias' flesh. After looking at his enemy changing his spear style, he understands that his enemy starts to take him seriously which forced him exerted more stamina and pushed himself beyond his limits.

He already tried to as offensive as possible while avoiding direct weapon collisions. However, it's impossible to evade stronger foe attacks without blocking or got any injuries. His sword finally clashes with the dungeon master and become another broken weapon. Again, he throws this sword aside and takes the last one on his back.

Even though he already sacrifices five weapons, it only causes a small wound to the dungeon master. Elias himself, on the other hand, got several deep injuries from avoiding weapon clash earlier.

"As a creature from a peaceful world, your instinct is very good — too good even," the dungeon master let out praise after noticing the Elias still holding his last weapon. He's sure that Elias life is at his mercy.

"Any last words?"

"Yes," his breath erratic but he still can let out a sound, his lips curled upwards, "Oh World-will, I want to gamble."

"Wha…" at that instant everything around them frozen in time — wind, the flap of bird wings, drop of water, everything in this world stops in their place after Elias saying that words.

Their surrounding change into an absolute white of nothingness — in this place just two of them, Elias and the dungeon master separated by a blue translucent barrier.

"You, dungeon masters, are too prideful — you always underestimate weaker creature. It's a mistake to not observing your surrounding while fighting with me," he mumbles but that words the dungeon master hear it clearly behind the barrier.

The dungeon master's face becomes uglier from each of his words. He grits his teeth while thinking how foolish he was to not realize Elias prepared the World-will gamble in the entire battle. However, that's not entirely his fault — no one ever guesses that a newcomer from another world will know a restricted thing to the upper echelon on this world.

The dungeon master can only blame his bad luck — attacking someone with future knowledge.

Soon, a yellow glowing ball appears in this white world. That thing let out a calm but divine aura which pressures both of them to kneel on their knees. There is comfortable silence for a long time until finally — a holographic sentence appears on their retina.

[Commencing World-will Gamble]

[Challenger: Elias(Colorless)]

[Defender: T'lear(Red)]

From the start, Elias notices that the dungeon master is indeed in red level, one level above him. If the dungeon master didn't think him as prey, there is no chance that he will survive this long — as people said, underestimate your opponents, and they will bite you in the ass.

Not long after, another holographic sentence appears in his retina.

[Challenger, speak what you want from the Defender]

'Time to make situation favorable towards me.'

"Defender status as dungeon master."

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