《The Taleweaver》Chapter nine, Sea of Grass, part two
Late in the morning the caravan slowly resumed its snaking trail across the plains. Traders and drivers were silent; subdued but also looking ahead with eyes that shone with a new firmness.
Arthur could see the resolve they had gained, and it made him sick. Only those few who had joined them early on seemed to share his sentiment, but they were too few and too frightened to voice their thoughts about the justice meted out the night before.
He spent as much time as he could with the vanguard, especially when the escort under Captain Laiden had the duty. Arthur knew he was trying to avoid Harbend as much as possible.
Of the soldiers, those hired in Verd and the smaller contingent arriving together with Captain Weinak's men, hardened as they might be, talked little about the horrid executions. In difference from the more heavily armed soldiers making out the majority of Nakora's command they boasted nothing about them at all.
They rode in silence, slowly ascending and Arthur could see apprehension in faces that had been grave and solemn, and after a while he also started to share their enthusiasm for whatever they expected to see on the other side of the summit. They reached the crest and for the first time Arthur could see for himself where they were heading. Far, far away a town spread out like a dark rug on the snow. It was surrounded by walls, wooden most probably. The town was closer to the mountains than they were and he guessed the mountainsides were covered by trees here as well. The palisade looked small and insignificant, but so did everything watched from a distance out here. He guessed it would tower above them when they came close, but from here it promised heat, blessed heat, and shelter from the wind.
Not all of them would be allowed inside of course. At least not at the same time, but he hoped the people living there would want to make some money and sell them food. If they were lucky there might even be a tavern or two somewhere inside.
He rubbed his beard with the back of his hand. Short enough to be coarse through the leather of his glove, it was still a beard; the first he had sported for over thirty years, unkempt, dirty and rough, and he wondered when the stubble had found time to grow so long. His wife would never have agreed to his appearance, but on days like these anything covering his face was protection much needed.
It took them the better part of afternoon to get there, and daylight was giving way to dusk before he could get a close look. During the day anticipation grew in the caravan. It was almost tangible, a feeling of increased safety. It was as if they all forgot what had happened less than a day earlier, and Arthur slowly accepted that some things were very different on Otherworld.
They rode closer, snow creaking under the hooves, and as he had guessed the stockade grew to dominate his view when they came close. A closed wooden gate, flanked by two watchtowers, was the only entry point he could see. This close he could see that there was indeed a narrow river flowing through the town. They would have fresh water after all, and maybe, just maybe hot baths. He would pay a lot for a tub with steaming water even if they had no oils or aromatic herbs.
When they were almost at the gates they opened and riders rode out to flank the wagon train. Startled Arthur wondered about the reception, but as he looked backwards he could see that not all of the caravan had made it to the crest where he'd first seen the town. The seemingly endless line of wagons, however familiar to him, with its armed escort was a threat to anyone not expecting the sight.
Arthur started searching for Gring but couldn't find her. He wondered if the people here spoke any language they could understand. Then Captain Weinak suddenly was beside him.
"I talk with ... to ... caravan," she said to him in De Vhatic, and without bothering to make certain he had understood she moved forward and addressed someone he assumed she had identified as being in charge. They spoke for a while in a language that had to be Khi, but apart from a few words Harbend had translated for him, Arthur was too unfamiliar with the language to be certain.
After some time Harbend joined them, and from his expression when he joined the conversation Arthur could see that if they did indeed speak Khi, it must be in a dialect very difficult for Harbend to understand.
Arthur gave up any pretense of being useful and withdrew to the rest of the escort where they stood as ready to either respond to an attack or enjoy themselves if they were finally allowed on the inside of the stockade. In the end they were let in, and while Harbend and Nakora haggled about the terms with the man Nakora had addressed earlier Arthur rode in search for an inn.
The streets were not paved at all, but sidewalks of wood allowed people to walk along the streets without getting too muddy. The streets themselves were a dirty, smelly mix of manure, mud and straw, and only the cold kept them from being too soft for the wagons.
He sniffed. The cold probably kept the worst of the smell away as well.
Arthur watched people milling around the streets stopping as they passed by, and for the second time in a short while he was reminded of just how large the caravan was. Even though only a small portion of them had been let in almost a hundred traders, guards and servants spread out in the town with wagons and horses already taking up more space at the gate than it was built to handle.
It was clear most of them would never be allowed in at the same time, and for a while a town would grow up outside the gates.
Almost like the market outside of Verd, Arthur remembered.
He saw a sign possibly depicting food and decided to take his chances. It wasn't as if he was doing anything dangerous anyway. Two traders and Captain Laiden followed him with several soldiers trailing them. Arthur dismounted and tethered his horse to a wooden rail. The entire town made him feel like visiting a holiday hub on the American plains, one dedicated to an earlier era of exploration, but the houses here were smaller, and some were clad in large mosaics of hides as additional protection from the wind, something he'd never seen before.
Arthur entered the building and came into a narrow, short corridor ending at yet another door. It made sense. He looked over his shoulder.
"Close door. I open door second," he said in De Vhatic.
He waited for the door to close, opened the inner one and crossed the threshold. A large room, sparsely lit by torches and open fires, already half full with men of all ages busy talking with each other or eating. Maybe not an inn, but definitely a tavern of some kind. It wouldn't be too long before Harbend found his way here, or at least someone from Ri Khi who could translate their needs for the night. Until then Arthur planned to stay indoors and get something to eat and drink.
"This tavern high quality? We stay standard unit evening and trade dinner?" he asked Trindai.
The captain nodded and sat down at a table, and as Arthur did the same they were joined by the two traders. Pointing at the other guests and his stomach and mouth Arthur managed to order something. It would be a surprise, but then anything would've been, even if he'd been able to speak their language.
Soon steaming mugs were placed on their table and Arthur tried to get a better look at his surroundings. He was sitting on a bench, resting his feet on earthen floor and with a mug of what he hoped was heated wine in his hands. It smelled strongly of alcohol anyway. He caressed the mug and let the heat seep through his fingers. It didn't matter what it was as long as it was hot enough to banish the ever-present cold. Arthur tried a mouthful. If it was wine it was of a kind he'd never drunk before. There was a salty tinge to it that wasn't unpleasant. Altogether it tasted somewhat like a consommé mixed with strong liquor. Not bad. Not bad at all. He emptied the mug and belched. One more of these and he'd feel life returning.
Hides covered part of the walls, or more probably, window slits to keep winter outside. Several fireplaces lined the center of the rectangular room, kettles hanging from hooks over the flames, and Arthur could see the fires were built on stone with what had to be ovens in the middle of each. As if to confirm his assumption a heavyset man grabbed a long shafted baking peel hanging on a wall and fished out a loaf of bread, placed it on a nearby table and put a large piece of kneaded dough on the spade before inserting it into the oven.
Arthur looked up as Trindai returned with a tray full of mugs and small bowls.
"Food and drink. Now we ... !"
Arthur didn't need understanding it all. The happy grin spreading over Trindai's weatherbeaten face was explanation enough, and the four of them were soon busy eating and drinking, a joy needing no spoken words.
The bread was excellent, and the horseflesh, well at least it was better seasoned than the animals brought down by the escort. Hunting horse and six legged lizards, now that was another difference from Earth.
"Nakora, are you done with your troops yet?"
She turned before answering. "Almost done. Wait for me at the gates."
Harbend did so. He looked her over again as she swaggered away in the direction of one of her officers, hips moving alluringly with each step. She really was a fine looking woman, even when covered in fur hiding most of her features.
Harbend looked forward to getting indoors, as Arthur surely must have done by now. Gods! Sometimes it would be good to share the responsibility, but then Harbend's future depended on his being able to see the caravan becoming prosperous. The shocking numbers of wagons coming from Ri Khi told him more than his personal future depended on the success of the caravan. The diminishing trade with Keen must have struck harder than he'd realized. It was bad enough for Erkateren, but Keen was to a larger extent a pass through market for wares produced in Ri Khi as well as goods imported, and so the blockade hurt them twice as hard.
They would succeed. They had to. No matter the cost.
Somewhere deep inside him Harbend accepted he was trying to avoid the memory of the executions he'd allowed himself to order. The years in Keen must have made him soft. That thought brought a picture of Arthur to his mind. In ways he was weak, maybe even weaker than those in Keen. But weakness was not the right word. Arthur could be harsh when he needed to, and only an idiot would call Keen weak. They just handled things differently there.
Nakora returned and with her presence Harbend's gloomy thoughts gave way.
"I have ordered them to set camp outside the gates and leave a wide path free," she said with a toothy smile unexpectedly making Harbend's stomach jolt.
"You do know we shall be staying here for some days?" he asked.
"Yes. The town is large enough for some of us to trade here. A market?"
Harbend agreed. A market would be good for their reputation.
"Some of us will return," Nakora continued.
Harbend halted, turning towards her as he broke stride. "I know, and I believe it is good. People back home need to know they can trade over the mountains, and we shall fail to be back until summer. I hope smaller caravans will be on their way by then." She wasn't only very pleasant to watch, but there was a perceptive mind there as well.
"Gods! If he could have waited two more days!" Nakora grimaced as they passed through the gates.
Harbend didn't need an explanation. Two more days and three traders would still be alive. If the troublemakers had just waited two more days he wouldn't have been forced to order the grizzly executions. They could have turned back with the traders who would return home. He swore silently and his black thoughts slowly returned.
They walked in silence until they reached a building with several saddled horses tethered close by. Grooms were stabling them one by one.
"Ours?" Harbend asked.
"Ours," Nakora confirmed. "From Erkateren," she added. "This place should be as good as any other. Hungry?"
Harbend smiled. "Yes, very."
They entered.
Just as Nakora had guessed the camp quickly became a market. Harbend was strolling around, listening to traders and townspeople haggling, buying and selling. He walked around a wagon and nodded to a pair of traders from Ri Khi.
"... see the pelts? The size of those scales?"
"Cannot dye them, but the Khraga in Ri Kordari will pay a fortune anyway."
"They should. Not like the lizards are commonplace in our woods."
Harbend smiled and continued. Affairs were good with all parties firmly believing they received a bargain. He stopped just within earshot of a married couple from the town and slowly followed them when they left a carpenter.
"I don't care. That good for nothing sister of yours can stay in her tent. I want a civilized home."
"Silent, dear. You embarrass us."
"I'll talk as loudly as I want. Buy another pair of chairs! That should pay for bows as well as pelts. Maliander bought a cupboard and a bed, and they're our neighbors! I won't have it!"
The man sighed, but Harbend could see that he was defeated. Grinning widely Harbend made his way to another part of the market. Yes, affairs were progressing well.
Harbend managed to organize a meeting with the self styled king who in reality handled the duties of a mayor. With a multitude of luxuries entering the town in exchange for hides, furs, heavy winter's clothes and a large amount of bows and arrows it was a very satisfied king he met, and they broke the meeting with mutual promises of friendship and future trade.
An eightday passed before it was time to resume their journey. It took a full day to break camp, and when the caravan finally headed east thirty wagons took the trail back again escorted by a small group of Nakora's soldiers.
Two days later Harbend found time and resolve to talk with Arthur about the executions. It was clear he'd avoided the subject, and Harbend wasn't happy about them growing apart because of something that had to be done.
Early in the morning he saddled a horse and rode in search of his friend. The cold had changed and become drier and the perpetual winds were not as harsh as earlier. It was almost pleasant to ride as long as he didn't bring his horse to a gallop. He continued, always keeping the wagons to his right until he finally found Arthur.
"I think we need to talk," Harbend said after they had exchanged greetings.
Arthur looked back. "About what?"
"I need to know if you understand what happened that night before we came to the town."
"I know. Captain Laiden told me, or rather explained it to me. I heard perfectly well for myself what was happening, and the remains told me what I hadn't guessed already."
"It had to be done, you know."
Arthur didn't answer, and the steaming clouds of breath between them soon became a barrier that had to be torn down.
"I did not like it, but it was necessary," Harbend tried again.
"I don't care if it was necessary. It was inhuman and barbaric. Nothing you say can make me accept it. Understand, yes, accept, never."
"But you do understand?"
"Yes, and that shames me. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to find a place where I can think this over in private. I'm not angry with you. Ah, no. That's a lie. I am, but I understand that this is what you are, or rather what this world is, and I need some time."
With those words Arthur rode ahead along the column. Harbend watched him join a patrol heading for the vanguard. Gring ran with them.
Harbend saw the need to leave Arthur with his thoughts. Maybe it was better this way. Arthur had always come around in the end. Harbend rode back. He wanted something to drink. Cider perhaps. Well, that meant paying Lianin a visit, and there was worse company to have.
Getting there didn't take much time, and he could see her wagon from a distance. It had become a tavern on wheels of sorts, and there was always a small group of customers trailing alongside.
The company did indeed turn out well enough and Harbend was still leading his horse along her wagon half a day later when she sought his attention.
"Look, riders!" she called and pointed.
Harbend followed Lianin's fingers with his eyes. There were several riders out there. Men or women, he didn't know, but he assumed they were men.
"They are coming here. I wonder what they want," he asked, more to himself than to Lianin in her wagon.
"I don't know. Maybe they're just curious."
"Wait here! I shall ride ahead and ask Nakora. She should be making her men ready to relieve the vanguard by now." He didn't wait for Lianin's answer but mounted instead. He forced the horse into a slow gallop, passing by the wagon train to his right.
Hopefully the riders, still approaching, were just curious, but Harbend wanted to be certain. He had almost caught up with Nakora when he saw Trindai coming back with his men. Nakora rode to meet him, and whatever decision they made they did so without earshot of Harbend.
The way Nakora raced back along the column with her men startled Harbend. They passed him without so much as a greeting, and shortly ahead of him he could see Trindai deploy his own troops. Harbend's feelings sunk.
"Lord Garak, You should take cover." Captain Laiden's voice.
"Why? What if they just want to talk?"
"No talking, M'lord. Look!"
There were hundreds of them, and even to Harbend it was clear they were charging. How could they have come so close so fast? Human predators, dangerous in ways dragonlings this side of Keen's coast would never be.
"Stay behind your wagons! Regroup on my order!"
Harbend saw Trindai concentrating on measuring the distance to the charging riders.
"Ready! Aim! Loose!"
A small swarm of quarrels met arrows speeding in the other direction. Most of the arrows stuck harmlessly in the wagons but as far as Harbend could see almost all quarrels felled a horseman. Then the riders were through the line of wagons.
"Regroup!" The soldiers rolled under the wagons and came up on the other side. "Reload! Aim! Loose!"
Another swarm of quarrels met the riders as they were charging back. Then the endless snow was suddenly replaced by a roaring wall of flame and only burning remains of horses and men emerged through it.
That must be Trai's work.
Muted screams echoed from further back along the caravan. Not all of them had been as lucky.
He rose from his cover between the wheels and followed the trail of wagons with his eyes. Sharp lances of fire and lightning in the distance told him where the battle mages had taken a stand and long before he'd made his mind up on how they could survive the onslaught most of the escort where already on their horses racing in support of the beleaguered wagons. Hopefully they'd get there in time to make a difference.
Still watching the riders he heard someone moaning close to him. A woman. Not all of the arrows had missed their targets. She held her hands to her throat clutching a long arrow. He doubted if she'd live, but decency if nothing else forced him to try comforting her. He sat with her head in his lap, giving her empty lies of hope until she died. Afterwards he rose, weary beyond reason.
In the distance he saw Trindai riding towards him. The captain was flanked by soldiers, some of them obviously wounded. Harbend stood beside the wagon where he was easier seen and waved to the riders. He remained standing there until they were within speaking distance never even bothering to cover himself against the biting cold.
"Captain, what news?" he called.
"M'lord! Those who didn't flee are dead or dying. We lost a few as well, but it could've been worse."
"How many?" Harbend demanded.
"Five dead and ten wounded, M'lord, two of whom we don't know if they can be helped by our magehealers."
Harbend swore and pointed behind him. "Make that six dead."
Trindai bowed his head in respect. "Still, could've been worse," he said silently.
"You are right, I guess," Harbend said tiredly. "Where is Arthur? I thought he was riding with you in the vanguard."
"He was, M'lord, but chose to stay behind when we rode back to change."
Harbend made a mental calculation. That must have been well before the attack. Arthur was alone somewhere ahead of them waiting for Nakora's troops.
As if reading his thoughts Trindai spoke again. "The Khraga's with him, M'lord, and the girl, Chaijrild."
Of course, Gring would accompany Arthur, but the girl. That was unwise. "Chaijrild?"
"Yes, we met her on our way back here."
The little idiot! Riding away alone like that. Gods! Some people just never learned.
"Captain, send out a patrol to tell Arthur what has happened." Harbend looked away. "No, bring them back instead. They are safer here."
"Yes, M'lord. Will do."
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###REBOOTED VERSION UP/UP SOON!### *** Setting *** After hundreds of years, candidates to the legendary Title of Twin stars finally appear in the Mysterious Light-Shadow Sect. However, few people can tell wether they will bring luck, misfortune or even catastrophe, as the clash between two hidden powers slowly unveils for the world to see... A thousand years ago, a man at the peak of existence, the Evil Saint, along with his companions challenged the might of the Nine Heavens of Tian and fought the Tyrant of the Heavens, Lord Tian himself! After the Evil Saint died in battle, his companions dispersed throughout the countless planes of existence and laid low, licking their wounds and not daring to openly challenge the heavens again... Now, a full thousand years later, there are once again signs that something big will happen! Mortal, Ageless and Immortal. The three big Realms of cultivation, furthermore divided into total of fifteen Stages. Many walk on the path of martial cultivation but few reach its end. A boy eight years old holds knowledge that many seek but none can obtain. Who is he really? What is his connection with the Evil Saint? Who and WHAT is the Mountain? *** Disclaimer *** Immortal Ascension Tower is an ORIGINAL Xianxia/Xuanhuan(Eastern Fantasy Novel).Epic Cover by Francis Blake/NeonBeat, feel free to check his profile out on DeviantArt! (http://ineonbeati.deviantart.com)Although I own the story, I'm not an English native speaker so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I might make while writing this story. *** Release Schedule *** The dates are announced every week due to the writer's busy schedule.
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