《The Taleweaver》Chapter eight, Mountain Pass, part two
Drizzling rain made the ascent slow progress. Horses slipped on the wet ground. Harbend swore. Wagon wheels were the only things never slipping in the mud. Oh, no. They got stuck instead and brought the caravan to a halt.
He added a groan to the oath. He still remembered the last wagon to get mired. A groom was lying stretched out in a wagon now, a broken bone and a torn back tormenting him after a fall under the wheels when they finally managed to get the wagon moving again. Harbend sighed silently and forced his horses to drag the wagon yet another few paces forward. They were closing to the highest point and the track was becoming steeper and steeper. They weren't late, but the weather played a dirty trick on his plans and he could feel the rain slowly turning to snow.
He started to get worried. Discomfort was close to turning into real danger. Earlier, in Erkateren, he'd been concerned they'd be forced to turn back if snow caught them, but now he knew they were no longer able to do so. Too much of the track behind them was destroyed by wagons passing over it, and so they needed to push forward across the summit and down into the relative shelter beneath it. How long before they were there? Half a day, a day or maybe more?
He struggled forward with his wagon again. Stumbling and slipping in the mud he almost fell. The temperature was dropping fast now, and he was almost numb with cold before he realized the wind had caught up, beating wet snow against his already soaked clothes. He staggered on for a while and was surprised to see night falling. Far away in the distance he heard a voice. Then it was closer and he found himself face to face with a screaming Arthur.
"Get in you bloody idiot!"
"What?" Harbend tried to shake off Arthur's hands.
"Get in and change clothes! Hypothermia."
"What?" Sleep. Sleeping would be so good.
"No matter. Get the hell into your wagon! Now! You'll freeze to death. I'll handle your horses."
Harbend was too tired to argue and allowed himself to be dragged to the wagon. After a couple of failed tries he managed to climb into it. Another dark shape followed him and helped him strip. It was strange. He knew he should feel cold standing naked with only thin cloth sheltering him. He allowed himself to be helped into dry clothes and was too numb to complain when he was wrapped in more cloth. After a while warmth came, and with warmth a peculiar stinging pain, but somehow he managed to fall asleep anyway.
"Everyone fine?"
"Yes, M'lord. I think ... accounted for. We've sent ... to look for ... missing."
Arthur grimaced to Trindai. "Need Gring. I you fail understand."
"Yes, M'lord. I go ... her ... now."
Trindai departed. Hopefully in search for the Khraga.
The blizzard was worsening now, and Arthur appalled with their escort failing to see the danger. Only those who spoke little or no De Vhatic seemed to know how to handle the weather, and most had already taken shelter before he found himself in command of the caravan.
Harbend was asleep in his wagon. The idiot had walked on in wet clothes without any concern for his own safety. It was as if he never understood the danger.
Arthur searched his surroundings. They were still beneath the summit, and the mountain gave them some shelter at least. If they'd been halfway on the other side some of them would be dead by now. He shook his head. Primitive world apparently didn't mean everyone was an outdoors man.
Tugging his cloak tighter around his neck he changed his mind. Maybe they were simply not outdoors men used to cold winters. He wouldn't have been of much use if they'd been traversing a desert. Harbend did look as if he came from a warmer climate, so there might be a valid reason for his stupid behavior. Arthur swore. Valid or not. Nature seldom cared, and Otherworld seemed to share that aspect with Earth. Dead is dead, no matter how good an excuse you have.
Denser snowfall now, but without the rise in temperature he'd expected. Turning his horse he rode back along the column of wagons. He needed to get to Harbend's wagon and tether the horse to it before the last light vanished.
With the wagon train stretching for miles there was no way of finding out if everyone was safe. Arthur realized they'd probably spend the better part of the next day finding out what had happened to everyone. Maybe a scouting party could be sent to the other side of the summit, but he doubted they'd make much progress. Still, they had to. Setting camp here for too long would be as dangerous as climbing the trek, but without the benefit of reaching lower, more protected grounds. He spat in disgust and rode on. When he reached his wagon Gring was already waiting for him. A tingling around his temples told him he would be understood.
"How is he?"
"The magehealer is making sure he'll recover. Nothing dangerous," she answered.
"Do you know if anyone's missing?"
"No, I don't. I could search if you want me to."
"I don't know if that would be much help in the darkness."
"I can smell a halfman carcass until it's but bones. The scent of live ones is even stronger. I can search," she responded.
"What about the cold? You must be freezing."
"I'm not like you weaklings. This is nothing."
Arthur smiled. "If you would, please?"
He watched her leave into the darkness and shook his head. Hopefully all would be accounted for, but he doubted they'd all be alive. There was nothing he could do about it now, and he needed to catch some sleep.
Veric, thank the thousand gods for small favors, was a second language to both of them, and the only one they shared with the magehealer directing their moves.
"Escha, my love, she's cooling too fast. I need you to jump blood from her veins to her outer arteries so I can warm it before it returns to her heart."
Escha growled, concentration forcing sweat to his temples.
Trai knew he was asking a lot from his slave, the impossible from anyone else, but he trusted him fully the way he'd done since even before brotherhood grew into love.
"A little bit more." Weak throbs of power in perfect harmony with the slow heartbeats of the merchant mistress told him Escha was doing the impossible again. "And less again." Trai threw tiny strands of heat around the woman.
Not too much. Warm, not boil, or I'll kill her.
He withdrew his spell for a moment to let Escha jump more cooling blood to where he could warm it before it could reach the central organs and kill his unconscious patient. She'd live. He could see that in the eyes of the awestruck magehealer who had directed his powers with her knowledge.
"Trai, I'm losing it."
"Let go. I can't do more now. Hard work handling so little of the gift at a time, eh?"
"What would you know? You'd conjure a firestorm for a mother's stove," Escha growled in mock anger.
"I love you too," Trai responded. "Now you may flaunt all your powers at will. Memorize this location. I need you to jump all of them to Ri Nachi."
"Why of course, Master."
"And be quick to find a magehealer. I don't want you to waste your time in a tavern while they freeze to death in their own capital."
"How could you ever suspect that from me, your humble slave. Forgive me, my pillar of wisdom!"
"Go. Be on your way!"
Escha bowed to obey, but no matter how dark the interior of the wagon was Trai could still see how drained he was. Escha had used his gifts continuously for far too long, and the danger of a backlash where he was consumed by his own powers was looming closer.
"Don't stay there, you good for nothing. Away!"
There was a swirl of power as Escha gathered his gift in a nexus connecting two or more sleeping gods in a tight loop of nowhere and everywhere, and he jumped. The beds were empty and Trai was alone with the magehealer.
"Why did you do that?" she asked. "He was almost drained and you forced him to use even more of the gift with your ugly words."
Trai didn't answer. He was weary beyond recall, and already he could feel tendons in his body scar as they slowly burned, fueled by his own gift.
"Gods! You are as uncaring as arrogant. He did not need to. I could have healed them."
The searing heat wrought agony to Trai, but he forced it away. "Silent woman! I saved his life, and he knows it. He's too strong to use so little of his gift for so long. Jumping the wounded to your home allows him to release the surplus." Trai grinned." And he'll get some rest there trying to find your colleagues in that city of yours."
Understanding dawned in her eyes, and grabbing him she transferred all damage from his burning body before he lost consciousness. That gave him the time he needed, and he released his own gift in an uncontrolled burst tearing away the entire side of the wagon, melting snow and rock alike when it caught the mountainside.
I live to see tomorrow, he had time to think before convulsions forced him to empty his stomach over the side of the wrecked wagon.
"Idiot!" a voice from outside growled. Gring, the Khraga, bringing in two bodies slung over her shoulders. "If you make your vehicle skinless like yourself, how will the half dead halfmen I brought survive?"
Behind him the magehealer groaned as she healed herself. By the thousand gods, she was a skilled one if she was able to voice her pains so shortly after taking his damage into her body.
"Honored Khraga, please bring me something to cover the wagon!" Trai begged, and to his astonishment Gring only nodded and left after unceremoniously dumping the men she carried onto the beds Escha had just vacated.
Trai shrugged and began administering the frostbites of the new arrivals.
"Not that way, you clumsy oaf!" The magehealer must be fully healed then. "And I agree with the Khraga," she murmured as she started redoing Trai's inept attempt at doctoring.
"I can warm him," he offered.
She glared at the open wagon side and shivered in denial.
"There's no danger now. Not until midnight, at least. I promise to be more careful and release any built up powers well before I'm spent."
She nodded approval, and once again he let tendrils of heat envelope cold limbs wherever she pointed.
"You could have died," she said after both men were safe.
"It was rash, I admit," Trai answered.
"Yet you had the foresight to send a mere slave to safety."
"That mere slave is the love of my life. I'll die before I see him harmed."
The wagon shifted suddenly, and he looked up. It was Gring throwing a heavy tarpaulin over it. She fought the storm and fastened it to the sides of the wagon with spikes.
Trai melted the snow inside and forced the steam outside.
"Healer! Three more. Fool soldiers from Keen sleeping on the snow with nothing under them."
Trai groaned.
Gring helped lifting the bodies into the wagon, and then Escha climbed inside.
Back already? Has it been so long?
"Their ale is weak and the mutton even worse," he said before bending over their most recent patient.
"Lazy slave, didn't I tell you to stay clear of alehouses?" By the gods, he's tired! "I should sell you to the first buyer."
"Bah, you're too incompetent a trader to get a decent price, oh master of idiocy."
"A bitter chance of fortune the day evil fate forced you upon me." Trai winked at the magehealer. "Madame, could I interest you in a servant? I'll even pay you good money to get this sorry specimen off my hands."
They continued their abusive bantering while the magehealer prepared their next patient, but this time she only shook her head in wonderment and smiled.
The exchange of insults and laughs helped a little, but the never ending stream of arriving bodies promised an agonizingly long night.
Harbend woke late in the morning. Arthur watched him stirring and left the wagon. He was back in a moment and offered Harbend a cup of steaming tea.
"Welcome back."
Harbend groaned and shivered. "It is freezing! Where are we?"
"We're where you fell asleep yesterday, and you're happy to be freezing," Arthur answered.
"We have to get going. How late is it?"
"It's late, but we're not going anywhere today. There are a couple of funerals to be taken care of first." Arthur was surprised by the coldness in his voice.
"Yes, a soldier and a trader froze to death during the night before Gring could find them. A few others suffer frostbite but they'll recover."
Arthur explained, still feeling strangely detached from what he was saying. Somehow he couldn't accept that Harbend, who he had trusted to know everything about this world, could have made such a dangerous mistake. Somehow, if he was honest to himself, he couldn't accept that a friend he trusted didn't know everything there was to know, and the thought shamed him. He had no right to expect Harbend to handle all dangers they encountered. After all, the man was close to twenty years his junior, and Arthur, not Harbend, was supposed to know how to travel during winter. That lack of foresight cost a man and a woman their lives.
He turned away so as not to have to meet Harbend's stare.
"Arthur, thank you."
"Thanks for what?"
"I thank you for saving my life."
Shame grew even stronger, and Arthur only nodded before leaving the wagon.
He started to untie his horse but decided against it. Instead he climbed the trek to where he knew people were making ready to mourn. He needed to see what his negligence had cost others.
He was almost at the burial when he met his two human self appointed apprentices. Both men were wearing no more than the silks they had donned several days earlier, and Arthur wondered why he didn't see any signs of frostbite. Probably some more of their strange magics. He examined the man closest to him. Trai of the Achnai family, and titled Khar, just like his companion, Escha. They looked tired.
"What are you two doing here?" No response. Arthur was about to repeat his question when he realized neither of the men would understand a single word he said if Gring wasn't present. He bowed stiffly and continued past them.
They crossed the summit two days later. It was slow and dangerous, but with the worst of the blizzard behind them they had to move on before the trek turned into an icy hell impossible for horses to climb.
The descent was a sombre affair. Two lives lost so soon after they left the Roadhouse was more than enough to remind them of the dangers ahead. It was no longer the tedious but safe journey between Keen and Erkateren, and their lack of respect had already cost too much. The evenings were silent, and only a few campfires saw people laughing at stories told. Arthur knew the mood was turning low, but he couldn't find a way to remedy the dangerous situation. It wasn't until Gring and the two mages from Khanati cornered him one day he was forced to acknowledge his own importance. He agreed to attend different campsites strewn out along the track. He told stories, none very long, but the prospect of listening to a taleweaver was enough to keep away complaints from all but the most angry.
Some made big eyes at his three followers, but most of the scared stares were aimed at him. The rumor of his use of a magic device of death had spread through the entire caravan, but still, he was a taleweaver, and it was apparently a thing rare enough for anyone to ever listen to one that not once did he hear a complaint or a comment of fear voiced. At the cost of much needed sleep Arthur managed to give the escort their respite. When he finally became too tired to ride during daytime and talk people into laughing after nightfall, the soldiers had managed to enforce discipline again.
Despite his earlier resolve to find anything unusual about the flora and fauna on Otherworld Arthur only managed to identify gigantic bracken he suspected grew nowhere back on Earth. Pines and firs were less common on this side of the mountain range. Of dragonlings there wasn't even a trace.
Arthur forced his horse to catch up with the vanguard one late morning. The air had something new to it, a freshness it had lacked during the descent into the woods on the eastern side of the mountains and he was eager to know what it was. He heard gasps and when he rounded a corner he was stunned as well. A mat of whiteness stretched out into infinity, almost like the surface of a moonlit sea. He sat on his horse, fully enjoying himself for the first time in days in a stillness broken only by gusts of winds running through the trees around him and bending the high grass like waves on an ocean. Yes, it was definitely amply called the Sea of Grass.
Goblin Artist
Cover Art by the talented SocS (https://www.royalroad.com/profile/84137) Even if I grow in strength and somehow avoid dying during a hunt or some moronic tribal war, how long can I really expect to live? Twenty years? Ten? Is this my fate? To struggle to survive every day, only to die after a dozen odd years? Rhys awakes to find himself trapped in the body of a young goblin. In his previous life he was a successful artist, but now he faces a strange new world reduced to the most pitiful of dungeon dwelling monsters and with no survival skills to aid him. His only hope comes from a single sentence he hears during the advancement ceremony: “Some attributes exceed the limits of the current race.” Now his goal isn’t just to survive. He will push through the boundaries of his species to evolve further. The path ahead is long and arduous. Especially for a young goblin trapped in a small dungeon of a dying town. In order to succeed, he will have to forge bonds with those around him and rise to the challenges waiting for him. But will stepping further into the path of a monster really bring him closer to regaining his lost humanity?
8 127Chimera
Eleanor meant the world to Titus. So when an opportunity to bring her murderer to justice appears, Titus jumps on the chance. His quest, however, would mean traversing the dangerous world of Nivandor, a land infested with monsters, night hunters, and corrupt kings–nothing he and his lord, Lady Priscilla, couldn't handle. Their plans change, however, when both of them are dragged into a nightmare realm, a dimension filled with strange and powerful terrors unlike any they've ever faced. Titus's skill as a kinetic mage is put to the ultimate test as he must work with his lord to fight off the increasingly dangerous monsters that hunt them as they hunt down the three remaining Seraph lords sustaining the Nightmare. For only when the final Seraph lord is slain will the Nightmare truly end. --- Happy Holidays! I tried to get a chapter out this month, but there was just too much stuff to do and I got sick. There will also be more stuff to do come the month of December to the point that I don't think I will have a chance to finish the current story arc on a strong note. So, as of today, I will be going on hiatus until the holidays are over. I will hopefully return with the last few chapters of book 2 as well as the DLC chapters to help clarify Titus and Priscilla's powers as well as a look into their lives before the story gets crazy (maybe 6-7 chapters). These chapters are planned to take place in the day between Chapter 1.4 & Chapter 1.5, detailing the day they had before going to Nivandor. How the DLC chapters will be titled is to be decided. The DLC chapters will be posted here free as usual. Really excited to get a break so I can catch up on chapters. Even more excited to be able to start book 3 once the current story arc is finished. Warmly, Daniel --- Disclamer: This story is not a finished product and will be undergoing changes, sometimes significant changes, as the story develops. Think of it as an early access story where nothing is fully set in stone. If I change a part of the story that you really love, I'm sorry, but changing one part of the story will affect the other parts I try to avoid major changes, especially in older chapters, but for the newer ones there will probably be more fine tuning. As for anyone invested in the story who is not happy with the way the story is going, feel free to DM me so I can get feedback. I want to know how you guys feel about the story, what changes I can make, at what point in the story I may have lost you. But until I get specific feedback, I won't know what changes might need to be made. There are about 14 chapters left for Part 2 of Chimera, give or take. I don't have a time frame for when they will be up but know I am chipping away at the chapters as I can. Warm Regards, Daniel --- Cover art credit goes to Brosedesignz, who has an awesome selection of both premade and custom book covers at great prices on her website. She can also be found at thebookcoverdesigner.com, which is where I found my cover.
8 63The Kingdom of One (Hiatus)
My name was ordinary. My face was ordinary. My body was ordinary. My live up till now was nothing but ordinary. My everyday routine was nothing but ordinary. I lived a truly ordinary life. My job was ordinary. My ambitions and goal for the future were also ordinary. My skills and knowledge were ordinary. I was nothing but ordinary. But one day I did something out of ordinary which changed my life. I died and was brought to another world. This world was nothing like the fantasy worlds I had always read about. It was truly a harsh world. And in this world I've promised myself to do everything but ordinary. I shall do the extraordinary, I shall resolve me heart and dare to do the impossible. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author's note: Writing a story is like giving birth to a child. Even though it was your work that brought the child to this world but you will never know the end of that child. Even if you're the one who teaches him, molds him and make his personality but that child will still learn some things on his own. That child will still form his own personality and thoughts. Similarly, I might right this story but eventually the story will move on its own and I would merely write it down. The rules that would be created of this world I shall create will be of its own which myself as a write, I cannot change. I hope you stay with us till the end of this journey.
8 73Legend Of Kaiser
(Story has been dropped sadly. Chapter 9-24 is out on this website :http://forum.wuxiaworld.com/discussion/1362/legend-of-kaiser-book-1-chapter-19-24-unedited#latest) Many, many millennia ago history has it that the world went through a catastrophic event that would annihilate all life on Earth, it was a mass extinction. The event was a collision with [Orpheus] an Asteroid the size of the Moon, that would destroy the lovely planet we call home.During the time the world was in a war with itself due to the greed of humanity. The world was being neglected by its inhabitants, extreme climate change, deforestation, hurricanes destroying everything in their path, people starving; this was all caused by man and the Asteroid was the cherry on top.It was said that nothing could stop the catastrophe, all the weapons at their disposal were ineffective, the people were in despair, they had neglected the world and were being destroyed.It was at this time that a man arose, his name…. Noah Kaiser, he was a scientist and archaeologist whose name was unheard of, said to be a man with unquestionable beauty and a mind that was unparalleled. He explained to the people that escaping from fate was possible if they listen to his proposal and join him. He told them, the people that he would lead them to another dimension, one similar to this world, yet different.Many opposed him, people thought he was a crazy maniac, however everyone knew that nothing could save them from the grips of death, so decided to follow the man known as Noah Kaiser.Facing against all the odds in the end they had escaped into a new world called [Eden], escaping disaster and the enticing threads of fate.The new world was boundless, many times bigger than Earth. Even though this world was better than their old planet Earth, there existed many powerful beasts, these beasts pushed the human race into the corners, Noah Kaiser protected the people teaching them of this world and helped create a small country called the Sarien Kingdom in the furthest corner of the Earth Continent.This Saviour one day disappeared without a trace leaving behind his clan and Small stone as a keepsake. Nearly 100,000 years have passed and this once powerful clan has dwindled and lost their once overwhelming power. In this clan a young boy was born, this boys name is Leon Kaiser, the direct descendant of the once great hero, Noah Kaiser. He was born without the ability to absorb the Natural Energy in the atmosphere into his Essence Core and then deemed worthless by those around him except for his parents. Despite this he was still a kindhearted, caring, naive but smart child, with a dream to restore his Clan's greatness and be free to roam the world.This child one day faces a tragedy that could have taken his life, but a shocking event causes something unfathomable deep inside him to awaken, changing the course of his life.Book 1: The Legend begins
8 69Fly On Your Own
The island of Berk has become a peaceful utopia, where dragons and people have lived in peace for years, But as Berk becomes more and more crowded with dragons, a new villain threatens to take them all away. Before long, it's a race against the fiercest foe Hiccup and Reign have ever faced, in an effort to not only save Toothless, but let him live in peace with the newly discovered Light Fury. All Rights Reserved, Dreamworks Animation Studios, 2019.
I do not want hurt anybody's religious sentiments. This story is purely my imagination, what if karna in search of his guru after rejected by several guru was taken as disciple of lord mahadev himself? what would happen in mahabharat if karna was in dharam paksh.
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