《The Smith and the Knight》The Smith and the Knight Part 3: The Damned, The Wicked and The Vengeful
The door to the smithy opened and Eisener took little to no notice. His hammer shaped steel expertly on his anvil, the metal hissed as it tasted his sweat. Then, intense energy demanded his attention. The old smith scoffed and ignored it.
Waves of energy passed through him and he continued to remain silent. Voices called to him, but the steel spoke sweetly. Steel recognized his pain and took him to new heights. He didn't need to argue with his work, his work conversed with him in ways no other human could.
“Papa, we have more guests.” Ana's voice pulled him from the void. He shook his head and pointed in a general direction.
“Can't interrupt me right now. This is delicate stuff, it demands my attention. If you want to speak with me at length, wait for me to finish.”
Ovelia moved to intervene but Stolzer shook his head. He motioned for them to head into the yard. There he found Gelehrter practicing with a blade of wood. The practice dummy fought back with each stroke, but he deftly avoided danger with parries and blocks. He turned to his master and rushed over to meet him. Suddenly he stopped and attempted to kneel, only to find himself face first in a dirt. Gelehrter brushed himself off and then knelt before Ovelia in reverence.
“Now, now, Gelehrter. Stolzer spoke highly of you. Stand up and let me see you.” She spoke sweetly and Stolzer eyed her cautiously. Ovelia crossed her arms, her steely gaze tearing through him. The boy before her shuttered and his knees shook.
“He will do.”
“You don't mean that.”
“M-Miss...please train me!” Stolzer and Ovelia both were surprised.
“I suppose we have time for a duel.” She took to the dueling field. Without even glancing to the array of weaponry, she retrieved a wooden saber. “Come, show me what you've learned.”
Gelehrter couldn't contain his excitement. He stood before her and solemnly lowered his head in reverence.
“'O Lord, bless this conflict. Ensure no harm comes to those who would protect your holy word. May the victor grant wisdom to the living.'” The page readied himself and held a balanced stance. The wooden tip was pointed for her head and she merely pointed her blade to him in response.
He rose to strike, but the instant his blade had been poised, it was knocked from his grip. His leg buckled and he felt another sting on his back.
“Hmm, needs more time.” Ovelia commented. “That is a point for me.”
“Yes. Points are awarded when one is disarmed. A victory is gained by breaking a weapon, or finishing three rounds with more points than your opponent.” The Sanguine Overlord's steely gaze returned. “Again.”
He reached for his weapon and led with his right flank, only to be met with more pain. His weapon leaped from his grip, only to be handed to him.
They traded only one blow, which Gelehrter barely blocked. The force behind it caused him to lose his balance and fall to one knee, only to have his weapon break in two another instant later.
“Good, good. When you wish to become a knight, I will allow it.” Ovelia turned to leave. She nodded to Alphonse and he escorted her outside. “Brief him at least. The boy must know what he is in for.”
She was met with Eisener. The master smith towered over the Sanguine Overlord and he raised an eyebrow at her.
“What did you want?”
“Sir, you will address your Sanguine O--” Alphonse's bark was met with a raised hand.
“You are in my smithy. I supply you with weapons, either you obey the rules of my house, or you will never be welcomed here again.” The master smith met Alphonse's gaze with his equally terrifying aura.
“We wanted to speak to you at length of the weapons we collected the last night.” Ovelia nodded to Alphonse, who headed for their horses. He retrieved a trunk and headed inside.
Everyone was gathered at his table now. They stared at the surface anxiously, save for Eisener. He stroked his beard when a dark weapon was placed onto the table.
“Get that monstrosity off my table!” Eisener roared and shifted back in his chair.
The sword seemed to breathe on its own. Around the handle seemed to have an otherworldly leather held together with wire.
“Who makes these weapons?” Ovelia seemed to take to his fear and latched onto it.
“His name is Valtieri, a vampire smith. He used to be human, the best of the best. No one made steel like him, he found ancient techniques through sheer trial and error. This man could harness the power of the Soul Cube.” Eisener shook his head and held onto a nearby counter.
“Where can we find him?”
“No one knows! Once he was turned, his workshop was empty. His tools, his weapons, everything. What you see here is a blood incantation, a lifesap, which is used to mend the wounds of the wielder when they successfully strike.” Stolzer spoke now, covering the blade with the cloth it was set on. “You know the reports.”
“There are reports we keep to our memory and there are reports we write down.” Alphonse whispered near his ear. “The Grand Library is His domain and information is collected there. The Sanguine Overlord wished for me to tell you this, though damning this situation may be.”
“You are familiar with their weaponry, I understand.” Ovelia motioned for Alphonse to take the trunk and its contents away. He obeyed diligently.
“Aye. My duties and bad luck take me to their lairs one way or another.” The knight focused on the imprint of the table. Where the weapon had been placed, it began to eat away at the wood. He gazed over to Alphonse, who handled the cursed weapon with gauntlets.
Eisener suddenly lifted the table, careful not to touch the scarred wood, and tossed it out of the house. With a fury of incantations, the wood was set alight with magical fire which devoured the table until the wind scattered the dust.
Ana broke from the group and gripped Eisener's arm. Her emerald gaze seemed to quell the rage within, his breathing quieting. The old smith knelt to his apprentice and rested his paw on her head.
“Thank you, little one. I forgot myself.” He smiled and took her into his arms.
Valtieri...that bastard of a man who makes weapons for the insurgence. Ovelia's thoughts penetrated into Alphonse's mind, who woke from his own mind. I need you to keep an eye on Stolzer on your mission. I sense the three—Eisener, Stolzer and Valtieri—may have known one another at another period.
Yes, my Overlord. Your will shall be done. Alphonse's brow furrowed as he took to his own thoughts, the connection being severed almost indefinitely.
“We should retire for the night.” The Knight Undying suggested, appearing weary.
“Aye...it has been a day for all of us.” Stolzer agreed. A glance from Ovelia caused him to nearly leap from his skin and he escaped into the smithy.
The scent of soot still remained. Eisener allowed for the coals to die and he wandered over the counter. He rested his hand onto the surface, his calloused palm remembering the hours he spent working steel in his youth. Melancholy and longing overtook him. The wave of memories had kindled the passion of creation deep within his heart, but he shook his head.
I sought the art of taking life. Stolzer sighed and turned about. Ana's inquisitive emerald gaze found him instead of the nothingness he expected. She held out her short sword, the weapon she labored over for countless hours, to him.
“I...I want...” Ana stammered, her cheeks flushing with color. “...I want Gelehrter to have this.”
Stolzer raised an eyebrow.
“Papa says he can't own a sword of his own...then maybe you can hold onto it for him!” She pleaded and motioned again for him to take it from her.
“Does he know?”
“He would make me stay awake with him with no coffee if he knew.”
The knight took the weapon from her and nodded. “I'll make sure he uses this weapon with care.”
“I-If...if he breaks it... I'll...I'll talk to him.” Ana's fear for the page beckoned more color to rush to her cheeks and she shook her head, regaining her composure.
“Aye, we can both give him a stern lecture.” Stolzer smiled and carefully padded into the yard.
Gelehrter had fallen asleep near one of the practice dummies, a wooden sword resting against his leg. The boy had been bruised in several places—his sword arm, his shield arm, his cheek—and awoke with a start at the sound of his master approaching.
“I-I wasn't...I wasn't--”
“Don't worry, lad. Lets just get inside.” Stolzer said with a smile and hid the short sword from his sight.
Several weeks had passed.
Sanctuary's Western District was composed of deciduous forests and farmland, producing much of the foodstuffs for the ancient land. Breweries and wineries run by elves and dwarves alike greeted the passing Sanctuarian Templar band with supplies as they ventured to their destination.
The company of Sanctuarian Templar had set camp near an abandoned building several hundred yards away. A cliff blocked their location from being compromised and allowed for only one way of entry. A password had been set for the band to enter and re-enter: whistling Eisener's work song.
They observed the building with telescopes and took intricate notes of the on-goings: those who left, when supplies were readied, how many heads occupied the place. Shingles and other accouterments of the house were falling apart. Paint had faded and many areas had massive gaps in the woodwork—holes where the windows should be—with various crates and other boxes strewn about at random.
The encampment of the Templar was sparse. At dawn, they would tear down the tents and douse the fire with magic. There were three tents: one for Stolzer and Gelehrter, one for Alphonse, and another for his squire.
She was about fifteen years old and nearly towered over Gelehrter. The girl's sense were alert at all times and her nose was almost always in an ancient tome of one kind or another. Frequently she retied her hair into a messy bun or a ponytail and she spent more time accommodating the page's inexperience by taking care of the horses, the weapons and other gear. She took stock when she woke and before she slept without fail. Her dark hair, when not tied, reached her shoulders.
Alphonse and Stolzer mainly took command of the watch.
“Place has been on a tight schedule for quite some time.” An eagle cried overhead while Stolzer whispered to Alphonse, who took the letter attached to the bird's leg.
“Seems they're trying to make something happen. They have operation during the day, which is odd.” The Knight Undying scribbled for quite some time, attaching several notes and pictures they had drawn of the establishment. He mouthed some arcane words to the bird, who took to the skies with one mighty beat of their wings.
“There are no thralls...” Stolzer murmured as he made a few more notes and doodled in the leather bound book he kept. The journal had been filled to the brim with faces and descriptions. “Unusually high amount of vampire activity in this region, which doesn't make an ounce of sense.”
“To us maybe, but to them it makes perfect sense.” Alphonse thought out loud. “I'm waiting for further orders from Ovelia to come. She will decide if we are to strike or wait for reinforcements.”
The Justicar raised an eyebrow and was met with more silence.
“If you have the spot for a moment, I will send up your ward and train with Gelehrter for awhile. I'm getting stiff.”
“Aye, we still have some time. I can talk strategy with everyone later.”
Talking strategy sounds like a chore. “Yes, I will appreciate any news if--”
Another eagle soared over them. This time several notes were attached to its legs. The bird seemed to be weighed down by the notes—Alphonse scratched his head for an instant before he pulled the letters. He motioned for Stolzer to come closer.
“Aye, Ovelia's writing. What a twit sending them ahead of time.” His comment caused Stolzer to snicker. He skimmed over several of the notes and blinked when he found a device folded neatly among the envelopes.
His eyes focused onto Stolzer with a newfound intensity.
“Pay close attention, this will play only once.”
Alphonse pressed several buttons on the device. Ovelia's icy gaze stared into the camera as the message was activated. She sipped at a mug of coffee, her blonde hair hanging past her shoulders.
“Stolzer, Alphonse--” The Sanguine Overlord was interrupted by a little voice in the distance. “Not now, mommy is busy. Wait over there for me, okay?”
What did I just witness? Stolzer thought and blinked in surprise.
“Alphonse, Stolzer—we just intercepted a message from our friends in the Western district. The plant you have been caring for has bore fruit after all.” She reached for a document as she spoke and held it aloft. “'You are to begin the ritual on my command. When the eagle flies past noon, begin. I will be there by nightfall. Signed by A.'”
Alphonse glanced to Stolzer, who appeared to be lost in thought.
“The operation is simple. If they go through the ritual as they say they are...then you must apprehend them. No one must survive.” Ovelia's image faded from view as the command was ushered. Both Knight Undying and Justicar's brows furrowed. They quickly abandoned their post and hastily headed for the camp.
Stolzer blinked when he gazed upon the squire and page locked in a duel. Their wooden weapons were held aloft, their stances direct opposites of each other.
The girl gripped her wooden sword in a defensive stance, the tip of her weapon pointed to his shin. She analyzed him like an artist studying a painting.
Gelehrter approached with a single step, the tip of his weapon pointed to her head.
With a quick flick of her wrist, he was disarmed. The small weapon spiraled out of reach and she pointed her weapon to him.
“I win again. You were close, but chose the wrong guard.” She grinned confidently.
“Rena, that is enough for today. There will be no more instruction.” Alphonse ordered and motioned for them to approach. Rena and Gelehrter both stood at attention.
“Enough. At ease you two.” Alphonse shook his head and laughed. “We have orders now. Since we are in the field, formalities can wait.”
They waited expectantly for him to continue.
“Ovelia wants us to apprehend a ritual. I can take a few guesses as to what it is, but I am afraid the two of you will lie in wait until we return. This mission is far too great, even for us. You will take our supplies, save for what you can carry in this pack, and destroy the rest. No signs that anyone was here at one point must remain.” Alphonse pointed to a sack near the fire as he finished the explanation. The sack seemed otherwise ordinary, though Stolzer's trained eyes told him differently.
“S-Sir...” Gelehrter blurted after a spell of silence. “This...thing is...endless. I don't think we can--”
Alphonse snickered.
The camp was shrouded in silence. They busied themselves with destroying evidence of their camp.
“Now, you two...” Alphonse handed them both weapons before he continued. “Take these and head east. There will be a couple of Templar stationed there, let them know who you are who your masters are. They will know to take you in and ensure your safety. If we do not return before tomorrow, you are to ask for their aid and get reinforcements. Understood?”
Gelehrter and Rena took their respective weapons silently. They gave him a nod of recognition.
Stolzer and Alphonse checked their gear.
They parted ways with their wards shortly after. Alphonse and Stolzer stealthily made their way to the outskirts of the enemy encampment some hundred yards away, avoiding their scouts.
The Knight Undying hid behind a nearby tree and peeked out from behind the trunk. He hugged his zweihander close to his chest and nodded to the other knight. With a small grunt, Alphonse charged from his hiding place to decapitate a guard with one swipe of his weapon.
Stolzer had dispatched his quarry with a steady thrust to the heart and he quickly joined his partner adjacent a doorway. The patrols circled around the house like vultures. Their hooded figures seemed to drift along the ground and both knights worked quickly to kill their opponents with a single blow.
Both knights slowly entered the building with care. Their weapons were at the ready, their senses alert. Stolzer turned his head to follow Alphonse, who stumbled upon a narrow passageway into a deeper part of the house. The stench of the place was enough to cause any lesser being to vomit—the scent of decay and death, which usually followed in their ritual's wake, was all too familiar to Stolzer. Each step caused the wooden floor under their feet to whine and groan.
Feels like a trap. Stolzer grimaced as the thought crossed his mind. His past experiences screamed at him to evacuate, but he followed after Alphonse, who seemed to be drawn to the depths of the abandoned home.
“Sir, we should leave. This place is not safe.” Stolzer spoke to his superior in a tone unlike himself, his nerves getting the better of him.
“Aye, we should. However, there is not many here and we should investigate.” The Knight Undying's protective spell activated around him, the armor stitching itself over his clothes. Without another word, he was swallowed into the darkness. His gut seemed to tie itself into knots as he was frozen in place. He shook his head and headed in after him.
For a spell only the sound of his boots answered him in the blackness. The arid air, sweetened only by the scent of blood and death, tickled at his nostrils with each breath. He felt the driving need to turn back, but he swallowed his pride and continued on.
A pair of hands seized him and he activated the protective spell of his armor. Stolzer ducked to avoid a massive swipe of steel over his head. He keenly blocked another blow and illuminated the chamber with magic.
Dozens of scarlet eyes focused onto him, their figures clothed in torn fabric. Cloaks, other piece of garments, were stitched together in an amalgam pattern to cover rotting flesh. The stench caused him to cover his mouth instinctively, the crimson gazes glimpsing his weakness. He was seized and a fist crashed into his stomach, forcing him to his knees.
A pair of men garbed in the strange assortment of clothing dragged him. There was only silence, the beings appeared to have no intention of speaking to each other.
“Alphonse?!” Stolzer shouted and was slugged again in the stomach. “Alphonse!”
He felt another chill take hold of him as chains were fastened around his wrists and ankles. Seconds passed by like an eternity, his ears ringing from the silence.
Aye, Stolzer. I'm here. A voice reverberated in his mind. I can sense you nearby, but we should not speak unless we are spoken to.
Yes, I know what is in store for us. Chains ringing some distance away from him answered him as Alphonse adjusted himself. We can't struggle...they knew we were coming.
How do you know?
Sacrifices were made. Its something vampires do to ensure the capture of their prey, whether or not we took note of it. Alphonse's voice now took shape in Stolzer's mind. He felt the soothing presence reach for him, seeming to calm his worries.
Whats...going to happen to us?
All thoughts were halted as the noise of a figure approaching reached their ears. There was only one pair of feet, though very faint, against the stone floor.
“You are unfortunate to have discovered us so soon in your career, Justicar.” The voice was deep and caused them to shiver uneasily. “Oh, what other prey have we caught in our trap...?”
He is not aware of the connection I made with you just now. Alphonse spoke to him telepathically, sending him image after image of his memories.
“Knight Undying, Alphonse Mortem. You are not Mortem in blood, but carry the name quite well. I should have known it was the Mortem who were involved in such deceitful intelligence gathering. No matter, I suppose we will have a great sacrifice for our ritual this evening.”
What on earth are you doing? Stolzer replied to him with his mind, but was halted by more imagery.
“One of you will return to your home after this event. I will tell you both what we are about to do, but I fear that only one of you will remember. The Death Wish will be prepared tonight...and you have been chosen, Alphonse.” The voice now traveled to Stolzer's left and knelt to his height. The color of his scarlet eyes came to view, seeming to glow in the darkness. “You...will live. You will tell Sanctuary what we have accomplished.”
“You can't do this.” Stolzer protested, tugging at the chains to reach for the man. With each pull of his arms, the chains tightened their hold on him. “Vampire filth!”
“Ah, but...we must feed. Care for it or not, but we all have our parts to play and this is yours.” He stood upright and his eyes faded from view. Stolzer scowled. “You are silent, Mortem. Why only greet me silence? You know who I am.”
“Valtieri...you work for them and now you aid their rituals.” Alphonse sounded disappointed, though hints of malice were evident in his voice.
“I see you are astute.”
“Why hide from us, Valtieri?” Stolzer spat. “If you are truly a man of courage, then face us!”
“Ah...courage. If I were truly a man, then I surely would have the means to face a Justicar. How can I forget the one man who gave me so much trouble all those years ago. My quarry is not with you, but the Mortem, who denied us our right to live as Sanctuary's citizens many eons ago.” Valtieri's laugh echoed about the room and he took a few steps toward Alphonse.
You must focus on me, Stolzer. I cannot repeat this, as he is on to me. Alphonse now filled his mind with more images. He felt overwhelmed with the knowledge pouring into his brain. The Death Wish is forbidden magic. This magic devours those who cast it, if you cannot remember anything else from this meeting, you must tell Ovelia of my fate. She must remember who I am, otherwise I will truly die. I am flooding your mind with my own memories so that I will not die in vain, as our true enemy is not with the vampires, but the Death Wish. It is a forbidden magic which must be forgotten.
Cold sweat beaded down his visage as more memories were forced into his mind.
The stench of decay burst into the chamber as the doors were opened. Several beings glided to their positions and bound them once more as they were taken from their prison.
Some time passed before they were met with light again. The pair were separated as the room came into view. A massive block of steel with chains locking the apparatus in place met him with a sense of dismay. The floating device hummed to life as they approached, Alphonse now being left alone to ascend the steps. His boots clanged against the steely surface, though he seemed more forlorn and broken.
A chant followed shortly afterward. The acoustics of the chamber carried the voices of the vampires into a dissonance which caused him to fall to one knee in defeat.
“'O Lord above, take this lost soul to your domain, for he hath forsaken his own existence. Heal him of his body, 'O Lord, for he willingly give it unto you.” Countless times the chant was repeated, the block of blackened steel whirring into life. Around him the voices seemed to join now in unison, the dissonance giving way to an acoustic nightmare.
Stolzer's dark eyes widened as a massive hand descended from the ceiling. Bright light illuminated the vampires whose prayers continued endlessly. Alphonse's protective armor dissipated into nothingness, the clothes underneath his armor disintegrating shortly after. His body lay bare, the machine releasing steam as the hand took hold of him. Slowly his head reared back, being taken now into the air by the hand which slowly began to squeeze. Blood poured from him like a fruit, his essence following trails etched into the device. The scent of decay washed over Stolzer like a raging ocean, his nostrils drinking the smell as the vampires all around him suffered. Several cubes around him took shape, each of the fervent rushing to the objects. Their hands gripped the shapes and were disintegrated immediately, almost as if they were being absorbed into the cube.
Stolzer however was still transfixed on the hand releasing the broken and empty husk of Alphonse. His body soon after was taken by a burst of air from the machine.
The Justicar now was left alone, the figures vanishing into thin air. He was left with an empty feeling, the feeling of witnessing wrongdoing. Seconds passed by like eons as he attempted to recall what he saw. His body shivered uncontrollably, the memories in his mind jumbled. Two pairs of arms took him then and he watched the machine before him slowly drift away.
Stolzer woke with a start. The sword of his master had been placed in his hand and he swung at the air in reflex. His armor hadn't been activated, though he felt the draining effects of the spell. He breathed heavily, images of the dark machine and the ritual running through his mind countless times. Voices came to him in the distance, though he could not place from where. Another set of hands reached him and a familiar pair of eyes focused onto him. The cold, steely gaze of the Mortem—the eyes of a Sanguine Overlord.
What...is she doing here...? He thought in a daze.
“Who are you? What is your name?” A voice to his right called to him.
“Answer him. Who are you, what is your name?”
“I'm...Stolzer Ritter...Justicar of the Sanctuarian Templar, loyal to her Highness and Sanguine Overlord, Ovelia Mortem.” His memory, though now befuddled and torn asunder, struggled to retain his own identity. His body seemed alien, though he inhabited it.
“Ma'am, he is still belligerent. We should quarantine him for a few days until he recovers.” A voice suggested.
“Yes, I agree. He appears to have been affected by the ritual, we arrived too late.”
“Blast. Yes, take him to the Medical Wing. Send for his squire and page, they will need to be there for him while he rests.” The orders were obeyed without question. A mask was placed over his visage, the device relieving him while causing him to drift into a deep slumber once more.
Gelehrter sat on a stool next to Rena, who had checked out several books for them. His master, Stolzer, lay in bed nearby. He showed almost no signs of life aside from slow breathing.
The Medical Wing had been composed of many beds, all aligned along the wall. Nurses and doctors strode past them, occasionally checking Stolzer's vital signs. Their uniform was white, the tabard of Sanctuary's holy cross, the fleur-de-lis, emblazoned in the center. Various times they spoke to Rena, the squire.
When Stolzer was relieved of his emblem, it was handed to Rena for safekeeping. The Sanguine Overlord had been by several times a day to see if he had shown any progress, but never stayed long. Every window was open to allow for warm summer air to drift through the room.
“What's going to happen to him?” Gelehrter had asked this several times and Rena always humored him.
“He's resting for now, we will know more when he wakes up.” Rena calmly answered him and turned the page in her book. His gaze now shifted to a desk she had brought and Stolzer's belongings had been placed there, few though they were. His sword, his emblem, his coin pouch, his clothes and his boots. White garments had been pulled onto his limp body days ago and were changed daily. He was taken for baths and a strange device was placed over his mouth which calmed his heavy breathing.
Two others accompanied the Sanguine Overlord into the Medical Wing now, the smell of soot overpowering the summer wind. Eisener reached for a couple of stools on his way over and sat next to his friend. Ana took her place next to her master, though it was closer to Gelehrter.
“Who did this to you, old boy...” The master smith muttered, his paws clutching Stolzer's hand. “What monstrosity would drove you to this, old friend...”
“Do you know what happened, miss?” Ana addressed Rena, who shook her head in reply.
“This matter is being investigated as we speak, Eisener.” Ovelia spoke after a spell of silence. The smith was too dumbfounded by the reality of the fate of his friend to respond. He sobbed softly, the callused soot stained hands gripping Stolzer's own hand almost as harshly as his hammer. Ana, however, watched Stolzer in his coma, unsure of how to react.
“You will be knighted soon, Rena. Stolzer will be so proud.” Ovelia smiled solemnly to the squire, who nodded in return. She set her tome down and stood upright, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. “I'm sorry, I will leave you to mourn. If I have any more news, you will be informed immediately.”
Soon after Ovelia had departed, Eisener also stood.
“Come, you three. I know Stolzer will be taken care of...but we must take care of ourselves as well.” The master smith smiled now, wiping his face with a handkerchief. “Time for fishing!”
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The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE
"Herald City. A great American metropolis, with gleaming towers and bustling streets. Never before has there been a safer place to live and work, because the citizens know that when disaster strikes, they can count on the protection of BLUE EAGLE. Blue Eagle--also known as David Dufraine--was born with incredible strength, powerful eyebeams, superhuman senses, and the amazing ability of flight. Possessing a strong sense of justice, he seeks to protect the city from criminals who prey on the innocent. Having taught these values to his son Jack, who possesses similar abilities, they protect Herald City as Blue Eagle and Switch the Blue Eaglet! Together, the Father-Son Duo wages a war on crazy criminals and notorious ne'er-do-wells, including the powerful perverter of plant life, QUEEN VENUS. These are the adventures of BLUE EAGLE and SWITCH THE BLUE EAGLET." Welcome, everybody! This superhero adventure is a nostalgic return to the good ol' days of the Filmation and Hanna-Barbera superhero cartoons of the 1960s and 70s. With Super Friends, The Adventures of Super Boy, and The Adventures of Batman and The New Adventures of Batman as inspiration, I hope to take you back to the olden days of wacky stories jam-packed with superhero action and excitement! This is actually a leadup of a much larger project I'm working on (which will be played straight, have a darker and more serious tone, and will be a multi-season serialized epic). I've been itching to publish something with my characters for some time, and this 8 episode miniseries just scratches that itch. So while my main series is being written, I hope you find some enjoyment in some good old fashioned superhero fun.
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