《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 14 Drums of War: Part 3!


Okey guys here is your chapter! And guys here is a new novel I am working on please look at it and tell me what you think about it http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 Thank you!


-----------Nelding Estate-------------

-----Rezai PoV:-------

"Let's go!"

I look up see Kelona standing above me

"Just a little longer we have all eternity together so why are you bothering me!" I said with a lazy tone

She came up to the bedside and close to my ear "GET UP NOW!"

"What is it that is so important!" I said as I got up with an angry face

"We are at war, you moron!"

"What are you talking about!" I said as I completely opened my eyelids and looked at her

"Last night your Disciple's went out to war with the capital!"

"And!" I said with an irritated tone

"And! are you serious that's all you have to say after finding out we are at war and what's with that irritation in your voice!"

"calm down women so what if we are at war as long as I am here the world can go and screw itself no!" I said which calmed her down after looking at her calm expression. I waved my hand and a huge mirror came out of nowhere and showed the images of people fighting.

"What is that?"

"This is a mirror that can let one see in the distance!"

"Are those people the clan ancestors!" She said with a shocked face as she watched the images of battle going on in the mirror there was destruction everywhere and battle in the sky and the ground everywhere you looked there was battle happening.


My lips went up into a small grin as I watched the ongoing battle.

---------Capital, Royal Palace-------

-----King Gordal Windgust POV:------


Gordal : What is happening what's with these explosions

I got up from the bed I was sleeping on and looked at the scared women next to me

"Get up and leave now!"

She left immediately after that I walked up and put clothes on before the door busted open

"Your majesty we are under attack please escape!"

"Calm down and tell me what do you mean by we are under attack!"

So he filled me in on what was happening before I stormed off to get father.

----------Askook POV:--------------

"Okey guys now listen up this is enough to draw out the soul immortals so remember what master said and be careful this won't be an easy battle even if we improved by margins!" I said to them while they were at my back, I took them to a cliff and went back to human form.

"Rember leave the Old man to me you guys take care of your opponents and if you manage to kill someone go and destroy their army with the other two!" I said and they all nodded

"How Dare You!"

A loud shout was heard before 6 individual came before us 3 women and 3 men was standing in front of us the one at the front looked like an old man with black short hair and brown eyes with a white gown on.

Askook: Is he the one master was talking about he doesn't look all that impressive but nevertheless master told us that they are all dangerous I shouldn't lose my focus

"How dare you come to our territory and create chaos!"

"We are here to take over the capital you know!"

"WHAT!?!? such insolence, Wether you want to run or not today we will kill you!" He said while releasing his aura I told the rest to be on guard and pick one opponent each via mental message which they all found their targets and my lips curved upwards and turned into a smile which irritated them


"How about we stop talking and start this!" I said while I shoot towards the old man in my highest speed and pulled out my sword which was covered with blazing red flame which changed into blue flames before I aimed the sword at the startled old man


My sword severed his head from his shoulders which surprised me a lot as I turned to look at everyone who was dead and then I looked towards my comrades who had a confused Expression on their face's as well

Askook : Why did they all die so fast weren't they supposed to be really strong can it be master lied to us to get us to work even harder?

"WE won!!"

"Haha that was so easy what weaklings and to think I was worried about these morons!" Gennes said with a huge smile on her face

"So what do we do now!" Lenna asked

"Take over I guess!" I said with a helpless expression which made them all burst into laughter

"Gennes and Nessonth you two go and take care of the royal family don't let any of them escape and the rest of you follow me let's go and help the other two out!" I said as I turned into a dragon and took 3 of them with me.

------------------------Nelding Estate----------------------

-------------Rezai POV :----------------

"That was so quick!" Kelona said while dropping her jaw and i put my tongue inside of her mouth which she pulled away from

"What are you doing!" She said as her face turned into a tomato

"I thought that was what you wanted!"

"Which of what just happened told you that I wanted it!"

"You opened your mouth in front of me!"

"that has nothing to do with what you are thinking I don't what's wrong with you but you need to think about things other than sex!" She said as I frowned my eyebrows

"Then stop being so beautiful if there is someone to blame it's all on you!" I said which made her blush more

"See you are doing it again stop going red or else I can't control myself!" I said which made her go even redder

Rezai: Is she doing this on purpose or what!

I picked her up bird-style and moved towards the bed

"No, not now!" She did everything she could to get lose but how can such weak women possible escape me, I didn't listen to her at all as I put her down removed her clothes forcefully and started kissing her neck and moved upwards until I came face to face with her.

"you are such a beast!"

"So are you sugar!" I said as I interwind my lips with her and removed my clothes before I started to rub my stick on her cookie before putting it inside


as she got even tighter than before and she clawed my back which made it feel better and I continued rubbing inside of her

"I am about cum!!!"

"Release it inside!"

"That was the plan," I said before I released it inside of her and I feel next to her body and she climbed my chest.

"So when will get married doing it knowing we are not married yet makes me feel guilty!" She said looking at me

"Well, right now we just won the war aga...." I went silent as I looked at her with a complex face

"What is wrong?" she looked at me worried

"Y-your pregnant!!!" I said


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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