《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 12 Drums of War: Part 1!


this is the last chapter i post for today and tomorrow because i need to do exams for the entire week i am surprised i even have time to post more chapters but i love writing :D and i want to improve my English. If you can tell me what you thought of this so far it would be a great help :D


------------------Nelding Estate--------------

--------Askook POV:--------

"What level do you guys think the master is at?" I asked the other 7 who were sitting cross-legged next to me after I spoke those they opened their eyes and looked at me.

"Well, I think the master is more profound than we think he is!" Amara said

"The Manifest Soul he thought us was not simple by all means it managed to increase my level from stage 5 soul Immortal to Stage 8 Soul Immortal!" Airdan said

"Ye and don't forget what he used in order beat us, he used our own weapons to attack us and he even made our weapons a lot stronger, I don't think I can come unhurt even if I were to manage to block it!" Gennes said with a helpless expression

"We have all made a lot of progress since last night thanks to master's help no matter how you think about it the master is far above the Soul Sovereign level!" Lenna said with proud eyes which made the rest of us burst into laughter.

"By the way, who do you think that women were? she had the same hair and eyes as him and she was also a real beauty" I asked them when they remembered the women next to master.

"His sister maybe!" Verath said

"His lover!" Nessonth Said which made us look at him

"So master is a man after all!" Airdan said which made us burst into laughter


"Askook Thanks to master you should be able to sense what it is your heart wants!" Gennes said which made look at me

"Battle!" I said

"That's shit does that mean in order for you to get stronger you always need to battle! all I need to do is heal people" Amara said with a proud tone which made all of us stunned.

"Amara You found your Dao's heart!" I yelled with a doubtful expression

"Of course, there is no way I will lose to a little white bird!" She said which made me irritated

Askook: This fucking woman, if master didn't say not to fight with intent to kill I would have cut her into piece's

"I also found my dao heart!" Brukor said which stunned us yet again as we looked towards the young women

"How many have found their Dao's heart?" Gennes said then all 8 of us raised our hand which stunned us again

"Was it because of the Manifest Soul master thought us?" I asked as they all to nod which made us go into a long silence

"This means we can all become Soul Sovereign level, which means we will be the strongest Continent of the 5 no?" Airdan said which made us all remember about the upcoming battle.

"Hey master said that our goal is to get the capital so why can't we just go there now and kill all of them we are 8 and they are 6 and the one master said would become Sovereign still hasn't managed to do so why wait let's go and bring about the apocalypse to them!" Nessonth said with a smile which made us all think about it before we deiced to get masters opinion.

-------------Rezai POV:-----------


Kelona is moaning as loud as she can while I drill my stick into her as she grabbed my neck and I kissed her red lips and our lips interwind


"I am coming!" I yelled before I heard People come into the room and turned around taking the stick out of Kelona and pointed it at the people who just came in with Ashen face before I Released my Holy seeds against them which made all the girls scream which made me come back to reality, I released my aura which made everyone there faint expect for Kelona who was completely Red as she watched all of the people on the ground with an embarrassed face.

"This is your fault, for the great me to release my holy water against these kids I hope I won't give them a mental scare!" I said as I looked towards the naked Kelona which made my Grand stick raise from the dead, I looked at the people there and waved my hand they were now clean I waved my hand once more and teleported them outside of the mansion, I looked at the red-faced Kelona

"Second round!" I said before I jumped back at her.

-----------Nessonth POV:-----------

"ah, my head what happened?" I heard someone say before I slowly open my eyes to feel my head shattering I look around to see us outside of the Ostrea Castle I remembered everything that happened and I looked at my face and clothes

Nessonth: Luckily it is clean I never knew master was such monster, he puts me to shame

"How are you guys feeling?" I asked the people who just woke up and looked at their clothes after remembering what had happened

"I can't believe what I saw, Nessonth looking at master you have to admit that he got everything the power, the women, the looks and the Stick oh man you are put to shame compared to him!" Askook says starts laughing

"Shut up, what do you think master will do to us we interrupted while he was having sex!" Gennes said which made us shiver, I looked at Lenna who completely red

"You know if you are lonely you can come to me I will take good care of you!" I said with a Lewd expression which rewarded me with Brukor hitting me in the head

"We don't have time to mess around we need to find a way to apologise to master!" Amara said

"Why did we go in there in the first place?" I asked as I forgot why we went there in the first place

"Moron we went there to ask master if it was ok to go and take over the capital!" Brukor said to me which made me remember why we went there

"Why can't we just go there if it is master he can see where we are headed if he wants us to return he can flick his hands we will come back which means we can't go if he doesn't it means we can kill!" I said while the rest looked at me then nod at the same time which made me happy

"Let's go now everyone go and prepare your armies we move tonight!" I said

"but the Day our clans unite is coming so close?" Brukor said which reminded us all

"Well, we don't have to be there it's not like we are the clan leaders and we would not have shown up to the public in the first place!" Askook said which made us all agree with him

"Then it's decided let us move tonight!" I said


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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