《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 10 Windsong!


For when they are talking it will be like this = "Hello"

When they are thinking it will be like this - Hello


----------Dungeon of the Granite Hound---------

-------Rezai POV:-------

After we left the inn we went into a dungeon to get my sword. Right now we are inside of a cave-like place with no light

"Wow, I can see in the Dark!" Kelona yelled next to me

"Of course, you can, your eyes can be used for many wonderful things indeed!" I said with a lewd face


She said while hitting me and hastening her steps, I chased after her.

"So why can't you just wave your hand and bring the sword to you, just like you do with pretty much everything?" she asked me while looking at me with her yellow eyes.

"Because my sword is Amazing and I can't move it just because I want to it he got his own soul!" I said as I watched all monsters in front of us flee in fear, I looked next to me to see Kelona in shock

"What do you mean a sword has a soul is that even possible"She asked me with doubtful eyes

"Well, you will see!" I said as we came into the last room to see a Beast made out of metal with the shape of a hound staring at us with Bloodshed red eyes which would normally scare Kelona but she just looked at it with a calm expression.

"Poor dog!" I said

Kelona's eyes went red as her figure vanished and reappeared next to the dog and thrust her hands into his back


A metallic sound echoed throughout the room as both of them took a step back and looked at each other, If Kelona was still a human she wouldn' even think about attacking something who were 5 stages above her, Right now she is at the 1 stage of the Emperor Level she recently had Breakthrough so normally she wouldn't think about fighting but now that she has gained the body of a dragon her defenses and power is equivalent to that of a Stage 6 Soul emperor she also has a Low Soul emperor weapon which boosts her strength even more.


The dog leapt into the air and launched himself towards Kelona who took out her dagger and infused it with Soul power before aiming at the dog's eyes and moving towards the dog at an amazing speed.

"Bang! BANG! Bang!"

A metallic sound was heard as the two kept clashing with each other before I saw the dog use a Forbidden soul spell and I Burst out with a Power which made the Earth shatter and thrust my Fingers at the back of the hound before smashing it to piece's, this happened so fast that even the ones fighting didn't realise anything until the dog turned to dust.

"What are you doing!" she yelled at me

"I was saving our life!" I said which made her confused

"What do you mean save? I had the upper hand he didn't put a scratch on me!" She yelled at me

"The dog was about Destroy his own soul and take you with him when he realised that he could not beat you and if you died because of it I would die as well!" I said looking towards her

"Is something like that even possible I have never heard of someone destroying their own soul!" She said while putting her dagger away

"It is a forbidden Soul attack, and I am 80% sure that the dog learned it from my sword!" I said in a cold tone

"Windsong!" I Yelled which echoed throughout the entire room as a Long Golden blade with dragon marks on it came flying towards me at a shocking speed as I put my hand in front of me and the blade turned around and slowed down before I grabbed the hilt.

"BOSS I MISSED YOU!" Windsong yelled as Kelona started at the talking sword with a dumbfounded face


"Miss me my ass, if you really did you will have come to me long ago!" I said which made the sword become silent

"And why did you go and teach the Dog that forbidden attack!" I said while looking towards the sword in my hand

"Boss who is this Beauty she looks a lot like you is she your sister whom you didn't tell anyone about. BOSS are you gonna let me marry her is this what this is *sniff* boss you are the *sniff* best!" The sword said as I grabbed the sword harder but this Syco felt pleasure from it as he started moaning, I was so irritated while Kelona just started to burst out with laughter.

"Don't change the subject!" I yelled

"Well, boss you can't blame me you were gone for so long I had to do something to pass the time!" Windsong said

"So instead of teaching it something safer you just thought why not go with an attack that is forbidden for a reason, that will surely pass my time!" I said with a sarcastic voice. Before he could replied I stored him in my soul as he is my weapon before looking towards Kelona who has just stopped laughing.

"What a wired sword!" She said while looking at me.

"By the way I wanted to ask but who are you really, since you already said we will be stuck together forever there is no reason to hide it from me?" She asked me

"Well let's go back first!" I said while grabbing her hand teleporting us away from here.

------Capital, Royal Palace-------

-------King Gordal Windgust POV:--------

Gordal: These days has been crazy, first was the earth shattering roar from some hidden expert after that our spies has told us that the 4 clans had united which halted our movements on taking over the continent, after gathering information we found out someone named Rezai has made 4 clans bow down to him and create a New clan composed of all 4 clans.

"Your Majestie If we don't take action now while they are busy it will be harder for us to fight them later!" One of the 4 men under me said while bowing to me.

"No! we have to wait until Father has broken through to the Soul Sovereign Level then even if they have some strong expert we will win," I said while smiling

"Let's just wait, for now, we will definitely take over this entire continent," I said

"Yes! your Majestie!" They said in union and bowed before they left

Gordal: Who said "If anyone takes a single step on my continent I will turn you into Ashes!" and what did he mean can it possible that there are other Contents other than ours if so why haven't we seen them already, let's not think about this now I got my hands full.


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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