《Coruscant Ela》Chapter 4: Boredom


Chapter 4: Boredom

Life in the library is slow and boring.

Sitting down all day surrounded by a bunch of stuffy books isn't something I want to do all my life, but a man's gotta do his job. I don't even like reading, visitors rarely come (not that I blame them), and money's always tight. Since selling library cards won't keep us afloat, we depend on selling my little sunshine's potions to the Adventurer's Guild. Ela's a great alchemist at her age, even better than those fancy decorated alchemist you can find in the capital. It would be a waste of talent. Yep. If only she could stop calling herself a chemist, which she is not. Chemistry's a lot different from Alchemy. My job? To make sure we get full price for every vial. Jina's too slimy with money to be trusted.

Anyways. My point is, the librarian life is boring. So to take away some of the boredom, I entertain whatever Ela's up to every day. Ah, my cutie pie never fails to cheer me up.

"Key! You gotta learn to love books!"

Ela's pushing a book titled "The Little Princess' Great Adventure" on my face. Her face is red with anger, and she's puffing her cheeks.

"Read this! Read this!"

"But reading's for nerds..."

"No! It's an embarrassment for our library! I won't allow our librarian to be a book-hating blockhead! Hmmp!"

"I—I'm not a blockhead, you squirt!"

I pinch her cheeky little cheeks, and she pinches mine back in retaliation. We do this for a while, until we tire ourselves and laugh like idiots alone in this empty library.

A few moments pass, and she gets bored as well.

She seats together with me, and we both place our heads on the desk, staring at the door. We sigh together.

"Nobody's visiting us, huh~"

"Why don't you go read a book, huh~"

"I finished all the books long time ago, huh~"

"Then there's nothing to do but to stare at that door, huh~"

We both sigh again.

The library life is boring, for a guy who hates books and a girl who reads too fast.

The bell on top of the entrance chimes.

My mood instantly sours. Walking in with two new girls by his side is the swordguy from two days ago. Geh. Really, he doesn't only want his swords plenty, but girls as well?

Well, I recognize one of the girls he's with. Blue hair in a ponytail, pathetic loser face looking all over the place anxiously, and that familiar sword with a blue edge hanging on her hips — yep, it's the shorty, La Mei. Erika and Ela's cousin. But she, isn't she too close to that swordguy? Ela told me she was here, so that's why she wasn't visiting...

The other girl's the opposite of shorty. She's tall and mature, she's got fiery red hair and her eye's all filled with intimidating strength. Reminds me of a royal knight. She's wearing the garb of a sister from the Sun Goddess' church though, so she's definitely trouble.


"Good morning again, Key. Ela."

Ela only gives him a small nod. That's more than he deserves. But she smiles brightly when she sees the two girls behind him. Geh.

"Hey La, go get me water in the kitchen. And put some ice on it."

"Ehh...? Okay..."

Of course, I ignore the lecherous swordguy and go straight to ordering my lackey. But swordguy stops her, and shakes his head.

"Don't worry, Key. We won't take long."

I'd rather be bored than be with him.

"So? Here to return the books?"

He eyes Ela with concern.

"It's somethıng I want to discuss with you. Alone."

What? Alone? Then why'd you bring a harem with you? Are you blind? Or are you implying that Ela's not smart enough to be here?

But I can't say that directly now, can I? Erika told me to be kind to visitors as much as possible. And I'm nearing my limit.

"What? Alone? Then why'd you bring a harem with you? Are you blind? Or are you implying that Ela's not smart enough to be here?"

They're frozen in shock. The first one to recover is the sister, who's shaking with anger. She slams the desk similar to a certain witch girl.

"Green doesn't have those intentions! Take that back, you heathen!"

"And who are you?"

"The likes of you do not deserve to know my name!"

"Then get lost?"

"R—Rina's right! Green is a good guy!"

"Shut up, shorty."

"... *hic*"

"You, you scum! Do you really believe I'll let you off insulting my friends?"

"And you think I'm letting you guys mock Ela and get away with it freely?"

Dangerous sparks fly between us, and the atmosphere in the library grows cold. But I'm not backing down. Swordguy finally speaks after being silent for so long.

"... Sorry, it's my fault. Of course Ela can stay. But you shouldn't be too rash at insulting my companions as well."

"Do I look like I care?"

"I guess not."

Just because you're a bit handsome doesn't mean I'm gonna let you boss around.

Swordguy sighs and releases the tension.

"To be straight, I'm here for you — Key Falen."

I wince, sister makes a disgusted face and shorty shows a bit of guilt at the mention of my last name. Tsk. They found out?

"Descendant of the great hero, Var Falen, who slew the Demon Lord a thousand years ago. I knew there was some mysterious reason the Efflorescence Village was mostly isolated from Alraz, but I never thought it was to safeguard the identity of those who inherited the hero's blood."

"... Shorty, you're in for the punishment of a lifetime."


"Don't blame La. I forced her to tell me after learning that she knew you personally. But since I know your secret, I'll tell you mine as well in good faith."

Please don't tell me he's actually ga—

"I'm a summoned hero who came here a year ago."


I step back a bit in shock.

"... You're worth a million Gs, you know."

"As expected of a heathen, money is the first thing that comes to your head."

I ignore sister's comment like I should've done since the beginning and wait for swordguy to continue.

"Time is not on our side, and I've heard of your exploits. You stormed the Farwitch Labyrinth yourself after the Star of Revival vanished, and how you reached the 50th floor through sheer will alone."

Swordguy stares at me with such sincerity that it's hard to believe he's planning something bad. But it doesn't move me, even a bit.

"Just get to the point."

"Key Falen, I'd like you to conquer the Farwitch Labyrinth with us."

A heavy air permeates the library, and everyone goes silent. Ela grips my clothes so hard that it's about to rip.

He continues.

"Right now, the lowest floor an adventurer has reached, with a perfect party and full supplies, is the 60th. But I believe that if it's with you, reaching the last floor is possible!"

"No! No! No!"

Surprisingly, it's little Ela who shouts her disapproval.

"Key won't ever go back there, ever! I won't allow him!"

Swordguy ignores her and tries to appeal directly to me.

"Listen to me, Key! There's something suspicious about the Demon Lord's defeat. Don't you think so too? I believe that she... Erika was hiding something dark and evil. And that if we're too late, a threat greater than the Demon Lord might be unleashed to the world! Trust me, I know what's going to happen!"

What is this guy babbling about? Looks like the two girls behind him are convinced of this fact as well.

"Erika defeating the Demon Lord... makes her dark and evil?"

"I know this sounds strange, but yes. And I need your help, Key. To learn the truth behind her. To save the world. And to do that, we have to reach the last floor of the Farwitch Labyrinth. Please! I beg of you!"

Swordguy's bowing his head. But I don't see any purpose to it. Maybe he's hiding his head in shame?

"Erika isn't evil!"

Ela shouts. Even if her face is full of tears, she still takes a stand to defend her big sister.

"Erika... Erika is the best sister in the world! The best mom! The best teacher! I don't understand what you're saying! But I know Erika beat that Demon Lord to protect me, and this whole village! I won't let you say Erika's evil!"

Swordguy makes the kindest face possible.

"Little girl, I know how much you want to trust her, but this is something bigger than any of us."

"I trust mom more than you!"


She quickly runs away from the library crying. She's truly upset. It's been long since she last called Erika "mom". I'd like to catch up to her, but I don't want to leave them in this library alone.

Everyone is silent.

I release a heavy sigh. I'm tired.

"... And what do you think is my answer?"

"I know what I'm doing is terribly harsh, but I don't know any other way to make you understand. What I do know, is that everything I'm saying now is the truth."

"Just get lost, swordguy. And don't come back as well."

He nods and silently goes for the door, but not without one last look at me.

"... I'm sorry. But I can't give up. Because I'm a hero."

For some reason, I felt something from those words. But I ignore them, because I'm not a hero. The chime bells on the door signals his exit.

... But what the hell are these two girls still doing in my library?

The sister girl finally regains her senses and follows suit. Like her hero, she leaves me with some words as well.

"Heathens like you don't deserve the Falen name. A true hero would've stood up to the call."

"Who are you again?"

"I—I'm...! No! My pride and honor commands me to never reveal it! Hmm!"

She leaves foot-stomping mad. I already know her name, though. What was it again? Sister girl? Something else? I don't care.

One girl left, the shorty.

"You're not going after Ela?"

She asks me with concern. I don't know much, but shorty here was pretty close to Ela back when we visited their place. Erika, not much, since they had some rivalry going on between them. But that's all in the past.

"That girl's smart. Both mentally and emotionally. She'd rather be alone at times like these."


"What did you say, shorty?"


Silence grows between us. She's still not leaving, and is just fidjeting there wanting to say something. What else does she have to say?

"... But Key, I think Green's right about Erika."


"I—I mean, think about it! That Erika was super weak at sword fighting that even a bunny defeated her! Erika beating not only that underground dungeon, but the Demon Lord too? That's super strange, right? And that as well! The Sun Goddess only summons a hero when there's huge danger, you know? So that means there's still something lurking in the shadows! I... I really think you should join our party. I—I don't wanna die yet..."

It irritates me. It irritates me that she's right. Why is there a summoned hero? What does that Sun Goddess know? I have a lot of questions to ask, when Erika returns.

But for now, I'll just do what I can to protect Ela.

"Hey shorty, don't you think I forgot how you told swordguy about me."

Her face pales.

"Hiiii! Sorry! I'm leaving, I'm leaving right now! Help me, Green~"

She darts away from the library like a scared animal caught in the act.


Ever since that summoned hero stepped into this library, trouble came crashing down my way. Why now? Why can't I enjoy my peaceful life a bit longer?

I miss being bored.

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