《The Lord of the Stars》Chapter 8 - Space Warfare


“Sergeant Mike Roberts, reporting in!”

Heinrich was gazing at the thousands of bright stars from the bridge of the capital-class cruiser Arrow when he heard that the sergeant reporting in. Admiral Char had been removed from the military thanks to his momentous miscalculation in bombarding Arcadis seven months ago without managing to kill the sorceress, and as such Heinrich had been given command of the Arrow. Heinrich's mission was simple; to cleanse the AKL-89 region from Alliance presence. The Unity Party had launched a full-scale military operation in the region as retaliation for the Alliance's destruction of Admiral Kerz's cruiser. That defeat had been a humiliating blow to the prestige of the regime and Chancellor Maximilian needed a grand show of strength.

Heinrich turned around upon hearing the man’s voice. Before him was a veteran warrior; Mike had a black eye-patch on his left eye, had a bionic right hand and a bionic right leg. He also had a scar on his left cheek and another one on his forehead. His face was nevertheless pretty, with a rough appeal. He was athletic and tall, had brown eyes and a closely trimmed beard that simulated 3 days of stubble.

“Heard a lot about you,” Heinrich said. “Veteran of the battle of Austerland and of the war in Vandana. You blew up more than ten Alliance tanks on the battle of Yaj.”

“Yup… and it cost me my eye and leg,” Mike replied. “Don’t regret it though. Had a fun time screwing up those scumbags.”

Heinrich smiled. “Hopefully you will have fun here too.”


“Sir!” one of the junior officers on the bridge shouted. “Got a report from scout C!”

Heinrich had sent more than fifteen spacecraft fighters to scout the area for any Alliance presence and report back. “Do tell!”

“He says he has spotted an Alliance fighter. Fighters usually do not go this deep into space on their own. There must be a base nearby. Should we move towards its location?”

“No. We shouldn’t make our presence known. Tell the scout to continue following the fighter. He should be able to spot where the Alliance base is soon enough.”

John was out of breath. He could feel his leg hurting. He had been running for almost a whole hour through the dark, dense forest, leaping over tree stumps and bushes, and ripping through branches and leaves. It was his worst nightmare; alone, trying to escape an onslaught of Helian troopers. John was darting past tree after tree, and did not look back. He was horribly outnumbered and hunted down like an animal. He had longed to face again Helian soldiers, to exact some vengeance for what they had done to him, but now it was he who was the prey.

His legs buckled as he moved from tree to tree, gritting his teeth and sweating profusely. “I need to rest!”. He pressed his back against a tree trunk, as he took a brief moment to rest. As he was finally feeling a sense of relief after so much running, he suddenly heard footsteps. He did not even need to take a glance to realize that the Helians were approaching. He shot up and speeded forward, hoping that his momentary weakness would not get him killed.

“User 001 enters!” a monotone, robotic voice announced.

“Heh?” John wondered aloud.

“Fall down!” a male voice said.

John couldn’t see who had shouted at him, but he decided to follow the advice. He ducked down, avoiding the laser beams heading his way. He turned around and saw that the ones firing were three Helian troopers, armed with laser rifles. John closed his eyes, concentrated and waved his arm, unleashing a powerful energy wave that swept away the soldiers. It was a small victory; he was already tired and the use of magic further exhausted him, and more Helian soldiers were on the way. But John couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to not be the prey, at least for a brief moment.


“Good job!” the mysterious man slowly clapped. John quickly turned around and saw who the ‘user 001’ was: Darren.

“Commander?” John asked. “You-“

“The simulation isn’t over yet,” the veteran soldier interrupted, “and more Helians are on the way, so let us keep going. We need to get out of the forest in order to escape to safety.”

John nodded in agreement and the two men began sprinting forward. Behind them were more than a dozen Helian troopers, running towards them while shooting with their rifles. John and Darren were zigzagging, ducking and jumping, trying to dodge the laser beams. As John was ripping through a thick branch, he was shot on his right leg.

“Ouch!” John cried out. “That really hurt…”

Darren fired back with his rifle, killing one of the Helian troopers with a swift headshot. “The pain you feel is a result of your brain perceiving the simulation as real. You aren’t really injured but because your brain believes you have been shot, it is eliciting a pain response.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better…” John complained as he limped forward.

The Helian troops kept firing at the two men. Darren would occasionally fire back, taking out three Helians, while John would limp forward in hopes of escaping. Suddenly, John felt an excruciating pain. For a brief moment everything went blank before him as he screamed in agony.

John opened his eyes and realized he was inside a capsule. He could barely see anything from the foggy glass above him. He was strapped down and his head was connected to a round metallic device. This was his second time in a simulation capsule, so John wasn’t yet comfortable with the whole process. “How do I get out?” he wondered aloud.

Thankfully for him, Darren opened his capsule. He detached the metallic device from his head and unstrapped him, allowing the young sorcerer to get up and out of the capsule.

“You will get used to it in your fourth or fifth time,” the commander smiled.

“I hope so…” John replied. “Why I was disconnected from the simulation?”

“You were killed. The simulation automatically throws you out the moment you receive a fatal wound, and for good reason. If you were not disconnected, your brain would think you really died and… you would die in reality too.”

“Isn’t this too dangerous?”

“Not really. Ninety-six percent of those who participate in simulations make it out alive even if they die in the virtual world.”

“The other four percent?”

“Well… the AI can, very rarely, experience malfunction and not throw out people fast enough. But this is a rare occurrence. Nothing to worry about.”

Darren’s faint smile wasn’t very convincing for John. He shuddered at the thought of dying trapped in a virtual simulation. Yet it was a necessary part of his training as an Alliance soldier.


“Sir, got report from scout C,” the junior officer reported. “He says he managed to follow the Alliance fighter without getting noticed and he located where its base is. There seems to be a major military installation based on an asteroid on coordinates 17:01. Should we inform the headquarters for reinforcements?"

“No!” Heinrich replied. “Will take too long. We can take them out by ourselves.” Heinrich wasn’t exactly honest about his reasons for wanting to attack on his own though. ‘If I want to maintain this command and not be just a temporary replacement for Char, I need a military victory.’

“But sir, with all due respect, the position of the Alliance seems to be too strong and the scout believes that they have an energy shield that can withstand our bombardment,” the officer protested.


“I have a solution for that,” Heinrich replied while turning towards Sergeant Mike. “We need a surprise attack in order to alleviate our manpower disadvantage. We also need to take down the shield. Both of those tasks can be achieved by you.”

Mike had wide grin on his face. “Oh do tell. Sounds like I’m going to have some fun.”

“The sensors of the Alliance are able to spot capital cruisers and fighters but will not able to spot a single person in a space suit sneaking into the base. The Arrow shall approach the Alliance base but maintain a distance in order to not be noticed. You shall float by yourself in space, reach the asteroid, sneak in, deactivate the sensors and the shield and then give us the signal to send out the fighters to attack. They will not know what hit them!”

“But, sir, isn’t it too risky to rely on a sole person for the success of the whole operation. Also, as you yourself stated, we will need to maintain a distance to ensure we are not spotted. So the sergeant might run out of oxygen before reaching the base,” the officer retorted.

“Don’t worry kid!” Mike said. “I can make it. I’ve been in tougher situations. That’s nothing compared to the battle of Yaj.”

Heinrich was in his personal quarters, waiting for news of Mike to arrive. His quarters were rather modest; it was a simple room that was painted grey. On the one side was a crude wooden bed and on the other a grey desk upon which sat a computer panel. Heinrich was sitting on his desk and digitally signing some documents while drinking a glass of cognac.

Heinrich lifted the slender cocktail glass to his lips and drank some of it. It was sweet and had a woody aftertaste. He then let out a deep breath of frustration. ‘When will the report arrive?’ he silently wondered. His whole plan was dependent on the success of one man. If Sergeant Mike failed, his whole plan would fail too.

‘I will prove myself!’ he thought as he sipped his cognac. His career thus far had been both rapid in its promotion and unremarkable; he entered the military not due to his success at a tournament but rather because his father was a high ranking politician in the Unity Party. He himself became a member of the party and used his father’s connection in it and in the military to rapidly rise through the ranks without much accomplishments of his own.

His father made sure that he would not be placed in positions of actual action and even after he died, Heinrich had only insignificant commands, his greater actions being occasionally hunting down some sorcerers. Heinrich resented that. He knew he was capable and that he wasn’t simply a nepotistic choice. He also very well knew what was said behind his back by others in the military. How they disrespected him and did not recognize his abilities. He gritted his teeth as he reminded himself of their gossip. He now had the chance to prove them wrong.

Mike tried to move forward as fast as possible, but his white space suit was heavy and impeded his movement while the oxygen was being depleted. A lesser man would be overtaken by agony and fear but Mike had no fear. He did not have anything to lose and was already mentally prepared for death, so he had no concern whatever about what would happen to him.

Just when the oxygen was about to be depleted, he saw before him the huge asteroid on which the Alliance had its base. It was an expanse of bleak rock and ice. It had an artificial opening on which a hangar had been constructed. It was guarded by four enormous laser cannons and protected by a force shield.

Mike approached. Inside the helmet he was wearing, he was smirking. ‘Nice… if those cannons were manned by soldiers, they would have already spotted me. But they are automated cannons and their sensors cannot spot small objects. I guess their engineer never thought that someone would be crazy enough to approach an enemy base in a space suit without any ships backing him up. Can’t blame him!’

Mike pressed a button on his right arm and a pulse was sent towards the force field, creating a tiny opening. As Mike stepped foot onto the hangar, he quickly made his way behind a bunch of metallic crates. As most people were busy with other tasks and did not expect someone to walk in all alone in a space suit, he wasn’t noticed. He at once took off his helmet and undressed, taking off his space suit to allow him to move faster. He was wearing a simple white shirt and matching trousers now. His only weapon was a laser knife on his belt.

Mike slightly hit one of the crates, making a slight sound. No response. Mike hit again the crate, a bit louder this time but still not too loud. He saw one man, a technician wearing a blue uniform and cap, going to check out what was happening. As the man approached, Mike grabbed him by the neck with his one arm while quickly placing his other hand on his mouth. His strangle on his neck chocked the man to death. With the technician lying on the floor dead, Mike quickly undressed him.

As he was about to wear his uniform, an Alliance pilot walked his way. He was wearing brown jacket and trousers. Seeing him standing before a dead body, the pilot unsheathed his laser pistol. Before he could fire or scream, Mike threw the cap of the dead technician at the face of the pilot. The pilot was caught by surprise, allowing Mike to sprint forward and slam his body onto the pilot, pulling him onto the floor. As the pilot tried to shout for aid, Mike placed his hand onto his mouth, silencing him. He then slammed his fist onto the pilot’s face, knocking him out. With the pilot dead, Mike wore the technician's uniform.

The veteran soldier then could walk freely in the hanger. Mike was facing down. This and his cap meant that his face was well hid. He had to find a map of the place to find out where the main computer was in order to shut down the sensors and the shield. As he was walking amidst the dozens of spacecraft fighters on the hangar, a soldier shouted to him, "Hey you! Wait a moment!" The soldier was wearing the orange full body plate armor but had taken his helmet off. He was armed with a laser rifle.

Mike's heart skipped a beat. "What is it?" he said with a smile.

“You are Kal?” he asked.

Mike was silent for a moment when he remembered a detail on his uniform. He quickly nodded in affirmation. “Yup, it says so on the nametag.”

“The colonel told me to give you that disk you asked for,” the soldier said as he handed Mike a disk. “It will enhance the sensors.”

“Sure. Why don’t you come with me though? This is very important task. I need an armed guard.”

“You are probably right. I will come with you.”

“Please, go first.”

Mike couldn’t help but smirk. The soldier would lead him right to the main computer. Soon enough, the soldier was leading him to room right down a long dark corridor.

“Needs a card for the door to open,” the soldier said.

Mike searched his pockets, hoping that the card was there.

“Can’t find it?”

“Must have forgotten it!” Mike replied. “Damn! I am so absent-minded.”

Before the soldier could reply, Mike punched him right on the face. His fist slammed his jaw, blood pooling in his mouth. He grabbed the injured soldier by the hair and he crushed his face on his knee. Blood splattered all over the corridor as a loud knack! sound was heard. With the soldier dead, Mike grabbed his rifle. He then pulled a small electronic device from his belt. He placed it on the door and activated. It was a special device that could temporarily shut down an alarm. It would allow him to pick the door without worrying about an alarm going on.

Mike grabbed a small pin from his belt. He bent the tip in the door’s lock to make a pick. He folded the other end onto itself to make a handle. Mike then grabbed a second pin from his belt and bent it in half to make a lever. He quickly inserted the second pin into the bottom part of the lock. He then used the pins to pick the lock.

“All too easy!” he exclaimed as he walked into the room. He rushed to the main computer and inserted a USB device he had brought with him. He then activated a comlink and said, "Do you read me?"

“Loud and clear,” came the reply from the Arrow.

“The device is on the computer. You should be connected.”

“We are connecting to the main framework. We are installing virus.”

A window popped out on the computer’s screen:



A moment later that number was 100%






“Nice!” Mike said. “Work is done. You may launch the attack.”

Heinrich had rushed to the bridge when he got message that Mike was communicating from the main computer of the Alliance base.

“News!?” he barked as he got to the bridge.

“Virus has been uploaded, sir!” one of the officers reported. “We are ready to attack.”

“Good. Send in the fighters for the first strike. Get the Arrow to go on full speed for the second strike.”

“Yes, sir!”

Tens of spacecraft fighters launched from the hangar of the Arrow and flew towards the Alliance base. Going unnoticed by the sensors and with the cannons deactivated, they had an easy run towards the Alliance hangar. Upon approaching it, they fired with their laser beams, decimating the entire Alliance air force even before it was able to take off.

Mike, with the rifle he had grabbed from the dead soldier at arms, was making a run on the hangar, trying to escape as everything around him was being blown up. The whole hangar was totally shrouded in smoke. The ground trembled and shook. Explosions were whistling and screaming, as huge eruptions burst all around the sergeant.

The bombardment stopped for a brief moment. Mike let out a breath of relief when he understood why this happened; the fighters were giving way to the Arrow. If he did not find a way to escape the hangar, he would be blown up to pieces along with the rest of the base as without the shields, the base would not be able to withstand the destructive firepower of the Arrow’s cannons.

As he was running, trying to find a way to escape, he was suddenly fired at. The firing came from his left. He quickly leaped behind a metallic crate and took cover. He quickly glanced to his left, trying to see from where exactly he was being fired at. He saw three soldiers aiming at him and firing. Mike was barely able to dodge the enemy fire by hiding behind the crate. "Fucking hell!" he cursed. "The entire facility is coming down and those fucking idiots are still firing at me!"

"You bastards, I am taking you down!" he roared as he leaped above the crate, laser fire passing inches away from him. He fired once. His shot was deadly accurate, penetrating the forehead of one of the troopers and instantly taking him off. A laser fire hit his left ankle. Mike let out a scream but did not stop walking. He aimed again and fired at the second trooper, taking him out with ease. The third and last remaining trooper was about to fire at Mike when a loud sound was suddenly heard.

It was at that moment when a carrier vessel landed onto the hangar. The carrier vessel was a rectangular shaped ship that had two side wings and a powerful engine on its back. The carrier’s front gate opened up and a more than twenty troops, all armed with laser rifles, swarmed out. They began firing deadly accurate shots, killing Alliance troopers with ease. Although the Alliance troops were far superior in number, after this surprise bombardment they were in no position to mount an effective defense.

One of the Helian troops shouted, “Hey! The admiral ordered that we come get you.”

Mike rushed onto the carrier vessel. With him onboard, the troops retreated back on the vessel and the ship took off, leaving behind the hangar just as the Arrow’s cannons were about to fire. The entire asteroid shook as it was hit by the laser beams. The firepower was such that cracks appeared on the asteroid’s surface. Fire engulfed everything on the base and burned alive the remaining Alliance soldiers. When the fire reached the weapon caches in the armory of the Alliance, a second even stronger explosion rocked the place. The asteroid was fractured as large pieces of rock were sent flying in all directions.

“Beautiful,” Heinrich remarked as he gazed the explosion from the bridge. “Absolutely stunning! This victory shall cement my career.”

John rushed to one of the main halls. He was still sleepy as the soldier had waked him up rather early to inform him that there was a meeting. The hall was filled with countless of soldiers and officers. John could also see Constantine, Alexander, Sara and Nicole there too. He approached them and said hi.

“Everyone!” Darren shouted. He was in the middle of the hall, beside a holographic device that showcased the image of what looked like a small moon. “May I have your attention please?”

Everyone in the room immediately went silent.

“Thank you. A few days ago a base of ours was destroyed by a Helian fleet. We lost many good men in that fight. This loss of manpower means that we will have to rush through an operation which we were planning for some time. We will raid the mines of Al-Kwad.”

The room was at once filled with the sound of chatting. The only one who did not seem particularly excited or worried about the news was John. He had still not fully wakened up and this presentation had made his mind drift. The world was a blur, and random images seemed to float aimlessly around in the pool of his thoughts. A tap on his shoulder brought him back to the outside world.

“Wake up you idiot!” Sara whispered.

John simply sighed. “You don’t tire of being a bitch all the time?”

Sara smirked. “Never.”

Darren coughed. “Please!” Everyone went silent once again. “This moon here is K-L556, one of the twelve moons of El Salvar. As you know, the government uses orc criminals, most of them arrested on false charges or for misdemeanors, as slave labor in the mines of Al-Kwad. This moon has one of the biggest prisons and it is from there that many orcs are transported to the mines. A team shall infiltrate the prison dressed up as guards and take a vessel of planted by us orcs to the mines. That’s how we shall be able to get into the heavily guarded mines without being noticed. Next step will be with the help of the orc prisoners to free the orc slaves in the mines and escape the facility after first blowing it up to cause as much damage to the Helian war machine as possible.”

“Who do you think will be sent there?” Constantine whispered to John.

“I d-“

John was about to reply when Darren continued his speech. “The team shall be made up of me, Xar, six soldiers and five sorcerers; John, Constantine, Alexander, Sara and Nicole. This will also be a test of sorts for you five.”

“Yes!” Constantine exclaimed. “At least we shall see some action.”

“Don’t get too excited,” Alexander replied. “We need to be cautious. This mission will be dangerous.”

“Always sucking the fun out of things…” Sara complained.

John was silent. He felt a mix of enthusiasm and worry. He was finally going to make the Unity Party pay for the death of his parents. ‘At least, I shall have my revenge!’

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