《The Lord of the Stars》Prologue


The human will to innovate and adapt is limitless. For millennia, humans were looking at the stars and dreaming of what lay beyond, in the endless darkness of space. Humans tried countless of times to sail beyond their world of Mellillon; they failed as many. But they did not give up. They innovated, they adapted and they succeeded.

Humanity conquered the stars. The planets of the Helian solar system, one after the other, fell to human rule. Some were terraformed and colonized, others were brutally subjugated. But the end result was the same; human dominance.

Greed and envy, the twin sins of humanity, caused disaster. The planets of the Helian system were prizes that no human ruler – politician or CEO – could ignore. Conflict after conflict set the humans back to a new dark age – until all of humanity, exhausted from the endless wars, agreed to unite in a Federation.

Liberty, tolerance, pacifism, justice. The Federation seemed to bring a new era, a golden age for humanity. Alas, it was not to last. The old conflicts reignited, society was fragmenting, and human unity looked about to shatter. The Federation seemed doomed.

It was then that the Unity Party rose. An authoritarian party, the Unity Party was dedicated to safeguarding human unity. The petty differences of olden times couldn’t be allowed to break the Federation. The Unity Party turned the democratic union into a totalitarian state that promoted the values of discipline and sacrifice for humanity's greater good.

Unity at all costs...

The Helian Realm was born.

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