《The Waterborne - Blasphemous Series》Chapter 29: The Ambush


The last light blue lights were leaving the seafloor as she made her way back, anguished thoughts bit at her like the cold waters, but she passed through them all the same.

My mistake last time was trying to appeal to their gratitude, I should’ve learned that lesson back in the ward. Apathetic faces appeared in her vision before she focused on her goal.

I know what I need to focus on, their self-interests.

What they’ve come here for.

The princess.

Sera spotted a figure as she passed by one of the cliffs, it's long body and teeth in particular gave her backup plan some weight.

The only reason I escaped last time was because they were exhausted after fighting what they called the ‘Whisper’, the man holding me wouldn’t think twice, but I don’t need him to.

Going through the cave, Sera remembered the man behind the one holding her, his armour looked formal and didn’t have a single scar on his face, his looks matched the higher-ups she was familiar with.

If I’m right, I need to have a good plan to convince them, hopefully both my plan and throat will be ready on time.

“Everyone calm.”

He unconsciously released his hold on his sheathed weapon as he spoke.

“Whoever she was doesn’t matter at the moment, for now we have to-”

“Die?! We’re trapped in the Whispers trap, and we’ve lost our only means of leaving! Reeve this wasn’t,” Keirian’s outburst died down as he saw Vera next to the prince with her eyes red but standing firm.

“...wasn’t the plan. We should leave before the Screecher Wrangler comes and surprises us with unwanted help.”

Reeve despite projecting a calming and commanding presence, his own emotions were as inflamed as the others.

“No, it wasn’t the plan. But we all know the reality of the situation, there’s no changing it.” Looking over at his last standing guard, he continued.

“For now, why don’t Vera and I access the damage while you can stand guard and see whether she was a Screech Wrangler at all.”

Immediately Vera responded. “Yes your highness.” Then taking one look at Keirian she promptly swam back to the carriage, particularly towards the front of it.

“Reeve, normally I-”

A hand shot up. “I know your normally cool-headed, but anyone, even veterans, would be off after beating back a leviathan that nearly ripped our only chance of survival to shreds.” Patting his arm, he continued.

“Take the time to think, after we’re done checking whether we have a chance to leave, come and tell us what happened with this Wrangler.”

Keirian rubbed his chin, he nodded slowly before swimming towards a nearby sand hill.

Hmm, maybe I should’ve brought more than a skeleton guard, the Whisper combined with the Screecher was too much even for the academy’s champion.

Swimming towards the carriage, he saw Vera leave the front of the carriage carrying a corpse that was almost double her size but covered in black wounds that even the salt water didn’t seem to clean.

“... We’ll deal with the aftermath when we’re in the clear, alright?”

Spotting an almost imperceptible nod, Vera stared at her dead father for a moment longer before putting his body on the ground near the wreck.

“The orb is still in one piece, the lights or the beasts I haven’t checked yet.” Vera pulled out the orb that fit like a leviathan egg in her hand.

“Good work, I’ll check the runes covering the inside of the carriage. Check the remaining skelfin and the reins, we need them to be working if we have any chance of leaving.”


Vera gave a small salute that Reeve was tempted to say was unnecessary, but the looked on her face made him hold onto the words. Only releasing a sigh when she left.

If we don’t find any sign of Lora here, this will be the last mission I’ll be permitted before being shoved back into the castle. There needs to be something.

Feeling his temper begin to flare, he began swimming towards the small cabin, with some luck perhaps they could leave this place in one piece… and with a miracle, perhaps they could leave with his sister.

Sera didn’t hesitate to swim past the dark cave, with the light from the bulbs minimal this low from the top of the cave, it felt like the world was punishing her for having a bit of freedom.

But she couldn’t give up, anytime a dash of red appeared Sera quickly looked in the direction, but after finding more than once it was just a trick of the light her mood plummeted.

Her strokes were slower as old habits kicked in, rather than relying on the instincts this body had been teaching her.

Keeping her scanner well out of sight, the blue light would be an anomaly that would stick out and leave her open to any long-ranged attacks.

Spotting the hole in the ceiling, Sera began the plan that would determine her future.

Slowing her strokes, she silenced the majority of noise she made wading through water. Peeking out from the crater, she spotted her scarred captor waiting on a sand dune nearby and made her move.


Quickly hiding his emotions in case Vera came in, he backed away from the cracked wooden wall and came to turns with the situation.

We’re stuck here, within an active Whisper’s hunting grounds, and with no means of escape. We have to find somewhere deep with food, shelter and light, not to mention having to hunt down that Wrangler and-

A crash of water echoed into the cabin.

His body twisted into a battle stance, but instead of the fight coming to him, he heard the distinct chime of Keirian’s dual blades being unsheathed. Pivoting against the wall on reflex, he pushed the water in front of him to get as close to the wall as possible as his body turned horizontal.

“Your Highness, stay inside!” A voice followed a silhouette as Vera popped into sight. “Keirian’s holding off the Wrangler, I’ll watch for the Screecher.”

Reeve’s legs felt like they were itching to eject off the wall to thrust himself into the battlefield, but he knew it would be exactly what they wanted.

Pushing off the wall lightly, he stayed poised at the entrance behind Vera as he watched Keirian easily advance on the foe despite the difference in speed.

The woman was like a viper attacking then pushing Keirian back trying to make her way past him, but despite his injured leg his movement hardly faltered. His movements propelling him forward as he attacked, trying to regain any ground lost, Reeve could barely hold back his surprise at her movements.

Or her gear. It had the same look of Aquo’s academy and was sporting the kingdom’s colours, there was no doubt that it was legitimate considering the craftsmanship required so why was she…

A clang brought his thoughts to focus as he thought he saw the woman’s whole body vibrate trying to block the blow, swinging wildly her weapon was easily battered aside but not before she opened her mouth.

Swimming closer to the doorway, her saw her mouth move for a moment before being covered by Keirian’s back. Her spear flung into the air, but she was already flying back behind it, noticing the man below her begin to slow she accelerated past, grabbing the spear and continuing swimming upward.


Her head snapping at their direction, a sense of unease came up his spine. “Vera, get ready, Keirian won’t be fast enough to slow her down.” Watching the champion catch up, he saw her spin as her harpoon expanded.

“What the hell-” A blade came out just as Keirian came into range, his confidant stance instantly went defensive, with both his arms and blades crossing over into an X.

Another chime came over the battlefield followed by a thud, as her blade dinged loudly against his guard she quickly stabbed downward and used the momentum to propel herself forward, with his warrior falling back.

Watching the skies now, she was dangerously close to the surface, the longer she waited to call the Screecher the better chance she had at ambushing them but the closer she came his weapon could finally be used.

“Vera, if she comes into range before the Screecher move aside, I’ll use the Scaled blade.” His hand now firmly gripped the weapon as he focused on her quickly approaching figure.

A tense moment passed as Vera hesitated, her inexperience finally showing, but he moved past her, making his way out of the cabin and trying to size up his opponent.

She’s fast despite not having a mount, most of the movement seems to be coming from her leg or feet area, likely an augment from the Depth kingdom.

His eyes rapidly scanning the water’s surface for the Screecher as he saw Keirian in the distance swim down to the seafloor and try to beeline straight for him.

It was seconds before her figure became close enough to see clearly, the academy’s insignia was on her chest, but her blade was nothing he had every seen.

Preparing to summon the mana and blood needed for the ritual, he brought the blade out a slither and brought his thumb against the scaly flesh of the blade still moving, under his thumb.

His heartbeat sped up as he saw her staring directly at him, her mouth beginning to open as her long blade swung across her shoulder.

“The-” her raspy voice came as she came into range, now within fighting distance, he cut his thumb.

“Princess is here.” His thoughts stopped as he pulled his hand away from the blade, a saddened cry came from his waist, but he wasn’t focused as he saw the woman drop her Scythe.

Vera instantly came out from his side with her own long harpoon ready. “Stop Vera.”

His thoughts coming clearer as he barred the looks she gave him before she stood protectively in front of Reeve.

The tent we saw from before. Vera’s words came to him, from when she finished checking the front of the carriage, ‘everything looks destroyed except for a single tent… if this was where the expedition was then Loretta could be nearby.’.

The academy uniform. A vision of her coming out from the dark wearing the ruined outfit, despite its obvious wear and tear, as if she had been surviving wearing only the uniform for months.

Why did we jump to conclusions? Keirian’s red face and widened gills quickly flashed by after he saw the black bags under his eyes.

He didn’t say it, but Keirian’s had to step up to fill in the hole for security, which means she could be authentic.

Looking over to the woman he saw she was now standing-not swimming on the seafloor, the long finlike appendages on her feet were gone, and now what looked like peasant wrappings were wrapped around her feet.

Noticing Vera to his side, tense with her spear still poised at the woman-what was the name, Keirian had mention?

“... Keira? Is that your name?” Speaking, his voice sounded deeper and more elegant out of reflex from years of discipline.

He saw Keira open her mouth, but a pained expression came over her face as she nodded instead.

“Vera, do we have any health potions, just enough for her gills for now.” Noticing the expression on her face mid-statement, Reeve clarified.

“The last one we had was on my person, but when I last checked I found glass fragments, it must’ve broken from the impact inside the carriage.” She spoke briskly, obviously trying to keep up a brave front to the survivor.

Hmm, questioning her will have to wait. She should still be able to show us where the princess is… unless it's a trap. Pondering this, he heard the chime of blades as he realised he had forgotten someone.

Despite being slowed, Keirian had finally caught up his blades out he nearly instantly engaged Keira who had moved to grip her embedded spear.

“Stop Keirian, she knows where the princess is.”

Keirian’s chest moved up and down and his gills widened, he sputtered a curse before speaking. “Reeve, this isn’t worth it. She could be a spy or trying to trap-”

“KEIRIAN.” His voice instantly raised, the calm atmosphere he tried to create for the survivor gone.

“I decide what risks we take, and I’m not leaving here without my sister.”

Realising the cat was out of the bag, Reeve instantly inspected Keira’s reaction.

At the mention of his sister, the two guarding him immediately stiffened, as Keira’s eyes widened and her fingers twitched around her blade.

Hmm, she’s either genuine or a good actor.


Sera froze as she instantly stared at the ma-at the prince, who was looking right back at her.

Instantly she recognised the similarities in his uniform, the grey scales matching the cyan and his eyes were green like hers.

As he stared, his eyes flickered as she felt them begin to stare into hers.

“W-what’s,” Her croaked words filled the silence before the prince snapped out of his revere.

“Nothing, apologies, just a myth about red eyes.” Clearing his throat, he continued.

“Keira, I’m sorry for what we did, but I’m going to be frank. Time is of the essence, the Whisper’s borders are going to be closing and if we’re going to survive this then we need to leave and get Loretta.”

Sera instantly looked towards the black mist and saw it was almost halfway across to the crater. When did it move?

His words instantly churned the two of his subordinates to his side, with Keirian glaring at Keira briefly before looking off to the side.

“Before we leave, is everyone ready to travel?” Reeve looked over at Keirian’s leg, who grunted, while Vera and Keira nodded.

“Great. Vera grabs some supplies, quickly, while Keirian bandages his leg.” His friend instantly tried to protest, but Reeve was having none of it, bringing up his hand the two went to work.

Watching them impassively, Sera looked over to her half buried Scythe and felt the tension finally drain out of her.

Jesus, how did I survive that?

The clinging of her Scythe against whatever metal his dual blades were made of rung in her head as she gave an unsteady sigh and looked around expectedly before her shoulder sunk again.

Oh right, no Iva to pat or lie down on my head.

Looking around, Sera saw no trace of the red blur, even looking across the seafloor for any red fish lying immobile on the ground. She could still be alive, but where?

Trying to sigh again, her throat constricted as she coughed, she saw the scarred man look at her warily before he continued wrapping his leg.

God, I hope they don’t kill me when they realise the princess is trapped in a prison I just fixed.

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