《The Waterborne - Blasphemous Series》Chapter 4: The PID


PID Interface

Welcome User, to the PID or known as the Personal Instruction Device.

This device is automated by an AI and will guide you through using this facility, however due to extensive damage and the unknown location of The Temple.

The PID will operate in recovery mode and prioritise your life first and recovering the database second.

Our database is corrupted and therefore will require repair from multiple modules. These modules have been added to the map.

[Would you like to begin the PID tutorial?]

Sera stared at the screen as she felt a strange déjà vu from the device, it was similar to what other patients held during their free time, though she was never allowed one due to her spontaneous actions.

It was almost an exact replica except the only thing holding the screen was the two stone pieces on either side.

The blue screen still gazing at her was waiting for her reaction, Sera pressed the button before four panels showed themselves, transforming the wall of text.

PID Interface

(Can show all panels or only one at will.)

Skill Sets:

This will show the skill level of skills you possess.


This will show you a basic map of the current territory, including repair modules.


This will be used to gather information about the surroundings it can also be used to access more information about PID panels.


This will show all recipes the PID can craft. Some are only available when integrated with a hub.

[Open PID Interface? Warning: This will end the tutorial.]

The first thing Sera noticed was that water had entered her mouth, her tongue wiggled before she closed her gaping jaw and rolled her shoulders, both hands now gripping the PID.

“Temporous is this advanced? What the hell is this and...” Her eyes stuck to the next button.

“What skills do I have?”

Letting her curiosity get the better of her Sera pressed the PID this time focusing only on the skill panel.

PID Interface

Skill Sets:

Running: [24/100] Swimming: [5/100] Muscle capacity: [12/100] Red Aspect Unity: [2/100]

As her eyes gleamed through her skills, they stuck to the bottom skill.

“Red aspect unity… Wait aspect?” Sera heard the word recently from-


“-t is an aspect that even I am unable to change.”

Amet, when talking about her eyes… what did that have to do with her aspect though, other than being the same colour?

Looking over her other skills her running skill being the highest was no surprise considering how much she did in her previous life, but would it even be useful here?

Her swimming skill and muscle capacity being so low was worrying, but first she had to know more about the Aspect Unity. Sera quickly brought up the PID interface focusing this time only on the database, finding the skill set option.

PID Interface


Skill Sets: Running, determines speed and stamina used while running. Swimming, determines speed and stamina used while swimming. Muscle Capacity, determines overall strength and agility. Aspect Unity Red, determines synergy between aspect and the body and the mind, increases resistances and weapon damage. (Red Aspect information missing, recover modules to recover.)

So the higher the skill the more efficient it is, meanwhile the aspect unity helps increase synergy, resistance and weapon damage.

“I’m going to be fighting as well then.” Sera’s voice echoed off the walls, sounding like a siren's song but without the allure, only acceptance, she was used to it after all.

Sera brought up the last two options but only skimmed through the contents.

PID Interface


[Lacking information, will be updated upon outside reentry.]


Tools. [Expand] Weapons. [Expand] Armour. [Expand] [Data missing, acquire repair modules to gain more recipes.]

The map was the most important, but it was completely unusable until she escaped this place, that seemed more and more alien the longer she got familiar with her surroundings, it was an upgrade from the hospitable but not by much.

Sera paused as she looked over the recipes, right now she had nothing to build and only wanted answers, pushing away the recipe panel Sera reevaluated her surrounds.

She was in the corner of the room with the PID minimised, it looked like an abnormally smooth rock in her right hand, the room was now empty of the podiums and panels with only an upturned path in the middle of the room left behind.

Looking up she could see it was a dead end, but before Sera went back down she paused, “There was another panel wasn’t there?” Sera focused on the Water elevator panel.


Water Elevator Interface

[Weapon room]

[Prison room]

[Tablet Calibration room]

[Entrance room]

[Storage room]

It reappeared as if it were never missing, “This is convenient,” Her hands reached to try and grab the display to bring it closer, only for her hands to phase through it.

“Unless I was blind maybe?” Sera recognised two rooms on the list, Entrance and Tablet calib room, “There are more floors, first thing I should try is the storage room.”

Clicking on the panel the water in the elevator began moving her downwards until her movement stopped with the interface flashing.

User’s PID lacking necessary security requirements, repair your PID device to access high security rooms. Updating Water Elevator Interface.

“Again? How can the damage be this bad? It was just sitting on a pedestal for a while right?” Opening the Water Elevator interface again, Sera’s hopes at survival sunk at the sight.

Water Elevator Interface

[Weapon room Locked]

[Prison room]

[Tablet Calibration room]

[Entrance room]

[Storage room Locked]

“Storage and weapons were closed off… leaving only one more level left to find answers before I have to leave, or at least try to,” Sera thought of the imposing turret aimed at her head and the bloodstain that she awakened with.

She had enough of death recently, her own death reminding her of how easy it was to lose a life and in this world the dangers were obviously more pronounced.

Clicking on the only room available Sera heard a click above her, looking up for a moment before the water shot her upwards she squeaked as her body was pulled.

Bubbles loudly sounded in her ear as Sera’s surroundings had changed, before she was in the corner of the room, but now the water elevator was in the middle of it.

Pushing off the wall she began to examine the enchanting symbols with a renewed curiosity, all along the ground hundreds or even thousands of tiny symbols were all facing towards a large translucent surface.

“A window, but if this is the prisoner level… where’s the prisoner?” As Sera’s voice travelled around the room so did her eyes.

First scanning the ground Sera found nothing but the same black metal she had found in all the other levels, except for in a corner next to the window.

There she found a few yellow circular objects that she didn’t recognise until she saw a face on them, walking over and picking one up her thoughts were confirmed.

“A few gold coins… they don’t seem old, so what are they doing here?” Standing up from where she was crouching Sera was nearly shocked to death from the unexpected sight, dropping the coin back into the pile.

PID Interface

New material found ‘Gold’, recipes updated utilising this resource.

“A new resource… how did it know I found it?” She looked to her right hand still gripping the slate, sucking on her lips she shrugged her shoulders, more curious about the window.

They scanned the window but found a reflection staring back at her, with those familiar red eyes.

The first time seeing her new body in a mirror she saw her long hair gone and instead in a small ponytail, her figure was skinnier as well, but it fit the clothes she wore well.

The clothes all fit together like puzzle pieces, despite the black scaly outerior the inside of the outfit felt smooth and her shoes she noticed were less shoes and more like flippers.

Feeling satisfied with her new body, Sera stopped posing and continued scanning the room.

On the other side of the window the room seemed forgotten and was flooded, the tables, chairs and other pieces of furniture eroded and forming barnacles, it seemed almost derelict of life except for a few clear white ropes.

Thrown on top of the broken table they had clear signs of bite marks and a few blotches of blood.

That’s when Sera found her.

In the corner of the room, behind what looked like a slate bed was a pair of eyes jutting out from the stone.

The figure pushed off the stone and faced Sera, her body clothed in white and red.

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