《Divine Intrusion: The Demonic Repentance》Reunion.


I got stuck with the worst Human possible! Arum never shut his mouth! Something was always going in and was always going out too! How Humans did this twenty-four seven, it even hurts just to think about that.

“So you think, even with you being a Human, that you’ll be able to still use my powers?” I growled to Arum’s repeated question.

“For the last time: they aren’t your powers!” Arum snickered. “Anyways. Yes I do, I can still feel my power inside me and for the last three days now it's only gotten stronger; it’s almost like I didn’t get rid of all of it." I paused, "but of course I have to test whatever I have enough. So I need you to take me back to those woods were you spoke with Cassie at and be there in case I get in major trouble.” He saluted me.

“Sir yes sir!” The few times he did listen to me, he was still annoying. “Still, I think we should wait until night cause' that’s when Demons come out right?" I shrugged. "So you’ll have a good chance at catching Cassie and testing your powers! Two birds with one stone!” I sighed.

“What part of, I don’t want Cassie seeing me like this, didn’t you get the first billion times?” He scoffed.

“You don’t have to be so superficial Akuma.” I was this close to just ripping his head off, but his mother came into the room with a platter of ham sandwiches.

“Akuma, I didn’t know if you liked ham, but you seem to like anything I cook!” I smiled to her and nodded.

“You’re cooking is good, not sure how you cooked this one up, but everything else is pretty great.” Arum attempted to hit me, his mother just giggled.

“I wonder that sometimes too.” She said. Arum turned to her and began to push her towards the door.

“Thanks mom!” She quickly slapped his arm before he shut the door and locked it. I chuckled going over to eat her food. “I swear, even like this I’ll never be able to conquer the one enemy I was born with: my mother.” I chuckled.


“Yeah, and you never will be once I get my power back.” Arum wined picking up the other sandwich and sat on his bed. We sat and ate for a while, until Arum sat up with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"What is it now?" I said.

“Did we tell Cassie were or when to find us?” I didn’t hear him at first until I heard Cassie’s name and I nearly choked at the realization. Arum’s dumb must have rubbed off on me!

We went to the forest after the knowledge that Cassie’s efforts might have been in pure vain. I grumbled hating that I had to be reminded of something I should have been thinking about to begin with by some Human.

“You know you don’t have to sound so upset, I’m sure she’ll be here.” Arum wasn't reassuring.

“It’s been over half a month since we last spoke to her, I’m sure she’s been wondering where we were since then!” He chuckled.

“Actually, it’s been exactly two months.” I rolled my eyes to him.

“For you, Human, yes it has been." His mouth moved to speak, I cut him off before then. "Anyways, do you feel her yet? She might be concealing her presence.” He nods.

“I know the drill.” He paused then pointed west from us. “There!” We started up a run and soon found her being cornered by two demons, she had a light blue sword in her hand. Something I hadn’t seen before, it was…. Cool, to say the least. “You wanna try to help her?” I smirked.

“Of course, but I need you as a distraction." Arum was about to walk off, but I grabbed his shoulder before then. "Listen to me!” He stopped and turned to me like a service robot. “Get Cassie, take her back to your place, explain to her that you left something back here and then if those demons aren’t dead, kill them and then we leave. Okay?” He saluted me once again.

“Right!” I sighed a bit feeling barely any of my energy left, both from exhaustion of Arum and my own power. Whatever I did have in me was so little it wouldn’t even scratch a bug, but I had to try it out. “Go!” Arum went out first and shot out a blast of fire, making the Demons back away a bit. He ran and grabbed Cassie picking her up like a princess, and they were gone. I could finally calm down and stepped out from behind the tree. The fire cleared out and I stepped forward in its place. The demons waved the smoke away before looking to me


“Who’s this guy… he barely has any power! What a joke!” They can’t tell I’m a Human? I chuckled.

“I wouldn't think so highly of myself if I were you right now.” They looked to one another before running forward to attack me. I still slightly had my agility, it was slower than normal, but then again trying to do anything with a Human’s body was nearly impossible. I hit one in their stomach causing him to spit blood, I still had a bit of my strength though. The other one tried to hit me from my back, I took his hit wondering how weak this body was. It wasn’t bad, but it still hurt more than usual.

“How’s that?” I heard him say.

"Not too sure why you're proud of that!" I chuckled working through the pain and turned into a roundhouse kick, knocking him into a tree luckily knocking him out. The one I had punched grabbed my arm and singed the skin there. I sucked my teeth at the burning pain. “That hurt asshole.” I countered his hit and punched him down into the ground. I sighed and looked at my knuckles, they were bleeding and stung as the cool night air walked over them. I shook the pain away and turned around, there Arum appeared.

“Woah, so yu do have your powers?"

"Not exactly." I said rubbing my side. "Is she’s back at your place?” Arum nods.

“Yep. She’s really cute by the way! She looked way different; like before she was like sexy office secretary, now she’s like shy teen gets fu-” Before he could move his lips to finish that sentence, I shoved a broken tree branch at him, he screamed. “There was a spider web on that!” He shook his clothes off while he itched the rest of his body paranoid of the harmless home.

“Next time you compare her to that stuff you watch at night, I suggest you rethink what comes out of that disposal of yours.” His cheeks turned pink hearing my words. “Just take us back already.” He grumbled being forced to comply.


We got back to his house. I was still a little bit reluctant to even see Cassie at the moment, but it seemed what I thought didn’t matter.

“A-akuma?” Cassie’s sweet voice grazed my ears. I was overjoyed to hear it again, it felt longer than it actually was. I smiled at her as she approached me, I chuckled.

“Hey.” Her eyes watered as she stared at me.

“Y-you’re really okay?” Her voice was cracking, but she continued to slowly approach me. Once more, I chuckled.

“Arum told you I wasn’t dead, just a Human… though it's kind of the same isn’t it?” She choked back tears. That's when I realized she was wearing the jacket I forced on her back then. She did truly look beautiful even in that. Something about being a Human made it harder to resist my own emotions.

“I-I know b-but I didn’t know if I could believe him, I mean-” She rubbed the tears away from the side of her nose, but more tears replaced those. “I just really am happy to see that you’re okay!” More tears fell from her eyes, I smiled at her strong show of emotions and couldn't hold back anymore. I went and embraced her, she sobbed into my chest and I rubbed her back, I pulled back and lifted her chin as she continued to cry.

“You really don’t have to cry over me. I’ve only been gone for a little while Cassie.” I chuckled feeling her breath ghost over my lips. “I hope I didn’t make you too lonely while I was gone.” Our lips met with those words as the last. I really did miss Cassie, this feeling was even stronger as a Human, but at least relief finally washed over me.

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