《Divine Intrusion: The Demonic Repentance》A falling Start


It was days like this that I always wondered what days off were like. Like the ones in school where teachers don’t have to show up or students were given the day off thanks to the teachers? It wasn’t like they would lose anything real important. Me, on the other hand, if I spend one second in a ‘day off’ I’d be sucking it for days. Being a Demon wasn’t on my job description, but it was on my birth certificate. I was simply born this way, but it’s not that I don’t like doing what I’m best at; though I would appreciate it if I could at least get some dinner without having to hook, line and sink it just to guarantee it.

Like now, I watch as the Human before me holds a shimmering kitchen knife in the palms of his hands, I could see his soul, it was wavering as if he was certain he didn’t want to do this, but my work had paid off as he was more on the side of giving up. He had fallen for my ritual, located somehow by this world’s ‘expert’ Demon scholars, aka the internet. He followed it down to the colors he had to wear and was now crouched in certainty and fear of the unknown.

“S-so all I have to do is give a little blood…? Sounds easy enough.” He moved the sharp side of the blade to his hand, before he knew it, his hand trickled blood. It started to bead on the blade before dripping like a leaky faucet to the Earth. I could tell by how easily it was absorbed that it was gonna be good tonight! Then he suddenly stopped.

“What?” I covered my mouth hoping he hadn't heard me. I was shocked, but not enough to be blinded by it, no what blinded me was the great pure light overcasting the shadow of the night. When it went back to normal I saw an Angel, I knew this one, though I wish I didn’t. His name was Ren, me and him had more history than the universe itself. Seeing him made me want to go out and kill him right away, but I remained in wait wanting to see what he’d to do next. Ren floated down the man, he stood on the ground in front of him, the knife was still in his possession as he looked to Ren with a dumb expression on his face. Ren seemed regal, almost holy, in his pleated whites and neat catholic boy hair, he started talking.


“You don’t wanna do that Sir!” His loud voice startled the man as he jumped in surprise.


“Why do you look so surprised? You’ve seen a Demon before so what’s the difference?” He stopped himself. “Don’t answer that, but I'm trying to save you from a terribly grave mistake!” The man stared with no real intention to speak, that only made Ren irritated by the look on his face. “Well, how about if I call your mistake stupid, then-”

“I know... what you’re saying: I’m making a mistake," He mocked. "I know that!”

“Then why do you still have that knife in your hand? Let it go!” Ren went on to speak about various things, mentioning the fact of being alive and how great it was just to live your best life, something of that regurgitating nature. As it stood, I was ready to go out and stop their pointless argument. No matter what Ren said, nothing was going to change this greed fused Human’s mind and he knew that men were harder to turn once they were bent on their means. I was about to go out, but how could I have when my eyes were cloaked, once more, in a white light.

“Who is it this time?” I said softer than last time as the light faded and Ren was no longer standing. Instead I found him on the ground with… a girl on his backside? I wanted to laugh seeing them. Whoever she was, she had fallen on Ren’s back making her grand entrance a train wreck.

“Cassie!” Ren spoke moving her off of him. “What are you doing here? I told you just to wait until I called you if I needed help!” He yelled to her. The one I assumed was Cassie, sat up and got to her feet before helping Ren to his.

“I wanted to h-help, you were taking a long time and I… I got worried.” Ren sighed.

“Well thanks for worrying, but I’m fine!” Ren stared for a moment. “Since you're here, why not try something on this dude. I’ve tried everything and nothing is working!” Cassie looked over to the man, I did as well seeing him and, perhaps it was just my gut, but it seemed as though I wouldn’t be getting my dinner like I planned. His eyes were glossed over, nearly like he had seen an Ange- never mind. He stared at Cassie while she stared back, she regained herself and spoke.


“Alright, um, Sir? I think what you’re doing is wrong! Giving your soul to a Demon isn’t the way out of your problems!” He blinked, his mouth moved to form words, then they did.

“Y-you’re right…” Ren looked to the man.

“Huh? I am?” The man got to his feet at her confusion.

“I’m serious, you are right!” Ren was shocked as well.

“How did you-”

“I see it now. This… this isn’t the answer!” He tossed the knife down, it stuck in the ground like a flower blooming. “All this for some woman? I know my life is worth something now, much more than her!” Cassie’s mouth turned up into a smile.

“Wow, well I’m glad you see the error of your ways. You need to live your life to the fullest!” The man nodded, he had started walking toward the pair, more toward Cassie actually. Outside of killing her, I figured there was nothing I could do about the enticement she brought the man.

“Looks like you’ve fulfilled your purpose.” The trio turned to me, I stepped out from behind the bushes. Upon meeting my eyes, Ren stood in front of Cassie defensively.

“Akuma!” I felt my mouth turn up into something devious.

“Yo, long time, still see huh?” Ren’s mouth turned ugly as he spoke to Cassie behind him.

“We need to leave, now. We saved him so we did our job.” Cassie seemed worried as her eyes panned from Ren to me, I paid no mind, so I focused back on Ren.

“Mind telling me why you thought it appropriate to come down for this guy’s salvation when he was already six feet under?”

“Of course! We save Humans from evil like you!” Cassie seemed shocked.

“Really now?” I began “So you just thought it was right to wait until the man was almost mine to come down and save the day?” Ren’s mouth turned up into a grin.

“Of course! We were taught that it angers Demons, looks like they're not wrong.”

“Angry? No, no… Hungry? Maybe hangry is a better word, but yeah just a bit.” Ren remained in front of Cassie with no intention of moving towards me. “But you know, I’m the bigger man here and it seems like you don’t want to try and be the little one right now.”

“I have no reason to fight you and put Cassie in danger!”

“Ren… Did we really take his food?” She tried to whisper to him.

“Now is not the time Cassie!” Ren spoke back to her, I chuckled, Ren’s eyes rolled. “Whatever, we saved him so let’s just ignore him and get out of here!” Cassie had no time to react in the manner of which her face told she wanted to do something else. Before I knew it they were gone along with the white light. I sighed, the man was still there staring.

“I would suggest you take a hike before I try to take your soul again, next time you won’t be so lucky.” He panicked a bit before stumbling around to get to his feet, he ran off screaming something about never trusting the internet again. I sighed once more and looked to the discarded knife, picking it up some of his blood was still on it, I touched it before sending it to my place in Hell. I sat on the ground and let out yet another sigh.“Damn it!” Came empty handed, left with a new weapon and still no food, it was a great night for Demons.

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