《Elswynd》Chapter 5
I put the fire out and sat down to start meditating. As I began meditating I could feel the mana inside of me flow through my body. It was a warm sensation if there was a thing such as Chi in my former world and I had felt it while meditating it would have probably felt like this. After a while, I could start to feel the mana in the air flowing around. My senses became sharper as I began focusing on the outer mana that wasn’t mine. I could feel its warmth as I tried to gather the mana in the air around me.
It was very difficult and took a lot of concentration but I was able to surround myself with the outer mana and the next thing I felt could only be described as reaching a state of enlightenment. The sound of the nearby river made this state feel even more mystical. As I continued on with my meditation the Roc came up to me and rested its forehead on my left arm.
I could feel something transferring into my body and felt a slight bit of pain, soon the Roc stopped and flew away from the cave. I lost all sense of time as the feeling of enlightenment became stronger, growing inside of me. I kept focusing on trying to keep the mana around me and gather even more mana. The pebbles and other small rocks inside the small cave began to levitate slightly as I could hear the distant sounds of birds chirping and the trees humming in the wind, it was as if nature was singing a song for me.
The nature’s mana around me became stronger. It was becoming harder to concentrate on the mana that was now flowing outside became stronger and stronger, but I had to keep going. In all my years of meditation not once had I felt this kind of peace so I didn’t want to lose it.
I didn’t feel tired or hungry even as the sun came down and the birds were no longer chirping, the wind had also calmed down to a slight breeze which could barely be felt. I started to hear the far-off sounds of what I thought was the howling of wolves. Soon enough a small green fox-like creature entered the cave I was in when it saw me it raised its ears and slowly started to approach me as if it was overcome by curiousness.
The fox looked at me with its blue eyes as it almost instantly let its guard down. After a while, the fox fell asleep against my leg and soon after a few “fox” cubs which were very small probably around one year old entered the cave, and then they too came to me and fell asleep next to their mother.
I could feel the foxes mana presence near me and it made my connection to mana around me even stronger. Over the next five days of meditation, I had no need for food or sleep and was simply meditating all the time while sometimes giving khodra meat to the “fox” family as their presence greatly helped with meditating even then I did not cease my meditation. I only instinctively let some of the khodras meat drop out of my inventory each time the “foxes” came.
The meditation had completely calmed my mind I was now one with nature. But then on the 6th days morning, I felt a new mana presence outside the cave.
It was a monstrous presence and near it were the I could feel the presences of the “fox” its two cubs outside the cave. At that moment my enlightenment state vanished.
Title Enlightenment I acquired
Given to those who have reached the first stage of enlightenment.
+500 mana +200 stamina +10 focus +4 wisdom +4 intelligence +2 attunement.
Now able to use mana gathered through meditation.
I stood up and came out from the cave. I directed all my gained exp to druid as I prepared for a very likely battle. In the clearing, there was the “fox” mother and her cubs the mother seemed wounded. In front of her, there was a lion-like creature, its fur was engulfed in flames and it had 2 big red fangs.
Brim fire Gylon
Level 32
Info: A rare Gylon that is engulfed in fire and can manipulate and create flames.
Gylons are known for their fangs that can pierce even the hardest of metals and their claws that can rip apart its prey.
A brim fire Gylon’s fangs and claws are great conductors for flame and the Gylon can use its fangs to absorb any flame and use those flames to strengthen its own flame fur which protects it from almost all physical attack as it easily melts all projectiles and swords that come in contact with it.
Strongest stat strength 38. Attribute Fire
The Gylon was a bit bigger than an adult male lion though much scarier. I shot a lightning strike in front of it as it charged to attack the “foxes”
“Hey, I'm your opponent!” I yelled I wanted to test my new found powers and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let it kill those “foxes” that had helped me with meditation.
Its crimson eyes were now fixated on me it started rushing towards me at a great speed. "I have to defeat or I'll never become stronger"
As I launched myself into the air with earth surge it saw me in the air and spat out a big fireball out of its mouth towards me. I used the massive amount of nature that I had acquired from my meditation session and created a great amount of water flooding the area and extinguishing the fireball. Meanwhile, the fox took its cubs and jumped on top of a grassy hill with great agility. The gylon wasn’t really phased by the water as it did very minimal damage to it. With the area now flooded as I was about to land I again cast earth surge to launch me high in the air this time casting chain lightning at the Gylon.
The Gylon barely dodged the lightning but It didn’t need to hit him as now it hit the water that had flooded the area. The water conducted the lightning as planned and electrified the Gylon. It seemed to be in great pain as it let out a roar while spitting fire everywhere. Just as the flames that the gylon spit was about to hit me, I was still mid-air falling towards the ground I then used Air twist to dodge the flames and cast lightning strike at the gylon, this time directly hitting it.
Just for a moment, it seemed paralyzed, But when I landed on the ground it used flames to boost its speed and instantly ran up to me and smashed me with its claws making me fly at least 90 foot away from it hitting my back against a bluish rock in the flooded area. A great pain jolted through my body. I most likely broke some bones but thanks to the Protective bandage cloth the damage had been greatly reduced. Still, it hurt like hell.
It again rushed towards me boosting itself with flames and engulfing everything it could around it, as the gyllon charged towards me the flames seemed to evaporate the water around the gyllon making a path for it. This time I was prepared and jumped as high as I could while using Air twist and imbuing my tanto with lightning to hit the gyllon. I hit the gylon many times in its head and neck area making the gyllon roar from pain as it halted its movement trying to figure out what just happened. I landed behind the gyllon on the now almost completely dry land. That exchange of blows let both of us with severe bleeding. The gylon was now heavily breathing and so was I.
I backed up from it by propelling myself away with earth surge. There was now a hefty amount of distance between us. As my eyes met with the gyllons eyes I could see respect in its eyes and behavior. I nodded to it expressing my respect. This was a respect shared between enemies we both acknowledged each other as we knew that the next strike was going to decide this battle.
The gylon let out a mighty roar. (roar)
“OOOORAH!” I yelled back at it as we began charging towards each other.
The gyllon seemed to create even stronger flames than before while it was rushing towards me. As we got closer I put away my tanto and this time imbuing my prosthetic arm with chain lightning and preparing to launch a tiger palm strike at it with all my might. It took a hefty 500 mana to imbue my arm with the chain lightning. The gylon redirected all of its flames to its fangs as they made contact with my palm.
‘Cracking noises*
We flew against each other my palm went through the gylons fangs and they shattered into many fiery pieces, most parts of its fangs still had a hellishly hot flame in them as they hit my bare right arm. I went through the Gylons body as it exploded with the chain lightnings power. There was blood everywhere my face was covered in its blood and my arms were filled with its shattered fang pieces.
-Fuuuuuuuuck IT BURRRNS! I yelled as I dove into the river.
Flashes of memories begin to occur as I writhe in the water out of agony. Images of my friends and civilians burning flash before my eyes. I got out of the water as the burning had eased, gasping for air I laid next to the river bed. As I faced the sky looking at my rigorously shaking hands I began to calm down and slowly stood up, while still feeling the burning on my hand.
Exp gained 3750
Druid level 8 4333/4800xp
Stat points gained Intelligence + 3 Wisdom +4
New spells available
While still in pain I used earth surge to launch myself to the hill the “foxes” were at I began healing the mother fox that had a claw wound on her side. After that I began healing my bones and burns, the pain was excruciating it was as if my hands were still on fire. Meanwhile, the “Foxes” just sat there and looked at me healing myself. Suddenly I could hear a voice in my head.
“Thank you young one for saving us.” I looked at the mother fox with my eyes widened as she glared at me while smiling and bowing.
“Was that you?!”
The voice then said. “Yes im communicating with you through telepathy.”
I used Inspect on the “fox” mother and her children
Singa Kitsune
level 27
Info:A mythical fox creature that is lightning fast and can use air magic.
A kitsune is a very intelligent creature their lifespan can be as long as 300 years.
In myths kitsunes are said to be able to speak with any creature in any language via telepathy or verbally.
Strongest stats Agility and Perception 31. Attribute Wind. Hakutori Kitsune
level 7
Info: A mythical fox creature that protects nature.
A kitsune is a very intelligent creature their lifespan can be as long as 300 years.
In myths, kitsunes are said to be able to speak with any creature in any language via telepathy or verbally..
Strongest stats Agility and Wisdom 15. Attribute Nature. Rusalka Kitsune
level 4
Info: A mythical fox creature that can use water magic
A kitsune is a very intelligent creature their lifespan can be as long as 300 years.
In myths, kitsunes are said to be able to speak with any creature in any language via telepathy or verbally..
Strongest stats Intelligence and Focus 13. Attribute Water.
What…. mythical creatures!? I thought as the Mother Kitsune continued its telepathy.
“As you have helped us in many ways in the past 6 days and even saved our lives. We would like to show our appreciation by becoming your familiars.”
The Hakutori Kitsune looked at me shyly as all of this was happening, hiding behind her mother.
“Please mister let us join your side.” Said the Rusalka Kitsune looking at me with its glistening eyes.
“W-what become my familiars?”
“Yes your familiars,” said the mother kitsune.
“I'm afraid I don’t know what a familiar is"
“Well then let me explain sir…”
“Leon and you don’t have to call me sir”
“As you wish Leon now familiars are beings/creatures that have made a bond with someone they deem to be qualified as their master. Having a familiar allows you to use the familiar special ability in our case the ability to understand and speak all languages.”
“Most familiars can also aid their master in combat and other things like for example detecting illusions. Once the familiar contract has been made the master can summon their familiars using mana. After the contract the creature that you made the contact with transfers to space made for living using the master’s mana or in some rare cases stamina.”
“The familiar contract can only be undone if both parties wish for it. Making a familiar contact does not grant you full control with your familiar as their own free will still exist.”
“Hmm making a contract with these kitsunes is tempting as I wouldn’t need to learn new languages and the mother fox seems to be wise so she will probably be of use to me.”
“So how much mana does this contract cost”
“For us Kitsunes the mana cost is 800 each but as these are my children the mana cost doesn’t increase. So contracting us is an 800 mana reduction from your current mana capacity.”
800 mana wow that’s a lot but seeing that my wisdom is now over 40 (Current Wisdom 41) each 1 new point in wisdom seems to give 150 more mana capacity now. But I think it is a reasonable price to pay for creatures that grant me the ability to speak and understand all languages, also I sure as hell don’t mind the company.
-So…..What in this for you and why me?
“The upsides for us would be that this contract creates a space for us to live in where we cannot be damaged and we can partially feed of the mana space creates, while you still need to occasionally feed us. If you don't we will go into a weakened state.
The reason I would want you as my master is that you seem to be a druid from what I can tell, and also you treated us well on top of saving our lives.”
“Us kitsune have it difficult surviving here as at low levels we are quite vulnerable and having a master who can protect us helps a lot.
We stay in this forest as many humans and other creatures hunt us.”
“Ok that seems fair, but why are you hunted?” The mother kitsune slightly hesitated before it again said with telepathy
“As mythical creatures, many monsters can gain huge amounts of xp by killing and eating us humans and other races want to use for our fur and want the title that they would receive by killing us.”
“Oh so monsters also receive xp”
“Of course they do? every living being can acquire xp one way or another. The kitsune said with a slightly puzzled look.”
“Also you can choose to strengthen us by giving us the experience you gain or just have us fight for you as that way the xp is split amongst us .”
“I’l explain why I’m a bit uneducated about this kind of stuff to you later but how do we make this contract?”
“I will show you, but I must make sure are you willing to go through this contract”
Unhesitantly I said, “Yes I’m willing.”
The mother kitsune began walking toward me and told me to sit down as it pressed her forehead against mine.
Spell learned
Familiar contract
Mana cost depends on contracted creature.
“Wow what did you do?”
“I just gave you the information needed for the spell."
"Now then let’s start the ritual.” The mother said as she and her cubs gathered around me.
The cubs looked adorable as they shyly walked to me staying close to their mother on of them was on the left of her and the other was on the right. The mother was around the size of a wolf but its fur was green and its eyes were as blue as the sky.
The cubs both also had green fur. The hakutori kitsune had doughy green eyes and the rusalka had ocean blue eyes probably reflecting their magic attributes.
As the information of the ritual had been passed to me I knew what to do.
I cut the tip of my finger open with my tanto and pressed my bloody finger against each of their foreheads, the cubs and the mother all gave me a warm smile to me as I did this. Then lastly I pressed the bloody fingertip on my own forehead symbolizing the connection between us that was about to form. I began pouring my mana towards the mother kitsune as she received it happily as it looked at its cubs patting them on their head with her paws.
Mana now maximum now 1950/1950 (Previous maximum 2750)
Familiar spell ritual complete 3 new familiars received.
Familiar space created.
Title Kitsune’s master acquired
Title owners speech can now be understood by all races of people and animals.
The owner's speech will be turned in to any language the user wishes it will be turned in to.
The owner of this title is able to understand all languages and hear them as his language of choice.
The owner can choose in which races or creatures language his speech will be translated to.
(Does not grant the ability to understand ancient/runic languages)
I patted the cubs on their heads as they were looking at me with their doughy eyes seemingly pleased with their current situation.
After a while of patting them, I said: “Okay then I will be transferring you two to the space created for you as I have things to discuss with your mother.”
The cubs looked at their mother as she nodded to them.
(Rusalka)-Okay then mister!
I then explained my situation to the mother kitsune and talked about some other stuff. I learned that one of the cubs the Hakutori Kitsune couldn’t actually use her ability to talk to animals and people, she could only understand the languages she heard ect.
“Hmm so the demons summoned people from your world to use as their pawns for the war soon to come.” The kitsune said before continuing
“I believe your story Leon, as I did think that I sensed that there was something weird about you, but to be personally saved by the goddess of nature is really something.”
“Yeah I know and she didn’t even ask for anything in return.”
“Hm she probably expects something from you, but it isn’t totally unheard of that she would save someone’s soul but to save a human’s soul from another world... As for your dog, I’m sorry but I have no idea where he could be.”
“Yeah….I thought as much” I said while sighing heavily."
“What about elves can you tell me something about them as I met one.”
“Elves are a rare race that mostly lives in Isolation with their own kind so I do not know much about them.”
“They worship the goddess of nature and most of their people with battle classes are Druid’s, Mage’s, Thieves, Archer’s ect they do tend to now fight with heavy weapons or heavy armor.
Some Druid elves that are servants of the nature goddess tend to wander around nature not all of them are devoted nature goddess servants. Seeing one is extremely rare as they tend to never show themselves to people much less give their blood.
"It is likely that the elf who saved you has something to do with the goddess of nature but it could be just a VERY rare case of a druid saving a human.”
I nodded and after a short pause asked.
“That druid was able to easily kill a demon is that normal?”
“Yes killing a demon is “normal” for a powerful person especially for a wandering elf that most likely has an advanced druid class.”
“So the way I currently do you think I could win against a lower demon?”
“I'm sorry, but no that is highly unlikely. A lower demon can easily be 3 times more powerful than the brim fire gylon you slew even if it is only around level 40. And from what I understand from your story is that that lower demon was probably around level 50 and near of becoming a full-fledged Demon.”
“Yea……..there is no way I could have become stronger than that demon in such a short time," I said slightly depressed.
“Now now Leon the fact that you were able to reach the first stage of enlightenment in only 6 days in a great achievement." The kitsune said as she looked at me with her warm smile.”
“Oh is it now,” I asked as my mood had gotten a bit better after hearing that.
“To achieve the first stage of enlightenment one usually needs to meditate at least 3 weeks in an enlightenment meditation state and reaching that state can take a long time."
We then continued to talk about all sorts of things, but that ended soon as I remembered
“Oh yea I have new spells available”
(Each class level after level 3 gives 2 spell points/ability points)
So I opened the new spell list and chose the following spells.
Storm push (Cost 1 spell point) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Sends a wave of electrified wind at target/targets and sends them, flying backward Mana cost 100 (Can be imbued)
Requirements Druid level 5, Wisdom 20, Intelligence 20 and attunement 4. Brimfire flare (Cost 3 spell points) (Unique)
Info:Shoots a hellishly hot flame missile that explodes dealing fire damage on a large area. Mana cost 600. (Attunement 10 required for imbuing)
Requirements Druid level 8, Defeated 1/1 level 30 or higher enemy with a fire attribute. Intelligence 30 Wisdom 30 Focus 30 attunement 8 Control water (Cost 1 spell point) (Passive) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Now able to control water created with Create Water spell.
Requirements Druid level 6 Wisdom 25 Intelligence 25 Focus 30 attunement 6 , Create water spell Elemental ward (Cost 1 spell point) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Creates a ward around a target that grants mediocre resistance against all elemental magic damage.
Requirements Druid level 3 Wisdom 20 Intelligence 10 attunement 4 Entangle (cost 1 spell points) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Target gets immobilized by roots and vines that shoot out of the ground. Requirements Druid level 3 Wisdom 15 intelligence 15 attunement 2 Agility boost (cost 1 spell points) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Boost targets agility by 10.
Mana cost 300 duration 4 min.
Requirements Druid level 6 wisdom 25 intelligence 20 attunement 6 Natures embrace (cost 1 spell point) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Cures status effects like momentary hearing/sight loss and grants a 30-second buff that restores stamina and mana 5/sec.
Requirements Druid level 4 wisdom 20 intelligence 20 attunement 4 Cure (cost 1 spell point) (Druid spell tree)
Info: Cure is used for curing status effects like poisoning or different diseases.
Mana cost depends on the status effect target is afflicted by.
Requirements Druid level 5 Wisdom 30 Intelligence 30 focus 20 attunement 4
Most of the available druid spells were either support spells or healing orientated spells as such there were not too many offensive spells I could choose from. One of the few offensive spells available was a fireball spell but since I could get the unique spell Brimfire flare available I decided I wouldn’t need it. Okay, you can now go back to your cubs I have something to do for now.
“As you wish Leon.”
And then she transferred to the familiar space.
I then began dissecting what was left of the Gylon
I acquired the Gylons bones, meat and its fur pelt that was in a rather good condition even though we fought so hard.
The bones and fur seemed to be great materials only if I could find someone who could make me a cape out of the fur as then that fur cloak would probably have a full fire resistance.
I put all the items in my inventory and summoned the mother kitsune.
“Do you know a way out of this forest that would lead to a village or someplace with population?”
“Yes I do know a village that is nearby it will only take us about 5 hours of walking”.
“So what kind of village is it?”
“It is a village mostly inhabited by Rabbit people and other races. According to my knowledge, there probably aren’t any humans there.”
“All right then let’s go!”
As Leon and the Kitsune start walking towards their destination with the Kitsune leading Leon on a deep voice whispers to the Kitsune. " How is he? "
"He is in good condition and just reached the first state of enlightenment also he was able to kill the Gyllon... should I take care of him now"
"No, like we saw with the Demon situation it seems that the elves are keeping an eye on him so it would be too risky, at least in the forest. For now, just make him completely trust you until I've figured out something"
"Whatever you say old man" The kitsune let out a devilish grin
And so the mother kitsune began leading me through the lush forest.
The sun was shining and it was as if all nature was alive at this moment, the birds were chirping and the warm wind was calmly shaking the branches of the trees all around us. I could see many different animals running around us in pure bliss as they chased each other, playing in the grass and bushes like there was no care in the world. For some reason, there was no sign of khodra’s or goblins or for that matter any hostile creatures after 2 hours of walking.
I asked the Kitsune. "How come we haven’t seen any monsters?"
"Most low-level creatures won't show up near us kitsune’s as they fear our aura."
"Umm, I can’t sense any “presence” from you?"
"That is because we mythical creatures can create an aura that mostly scares away creatures with way lower level monsters that would otherwise be hostile against us at the moment most monsters under level 15 will avoid me but that isn’t always the case."
"This aura cannot be sensed by people in most cases."
"Ohhh alright."
Just as we had ended our conversation a rough wooden spear flew in front of the Kitsune sinking itself on the grassy ground. And after that 3 figures emerged from behind the tree in front of us.
"2 level 13 goblins and a lvl 17 goblin I said after I had immediately Identified them."
"Well this is rare," said the kitsune while chuckling.
As I drew out my tanto from its sheath I asked: "Excuse me?"
"Around here it’s rather uncommon to come across grade 2 goblins."
"Huh... don’t worry I’l kill them," I said as I adjusted all my gained exp towards my personal level.
The 2 level 13 goblins were wielding pikes and the level 17 goblin was wielding two daggers and wearing chainmail and had a devilish smile on its face with drool dripping from its mouth as it looked at the kitsune like if they were a delicious dish.
"Leon there is no need for that I would like to show you that I am capable of holding my own against a few insignificant goblins."
I hesitated but I sheathed my tanto and said. "Fine show me what you can do."
The Kitsune gave me a slight smile as it bolted towards the goblins with the fallen leaves on the ground being sent flying everywhere from where it had stood just a moment ago. One of them tried hitting her with a pike made out of iron but the kitsune dodged it whilst she was mid-air using air magic simultaneously to cut the goblins head off with what could be described as an air slash type of spell.
Xp gained 150 (due to xp share)
After that, the higher level goblin spun at the kitsune while slicing all around with its daggers. It definitely was an ability of some sort. But the kitsune responded with a flurry of air slashes nullifying its attack. Then the goblin with the pike tried to charge at her whilst the dagger-wielding goblin attacked, taking a saber hold of its daggers. With ease, the kitsune jumped out of the way using air magic.
The pike-wielding goblin halted as it had almost pierced its comrade with his pike which was now almost touching the other goblins green chest. While they were still stunned of what had happened the kitsune finished the pike-wielding goblin by biting its neck as its fangs seemed to be infused with air magic.
Xp gained 150 (due to xp share)
Now the only opponent left was the dagger-wielding goblin. It let our a furious war cry as it once again activated its ability and started slashing towards the kitsune now with even more malice. As the kitsune dodged the blows one hit from the daggers grazed its fur and a slight wound was inflicted. But right after this, the kitsune ended the goblin with a counterattack of her own by slashing the goblins head off with air magic.
Xp gained 200 (due to xp share)
"Wow you really do move gracefully."
I said as I began healing the Kitsunes who had immediately returned to my side.
"Thank you Leon I am most welcome by your praise."
After healing her I went and picked up the daggers and pikes, inspected them and put them in my inventory.
Inspect now level 6.
We decided to take a small break from walking and I summoned the kitsune cubs to eat some of the khodra meat which I still had left in my inventory.
(Rusalka)-Mmm so good!
They happily ate the meat I prepared for them.
"Ohh I almost forgot to ask do you all have names?"
"No Leon me and my children do not have names but if you would like to as our master you can name us."
The mother kitsune said with a happy face as the cub's eyes light up as they expected my answer.
After a while of thinking, I decided on the names
"Your name will be Ara. I said to the rusalka kitsune as I patted his head"
"Okay!" Said Ara while looking at me with his blue eyes.
"Your name will be Ivy." I said to the hakutori kitsune as I patted her head
Both of them seemed to be pleased with their new names as they looked at me happily with their doughy eyes.
"Then for the mother mothers name.."
"Are you fine with the name Alizeh?"
I asked her.
"Yes I think that is a quite beautiful name." She said with a gentle smile on her face.
After a while, Ara broke the silence "Can we call you dad now?"
Ara and Ivy were excitedly looking at me waiting for an answer. I obviously wasn’t really prepared for that so I was quite taken back by their words. I looked at Alizeh signaling for help but she just chuckled.
"Well don’t you have a real dad?"
Alizeh now stopped laughing and spoke only to me with telepathy now as she said.
-My husband....died before Ivy and Ara were born so they really never had a father. Only have they heard about him from me and other animals that had fathers..so if it’s not too much to ask could you please let them treat you as their father at least for a while?
I thought for a while. I could try to act as their father for now as they are my familiars.
So I said to Ivy and Ara "Yes of course."
With a warm smile on my face as the cubs ran up to me from their mother's side and jumped on my lap to nuzzle me and so time passed as we played and laughed to our heart's content.
"I'm gonna catch ya!!" I yelled to Ivy, as I playfully chased her the leaves were sent flying all over the place meanwhile Alizeh and Ara were playing together under a big tree with some bunny-like creatures that had green fluffy ears and brown fur.
"Eek!" Ivy let out a squeak as I caught her and rolled over continuing to tickle her fluffy fur.
Ivy seemed to get very well along with me even though she was very shy towards the other animals. She wasn’t as shy towards me and seemed to enjoy my presence. She clearly had it harder than her brother who could speak to the other animals and was probably way more liked by them for that reason.
Ara, on the other hand, was very outgoing and quickly got along with the bunnies and they played to their heart’s content. Soon after playing Ivy got tired and as I sat and let her rest on my lap the others continued playing. I petted Ivy that made an adorable face as she laid there on my lap. I was still slightly on guard if troubles were to arise for example another goblin attack or something like that.
The Cubs eventually fell asleep and I returned them to the familiar space to sleep, meanwhile, I and Alizeh continued our journey towards the village.
I asked Alizeh -While you were fighting against the goblins I noticed that you weren’t chanting any spells? Does this mean you can use chantless magic like me
"Well yes and no. I wasn’t casting any spells I was simply manipulating the magic to create wind magic with my mind."
"You can use magic without spell chanting? so do you have a passive spell that lets you manipulate magic or something?"
"No. You yourself did this after your meditation with the natures mana by creating water."
"Yeah but that was after I acquired that, “enlightenment state I” title and I thought otherwise magic could only be used via spell chants?"
"Oh I almost forgot that you were from another world." Said the fox as it gave a mischievous smile.
"So the primary way to use magic is spell chanting. Spells can be acquired via classes etc but one can also use mana to create different magic without the need for a spell chant or a “spell”. Manipulating your mana to create magic like wind blades usually takes a more mana then using spells that would have a similar outcome but manipulating mana gives one almost total control of mana making possible all sorts of different attacks etc. Although at a higher cost of mana. What the kind of mana manipulation results you can get depend on what type of spells your class or school of magic allows you to use. For example, you who are a druid can manipulate mana to create storm, earth, water, fire and nature magic."
"The higher your attunement is the easier it is to manipulate mana and create magic, also as you mana manipulation skill gets higher you will be able to create better magic and at some point even create your own spells."
"So how am I supposed to create for example a small flame by manipulating magic?"
"Magic that is simple like that doesn’t require much focus or attunement so you should be able to do it easily by concentrating on your mana and then trying to direct that mana to for example on top of your fingertip.
And then trying to imagine a flame and the sensation of warmth."
"Okay I’l try it!" I said enthusiastically.
I focused on directing the mana on my fingertip and imagining a small flame appearing. Thinking about the warmth a fire that size would create. And the flame did appear after around 5 minutes.
Skill Mana manipulation lvl 1 acquired
"Hell yea!"
"Congratulations Leon you seem to be natural I was afraid of having to give you longer instructions."
After that we continued our walk through the seemingly endless forest as we finally came across a road we could walk on. Meanwhile, I still didn’t have shoes so I had to occasionally heal my feet.
"I really need shoes…" I mumbled to myself
"Hey Leon now that you mentioned it the fact that you do look like some savage hermit druid."
I took a look at myself. I was still wearing my bloodied bandage cloth, torn druid robes, gloves and a headband while I had a tanto strapped on my side and a walking stick on my hand.
-Well, I guess I do look like some crazy hermit. I said while laughing with the fox.
That being said as I had my prosthetic forearm I began to wonder if something like that was “normal” around here and if anyone even knew what a prosthetic was so I asked Alizeh if she had seen any people with forearms or other parts of their body that are like my forearm (aka prosthetic). But she said that she hasn’t seen many people before me so she didn’t know if prosthetics existed here. Tho she did say that there were golems in this world that are made of iron steel etc and move by consuming mana or via some magic spell. So with that in mind, I think there is a chance that some sort of prosthetics could have been invented in this world.
As we kept walking on the road we walked over a small hill and saw the landscape more clearly. There was a huge canyon mountain range up ahead, it was so massive that it reminded me of the grand canyon. Except in the canyon, there were huge forests with big trees with clearings in between different forest areas. Near the canyons edge in the distance there was a small village with what looked like about sixty houses.
The forest and the road kept going all the way to the village before there was a visible clearing around the settlement. Probably cut down long ago for a better view of possible attack or movement in the road. A small wooden wall could be seen around the village. Most of the view was flat ground with forest but of course, then there was that huge canyon behind the village.
We continued moving on the almost straight sand road towards the village when suddenly we were about halfway there we saw what looked like a carriage under attack. I had Alizeh go back to the familiar space as I used agility boost and earth surge to reach the site of conflict. As I closed In on the carriage I could see that there was an old man on the carriage and 3 humans in front of him. The 3 men were wearing cloth armor and all of them had long swords.
Two of them had brown hair and one of them had long blonde hair. As I was still mid-air from the boost earth surge gave me I used Air twist while imbuing my tanto with lightning as I flew past them killing one of them with multiple strikes cutting his head and landing behind them as the two others were able to block my attacks.
Xp gained 500
Personal Level now 4
Their focus was now on me instead of the old man.
"What the hell are you doing!" Yelled the blonde man
I just had to think of talking to them in their language and the ability the foxes “gave” me worked.
"And what are you doing robbing an old man?"
The bandits didn’t bother to answer me instead they simultaneously charged towards me. They charged side to side so I took a spinning side step and tried to slice the other bandits neck. He then took a step back and parried my blow with ease while the other bandit jumped over him and sliced towards my neck. I blocked the attack with my prosthetic forearm, after which he did a flip and landed behind me taking a plow stance aiming his sword at my chest as he was in the stance. I used earth surge to get some distance from them but as I launched myself away from them the bandit who had been behind me was able to slice at my leg inflicting a wound.
While mid-air I used entangle on the man making countless vines shoot out of the ground constricting his body. I then pulled out one of the goblin pikes I had and imbued it with lightning strike continuing to throw it at the man who had inflicted a wound on me. The man was got off guard by this so pike hit his throat making blood splatter and soon the man collapsed on the ground with a surprised look in his eyes as he tried to breathe.
Xp gained 800
Personal Level now 5
Now the other bandit seemingly enraged by the fact that I had killed his comrades came at me as he yelled from the top of his lungs.
And jumped up in the air before quickly coming down at my exact location.
Due to my agility boost still being in effect I barely jumped out of the way as his sword hit the ground and made a large crater. I casted lightning strike at his arm but he Sliced the lightning diagonally with his silver sword with ease as he said.
"Nullify" And the lightning disappeared into nothingness.
We now had a slight distance from each other so I could slightly relax. I hadn’t been able to lay so much as a finger on him since the battle started it was clear that he was more experienced than me so I was at a disadvantage. Again he charged toward me this time jumping high in the air as he threw daggers with serrated edges at me which I easily deflected with my tanto making the daggers fly of into the dense forest around us. But then he disappeared as I got blinded by the sunlight.
He was no longer in the air so I instinctively turned around to see him charging at me from behind, slashing his silver sword at me as he again activated an ability. "Bulls charge!"
I was just able to block his sword with my tanto when his sword hit my tanto I was flown back some distance and ended up landing on my back. I quickly jumped up from the ground.
"Still not dead huh" Said the bandit with a smug face while laughing and spinning his silver sword which flashed in the sunlight.
I guess it’s time to try that hellfire flare as our fight had taken us away from the carriage so the spell wouldn’t damage the carriage and old man…. most likely.
I checked my mana just in case that I for some reason didn’t have enough
"Perfect" I mumbled to myself as the bandit began charging at me once again.
I chanted the spell in my head and pointed my right hand's palm straight at the bandit and then a large fire missile flew out of my hand. As it made impact with the unsuspecting bandit who tried to use his nullify ability but the missile exploded into a fiery vortex instantly killing the bandit and leaving a small crater and burned ground behind. I then focused on extinguishing the magical flames with my mind. Which took a lot of concentration but soon after the flames had been extinguished.
I had made a mistake by trying to challenge the enemy to a close-range battle a mistake I can’t make anymore as it could easily cost my life in the future.
Xp gained 1400
Personal level now 6, 306/1500xp needed for next level up
Total 6 unlocated stat points left
I went and picked up the silver sword he ha wielded.
Raging silver sword
Grade: Rare
Info: A masterfully crafted silver sword with a cross guard made out of gold and a runic mark of rage, granting it great compatibility with all abilities that require raw power and strength. It also has a fuller made for mana and stamina imbuing.
Inspect now level 7
I continued to put the sword in my void inventory and then I spent all the stat points on wisdom before going to the old man to see if everything was alright.
Wisdom 47, Mana total now 2700/2700
"Old man everything alright?"
Taking a closer look at the man he had a long grey beard that slightly shook from the warm wind, short gray hair, black clothes, and amethyst colored eyes. If I had to guess he was a dwarf or at least half dwarf as there was something weird about him but I wasn’t quite sure what.
"Thank you, young man, for saving this old dwarfs life, for what do I owe for the pleasure of being saved by a human. The old man said as he for some reason went to pick up a piece of cloth from a bandits arm.
"Umm excuse me but what do you mean by “The pleasure of being saved by a human?"
The Dwarf looked at me with intrigue as he took a short pause before asking. "You are not from around here are you?"
"Umm yeah, I have lived most of my life in the woods as a hermit of sorts so I don’t really know much about the outer world so to speak."
"Aa I should have guessed as your clothing is a bit….uhm..different."
The dwarf said to me as he looked at me up and down.
"Yea my clothes kinda got torn a while ago and I don’t really have a place to go so.."
"I see how about I show you to my house in the village it’s the least I can do after you saved me"
I climbed on the dwarfs wooden carriage and put my tanto back into my spacial inventory, then he patted his brown horse so it started to pull the carriage forward
"So what is your name youngster?"
"It’s Leon how about yours sir?"
"Ohh you don’t have to call me sir, Leon," Said the dwarf while laughing merrily as his grey beard shook.
"And the name is Guld."
"So Guld what does a dwarf around here do for work?"
"Well I used to be Warrior back in the day but I'm a bit too old now so I don't have the energy to go around killing monster etc so I’m just living the rest of my days in peace with what I’ve earned. Guld said with pride."
"Oh so you were a warrior….mind showing me your stats?" Hearing that he was a former warrior really spiked my interest in his stats as getting to know what an old Warriors stats look like should be good for future reference
"Well sure since you did save me il show you my stats from my record but nothing else alright?"
"Yup sounds good."
Race: Dwarf Name:Guld level 48 Strenght 56 Endurance 29 Stamina 2800/2800 Stamina regen 0.10/sec Wisdom 19 Mana 475/475 Mana regen 0.05/sec Agility 23 Vitality 12 Intelligence 20 Magical Attunement 3 Focus 39 Perception 30 Dexterity 27 Charisma 26
After taking a look at the stats and his level I started to wonder about something so I asked him
"Umm sorry if I'm being rude but you are level 34 so shouldn’t your stats be higher?"
"Ohh so you don’t even know something like that," He said with a surprised face
"Well, all people get “debuff” traits as they get older which lower physical stats but not stats like Wisdom, Intelligence or Attunement.
There are some cases in which you don’t get this kind of debuff traits, for example, elves and people with elf blood don’t get these traits as they grow older and some races even get buffs as they grow older."
"Oh okay thanks for the info Guld"
"No problem."
I started using healing magic on my body in the carriage as we had been traveling for a while and my mana had somewhat restored to the point I was comfortable with, and Guld had given me something resembling a mana potion which rose my mana.
The carriage shook as we continued down the road that had now turned slightly rockier
"Ohh so you can even use healing magic! when I saw you fight I thought you were a Warlock but you must be a druid." The dwarf said while his eyes were wide and fixated on my prosthetic arm.
"Well the man sure has keen eyes in more than one way"
"Leon that arm of your’s has me intrigued It looks so well made, did you make it yourself?"
"Of this prosthetic of mine was made my father who knew a thing or two about blacksmithing." It was the best lie I could come up for the time being
"Hmm, how does it work I don’t see any magical engravings on it?"
"I don’t quite know myself, to be honest."
"Aah alright then." The dwarf while his chin fell down and he let out a sigh
A while later we were nearing the villages gates as we had reached the clearing around the village.
"So..anything I should know before we reach the villages gates?"
"Well our village isn’t on the greatest terms with humans so you won’t probably be getting a warm welcome but it should be fine since I'm with you."
I sighed "That's just great..."
- In Serial30 Chapters
The Dungeon Boss's Favorite Game - A Virmo Story
Kragathor is the final guardian of the world’s deepest dungeon. He is an immortal pinnacle of existence that is otherwise known as an ancient dragon. And he is terribly bored. His sole source of amusement comes from scrying on the adventurer teams that are in the upper levels of his dungeon. Through spying on adventurers, Kragathor hears of a new magic item, called a Virmo, that allows one to project their mind into a fictional world in some sort of grand-scale game. Recognizing these Virmo games as a potential diversion for his endless boredom, he orders a minion to infiltrate the nearby town and acquire some of these games. Once the minion returns, he logs into a game set in a world that runs on the twin magics of ‘science’ and ‘technology’, and embarks on his new journey as Bob, the Level 1 Human with no class. Release Schedule: As I wrap up the end of the first major arc, I will publish the chapters as they're completed. However, as I transition into the next arc, I will go with a two or three times a week release schedule, since I will be splitting time between this story and Chimera. Discord Server
8 139 - In Serial15 Chapters
Penance's Pursuit
This future sci-fi fantasy follows the progression of a few main characters as they navigate their unique spheres of life in the year 2242. The story focuses heavily on themes of guilt, personal failing, and penance. The conflict revolves around two main concepts: Man vs. Himself (Internal conflict) and Man vs Man (External conflict). The internal conflicts focus on many of the characters' inner demons and how each of them deal with the scars of the past. The external conflict centers around a mysterious criminal organization called Nexus that conducts human trafficking. There are three groups of main characters. The first group belong to a vigilante mercenary organization called Ab Aeterno. Titus, Venna, and Benjamin are Achilles team. This team is a part of Ab Aeterno's special forces branch which is designated Demon Stalkers. Their goal and mission is to perform assassinations, abductions, and destabilization operations on criminal organizations throughout the solar system. Their current mission places them directly in the path of Nexus. Titus interacted with them in his past and they seem to have unlimited reach, resources, and power. As the team faces this threat, old wounds will surface and dangerous connections to the past will emerge. The second group of characters are on the Mars colony. Randal Page is an analyst for a talent scout company on Mars. He is faced with the reality that the company he thought he was working for is in fact Nexus. His story centers around his coming to realize the duplicity of the company he works for and then his response to the startling realization of his own ignorant involvement. Also on Mars is a woman named FaRarra Njokko. She is a Nexus sex slave in a brothel on Mars and is known by the stage name of Stardust. She is striving to escape when her path crosses with Randal. The final main character is Preston Coretel. He is a monk with a mysterious and shady past. He is on the run from Nexus in more ways than one. He is seeking sanctuary on an abandoned monastery space station in order to avoid agents of Nexus and to atone for his previous involvement with Nexus.
8 198 - In Serial22 Chapters
I'm the descendant of the Demon Lord!
"Good morning everyone. I am Nexus. A name uncommon in these parts of the Arialis continent. But in this world, I am royalty. Yes, My name is Nexus Ellris Zoltive, the first prince of the mighty Ascalon empire, which his majesty, the Emperor Neeram Ellris Zoltive, a transcendent existence, the Demon lord ruled. But with the appearance of the hero, the once mighty Ascalon has fallen, and me, the current prince of a fallen kingdom, was thrown away."***************What happens if a direct descendant of the Demon lord, with an appearance as stated by legends, appeared in Legisis, a fantasy world? Considered a threat and killed off? No. Rises in power and becomes a Demon lord? No. The first prince of the ancient Ascalon kingdom, Nexus, was discarded. The one who was supposed to be royalty is nothing but a slum child now.[This is my second try at a fiction. Please tell me if there's any mistakes, or things that need fixing]Word count: On average, there's like 1500 words, with 1000 as the lower limit and 2000 as the upper limit.Release schedule: On alternate days. Continuously is possible on some days.[Warning:Mature Content,(Gore,Violence)]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proud member of: Writers to the End- WriTE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 124 - In Serial10 Chapters
Time of the Virus
The plague has gone rampant. The new strand of mutated virus is killing everyone. Smart enough to know when to get out of dodge, a writer and English professor runs away from the city with his family, then forms a group of surviors to get through the troubled times.
8 170 - In Serial9 Chapters
Rebirth of the Supreme Sentinel
Nichol Schade sacrificed his life to end the Sentinel Apocalypse. The apocalypse that befell to mankind when the Super A.I. Sentinel purged them. 200 years after, Nichol was reborn in an era where the Sentinel Apocalypse was nothing but a forgotten history. However, this era is facing another apocalypse in the form of the Mazes. Dimensional cracks that ferries invaders from other dimensions. The only people that can rival them are the Rangers. Chosen people that awakened their Innate Skills. Nichol regained the memory of his previous life alongside his awakening. However, he wasn't reborn alone. ______________________________[SENTINEL | Level 1]The ability to realize the existence called Sentinel.The system could not generate more information about the skill.The system is leaving that task to you. Hopefully, you’ll have better luck.______________________________ Reborn alongside him is the Super A.I. that nearly erased mankind during his previous life and he is reborn as his Innate Skill. -There's no science for coincidence. (Sentinel) “Now, we will begin the operation.” (Nichol) This is their story.
8 108 - In Serial11 Chapters
BASE Status: Update (BASE Status 2)
Augmented reality like you’ve never experienced before!No more need for headsets or other devices to dive into a virtual world, everything comes right from your BASE unit!Try out this brand new experience with Shades of the Spirit World! After saving Helheim Fallen Online from certain company destruction and a lot of people from harm, Willow’s life seems to be going in the right direction. She has a job, her best friends in the guild she plays in and plans for the future. A future that she never thought she’d be able to get not even six months ago, a future that was kept from her because she’s autistic. Now an update to the BASE (Bioelectrical Augmented Synapse Enhancement) unit and platform open up a world of opportunities for her. It promises a full virtual reality experience but as an augmented reality instead, something she’s been wishing for for years. The new game that’s going to be released at the same time as the update, Shades of the Spirit World, at first just seems like a fun way to spend the time. It’s not the most complicated or involved of games, but it looks beautiful. That is, until some strange things start to happen in the AR world. Some AI are showing very human traits, more so than anything she’s seen before.And when there are reports of AI going rogue and killing other AI, something the game hadn’t been programmed to do, things start to get really interesting.
8 194