《Elswynd》Chapter 3
When I woke up I felt the grass on my face and a painful ache in my head. I slowly rose up and almost instantly after that fell against a nearby tree. I slowly looked around myself and I could see a lush forest filled with beautiful flowers and plants. The scent of the nearby flowers was so heavenly that I completely forgot the pain from my headache and my now slightly bleeding head. The soothing sound of birds chirping and the tree branches moving in the warm wind was the only thing I could hear in this peaceful forest.
"Where the hell am I? it’s so warm here?"
To see if what had happened before was true and not some weird dream I tried viewing my record and soon I could see it
Race: Human Name:Leon Level 1 0/100xp Available universal stat points: 2 available stat points: 0 Titles: Drifter Strenght 23 Endurance 20 Stamina 500/500 Stamina regen 0.10/sec Wisdom 31 Mana:1100/1100 Mana regen 0.15/sec Vitality 8 Agility 20 Intelligence 21 Magical Attunement 4 Focus 25 Perception 19 Dexterity 20 Charisma 15 Skills: Identity, Herb identification lvl 1 Druid Level 1 0/200xp Spells: Lightning strike, Earth surge, Light heal. Spatial Distortion Level 1 0/8000xp Spells: Lower levitation, Lower teleportation, Inventory (passive)
I squinted my eyes in sheer disbelief, I looked at my body and realized it definitely wasn’t my old body.
(Why me why me..?)
Was all I could think about. I started panicking and my hands started shaking as I looked around myself. The trees were way larger than those in the forest near my house there is no way I’m still in that forest. The trees had big leaves and their color was a darkish green not like the trees in the forest near my house. There were colourfull rocks too.
"Fuck fuck calm down….calm the fuck down……" I started repeating to myself out loud as I tried to control my breathing that was now like an asthmatic kids breath when they had forgotten the time to come home and were frantically running back.
After maybe around 15 minutes of calming myself I finally reached a somewhat clear state of mind.
"Hmm, so I guess I really did reincarnate to another world or I'm just really high.
I said while looking at my stats. Let’s check this Title Drifter that I have gotten"
Drifter (This title cannot be seen by anyone in any circumstances)
Granted to those who have had his/her soul reborn to Elswynd
2 Universal stat points granted.
"So I was really reincarnated….?" "No calm down don’t dwell on that I thought as I began talking to myself trying to distract myself from the insanity of being in a situation like this."
"Okay that’s good I will probably spend those to raise my attunement."
Now with a clear mind, I decided that rather than starting to think about the fact that I now had a new life in a different world and start reminiscing about my past life. I should first focus on survival and maybe find some local people to help me. Hell, I don’t even know if they speak English here I thought. After doing that my first priority would be to find Robert as he also was somewhere in this who knows how big world.
I decided to take a closer look at my levels
"Hmm, my personal level only needs 100xp and my Druid level needs 200xp while my space magic needs a whapping 8000xp. I guess the angel wasn’t lying when she said it’s hard to raise, all though I don’t know how much xp fighting a grade 1 monster would grant and how easy it’s to find and kill said monster I’m going to split the gained xp 40% to my personal level and 60% to my druid level as I really don’t think raising space magic this early would be easy with the way I am right now." So I made the xp distribution that way in my record.
"Now then time to spend those points on attunement"
Attunement reached level 6 you are now easily able to control spells and even able to hit multiple targets with certain spells. Imbuing spell: Lightning strike into weapons is now possible.
Then I presumed to look around if I could see the wolf that I had seen in my dream, but it was nowhere to be found. Tho on the ground near me there was a weapon which size was something between a short sword and a dagger.
I then took the weapon on my hands
Blade of Origin
"Huh? well that's a creative name." I said sarcastically and unsheathed it, the blade was beautiful tempered and was emitting a slight blue aura, the blades handle that was made of wood had a gem embedded in it. The gems color was a mix between blue and dark blue. The closest thing I knew that resembled this blade would probably be a Tanto sword.
I had been the best knife fighter in my platoon and used to practice with all sorts of knives so using this would be quite easy for me. Also, I should have asked the angel about the wolf but I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Now that I think about it had different colored eyes so could it be possible….
"Ha no way," I said while brushing the thought away.
"Hm so that wolf wasn’t a dream then, but how did it come to me before I had a physical body."
As I remembered when I was with the angel and in that “dream state “ I didn’t have a body yet only a soul. I don’t remember smoking but whatever I took must have been some high-quality stuff.
"Aah well let’s leave thinking for some other time."
I rose up and put the “Tanto” on my belt. I was wearing a green druid robe and a black leather belt no shoes, though handily enough I had gloves. Near me was a small puddle so I decided to go look at my own reflection trying to see what my new body looked like. I had short blonde hair to my bangs went a bit over my green eyes. My face was relatively smooth, I had a strong jawline and I was around 6 foot tall.
Though it did somewhat resemble me when I was around 20 it sure wasn’t my old body. The weird thing was that on my neck there was the same locket the wolf-like creature I saw in my “dream” was wearing. The locket had on it ahead of a wolf-like creature, that was very similar to the creature in my dream. Quickly I tried opening it but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open it.
For now, I shrugged off my thought about the locket.
I checked my left arm which still had the prosthetic forearm that resembled the one I had in my “Previous life”.
" Ohhh this is fucking bullshit I still have a prosthetic forearm..." Tho it was not really a problem as I was pretty used to the arm.
I tried jumping and punching and it all felt really comfortable as if I had always had this body. I thought as my stomach grumbled.
I started looking around if I could see anything that looked edible soon my gaze fell upon a green bush with red berries that had black spots on them. As I walked closer to the bush the delicious scent that they were emitting kept getting stronger. I picked a handful of the berries and was just about to eat them when suddenly a white bird dived from the tree branches above towards my hand and hit it making the berries fly away from my hand to the leafy ground.
"damn bird…"
I sighed as the bird landed on a tree branch only meters away from me. Now looking at the bird it had not taken even one of the berries from my hand as it collided with it. A minute passed and the bird was still staring at me with its green eyes. Could it be that the bird was trying to warn me from eating these berries? I thought as I unsheathed my Tanto a cut one of the berries that was close to me.
I then picked up the now split berries and smelt it, as some kind of murky liquid inside it had now started to pour out of it. The smell was rotten and almost made me throw up.
I used the skill herb identification on the berry.
Grade: Rare
Info: A reddish berry with black dots. Its outer “shell” emits a wonderful scent to make any unsuspecting victim eat the berry that contains toxic liquid which first immobilizes the target on the spot and starts to slowly rot the victims body as the parent plant sucks the victims deteriorating body out of its life force and nutrients finally making the body decompose to make the Plants growth increase. Even creatures with high wisdom rating can easily succumb to its delicious smell.
Herb identification now level 3
Well, that’s an evil plant I thought as I stood up. But the interesting thing was that the bird had seemed to warm me from eating this, I wonder if it has something to do with Nature’s Ally trait I received. I slightly bowed to the bird still sitting on the tree branch and could see it slightly nodding its head and chirping happily as it spread its wings and flew away.
"If the bird knew that the berry was poisonous would that mean it had an even higher wisdom level than I did?" I thought to myself
"Now then what am I supposed to eat?"
I started walking through the forest in search of food. I came across many different berries but in the end, none of them weren’t edible but I did manage to level up herb identification a couple of times. Also, I saw all kinds of wildlife including different colored birds and even what I thought to be a green rabbit which I planned on killing but then I thought that my lightning would probably be a bit overkill.
After a while of searching for food in the forest, I finally found a new berry bush that I had not seen here before. I sat down near the bush on a rock and picked a berry and continued to cut it in half.
New herb identified
Grade: Natural
Info: An edible berry that’s often eaten by all birds and small wildlife.
Herb identification now level 6
I started eating most of the blueberries. Though obviously, it didn’t fully satisfy my hunger. I decided to put some in my Inventory. Right after that, I heard multiple footsteps from some distance away behind me and I quickly ran behind a cluster of rocks. There was a small hole in the rock clusters from where I could barely see the direction from which the noise came from. I decided to wait for a while looking at the direction the sound came from, and after a while, I could see figures emerging from the woods.
"Fuck goblins and a lot of them too I thought."
There were 10 goblins that had emerged from the woods. I decided to use the Identify skill on all of them
Goblin pikeman Level 3 Info: A low-level goblin who wields a pike. Highest stat strenght 7
All the goblins were around 3 foot high and had level ranging from 2-5 one of them being level 9 supposedly being their leader.
The level 9 goblin was wielding a small sword and an iron shield.
I was pretty sure they had been tracking me as they now we're confused, probably because they lost track of me. One of the goblins started approaching the mossy rock formation which I was behind.
"Fuck I guess I have to fight all of them." I thought as I jumped up and casted a lightning strike towards one of the goblins in the opening and simultaneously drew out my Tanto in reverse grip as I spun to slice the goblins neck that was now right in front of me.
(Trait nature’s ally activated all stats boosted by 1)
Xp gained 50
Xp gained 70
I noticed the xp notices as both of the goblins died almost instantly, one from my lightning bolt almost disintegrating its body and the other that had had its head separated from its body while its neck was bursting with blood. I then continued on charging towards the rest of the now panicking goblins. An arrow flew at me which I easily dodged by doing a sidewards spin as I again struck a goblin with my blade. although the goblin was able to dodge my first blow I soon followed up with a low kick, and while it was off balance I continued to grapple onto him and slit its throat with my blade.
Xp gained 50
Now two of the seven remaining goblins were charging at me whilst thrusting their pikes towards me. I had tried imbuing my blade and prosthetic arm with the lightning strike earlier while searching for food, so I knew this was the perfect chance to use it. Also, it seems like I couldn’t cast spells with my prosthetic arm, but I could imbue it with spells.
I imbued my Tanto with lightning and with I single fluid motion cut through both of their pikes releasing the lightning strike on the two goblins which took more mana than I thought it would. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if I could split the lightning into hitting two targets when I first got the thought of doing something like that.
Mana 930/1100 remaining (Regen not active in battles)
xp gained 80
xp gained 80
Personal level now 2
3 unused stat points gained
As I paid attention to the notices it was almost too late when I could see an arrow flying towards me. As I tried dodging it the arrow slightly grazed my cheek.
"Fuck I have to stop paying attention to those notices for a while."
I said while I wished that for now, I would only see level ups for the time being. Somehow that worked as I killed another goblin with a tiger palm strike crushing its windpipe and neck.
I could no longer see the xp notice just a level up notice that I shrugged on keeping my mind and eyes on the battle.
Druid level now 2
+1 to intelligence
Now there were only 4 goblins remaining, one wielding a dagger and two bowmen also their leader was still alive still not making its move. As I had not tried the spell earth surge yet I decided to cast it targeting the other bowman. soon enough an earth pillar about 4 feet long struck it from in front in a 45-degree angle sending it flying at the nearby tree. It hit the tree hard and made a painful expression as it fell down to the ground on its knees while coughing up blood and suffocating on its own blood.
Mana 830/1100
Now the 2 remaining low-level goblins started running away while their leader started angrily approaching me.
"Huh come at me you ugly bastard."
I said taunting the goblin without knowing if it understood. It seemed to work as it now charged towards me whilst yelling and swinging his sword at me. I was easily able to block its sword and continued to try to punch it with my right arm, but the goblin blocked my punch with its shield.
"FUCK you motherfucker that hurt!"
I said while switching my blade to my right hand taking a regular hammer grip. Instantly after that, I came up with the plan of trying to kill it with my prosthetic arm while it was imbued with lightning, so I planned to distract it with a slash from my tanto. The goblin made a grin as if it was proud of blocking my attack. I then tried to slash it with my blade. As expected it blocked my blade like I wished it to.
I then imbued my prosthetic forearm with lightning and struck the helpless goblin's body, my fist going straight through its stomach and chainmail while its body was electrified. It vomited blood on itself after I pulled my arm away that was covered in its dark red blood, and then it collapsed on the ground.
"Well, this probably Isn’t a dream as I felt pain while fighting."
If the goblins had all attacked at me at the same time I’m pretty sure I would have been done for. Thank god they seem to be dumb.
I now inspected the amount of exp I had gained from killing it.
Xp gained 200
Mana 760/1100
Stamina 470/500
I also realized that the fighting had made me lose a bit of stamina which means that stamina is consumed while fighting even if one doesn’t use an ability that uses stamina.
I picked up the goblin's sword.
Grude Goblin Sword
Grade: Common
Info: Made from crude goblin steel and has a leather grip.
You were successfully able to inspect the sword.
New skill gained Inspect lvl 1
Ables, the user to Inspect items such as a sword, armor ect.
"So there is an inspect skill in this world I thought as I put the sword into my inventory"
I was just about to start collecting the rest of the items from the goblins corpses,
But then suddenly I saw a tree flying towards me. I quickly rolled away from its path as it hit the ground.
"Ohh what now I thought."
I could see a huge creature some distance away from me as it came out of the woods tearing trees away from its path as its fiery eyes were fixated on me.
I instantly used Identify on it but the situation was worse than I thought.
Lower demon Level 50 Info??? Highest stat???
"Fuck I can't even see its stats and its level 50!."
The demon was at least 10 foot tall standing on two feet that had huge claws. It had a huge tail and black body emitting a strange dark aura. It’s arms also had claws at the end of its fingers, they were dripping fresh blood it had 2 horn on its forehead of which the other one was broken and bloody.
Its body was covered in black scales that looked incredibly hard and had some scratches on them. What made this even scarier was the fact that the demons whole body was soaked in blood.
The demon was now charging at me at an insane speed.
I tried casting lightning bolt at it but it seemed only to make a very small dent on its huge body. It only seemed annoyed at the spell I cast as it had quickly closed the distance between us running with a devilish look on its face.
"Fuck fuck fuck yelled in my mind" as I cast earth surge under my feet and used it to jump away from the path of the demon on to a thick tree branch
After I had managed to catch my breath it halted its charge and brandished its huge bloody claws.
Mana 690/1100
I tried casting lightning strike on its eyes but it blocked the lightning with its arm, again taking very minimal damage to its scales. The demon now began charging at the tree I was at. I jumped out of it as its claws tore the tree from the center making splinters fly everywhere.
"How am I supposed to beat this thing." I thought out loud as it pulled its claws apart from the torn tree. It again closes the distance fast as I was trying to run away, when it caught up to me it hit my left side making me fly off against a tree. My impact on the tree made some branches fall on me. I think I broke a few bones there I thought as the pain surged through my body and I coughed blood on the grass.
"Fuck!" I said while spitting the blood on the ground. I stood up grabbing my tanto tightly as the demon again was closing in on me.Black dots began appearing in my vision as my sanity began wavering when I looked at the monster in front of me. It let out a terrific roar which made the ground vibrate.
My ears were now bleeding and ringing violently.
Soul trait Abyssal rage activated
As the demon got closer I felt my consciousness sway as some kind of rage started boiling inside of me making all my nociceptors go numb. It felt like I was losing my mind as I could no longer feel pain and see clearly, then the only thing I was able to think about was killing the enemy. My body relaxed readying for an attack against the demon. In my head, I could hear my the screams of my former comrades and see flashes of people that were blown to bits their organs covering me as I stood watching.
My mind went blank as I cast earth surge under myself boost jumping towards the charging demon I imbued my blade with lightning and twisted my body inhumanely as I spun slashing the demon all over its body damaging its scales and making it let out a roar from the pain I was causing it
Mana 550/1100
Stamina 360/500
New Ability learned Air twist
I was just about to lose consciousness but then the demon appeared in front of me slashing its claws at me and sending me to fly through multiple trees. I was covered in blood, my robe had been torn from the torso and I could see my chest and abs covered in blood and wounds inflicted by the demons monstrous strength. Somehow it didn’t manage to kill me with that strike but I was unable to move. All I felt was an excruciating pain all over my body as I looked at the demon that was barely damaged and my own bleeding body. The demon now was calmly walking towards me sure of its victory. It let out a hellish victory scream that made the remaining few birds in the area fly away.
Now standing in front of me with murderous intent in its eyes the demon brandished its claws.
"Fucking monst-t-ter.."I spoke with no force behind my voice it was more of a pathetic squeal than a silent whisper.
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Seven Realms Saga Book 1 - Last Passage
“Travelling into Iodigar is surprisingly easy,” the Ligtyr added. “All you need to do is to die.”The Vren, once creatures of myth and legend, now roam freely across the land, killing all they find in their path.Kollyn, a member of the Realmatic Keepers, is sent into Iodigar where the souls of the dead roam. There he must find the reason behind this sudden appearance of the Vren and a way to restore the natural order of life.It is a journey into the unknown during which Kollyn must come to terms with his past, his power and the role he will have to play in the world-defying events that are inevitably on the horizon.Last Passage, the first installement in the Seven Realms Saga, is a finished novella that can be bought both in ebook and paperback format on Amazon. For those who wish to finish the story already or be in possession of a physical copy, feel free top purchase it. I will be posting 2 chapters every week on RoyalRoad while I finish of the second installement, Scholars Of The Script.Buy on Amazon
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