《The Final Quest》Chapter four: In a Small Little Shop


On the games continent, there are two super power factions,the CGB and the RB faction. Having fought for ten straight years in all fields, they subconsciously gained a hatred for the other faction. If one side got a master smith, the other would rush to get two master smiths. If one side conquered a dungeon, setting a new time record, the other side would find a harder dungeon and set the new record. As the game company knew this, though they could not do anything about it. Tensions finally boiled to the point of both sides deciding to face off to determine what faction was better.

There was supposed to be a grand war, where the two sides face off, destroying and setting up the next patch. However, that plan changed with the appearance of the Invader. Taller, stronger, and faster than an average person, this boss was unlike any other. It’s abilities and weapons make mincemeat of attackers, it’s defence completely stopped most attacks. Players weapons could be flung away by the unique ability, their stats could drop with another. Wolves and other creatures of the wild could be called upon, corpses could be summoned. A group suggested that they just use long range on the boss, only to find the boss can either charge them in an instant or grab the arrows out of the air or ground and fire them back with frightening accuracy.

However, the artists and crafters of the world marveled at the beauty of the armor and weapons. Although it looked fairly demonic at first, when the dragon appeared it was clear where the smith who made it got inspiration from. When asking the developers about it, they dodged the question saying “the answers in the game, just look for it.

The game was unique at first because of it’s compatibility, allowing both consoles to play together. However what really shone was the player-world interaction. Actions of a player party could potentially change a region. While this inevitably made some players more involved with the action than others, there was a way to redo those events. The Grand Library held many facilities and gadgets dedicated to the science of magic. After a pretty costly cost, a player or party would be allowed to fight in a past event. Although not many players knew of this function, it was crucial for higher level players. Normal recording of the game is from either first person, which is stable, but not a very wide viewing range, or third person, which has a wide view, but stupidly shaky. Past events that gave a ton of EXP could be replayed to get the EXP. Items that are no longer available, can be available, just slightly nerfed from the actual item.

The Grand Library also holds over 75% of the games lore in its books. With a literal maze for its interior, it was actually required to hire a guide in order to navigate through it in under 5 minutes.

Although this is the first place many people went to find the backstory of the boss, some decided to find where the boss actually went during the fight with the Dragon of Death.

The release of a new patch was needed, as the dialogue and story of the world was dying down. The new patch implemented a better AI, a new level cap, tweeks on some titles and abilities, and information about the Dragon of Death was made. Participants each got some Dragon Bones or Scales as material items. However, no smith or tailor in the world new how to work them. The new patch fixed that, stating a Legendary Master Smith was traveling through the world, the smith could forge an item out of the bones and scales. Soon attention went away from the boss and on to this master smith.



In a small village north of the Endless planes, a smithy stood. The sound of the bellows could be heard from inside the shop. Iron and steel weapons and armor of different sizes were lined up perfectly on their racks. A large pile of lumber could be seen next to the house. Occasionally the sound of hammer striking metal was heard. Once in awhile a player would walk up to the store only to find a sign hanging out in front.


That sign usually made players go to the shop next door to sell their crap.

So the little smithy was undisturbed.

Small villages were normally not visited due to the accessibility, as there was no fast travel or portals .

Inside of the smithy a tall woman stood over the forge, her eye glittering from the forge light. She had been working on this blade for over two ingame months, and she was approaching the end of the final heat treatment. While the system said it could make the blade done in an instant, she wanted to work the metal, take her mind off the battles and the carnage. While it wasn’t the actual blade, it was fashioned to look like it. After spending her 5th incarnation just wielding the Ebony Blade, she knew the exact feel of it. How it felt when the blade cut through flesh and bone. How exhilarating it was to swing, feeling the shock run up her arms. The faces of those who trusted her ran through her mind as she dipped the blade in oil for cooling. The blade had always felt nice to wield, and though later on it coulding do the same amount of work it once did, it was still reliable.

Letting the blade cool, the smith walked away from the forge and sat down behind the counter. Looking around the small shop, it was a wonder no one came to buy anything. While she didn’t enjoy violence she understood that one can not walk unprotected. The Lost Breton knew that the world would recognise her war goddess armor, so she decided to try creating something a little more unique. The use of multiple metals to create something stronger is not something unknown. In fact it was very common, as steel swords were superior to iron ones. However as the rarity of the materials goes up, the less likely it is to see multiple metals used in the weapon or armor.

Taking Stalhrim and Ebony out she prepared enough for a full suit of armor. While Ebony is metal based and Stalhrim is water based, they both handle nearly the same. Therefore, if she combines them correctly, she should be able to create an armor greater than the individuals. This was no easy task by any means. Although Ebony is scarce and one of the rarest materials around, it is abundant in certain locations, and available in most regions. Stalhrim on the other hand is rarer than Ebony, mainly because the only known location of it is on an island, and the mining of it requires a special pick.

Before she could start, she needed an idea of what she was making. She knew it was armor, preferably one that get’s it’s set bonus without a helm. She stood up and walked back to the forge. She looked at the cooling blade, held vertically by clamps she specially made for it. Behind the sword was piles of ingots. Iron,Steel, Dwarven, Ebony, Malachite, ect. She sighed and was about to walk outside when her eye caught the sight of the aetherial crown.


“That’s it!”

Why try to make a helm when a crown would work. If she fashioned the armor to go with the aetherial crown, she could get a set bonus with it. She went to the workbench, grabbing parchment and charcoal. The base would be ebony, Stalhrim would cover the shoulders, back, and front. It would have Dwarven metal outlining the Stalhrim and connecting it to the ebony. Crushing dragon bone into powder, then mixed with a few heart scales, would be attached to the joint areas for strength. The bone powder would also be used as a bleach/paint on the ebony, turning it white.

The gauntlets would have the stalhrim placed in four large strips covering top, bottom, and sides. Ebony would be most of the gauntlet, and Dwarven would outline the stalhrim. Boots would be the same.

A helm was not necessary, however she designed one anyways. Offering full head protection and had a plume on the back.

Once the rough sketch for the armor was done, she moved onto the weapons. The Slaughter was good, however like the armor was well known. Dragon bone had the best damage, however it was heavy. Stalhrim was good for enchanting, and daedric required hearts. As she didn’t know if there were replacements for them, she refrained from crafting with the hearts. She needed a unique weapon, one that was still light, but could do heavy damage. A weapon long enough to be used with two hands, but short enough to wield it with one. A long sword would fit. Using ebony for the central part, Stalhrim would cover the ebony, with dragon bone as the blade.

With her new weapons and armor designed she was about to go and create them when a player walked in.

“Hey lady, is the sign out there true?” a young man with fair hair stood there, his thumb pointing in the direction of the sign.

“It is true, you are free to look around, but if you try to steal anything, I’ll know.”


Henry was a cartographer during the day, and he was a streamer by night. After work he would enter the game and stream himself exploring. Of course some people tried to PK him for his items, but they never got the jump on him.

He was planning on doing a speedrun of a solo dungeon when he noticed a new shop in the village. Since the new patch was out, he suspected that it might contain some secret. As he walked closer to the shop he saw that the forge was at rest, though it was still heated.

He saw the sign and laughed, no wonder the shop was way out here, the owner didn’t want other player’s junk. He thought it was another player because NPCs will accept almost anything.

He entered the weapons shop, and heard a newer melody. Henry kept the game’s music playing all the time, helped with the mood. The song in the shop was a soft, but powerful melody, as if entering a palace of kings. It was filled with emotions of love and sorrow, yet there was a soft hope from it. It contained the emotions of chaos and war, and the hope of peace.

He looked over at the counter to see a person walking out of the back room.

While she wasn’t the prettiest person, she had her own unique charm. Muscled arms that were covered with soot, a plain blacksmith’s apron and her hair up in a neat pony tail. Her emerald eye shone with mild surprise and disinterest. Her other eye showed a white unseeing eye that stared into the beyond, a scar ran vertically across it. She was slightly higher than the average woman, and her chest was just slightly above average. On her left hand a golden band, clearly a wedding band, indicated that she was married. Her right hand, which wore a golden ring with multiple diamonds in it, was wiping what he assumed to be soot off on her apron.

“Hey lady, is the sign out there true?” normally he would talk nicer to the owner, however as there was a unique sign outside it most likely that the owner was a player.

She replied with a blunt voice, one that seemed to be used to shout over the sound of the forge

“It is true, you are free to look around, but if you try to steal anything, I’ll know.”

At first glance the weapons seemed like any other weapons you would find in a shop. It wasn’t until a red glint shone off of one did they catch his interest.

“Is it alright if I inspect this sword?” he asked, pointing towards the steel sword.


*Steel Sword (Legendary***)

Description- a steel sword crafted by a master smith. Made by a special technique, durability disabled. Enchanted by a master enchanter, Charge can be filled with mana, requires an exchange of 100 mana = 1 charge

Attack: 175-200

Attack speed: 2 per second

Durability: NA/NA

Weight: 12

Enchantment: Charge: 378/400

FIre Enchant: sword does fire damage of 50 for 10 seconds. Effect stacks for up to five times. Soul Trap: Enchantment recharges by 25% with every kill. Effect activates regardless of charge

Requirements: Sword mastery

Henry was shocked. With no durability, it’s a monster of a weapon, though it can easily be out classed by some higher level boss drops. However the mana exchange function on it was sick. If a lower level player got their hands on it, most of the earlier enemies would be toast. The sword could possibly be used as a mana battery. With about 400,000 max mana in the sword it could be used to bolster the wielder's mana, And it gained 25% of the charge with every kill.

“Hey shopkeep, is it alright to try out this sword?” Henry pointed at the steel sword.

“There’s a target out behind the forge, I’ll show you.” Indicating to follow her with her head, she walked to one of the side doors, where she proceeded to open it to reveal the training ground. Five target dummys stood, each one made for a different weapon.

“The one in the middle is meant for swords.” she pointed to the straw man holding a pathetic wooden shield and a bucket for a helmet.

“Can I try it out on something less static.” Henry was sceptical that the straw man could last a single blow from the fire damage.

The woman laughed at his comment, her laugh was like a loving mother laughing at her kid’s stupid comment.

“Are you suggesting a spar?” her voice contained the humor she was currently feeling

“Yes I am. Would you mind?”

“Wait here a moment.” The shopkeeper went back inside, only to come back out with two similar looking swords, but without an edge.

“It’s better to use blunt swords for sparring, no worries though. They should be the exact same.”

With that being said she tossed one sword over, and then took the other sword and waited for Henry to get ready.

Henry inspected the Training steel sword

*Training Steel Sword

Description- a steel sword crafted by a master smith with the express purpose of training in mind. Heavier than a regular sword. Made by a special technique, durability disabled. Edge has been blunted for training purposes. Enchanted by a master enchanter, charge can be filled with mana, requires exchange of 100 mana = 1 charge

Attack: 1

Attack speed: 2 attacks per second

Durability: NA/NA

Weight: 24

Enchantment: 100/100

Healing Aura: Heals owner for 100 health per 1 charge. Heals opponent by 1200% of attack

Aura Steal: Steals opponent's mana to charge enchant when enchant is <25 charge

Special Effect: Pain increased by 50%. Bones are more likely to break.

Requirements: None

“This shop is ridiculous.”

“So, are you ready?” The Shopkeeper said, waiting for Henry to get ready.

“Yes, but am I going to be sparing you?”

The shopkeeper laughed again

“Don’t worry about me, I’ve face opponents who were stronger than you by a long shot. Come at me with all you got.”

Henry got into a fighting stance he made himself, it was worked around the idea that balance is everything.

The shopkeeper raised a brow.

“What’s that?” she asked

“What’s what?” he answered

“The stace you just got into, who taught you that?”

“No one, I taught it to myself.”

The shopkeeper held one hand to her head, muttering

“Kids today, making up stances for fun.”

“Is there something wrong?”

The shopkeeper’s eye looked up

“No, no. just remember to not hold anything back.”

The shopkeeper’s sword hung softly in her hand, her stance relaxed but firm. Her neck cracked as she streached it to either side.

“Then here I come!”

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