《The Inheritor》Ch 18 Body Physique


The next morning everyone started at 8 o’clock only for the session starting at 9 am.

Everyone were crazy about the Floating cloud that they spent an hour simply flying around their dorms. Quinn was also enjoying his ride; in fact, he was the most content one of the lot. After all, flying around has always been one of humanity pursuit back on earth.

Bring a earthling he could be more happy to fly around on the clouds, its almost like growing two wings on the legs.

An hour later all the kids were gathered before the Old building. Fran didn’t keep them waiting for long; he came from the old building sharply at 9 a with smile.

“Congrats on performing excellently on the surprise test yesterday. A crisis management test is to be conducted on the first day of the class, but you guys handled it marvelously.”

“Tracy Pogher, please come forward and stand beside me.”

Tracy walked from the crowd and stood beside Fran. She was had a mixture of blush and smile.

“Every, please give a big round of applause for Tracy, she was the reason you all passed the test. Team-work is the key to success, and she grouped everyone and formed the team, so she will be your leader from now on.”

Fran didn’t ask their acceptance or approval; he was just informing them. The whole class was satisfied with Tracy and accepted her as their leader without any fuss.

Tracy was moved to see her class welcome her as their leader and smiled happily; little kids are easy to satisfy.

“Ok, let move to the classroom.”

Fran let them to their old classroom and waited for the students to settle down. Boris was expecting a small ceremony for finding the method, so he was a bit down and disappointed.


Though he tried to cover it up, his gloomy face couldn’t escape Quinn’s experienced eyes.

“In the last class, I taught you about some basics of cultivation and body refining. Actually, the true criterion for selecting a body refining art is your physique. Special physiques are an added advantage compared to normal cultivators, not only that the physique will also guide in the selection of Body Refining Art.”

“Body physique could be inherited or otherwise. But the chances of inheriting are lesser than a natural formation. Though it could be inherited or naturally formed, there is no pattern for having a physique, it’s completely random.

The heir to the most influential person in Unigux doesn’t have a physique while an orphan from a rotting slum was blessed with one. So don’t cry if you don’t get a physique and don’t dramatize if you get one.

There innumerous types of the physique in this world, though a database for Body physique is maintained it is not exhaustive.”

“In fact, maintaining an exhaustive database about Body physique is impossible because every second many new physiques appear and many physiques vanish. Though there is no full list of physiques, it has 2 categories.”

“There are two categories of physique Elemental physique and Enhancement physique. Generally called as Elementals and Enhancers.

Elemental physiques can be pure elemental like fire, water, earth, wood, metal, light, darkness, etc.

Or it can also be an imitation of nature which is a combination of various elements like Fire cyclone, Thunder Tornado, Frozen River, Mountain physique so on and so forth.

Enhancement physiques are like an increase in strength, rigidity, agility, unique visions, flexibility etc.

Enhancement physique can be for a particular body part or the whole body.”

Elementals and Enhancers each has its own pros and cons.


The elementals will find it easy to evolve compared to Enhancers. The elemental physique will have higher perception in their element so they if they choose an fitting body refining art they will cultivate quicker than others.

If a person has Fire physique and chooses Fire radiance art, he will cultivate faster than an average person due to his perception or affinity towards fire element.

Enhancers might be slow, but it can be considered stronger than its counterpart if appropriately exploited.

If one of you has strength enhancement physique and chose Fire Radiance art, then you would be slower than the person with fire elementals because you don’t have his perception.

But enhancement physique will be stronger than elementals if they are equal in all aspects. The problem is that elementals will improve faster and widen the gap.

In short, Elementals has a boost in the beginning, if improvised perfectly you can leave your peers in the dust. Enhancers is stronger, but it will be at a disadvantage at the start, so you must work harder to catch up with elemental physique.

“Not only are there different types of body physiques, but there are also different Tiers. The Tiers start from Tier-1 goes on, higher the tier of physique stronger is the physique.”

Fran told everything in monotonous tone in one go without pausing or slowing down for understanding.

It’s apparent that he expects utmost attention from the students and will not bother to repeat for the lazy heads.

After Fran stopped, all the students went into their fantasy world and started dreaming about what prodigious physique they would be having.

“Don’t start daydream already, the possibility of having a physique is only 50%, or out of the 50 students, only 25 will have a unique physique.” Fran’s words were like dumping a bucket of cold water on the student’s head.

Quinn was secretly shaking his head seeing his cruel teacher; first, he just had to pause after telling awesome stuff about physique and give time to dream about it and then forcefully dash the dream by telling the harsh reality.

He always imagined Fran as a very positive and good-natured teacher, but he never fathomed him to be this sinister.

“You guys must train as per my order for one month before taking the Special Physique test. It has been proved that the chances of awakening a physique will increase due to heavy workout, so the more you sweat higher are the chances of getting a physique.”

“Okay, enough of theory let go outside and start the training.”

Fran went outside and made them stand in proper formation with enough space. Then, he performed some exercise and instructed the nuances about those exercises.

In fact, it was an elementary training; all they had to get into a horse stance and do some complex hand signs. Quinn quickly understood the essence of this training, but still, he made few mistakes to prevent any unwanted attention.

“Okay, do the same set of training in your dorm; remember, this can only be done twice a day, and anything more will be detrimental. One more thing, make one of your friends point out the mistakes you make; wrong exercises are nothing more than wasted effort. That’s all for today, have a good day. Thank you.”

Soon all the kids dispersed and made their way to their dorm’s; the intense training really drained them, so everyone quickly ate before taking an afternoon nap.

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