《Sovereign of Divinity》Chapter 17: The king's tournament


“Hmm!” my mother exclaimed as she turned her head from staring out the window, straight towards the man. It was Baron Sake, the current head of the oldest aristocratic families in existence. He has a stuck-up and arrogant attitude, who is hell-bent on bullying the newer aristocrats like Jon. Calling them out for being ‘newly converted’ peasants, he singles other aristocrats, from city lords to other barons, anyone whose family has not been aristocrats since or just after the forming of the kingdom is susceptible to his prejudiced actions.

“Oh mister noble with a stick up his a**. You think you are too high and mighty? You have the guts to try and shame my son? MY SON? Let’s see where that attitude of yours goes when I slaughter your family!” said mother while releasing some of her mana, making the entire room as cold as her words. It was clear the Sake didn’t know whose son I was, and had made a grave enemy as of this day. I needed to fix the mood, or else mother would go on a rampage today! I sent a tenth of a drop of electricity mana to the king’s right leg, to awaken him of his stupor. With this, not only did the king regain his sense, but also that old mage, who was glaring at me with visible killing intent for harming the king. However, the king waved him off and nodded at me, clearing understanding my reasoning.

“Ahem, let’s calm down for a minute hear ladies and gentlemen.” He said, trying to dissolve the situation.

“So are you saying that women aren’t gentle?” said mom, driving her anger away from Sake, towards the king.

I knew what was about to follow… The verbal throw down of the high-king of Krothguard, a kingdom covering 1/5th of the known world!


“Uhm… I meant gentleladies and gentlemen, please calm down for a second.” Repeated the king, with a hint of irritation in his voice.

“…It is over now”

“What is?” asked the king

“One second of course, now I can kill his family!” replied mom, with less anger, and more mischievousness.

“Hmph, I mean just calm down and listen to me lady!”

“I don’t like you attitude.” Said mom with so much sass that the king almost puked blood.

“Uhm, mom, I think it’s fine now. I only wanted the territory, nothing else. I don’t care about what snobbish little nobles think or say. All they can do is bark, with nothing to show for it but their puny little egos being fulfilled, and no benefits. Their actions only further taint their ‘Oh so mighty’ house’s name, and brings them down to a level below that of sewer rats. Not that I care.” I said while I stared down to Sake from beside the king, with a scornful look.

His face suddenly turning red, veins bulging, from the raging anger unleashed upon him by my carefully selected words. While mother was destroying the king in their verbal man-slaughter, I was deciding what to say, in order to target Sake without actually doing so. This form of action must have greatly satisfied mom, because she let out s cold snort, and turned back to the window, where I could a glimpse of a smile. The king too was relieved, for mother not killing off one of the founding families of the kingdom overnight. He too let out a long sigh and said,

“Ah, Jon my boy, you still haven’t answered my question. Why Wintershire?”

“Simple, I like the place! I once saw a map of the kingdom [1], and I liked its geographic security from other notions and invading forces. Therefore I want that place.”


In fact, this is also one of the reasons I want to take Wintershire as my territory. During my Dark campaign, which becomes a compulsory quest for all those associated with the Chaosas, The territory and the capital were the hardest places to take over in the entire kingdom of Krothgaurd. But all that happens almost 27 updates from the beginning of the game timeline, in 20,001. Seeing that I have almost 100 years for even the game timeline to begins ( 94 years to be exact), I can do a lot better with that territory than just create a resistance to the dark forces.

“Hmm, good answer!” said mother

The king was speechless at my nonchalant attitude towards life-changing decisions, and my mother’s approval of it.

An hour later, at the inn…

“So, Krog, and Hein, tomorrow is the king’s tournament, and we need to discuss our plan for the group matches!”

[1] Has been provided on discord, link is in the pre-chapter notes.

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