《Sovereign of Divinity》Chapter 7: Jon the Reaper


*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Alright everyone, wake up! We need to move out now! Our scouts have spotted a large group of monster charging towards us as we speak! Prepare to move out, and hope that we can make it past the fast encroaching beast wave!"

"Huh, what? Who the f*ck is it this early in the morning!?" Exclaimed Krog as he got up.

"Huh, monster? Beast wave? Wait!" Understanding what was happening, I woke up Ainz and told him to get ready quickly, while sending a few drops of my mana to search the surrounding area. And just like the man screaming the announcement said, there was a cluster a mana pools to the south-western direction, about a kilometre out. Now that my mana has sky-rocketed, Just using 4 drops of my newly upgraded mana has allowed me to scan almost 2 km in any direction as a simple 'radar', and If is concentrate hard enough inside a 1 km radius, I can spot the size and strength of any living creature, as long as they aren't using a concealment of a higher level than my now level 2 scan. With this, I can now be considered officially a level 2 mage. But, i still need to test out my offensive and tactical spells, which may or may not have reached level 2. But, the perfect opportunity has presented itself! a hoard of about 50 monsters is headed our way, and I can finally get a good stretch!

"Alright, let's go!" Saying this, all the carriages began to move faster than the usual pace, towards the capital. At this speed, someone's wheel could break, leading to an enormous blockage, which could prove disastrous for everyone! So I used 1 drop of mana per carriage to cast a sort of strengthening of the wheels. How does that spell work on non-living objects? It doesn't! This is another one of my unique spells created by me, where it re arranged the atoms in the cell walls of the cells in the wood of the wheels, in a closer lattice arrangement to boost the material's strength. I can do this for objects like steel as well, but is mana efficient to improves the cell walls of the cells instead of everything. Imagine bubble wrap. If I was to strengthen all of it, It would become stronger, but would also waste a lot of mana.


Now if I only strengthen the walls of each bubble, and leave the inside empty, it would be weaker, but a lot more mana efficient!

Anyways, I kept up the supply to the strengthening and the scan, and at the current expenditure, I could continue to these spells for about 2 days before running out of mana. Haha, let's see, at our current pace, the monsters should catch up within 10-15 minutes? That should be plenty of time to prepare.

"Krog! There are about 50 monsters 450 meters in that direction. I will be spamming spells at them, once they come into view. That will kill most of them, since they are all mobs- I mean weak monsters like goblins. However, about 10-15 monsters will escape, and I won't have enough mana to kill them. That is where you come in. You need to protect the carriage as well as the people inside. Can you do it?" I asked.

"Haha, leave it to me!"


Krog's point of view...

"Alright, come onto the carriage roof with me Krog." Saying this, Jon jumped out of the carriage and used some sort of wind magic to change directions mid-air, and land on the roof of the carriage. I also followed after him, but I just climbed up the back and then onto the roof.

"Alright Krog, get ready, and here, take the Death Saber." said Jon as he tossed my his sword. I smiled and told him to cast his magic and then leave the rest to me. Jon nodded and then closed his eyes, while balancing on the incredibly wobbly carriage.


Ainz's point of view...

I heard noises on top of the carriage, while we were fleeing, and thought it was the monsters. Cursing my luck, I turned around only to find Jon, and Krog, was his name? Yes, The two youngling were standing on a running carriage! I was about to scream at them to quickly get back into the carriage, I notices the Krog chap preparing for battle, and when I looked closer, I could see Jon trying to concentrate! And then I remembered that her was a mage! Were they planning to face the monsters alone?


"Customers! It's dangerous up there, please get back into the carriage!" I screamed at them. But was completely ignored!

Within a moment of my words of sincere advice, the Jon kid suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time the monsters came into view. Was this kid capable of using detection magic? That means he is at least a level 1 certified mage!

With a devilish grin on his face, Jon raised his hands in the air, and after a ten seconds of continuously emitting heat, 35 fireballs appeared all at once! Everyone was frozen, the humans, monsters and even the horses! It was almost as though time had stopped! Everyone except Krog, who didn't understand enough about magic to be shocked. So he was busy preparing for the escaped monsters.

Jon then widened his smile even more and created 15 more fireballs, and added them to his initial batch, before throwing all of them towards the monsters. Some missed as the monsters dodged, while some completely obliterated the corpses of the monsters! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I kid killed nearly 45 goblins in one attack! That was incredible!

"Remember my name, for I am Death, Jon the Reaper!" the kid yelled as he sat down in the now still carriage and closed his eyes. What happened next was just as fascinating. The Krog fellow took the sword in one, and his shield in the other hand and charged the remaining 5 goblins. He cut off one's head while shoving the other into the air with his shield. He then swung his shield in an arch, obliterating yet another goblin's head, while stabbing the helpless goblin, still falling towards the ground! The last goblin was crushed to death by his shield, after which Krog just walked away, and came back to carriage.

"That was insane!" were the words that escaped my mouth, before a sudden uproar began amongst the travellers...

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