《World apocalypse》Chapter 3: Goblin warrior


Chapter: Goblin warrior

The faces of the survivors were twisted with confusion

I could sympathize with them, experiencing a new situation that they couldn't handle

Especially as students this was their first time having such difficulties.

The thirty or so people were huddled in smaller groups discussing quietly

“ Attention! Attention everyone ” a commanding voice suddenly sounded

The whispering went down and everyone turned their gazes to the speaker.

A tall intimidating man with a black suit and deep black eyes stood up.

The middle aged man was Mr.Larson he looked fit making others think that he was younger,

he was the vice principle of Dave`s school,as an ex-military he was quite strict

David sometimes wondered if the man could have had a high rank in the military

Shaking his head David turned his head wondering what he would say in such a situation

“ Everyone come closer , David you also come here ” the mention of his name was surprising but David went closer to listen.

The vice principle was a man of short words he basically summarised the situation into a few but clear words and then turned to Dave and the group motioning them to come forward.

“ you are the students who have the most information say a word or two to enlighten us ”with these words we were pushed forward .

I could feel Matt nudging me plus all the others looks. Seems like I had to say something,

With a cough I began the whole story from the struggle in the class up to the current situation.

After finishing my short story I could see stars in the other students eyes

I knew what they were thinking, a sigh escaped my mouth

“I know what you are all thinking , but I caution you against going out to fight the monsters,I..”

Before I could say another word the vice principle cut in

“Yes we can't loose more people ” he added “ we should come up with a way to send a call for help ” his words were followed by clapping which he dissipated with a wave

“ Though we shouldn't fall back either I think they are the best evidence ” he pointed toward us

“ We all need their type of strength to fight back these 'goblins ” he turned to us “ I think you need to guide everyone ,we all need your knowledge so that no one would have to forfeit their life again ” with that the vice principles powerful speech came to an end

I couldn't help but nodd in approval , well he was from the military

The situation seemed to have turned in our favour, with that man here there will at least be some order and stability.

Everyone's eyes finally contained some will to fight

They rushed to our group asking a bunch of questions , there wasn't just students in the group ,out of the thirty survivors six were teachers.

Before they could notice I slipped put and turned to run, I had something else to do


I shouldn't idle right now the best thing to do right now is to clear more of the goblins

Without anyone noticing I quietly walked down the hall paying attention not to miss a thing

This time there wasn't any incidents and I began operation goblin slaughter

The increase in The mind stats were quite obvious , I could now easily handle two goblins at once without much effort . The best thing is that I could see all the blind spots of the goblins s as if my eye was a magnifying glass.

This was bad for the goblins as they rushed at me the only thing they saw before death was my mighty hockey stick and my horrible grin.

Before long I heard the voice again informing me that I had reached level 7

Well how should I distribute the stats , since the last level I didn't have the chance to distribute any of my free stats points

Suddenly out of nowhere I felt a deep fear which I had never felt before cover me

I dropped my weapon and hid as fast as I could , breathing as softly as I could , my heartbeat slowed down.I could feel sweat trickle down my back as my body shivered slightly from the tension

I peaked from my hiding place , I wanted to at least see what could cause me to feel such fear

I wish I hadn't but there isn't medicine for regret

The was a horde of goblins moving down the hall , they looked quite savage more than the usual gobins

The worst part was there in the middle was a giant goblin wielding a giant war axe .

The giant goblins face was hedious with two long canines that looked fearsome jutting out from its mouth. It's green skin was stretched and showed robust muscles that bulged I timidating anyone who saw the creature

My mouth opened wide once I saw something else, in my field of view a pop up appeared


Level 20 :Named goblin worrior

First evolution

My hope of running suddenly diminished , “what the hell ! This is too unfair ” I cursed in my head

I got ready to sprint at any moment , staying behind is something only a fool would do.

There wasn't only the goblin warrior to worry about , the other goblins were also not normal from the iron spears they wielded they also seemed quite strong .

Before I could even run the subordinate goblins began making weird noises pointing towards a wall.The survivors knew they had been found, abbondning the to do spot they blindly ran trying to get as far away from the goblins as they could.

Observing from my hiding area I noticed that the goblin warrior didn't react at all except lifting his brows and then shouting out orders to the smaller goblins

A heavy thought loomed over my head, looking at the desperate survivors scampering to run I felt pity welling in my heart I had to help them somehow.

Making sure that I wasn't noticed, I stretched my hand out to one of the survivors who noticed me.


The female students face turned pale and immediately run towards my direction .

I got ready and clutched my weapon tightly as soon as the goblin came to my sight I swung with all my strength aiming at his neck.

The goblin was quick to react and blocked with his spear, I stepped back from the aftershock

Damn the thing was really strong , without any hesitation I dumped the rest of my stats points

Name: David Greycastle





My body shook as I felt my muscle tighten, my whole body was like a volcano filled with usurpasable and unfathomable power that was ready to explode at any time.

I felt that I could crush metal between my fingers and destroy concrete with a single slap.

The hockey stick in my hand was like a shooting star as it made contact with the goblins head

With a crunch the stick shattered into tiny pieces. I couldn't care less though, my fists were like a pair of bowling balls as I smashed the goblins face.

The thing couldn't even react before it's face was crushed. I looked at my bloody hands covered in the green blood of the creature with amazement , the feeling of the raw power felt was amazing!

I couldn't continue indulging in the feeling though, my hand swooped down and gripped the iron spear. It felt a bit light but better than my previous weapon

I think the other survivors also noticed our position , behind them followed four other goblins chasing them down.

The goblins had carefree expressions as they hunted the humans down, the goblin leader still hadn't made any move thus they could enjoy to the fullest

Too bad though what greeted them behind the cover was a demon brutally crushing their fellow goblins.

It didn't take long to finish the goblins with my new strength plus I had gained another level

I guess the weapon wielding goblins gave more experience

When the survivors saw me easily handling they were much surprised , I quickly told them the position of the rest of the survivors and watched as they vanished.

The goblin leader seemed to have realised that something was wrong instructed the remaining goblins to check it out.

Handling five more goblins was now an easy thing with my increased strength, I once again gained a level.

Seeing that there was no respond the goblin leader howled in anger , he swung his giant axe cleaving a part of the wall apart

Damn even ten of me couldn't take such a thing down, without waiting for the thing to come investigating I made my plan to run but before I could the thing had already spotted my hiding place.

With a loud snort it lazily walked towards me , backing me up the wall.

I had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, I knew I had to give it my all to survive.

I didn't wait for it to start the battle, I shifted my spear from its line of site and hid it at with my body.I rushed as fast as I could not giving it a chance.

With another snort the towering goblin stretched it's hand towards my face , it's gigantic hands were fast but I evaded to the side and threw out my spear with all my strength.

Although it tried to shut it's eye it wastoo late ,the iron spear was like an unstoppable star that bore deep into it's eye.

“ Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! ” it cried as it held it's left eye, it's painful cry temporarily stopped me dead I'm my track.

Damn my body couldn't move , subconsciously I reached for the remaining stats dumping them in to mind.

Name: David Greycastle





My mind became clearer and I could once again move my body

Without wasting my time I once again aimed for it's unprotected eye.

Caught off guard it twisted it's head to evade to only making the situation worse.

With both eyes gone it waved it's arm randomly , it's mighty axe made whoshing sounds as it cut apart the air

David's eyes twitched , carefully he jumped back to avoid the strikes

He was quite unlucky as one of the attacks lightly hit him in the arm, blood gushed out , all he could was clench his teeth and try to stop the bleeding

Suddenly the battle had come to a stand still, the creature blindly swung it's axe around like a wild animal and David stood to the side watching calmly.

The creature could not take it anymore it fell on it's knees exhausted after it's last swing

David knew it was the perfect time to turn the tables after bandaging his arm he slowly collected all the spears of the dead goblins and placed them on the ground.

Taking a deep breath he held a spear in his hand , he twisted his shoulders until he heard creaking from his bones and with a loud shout the spear left his hand

Like a mighty lightning bolt the sharp spear cracked, the giant goblin couldn't even react before the spear was planted deep inside its body ,only a part of it remained exposed

The loud shriek of the goblin leader filled the hall,

David didn't give the creature much time to struggle, like a machine gun, one after another the spears left his hand and embedded themselves onto the creatures body

It's unsuccessful resistance was futile with each large movement it screamed trying to dig the spears out it's body.

It grew weaker and weaker with each passing moment and finally stopped moving.

David stood to the side watching, his eyes shone deeply ready for anything uexpected

After waiting for some time he finally sighed, it was finally over, well not yet

David smiled at oncoming notifications with anticipation

Experience gained

Level up

Level up


Achievement obtained: First to...

Achievement obtained: First in...


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