《The Prince's Penance》Chapter 5
Due to the oncoming war, the manor was in turmoil.
Maids scurried back and forth preparing travel needs for everyone.
Alex’s personal guards and Alice’s guards put on their armor in preparation.
By the time everything was ready, night had fallen.
Alex stood outside the manor as everyone got ready to go.
Gazing up under the moonlight he shut his eyes.
Taking a deep breath he sighed.
‘It seems I must fight again…’
‘Hopefully, this time shall be the last.’
Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching he opened his eyes.
“Are you coming with me?” he asked.
“Well, I think if I don’t you might just get yourself killed.” She answered matter of factly.
“Is that so?” he said quietly.
“Mhm..” she answered.
Noticing that Marie and Agatha who were chatting arrived, he asked.
“Very well, shall we enter the carriage?”
Nodding her head Alice entered.
Climbing in behind her, he plopped himself down next to her.
“Why are you sitting here?” she asked venomously.
“I would rather not sit in between Chatty Cathy 1 and 2” he answered pointedly.
Giggling to themselves as they entered Marie and Agatha sat across from them.
“Hmm, I see,” she said before turning around.
Leaning his head against the window Alex watched the night sky pass as they rolled off the estate.
“When will the reinforcements arrive?” Marie asked him.
Alice peered at him as she was also curious about this.
Closing his eyes, Alex sighed.
“They won't make it in time,” he answered honestly.
The women looked at him shocked.
“But then what will we do?” asked Agatha.
“We will hold them at the valley that leads into the city of Ewin.”
“But how will we do that with only the marquesses army?” asked Alice concerned.
“That is what strategy is for.” Alex smiled wryly.
“That's not funny!” Alice said playfully, hitting him.
The tense atmosphere in the carriage quickly dissipated as the women returned to their pointless chatter.
*** Dream ***
“Messenger!” called a guard through the tent flap.
The men seated around the table quickly glanced up as a scrawny boy came through the opening.
The boy quickly left the letter on the table before running out.
“Well at least they didn't kill him, it seems your plan to send a child worked, your highness,” said William.
“It seems so,” said Alex as he read through the letter.
“Everybody but William get out,” Alex said abruptly.
All of the men in the tent quickly filed out.
“WHY!” Alex shouted as his fist struck the table.
“Your highness…” William whispered.
Alex realizing he had shouted quieted down.
“Why won’t they surrender to me?” Alex looked at William helplessly.
“Your highness, I believe that after everything we have done the enemy won't surrender without a fight.”
“My guess would be that they are betting on being able to hold out the siege until reinforcements arrive,” said William.
Alex clenched his fist tightly.
“What must be done, must be done, no matter the cost…” he whispered.
“Your highness?” William asked.
“William,” Alex said, eyes boring into the man.
“Yes? Your highness.” William said, straightening up at his gaze.
“Do you believe in me?”
William, shocked by the question, simply nodded his head.
“Will you remain loyal to me no matter what?”
William shut his eyes and thought.
After a moment he opened his eyes and gazed back at Alex.
“Forever, your highness,” he answered resolutely, gazing at him, eyes blazing.
Alex nodded then he said.
“Send men out to hunt some animals.”
William was confused so he asked.
“For what?”
“Throw the carcasses in the water supply for the city,” said Alex solemnly.
Williams' eyes opened wide in shock.
“You trust me right William?” Alex asked again.
William quickly recollected his thoughts and saluted.
“Forever, Your highness!”
Alice was staring out the carriage window in deep thought when she heard a groan.
Turning around she looked at the man next to her.
This man laying next to her seemed to be full of mysteries yet she couldn't solve any of them.
Right now he was groaning and moaning as his brow furrowed seemingly in pain.
Suddenly the carriage jolted, having run over a bump in the path, and Alex’s head fell into her lap.
Clearly, he was still sleeping as he made no effort to get up nor even opened his eyes.
Trying to push him off gently she didn't want to wake him.
“Just let him rest there, what's the harm?” said Marie, noticing the situation and gazing fondly at Alex.
Alice, although uncomfortable, decided to leave it be and looked out the window once more.
“Miss, why don't you try brushing his hair with your fingers?” said Agatha.
Blushing furiously, Alice turned around to look at Agatha.
“Aggy why would you say something like that?!” she asked, still blushing.
Agatha with a twinkle in her eye said.
“I heard that the duchess does this for the duke whenever he has bad dreams, so I thought it might be nice for you to try it as well.”
Alice looked down at Alex as his brow furrowed in pain.
Calming down slightly she lifted her hand.
Placing it on his head she began smoothing out his hair as she brushed it out of his eyes.
Gently brushing through his hair she began humming seemingly lost in her own little world as she watched him with a gentle gaze.
The maids who saw this scene kept silent however they couldn't hold their smiles in and glanced at each other giggling internally.
“Honey, what did the city council say?” asked Layla’s mother
“It seems our reinforcements will arrive in around a week.” answered her father.
“Will we be able to last another week?” she asked.
“It's already been 5 days and they haven't done anything, it's safe to assume they plan on starving us out, and with our big food reserves from the extra harvest we had this year as well as the river we should be fine to last for another week.”
“Mommy, why are there bad men outside our home?” asked Layla.
Her mother looked towards her father for help.
Bending down he said.
“Sweetheart, some people in the world are very greedy and want what isn't theirs.”
“But then why are they waiting outside?” she asked.
“Well, sometimes honey, you just have to say no to the bad men,” he said gazing at her gently.
Suddenly Layla started coughing violently.
“Layla!” her mother shouted.
Her father quickly grabbed her and began patting her back.
Just then he felt his stomach clench as his body began to feel nauseous.
Quickly standing up he tried to sit in the chair but ended up collapsing.
The last thing he heard was his daughter crying out.
In the council room of the city, 8 men sat around a table.
The one at the head of the table looked at a man who had just entered the chamber.
“Is that a report?” he asked.
“Yes, sir!” said the man respectfully.
“Bring it here,” he said.
Grabbing the piece of paper he quickly read through it as his hands began shaking.
Dropping the piece of paper the man placed his head into his palms.
“How many?” asked the man on his right quietly.
“30,000,” the man said shakily.
The room quickly fell silent.
“We should surrender!” shouted a man at the end of the table.
The others silently looked at the man at the head of the table.
Lifting his head up he looked each of the men in the eye before clearing his throat.
“We will hold off until the reinforcements arrive.”
Alex collapsed onto the table as he placed his face in his hands and began sobbing.
“How many more have to die?” he asked as he cried into his hands.
“This is war, your highness.” said one of his generals.
“Your highness, some men aren't greedy, they can't be bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with, they would sooner see themselves burn to the ground than submit to another,” said Elric, Alex’s Head General.
As silence once again fell in the tent Alex finally stopped sobbing.
As he raised his head there was something new shining in his eyes.
“Elric,” he said.
“Yes, your highness?”
“If they want to burn so badly, let them burn,” Alex said coldly as an evil smile appeared on his face.
“Ah, pardon, your highness?” Elric asked, confused.
“Prepare the 3rd squad for departure.”
“May I ask what for, your highness?”
“Send them to infiltrate the manors of each member of the council and see to it that they burn them to the ground.”
Shocked gazes looked at him.
“Your highness, that is going too far isn't it?” asked one of the generals.
“Where is the honor in that?” asked another.
Alex looked up at them silently before answering.
“Listen up because I'll only say this once.”
“Honor is a grand thing for the dead, and a poor substitute for winning to the living,”
*** End Of Dream ***
Alice was watching the people in the streets flit about as they went about their daily lives, none the wiser as to what was about to occur.
Suddenly Alex shifted in her lap and he stirred awake.
Lifting his head he looked at her.
As she stared at his eyes they seemed to be a little bloodshot as if he had been crying.
If she had to say what they looked like she would say they looked haunted.
“Thank you,” he said, giving her a little smile.
“Your welcome,” she said blushing slightly as she went back to looking out the window.
After a few minutes of silence, the carriage finally stopped.
Clambering out of the carriage Alex was greeted by a contingent of knights,
Who upon seeing him saluted as they began escorting them to the dining hall.
Upon arriving at the dining hall, they were greeted by a rotund man with short brown hair, as well as a woman in her late 30’s with long blonde hair who seemed to be his wife.
In between them, was a little boy about 8 years old with blonde hair much like his mother.
Walking up to them the man shot out his hand.
Grasping his hand Alex gave it a squeeze before letting go.
“Hmm, quite the grip you’ve got there my boy.” said the man, presumably Marquess Fabien.
“I haven’t seen you since you were a little boy,” he said, smiling at Alex.
“Ah, how could I forget!” he exclaimed.
“I’m sure you remember my wife Darla,” he said looking at the woman next to him lovingly.
“And this is my son Rudius,” he said, pushing the boy forward to greet Alex.
“Go on, greet his grace, Alex,” he said gently.
“Greetings your grace!” the boy shouted nervously as he bowed, eliciting a chuckle from those around them.
Crouching Alex came face to face with the boy who glanced at him nervously.
“You did a good job,” Alex said as he ruffled the boy’s hair.
“And who might this lovely lady beside you be?” asked Fabien.
“Ah, this would be my wife Alice Reinhart.” he introduced her.
Bowing his head slightly in a show of respect, Fabien said.
“Come, we have prepared a feast, let us sit.
As everyone entered the dining room and sat down, servants filed out of doors leading to the kitchen, carrying dishes with all kinds of different foods on them as they set them down on the table.
“Dig in!” said Fabien cheerfully as he piled his plate with food.
“Dear, remember not so much, you’ve been trying to cut down on your weight.” said his wife gently as she grabbed his plate and took some for herself.
“Erhm… of course, dear, I merely forgot,” said Fabien as he scratched his head awkwardly.
The servants in the room gave knowing glances at each other as if this was a normal occurrence.
Clearing his throat Fabien asked.
“So, your grace, when do you plan to depart?” he asked.
“You may call me Alex, and as for when I will depart, I will be leaving with the army tonight,” Alex said after he swallowed the chicken he was chewing.
As grease slowly dripped down his chin Alex suddenly found a napkin wiping his mouth off.
Turning his head over to look at Alice he found her looking slightly shy however stern as she wiped his mouth.
“What?” she asked defensively, noticing his gaze.
“Nothing,” Alex said, grinning slightly.
Across the table, Darla covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled slightly.
“Dear, they’re just like us, when we were younger,” she whispered to Fabien.
“Is that so?” Fabien said in between a mouthful of food with a twinkle in his eyes.
After everyone finished eating, they were briefly shown around before they retired to the lounge.
Once everyone was sitting down in the lounge and Darla took Rudius for his afternoon nap, several men in armor opened the door and brought a map to Alex.
Briefly looking over the map Alex pointed at a valley slightly south of the city.
“They will be arriving here according to the scouts, correct?” he asked.
“Yes, your grace.” said the leading knight with slightly graying hair.
“Very well, we will hold them at the valley,” he said
“How many soldiers do we have?” he asked.
“We have 2000 acres as well as 4000 cavalry and 9000 footmen.” stated the man.
“15000 huh?” Alex sighed internally.
“What are their reported numbers?” he asked.
“27000, your grace.” said the man gravely.
“Alright, what is your name, general?” asked Alex.
“Rodrick! Your grace.” saluted Rodrick
“Well Rodrick, tell your men to get ready, we will be leaving at sunset,” Alex said, folding up the map.
“What is the plan?” he asked.
“We will be splitting the army, I want the foot soldiers to enter the forest on each side of the valley, and the cavalry will be charging head-on, the archers will be behind the cavalry in order to take down the other sides front line, once both sides have engaged and are deep in battle, I want the footsoldiers to charge from both sides and join the fray,” Alex said as he got up.
“Deliver these orders to your men, general,” he said.
“Yes, your grace,” said Rodrick before leaving.
“How will you convince the cavalry? You're basically condemning them to death,” asked Fabien.
“Don't worry, I have a plan,” said Alex as he walked to the door.
As he opened the door he suddenly turned around.
“Oh, and Fabien,” Alex said.
“Yes?” he asked.
“You might wanna recruit some more soldiers after this,” said Alex before closing the door.
Silence fell in the room after Alex left before Fabien suddenly started laughing.
“Hah, this kids grown some balls hasn't he?”
As they prepared to ride out Alex was about to get on his horse when heard a boy calling him.
Turning around he saw little Rudius running up to him.
Alice also turned around noticing this scene.
“What is it, Rudius?” he asked.
“You're going to win right?” the boy asked excitedly.
Alex paused.
Looking at this boy who was so filled with excitement Alex couldn't bear the thought of disappointing him.
Crouching down he put his hand on the boy's head.
“Yup, I'm gonna beat the bad guys and win,” he said smiling.
“Cool!” said the boy breathlessly.
“Is Uncle Rodrick gonna be okay? He looked kinda sad.” asked the boy timidly.
“Of course he'll be okay,” Alex said, no longer smiling.
“Okay!” said the boy before running off to his mother and father who were standing at the entrance.
Fabien walked up to Alex.
“You take care of yourself boy, you hear me? Your father would have my head if you didn't come back!” said Fabien.
Cracking a smile Alex said.
“Don't you worry I'll come back in one piece”
“Hmpf you better.” he snorted before stretching out his hand.
“It seems you've grown up, kid.”
“Good luck.”
Grasping his hand tightly Alex shook it before climbing on his horse.
Looking over at Alice he asked.
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” she said, starting to slip back into her icy facade.
“Hyaa!” Alex kicked his horse as they began dashing down the main road of the city.
‘It seems I'm off to war again, huuu, do I never get a break?’ he thought silently.
Once they arrived at the valley they began setting up the camp as the foot soldiers went to camp in the forests on each side of the valley.
Laying on the bed that was set up for him in his tent, he kept rolling over trying to fall asleep but the adrenaline for what was to come on the morrow was too much and he couldn't sleep.
“Stop rolling around so much,” said Alice who was lying next to him.
They didn't have an extra bed so Alice was forced to sleep on the same bed as him.
“Sorry,” he said, as he stopped rolling.
“Can’t sleep?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he responded, shutting his eyes.
Turning around to look at him she asked.
“You'll be safe tomorrow right?”
Staring into her concerned gaze he responded automatically.
Seemingly as if she realized he was lying she sighed and stretched out her arms hugging him.
Opening his eyes wide he asked.
“What are you doing?”
“Just be quiet,” she whispered not letting go of him.
Stretching his arms to encompass her he hugged her back.
Twitching her eye slightly it seemed she was slightly shocked however she said nothing.
Relaxing silently in each other's embrace, morning quickly came and Alex had not slept yet nevertheless he got up with Alice and walked into the command tent.
Fitting his armor on he walked out to a sea of men in armor staring silently at him.
Some looked scared.
Some looked excited.
It mattered not because, at the end of the day, most of them would not be coming back.
Deep down in their hearts, each of these men knew that however, they stood there nevertheless.
Feeling all their gazes on him Alex gulped, yet he stood firm and gazed back at them, memorizing each of their faces.
“The enemy approaches.”
“In a few hour's time, most of you will not be standing here,” he said gazing at each of them silently.
“What matters not is winning or losing, you have but one objective!” he shouted.
“At the end of the day, the only ones who will be standing here are those that survive!”
“If you are to die, die for me!”
“Die for your country!”
“Die for your family!”
“I know many of you are scared.”
“I admit, I am too!”
“But it doesn't matter, because in the end we still have to fight!”
“Therefore I will be leading the charge!”
“If you are to die today, I ask that you follow me to your death!”
“DROWN THEM IN A RIVER OF BLOOD!” Alex shouted, raising his sword up high.
To Alex’s shout, there was a thundering response of roars as the soldiers raised their weapons up high gazes filled with admiration.
Alice watched as Alex walked off the stage.
Suddenly his back seemed so very lonely.
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