《Welcome to the Dungeon》Chapter 24
We were able to gain access to a small house not too far away from where my parents and we lived. We bought some cobwebs to start off, and, using our flight, we hung them all around outside the house. One of the items from the dungeon, a wind barrier, had no use there. We ended up using it here, though. We provided four small, black, metallic spikes with SF and mana so that the wind would not unnecessarily blow. This made the house eerier—the trees outside would be swaying in the wind, but the ones covered in cobwebs would be as still as a statue.
On the inside, I put up a few heating runes to change the temperature. I was also able to slightly modify it to create a cooling rune, which I added other places. It would start off freezing, once they entered. From the main hallway, they would proceed past four rooms. The first was reminiscent of an ancient insane asylum. The second was like an old jail cell. The next two rooms were similar. Bella, the tour guide, would explain our made-up lure. She got her mother's help to create an illusion over the property and make it look older.
"Many years ago, this property was split in two. There were an asylum and a prison. Only the most deranged individuals and heinous criminals would be sent to such a place."
After passing the four rooms, the family room and kitchen would come into view. We found all kinds of gross stuff while looking around, including animal innards. They were safely in a small barrier in the kitchen area.
"The conditions here were terrible. As you can see from the kitchen, the food was even worse. They were served dishes with names such as "Hamster's Heart," "Fried Bear Gallbladder," and "Grilled Demon Pinkies." Would you like to try some Mashed Goblin Belly?"
At this point, Bella would take out some ice covered in chocolate with red icing. It was actually edible, and she would ensure the guests knew so. She would then show them the large family room area.
"The jail's warden and superintendent of the asylum had a deep hatred for each other. It's said their souls live on as ghosts and continue to haunt this place. They would have their respective victims fight to the death, causing many more lost souls to gather and haunt this location."
The family room was made to look like an arena, and I left some bone swords sticking around. Bella would be able to make sure they weren't stolen.
"And those who were killed were piled high as the sky in the graveyard. Here, even the gravediggers died of fright. They say that the dead here also like to dance."
We had some music playing outside, and they would be led there. We got some people from school to dress up scarily and dance around with the patrons.
"We hope that you will join us in the afterlife."
Bella would grin, and I would fly in as a bat, transforming in front of them. At the same time, I would have my demon eyes and ears activated, making me look even scarier. Of course, the visitors would think it's all special effects and makeup—they would never guess it was real!
I would take over for a little while.
"I poisoned the minds of them all with my special punch. They couldn't take it, so they killed themselves. So sad. At least we could still dance and play together. If you want some punch, come here. If you want to stay alive, try and run away. See if you dare."
Bella would lead the tour group out through the back entrance, giving them real punch if anyone wanted some. I would return to spying on everything as a bat, and Bella would transfer to the front of the house. That was the end of our creation, and, on the 28th, 29th, and 30th, we were open from six in the evening until midnight. Everyone was impressed by the "special effects." On Halloween itself, we closed around ten. We wanted to spend the remainder watching the stars together, going on a date.
We laid down together, watching the stars. At midnight, the harvest moon above us shot a beam of light directly at me. At the same time, a circle appeared on the ground. I immediately got up, not expecting this. I wondered if this was the start of the great catastrophe. Luckily, I heard Aurora.
"You are approved. You will now begin testing."
Bella quickly entered her secret spot in my soul as the moonlight lifted me up. I fainted, and, once I awoke, I was in a completely different world!
[Archipelago world's coordinates added to coordinate book]
I guess I now knew the name of the world, at least.
"Welcome, angels, to this year's aptitude test. You have all exceeded our expectations and have shown amazing abilities. Because of your contributions, you have the chance to join our army," a woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and white wings began to speak from a podium.
I looked around, and there were similar beings all around, lined up in neat rows. We were facing a stage, and, behind it was a large, dome-shaped building. Everything was made with white stones. There were smaller buildings dotting both sides of the venue. In the distance, I could also see a gigantic obelisk, towering above everything else. As I was amazed by this, I forgot to pay attention to the girl's words.
"Before I forget, I'm Aurora, and I'm in charge this time. Any questions?"
I missed the directions, but I saw the other beings were slowly walking into the dome.
"Roberto, please come this way," Aurora said. "You'll need to begin at a different location."
She flew me over to the obelisk, which had many security mechanisms preventing people from getting too close.
"Please place your hand here. This will ensure that you have a pure heart."
I put the hand without the six-pointed star ring onto the obelisk, and it lit up white.
"That's never happened before. It lit up, but it didn't open."
I decided to ask my demons if they knew.
"Interesting, such a powerful artifact. It doesn't know we are here, but it can sense something is different," Seere said.
"I'll see what I can do," Amdusias said. " Vepar, please help me for the sake of our new master."
"Fine," she responded.
"Honorable Aroura, please let me try again."
"Well, I guess it could have been a small error. I permit you a second chance."
I tried again, and, this time, in addition to lighting up, the obelisk itself opened!
"Please go inside. The heavenly obelisk knows what to do," Aroura said, gesturing for me to move inside.
I obliged, and, once I did, I found myself in an illusion. I would have thought it real if my demons didn't explain.
I heard a voice in my head, similar to the system. The voice, however, was different, even if the method was the same.
[Directions: survive. There are five miniature worlds here, each befitting an element. Your score will increase by one for each year you spend here. Time flows differently, so, to the outside world, one second will have passed for every ten years. You must change locations every year. Pass: Survive for three years. Fail: survive for less than three years]
I also found I was holding a rock with the same directions engraved upon it, although it was written using spiritual writing.
The first world seemed to be freezing cold. It was not too difficult to survive for the entire year. Bella taught me a method of sleeping for a month at a time. I used fireball to make a long-lasting fire, and I talked with Bella and my demons for a few months out of the year.
The next was ground. Here, I was thrown in a rocky cave, unable to get out. I, again, talked and slept throughout. I didn't know what I would do if my wife and demons didn't keep me company. I also surprisingly learned I was unable to bring Samantha out.
The third round, which would determine if I passed or not, was water. Having already experienced the ocean in the dungeon, it was easy for me to find a spot to hide. Large creatures roamed, and I couldn't fight them. As such, I hid. I slept less to keep my vigilance up, but it was, overall, a success.
It didn't end, though. The fourth year began, and it was more difficult at first. Everything around me was pitch-black. Even my runes and spells couldn't shed light on anything. I was afraid of something happening to me, here, so I went into my spiritual world and rested there. The world itself increased, and the forest grew to about the size of a state. Some small houses were automatically built around Bella and my house. It was as if a small village was being created. There, also, was not a pond and some fish-like spirits having fun in it. Bird-like spirits flew in the sky, which was clear blue.
It was peaceful and serene here, so I accidentally stayed for four years before returning. Once I did, I found myself inside of darkness again. This time, however, there was a screen in front of me.
Completion rate
Year one: 100%
Year two: 100%
Year three: 100%
Year four: 100%
Year five: 100%
Overall: 233%
The door opened, so I walked out.
"I've never seen anything like this occur!" Aurora exclaimed. "I have heard of some powerful archangels who could survive alone for five years, but I have no idea how you acquired such a high completion rate! How did you stay in there for seven years?"
I couldn't tell her I slept and lost track of time, so I just shrugged.
"Now, now, Aurora. This should be celebrated. It is a great achievement," another angel descended.
This one had even purer wings, and, even though he appeared kind, he was also somehow intimidating. He made me want to bow down to him and worship him, which was odd. Luckily, it seemed my demons were able to help me repress the urges his strange power made happen.
"I am the Commander Archangel Gabriel. It's a pleasure to make an acquaintance with such a young and upcoming angel." He began looking at me strangely. "No, wait. You're not an angel yet. You must have a high heavenly affinity. Here, I'll give you this."
He passed me a seed. Bella explained this seed was the essence of a high angel, extracted from millions upon millions of them, and that it was very rare. Not only could it change Roberto's race, but it could also create an angel spawner. It was very valuable.
Gabriel pushed the seed into my chest, and I started feeling faint. He then took out a pocket watch. I didn't see what happened next.
"Congratulations, you are almost done," Gabriel began. "Your evolution was also a surprise. You became a variant! You are a high angel who can command the energy of death. From the seed I gave you, you didn't become a dark angel but a Deathly Angel! I had to speed up your time so that it would be satisfactorily completed."
I checked my status page, and my race really did change! The numbers in parentheses were incorporated into my stats, breaking past one hundred! All my stats except for speed also increased by twenty. Speed increased by forty! My death energy increased to 990, but I was concerned my SF had gone missing. Instead, it showed HE.
"What's HE," I asked, concerned.
Gabriel explained that as well, "It is the energy of heaven that you create and utilize as an angel. It can be used just like spiritual force, except one point of HE is equal to one hundred points of SF."
I checked, and the spiritual skills and spells were still the same. My HE was at two hundred, as well, so it was like I got more SF! I could now almost cast three spiritual bombardments in a row! I was excited.
The same as when I became a fairy, my affinities were, again, halved. This showed the amount of power behind spells used by angels was twice that of normal fairies! Heavenly affinity was still above 100%, but only by a little—it was 110%.
"High Deathly Angel Roberto, please join our army! You will be a great asset, and there are many benefits."
"What benefits?" I asked
Gabriel answered, "I'll show you. Please follow me. Oh, I almost forgot. The size of your soul has tripled. Check it out and let me know when you're ready."
I tried doing what he said, and it was true! My soul seemed much larger, and I could even enter it!
My soul was very odd. Surprisingly, there were multiple places where distinct parts refused to interact. Bella's home was easy to find. It was nicely decorated and simple. She was glad to show it off. There was another area with the mysterious void fog circulating, and a third area had something to do with my heavenly affinity. Even though I could get near them, I had no way of getting towards another area! It was my own soul, yet a section was cordoned off, even to me.
Finally, I saw a portal appear.
"Welcome, Master," Furcas called from beyond.
"So, this leads to your home. I hope you like it," I responded.
"Yes, we enjoy it very much," he responded. Most of the other demons similarly agreed.
Raum also replied, "This portal will grow bigger once our full power's released. Be fast."
Near the portal, there was a small smudge. I wiped it away and left my soul, returning back to Archipelago.
I saw the void, quickly, before a door appeared.
"Father, I don't know how he removed the tracker. A void master put it there. He's not on Earth, so I should be able to kill him, now."
It was a voice I knew all too well: Prince Keith. Another voice responded, and I assumed it belonged to his father, King Levi.
"You little chicken! Go yourself and don't involve me in this chicken business of yours!"
Then, the door began to open.
"Gabriel, please help! I'll join your army."
With Keith's complete electricity source and advanced runes, even though I was now an angel, I still didn't think I could win against him. He most likely also had other tricks and spells to use.
"If you're that afraid, it must be a strong enemy. I'll help you once he finishes crossing over. Aurora, please get the 23rd platoon and Defense Company Bravo over here stat!"
"Thank you," I said while reminding Bella to stay hidden.
I saw Aurora quickly fly away, and, when she returned, there were over two hundred angels following her!
"Commander Gabriel, defense company bravo reporting in, sir!" an angel said.
Immediately in the sky, the angel soldiers formed five groups in straight lines. Above them, a sixth group also came. Many, here, had black wings. It took less than a minute to have 240 angels ready for battle! Keith won't know what hit him!
The door was fully open, and out flew Prince Keith.
"We meet again. I apologize my dimensional tunnel is slow, but, now that you are no longer protected by Earth, I can kill you here, today, young man!"
Behind him, fifty men in silver armor, carrying spears, swords, canes, staves, and other weapons, also emerged.
"Your entire planet will be destroyed by me!" Keith bellowed.
"Sir, this man is a member of our army. Do you intend to provoke us and start a war?" Gabriel asked, staring Keith down and showing off his army's prowess.
"I don't know what race you are, but these are the elite Rosemonster Guard platoon my father, King Levi, personally trained! Do I even have to give you orders?"
The knights, who were able to tell the might of the angels, began to back off. Only about twenty remained and charged. Only one of the five groups of angels lowered itself and halos rose above their heads.
"It's a unique battle tactic," Gabriel said, proud of his men. "The halo doubles all stats for the duration of use, but spells cost a little more to use. For you, once you learn the skill, it'll be fine—your death energy will counteract it. Only 1DE will prevent you from receiving any harm."
Now powered-up, the front line flashed their wings, and their feathers flew out, stabbing the knights an innumerable number of times. Their armor was eventually penetrated.
The front line charged straight, and the second line followed behind. The twenty knights began chanting spells, but, from the mysterious sixth group, a feather was shot, silencing the knights. Finally, the second of the original five groups made their move, using longer-ranged arrow attacks aimed at weak spots in the armor.
All twenty knights, and ten of the knights who remained but did not fight, were slaughtered within ten minutes. Only Keith was left standing, but he was injured.
"I'll remember this, young man! You can never escape from me! I'll hunt you down and torture you and your family before slowly destroying your entire planet!"
Aurora sent Keith flying back through the door.
"You dare to hurt my son!" King Levi's voice boomed.
"You little chickens dare to display such insolence!"
Finally, he emerged. His hair was red like fire, His crown pure gold. On his head, two large horns stood proud.
"I am Commander Archangel Gabriel, the head of the planet Archipelago, reporting directly to the divine archangels, the seraphim! Of course, I dare to."
Gabriel got serious, beginning to show off his oppressive aura.
Luckily, King Levi did not want to fight. There were both so powerful—I didn't know who would win.
"Planet Earth is under our protection, so unless your planet wants to wage war with our army, you shall not go anywhere near it!" Gabriel truly knew how to threaten
"I'm not sure if I'd win against you, so we shall end this here for today. My son's enemy is also my enemy. Remember that, young chicken man! We'll meet again," King Levi said while retreating through and closing the door.
"Scary!" was all I could say. Their might's overwhelming!
"Defense company Bravo dismissed!" Gabriel commanded, and the five groups flew back.
"23rd platoon," Gabriel began.
"Yes, sir!" the angels responded, saluting.
"You have a new mission. The great catastrophe hasn't befallen Earth yet. Don't be seen, but protect it from extinction both from internal forces and external. If any other planet or planetary alliance joins, immediately alert me!" Gabriel commanded.
"Sir, Yes, Sir!" the platoon responded.
"Krystal, Kylee, stay behind."
"Yes, sir!" two angels with dark gray wings said.
"Aurora, be my witness."
"Yes, sir!" Aurora stated, immediately coming to attention and saluting.
"Deathly Angel Roberto, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. You are to lead a special squad consisting of you, your wife, and the two dark angels here, Krystal and Kylee. Please have your wife come out as well."
Bella, no longer able to hide, made her appearance. Gabriel then gave both of us a small pin. Even though it was small, it contained all of the information we may need about countless planets, monsters, and items. It was specifically modified so that there was no way for it to be tracked or connected to, but it could still be used as a sign of authority. Like the two dark angels, Bella's pin was silver with a white circle. Mine was golden, with a white bar.
Gabriel next switched out Krystal and Kylee's pins with new ones which were also modified.
"Girls, solute your commander!" Gabriel ordered.
The two girls obliged. When they saluted, they also showed me a part of their stats pages.
Name: Krystal
Race: Dark Angel (Angel)
Level: 124
Class: Dark Guardian Emperor, elder fire mage, beast tamer, apprentice potion maker, apprentice blacksmith, apprentice warrior
MP: 500/500
HE: 650/650
HP: 1650/1650
Strength: 950
Endurance: 970
Speed: 2400
Wisdom: 960
Dexterity: 925
Angel skills: halo
heavenly energy (large) Lv 7, DE (minor) Lv 9
Name: Kylee
Race: Dark Angel (Angel)
Level: 123
Class: Dark Guardian Emperor, elder ice mage, dark mage, arc healer, apprentice warrior, apprentice potion maker
MP: 500/500
HE: 650/650
HP: 1450/1450
Strength: 900
Endurance: 940
Speed: 1000
Wisdom: 960
Dexterity: 920
Angel skills: halo
Regeneration heavenly energy (large) Lv 6, DE (minor) Lv 7
Gabriel then spoke again, "Roberto, these are two of the best on the entire planet. If they wanted, they could even fight for the main planets of our alliance. I hope you treat them well."
"Of course, I will treat them well. Bella, what about having two daughters?"
"K," she responded.
The two angels seemed like they were about to cry.
"Don't cry," I said.
In between sniffles, Kylee narrated their life. In summary, they were mainly used for their military might and had only been doing military-related things for the past few centuries, if not longer. They didn't know anything else, but they wanted more. I was now able to provide them with that.
"Gabriel, please use the artifact," Krystal said.
"But you wouldn't even do so for me. You're letting this new guy do so. Really?"
"We have made our decision."
"OK, then, everyone, please follow me," Gabriel said, as he led us through the streets to a portal. On the other side, there was a mausoleum. The guards let Gabriel and us pass before he used his key to enter. We followed behind, cautiously, as he disabled the traps.
We were now in an underground hall. Many artifacts were lined up in glass on both sides. There were also doorways leading to smaller rooms. We all entered one of them, and, with a different key imbued with his aura, Gabriel took an old book out of its case.
"As an archangel, I Gabriel, hereby witness this ceremony," he said as he opened the book and took a pen from another display in the room.
Both Krystal and Kylee signed their names in the book, then I felt something enter my soul.
"Congratulations, Roberto," Gabriel said. "Kylee and Krystal are now, and forever, your subordinates. I don't know how you did it, but, now, they can no longer go against your words or harm you. They're a part of your soul."
"My daughters are just like me!" Bella exclaimed happily.
"Lieutenant, we await your orders," they both said while saluting.
"No need to be so formal. You're our daughters now, so just call me Roberto."
It was difficult at first, but they were finally able to call me by my first name.
"Roberto, thank you," Krystal said.
"I still have to give him some skills, so, Krystal, Kylee, please return and wait for us," Gabriel commanded.
"There's no need," I said, opening up my spiritual world for them. "You can live here."
"This is amazing!" Krystal said
"Much better than the barracks," Kylee agreed.
I made them both houses here, and, for some reason, the entire world greatly expanded! It was now about as big as a continent, and it was only for us four!
When I returned, Gabriel had a pensive look on his face. Seeing me, he began talking.
"You know what it means with those girls, right? And that it can't ever be undone?"
"Don't worry. I'll protect them."
"I didn't want to tell you this, but they are also wanted by some planets. I assigned them to you to hide them, because their power is not enough to face those who can rule over whole planets, such as Levi."
"I'll do my best, so count on me!" I said.
"Good, then I'll look over this little incident," he said.
"What incident?" I asked.
"One of our treasures went missing the moment you left. Now, we can't find it."
It must have been that treasure that helped my spiritual world.
"Roberto, please follow me to the library," Gabriel said, changing the topic.
At the end of the long hallway, there was a purple, velvet cover. We passed through it and, on the other side, there was a sword. I don't know why, but I felt I should get closer to the sword. Unconsciously, I was already doing so.
What mysteries does this sword hold?
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