《Restarting life as a peasant》Chapter 14


Tim came to me and said “Father asked me about the knives and how you bought the ex slaves, I know you want no one to know but that is father. He would understand if you say you are trying to overthrow the baron.” I looked at Tim with a smirk smile. “You think I am trying to overthrow the baron?” He was surprised “Are you not?” I said to him “Of course I don’t trying to overthrow him. Brother, who do you think is trying to overthrow the baron?” He said “People who are fed up with his tyranny?” I smiled “No brother, as far as I understand it is another Herch, most probably not better than Alfred himself.” Tim was disappointed “So the name of the Herch will change but nothing other than that…” I nodded. I didn’t tell him this but in my previous world western people always fall for the trap of thinking people who fought against a dictator are good because they fight against an evil person, that is rarely the case. Most of the time people fighting were some other corrupt faction, or sometimes even worse people than the current dictator.

He looked quite down “So you doin this all for money?” I said “I have other reasons too but yes mostly for money” I threw him ten golds “Thanks for keeping your mouth shut. Now you should start your land clearance project and I need to start just forging spearheads. I don’t want to go empty handed to that sort of deal. Or things go quite bad for me”

I needed help with my project, a secretive help. I just built some fall traps with food on it near the small iron mine. I had seen some goblin tracks there. After that I mined as much iron ore as I could, I was getting stronger with my magic. Just a few days ago I could only move weights around a couple kilos most now I can pull 10, 15 kilo weighting iron lumps from the ground with my magic. When I was done with my mining I found out I did much better than I previously anticipated, my crate was filled with impure iron lumps and I couldn't lift it.


As far as I know in this world magic is used as projectile attacks and shields. But I thought to myself why I won't use it to buff my physical power, especially when I don’t want to show anyone I have magic. I tried to synchronise my magic and my lifting for many hours. Only at midnight I achieved my aim. I carried a crate as heavy as me with help of the magic. I was buffeing my limbs with pushing and pulling power. I dropped the crate many times until I reached my smithy. But untilI reached the smithy my body movement and my magic was well synchronised. I was looking normal from outside except I was carrying a crate weighted as much as me.

I dropped the crate to smithy and I was tired, and I wanted to go home quickly. This time I buffed my legs with carefully synchronized magical pushes and pulls. I run like a pro sprinter to my house. I just slipped in bed and fell asleep.

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