《The Demon Lord and I》Chapter 1: Start and The Sins


Oldman's POV

(for those who don't know what POV means. POV- point of view or just google it for more info)

A week had already past. The lady who gave me the baby is still unconscious. Come to think of it the lady almost had none existent mana in her body when she came.


"there... there little one don't cry its alright your mother will be alright"

after several days the lady finally woke up.

"uhmmm... where am I... WAIT!! the baby"

"don't worry lady your baby's right here. I know this is rude but what are you 2 doing in this kind of place"

"uhmmm... it's a long story"

"it's okay take your time"

The lady explained to me what happened

Maid's POV

I woke up but I still feel very tired and my mana pools still in danger zone but at least I can move a little.

"uhmmm... where am I... WAIT!! the baby"

I panicked the baby's not with me wait what happened where? what?

"don't worry lady your baby's right here. I know this is rude but what are you 2 doing in this kind of place"

seeing the baby safe I calmed down and by the look and stature of the oldman he looks experienced and intimidating. I don't need to be picky now.

"uhmmm... it's a long story"

"it's okay take your time"

I told the oldman the story.

"I see... so both of you came from Amon that's pretty far here or should I say very very far. Lady you'll be a great mage someday. To use that kind of magic in an instant with mind incantation"

"Thank's mister?"

"ohh... I haven't introduced myself. The name's Lezorth Godfrey and you lady?"

"Luh Hao or just Lillian that's the name my master calls me"


"Then I'll just call you Lillian-san then. You can call me Lezorth"

"okay Lezorth-san"

"well Lezorth's just fine you know. come to think of it your name you came fro..."

"Uhmm... Lezorth-san its quite uncomfortable topic..."

"I see my apologies"

"uhmmm may I ask where is this place Lezorth-san?"

"this house is near the forest of the fairies and in the borders of Zepar and Sitri"

I was shocked to hear where we are.

"wait isn't Zepar a territory of demons"

"Don't worry Lillian-san Zepar and Sitri have a truce so don't worry and they won't even go near to the forest of the fairies it is protected by the guardians"

hearing that was a relief. It is said that the demon race are brutal and evil they will attack till the enemy is destroyed even if they concede the demon race would still kill them all. The people they captured will become slaves or either be fooders for their pets.

As for Sitri it is a city were guardians live. Guardians are a race who looks like human but have the ability to control nature their also called guardians of the forest because of that. They are close to the elves and fairies and also known as pacifists. Humans can also use nature magic but not to the extent of what the guardians can do.

Lezorth-san gave me the baby. He's eyes were red just like her mothers but not deep red.then Lezorth spoke to me.

"that child would bring calamity..."

"why'd you say that Lezorth-san...?"

I was baffled at what he said why would this child bring calamity?

"Look at his left hand it has the symbol of one of the sins. The Pride"

"huh... I thought it was just a birthmark and what's with one of the sins?"


Lezorth's POV

that child has the symbol of Pride what is he...?. I saw that symbol while cleaning the child at first I thought it was just a birthmark but having a closer look there's no doubt about it its one of the Seven Sins.

The seven sins are Gluttony(GULA), Lust(LUXURIA), Wrath(IRA), Sloth(ACEDIA), Greed(AVARITIA), Envy(INVIDIA) and lastly Pride(SUPERBIA).

The Sins were part of the start of the Great War. It started when Lucifer the one who holds Pride fought against the Gods for he cannot accept that they were above him. Mammon the one who holds Greed who helped Lucifer to gain more power. Leviathan who holds envy fought the gods because of jealousy over their power.Asmodeus who holds lust crave for flesh Asmodeus started making fool of gods and all the races making them have sex and the start of half breeds. Satan who holds wrath got angered because of the noise of the war joined and started rampaging mountains being crushed to dust and earth splitting to half. Beelzebub who holds gluttony devoured all dead corpses of the great war and sometimes even the living. Belphegor who holds sloth didn't even do anything he neither helped,joined or stop the war just watched at the sidelines.

It is said that all the sins were punished by the CREATOR. The CREATOR is neither evil nor good nor even takes sides but all the seven sins did something horrible to the CREATOR it is not said what they did but they were all punished.

Lucifer being tortured by the wheels of fate, Mammon being boiled on hot oil for eternity (hohoho... Crispy), Leviathan being freezed for eternity, Asmodeus being burned on fire and brimstone for eternity, Beelzebub being fed of snakes,rodent,frogs and toads (his most hated) for eternity (if you think this punishment is not bad well then try it), Satan got dismembered and all parts of his body were scattered all over the world except for the head the CREATOR kept it (maybe a remembrance or souvenir), Belphegor who did nothing was thrown on the never ending pit fall (poor guy).

An Oracle said that one day new Seven Sins would be born after the war carrying either hope or destruction. It's not said whether they were direct descendants or either just born they will carry the mark of the sins and the punishment it brings.


10 years had passed and now the boy who carries the pride lives in a house nearby the forest of the fairies.

The boy 10 year old boy was playing in front of their house.

" EID !!! its time for dinner "

his mother called him. The boy's name was Eid Rune. Eid means 'happiness' or 'festival in the southern part of Ethrea(name of the world) but in the western part if you read Eid backwards it is Die means 'Death' or 'losing ones life'. Rune became their family name. It was Lezorth who gave them that. Now Lillian is called Lillian Rune

" yes! mom "

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