《Catastrophe Teacher》Chapter 5: A Class of Monsters - Part 2


Giles sees a large wave of ice and a ball of fire racing towards him. He tries to back away but his senses quickly warn him. Someone was about to attack him from behind. Giles looks in front of him and sees Dante who's taking advantage of the situation. He smiles to himself as his opinion of Dante quickly goes down the gutter regarding manners but goes up regarding combat strategy.

Little shit.

For a moment, Giles thinks about what to do but he quickly realizes that he'll have to show these students how strong he is if he wants to gain their respect. After all, most of them are probably used to getting what they want either through pure power or through wealth and influence. Giles quickly formulates a plan to get out of this tricky situation.

Giles extends both of his arms towards Dante and the person behind him.

Just the right amount of force.

He then makes a flicking gesture with both hands. Suddenly, two powerful concentrations of air appear from Giles' hands, easily knocking back both Dante and the attacker behind Giles. He quickly takes into account the two powerful plumes of fire and ice rushing towards him.

Okay, time for these two.

Time seems to slow down as Giles starts to use around 20% of his physical power.

This speed is enough for now. They can barely react to it.

Using his fingers again, Giles quickly dispatches the incoming fireball and icewave with two concentrated air cannons. Once the immediate threats were gone, Giles quickly takes note of his surroundings.

Behind him, Giles sees Selena who tried to rush him. Far away on both sides of Giles are Gus and Calmas. They're creating fire and ice to attack Giles.

Those two kids are supporting the others while the frontliners are facing me head-on.

Continuing to take note of his surroundings, Giles can see Moriah transforming in the distance.

They're probably mad because of what I said earlier. This is fine. It's good they're grouping up. It makes it easier for the group project later.

Once Giles is aware of his situation and surroundings, he returns to 5% of his power. Can't make a mistake and kill a student after all.

Dante and Selena both recover from the pressurized air cannons. They aren't too surprised as they've both seen other people create pressurized air cannons.

Still in the fight, Selena and Dante quickly close the gap between them and Giles. Dante delivers a flurry of blows towards Giles while Selena attacks Giles from the back.

Seeing the two of them, Giles turns to his side and blocks both barrages with one hand each. While Giles protects himself, he studies the two of them.

Selena's attacks are a magnitude slower and weaker than Dante's. Despite Dante's greater strength, Giles focused on Selena since he hasn't fought her yet.

Giles starts to study Selena's brutish fighting style.

No martial arts or the proper form of combat... She's just attacking me with all she's got. Hmmm... She's stalling for time so she can activate her unique power.


Giles suddenly hears a scream full of energy come from above him. Looking up, Giles sees Moriah, with powerful claws and sharp horns, going towards him with a kick.

Her strength is dangerous. I need to move.

While Giles was strong, he didn't want to take unnecessary damage for no reason. As he was about to dodge, Giles feels his legs stuck on the ground. Looking down, he sees a thick layer of ice covering his legs. Before he could continue to escape, fire quickly surrounds him.


When Giles tries to push Dante away, Dante continues to deliver strike after strike while Selena makes sure to keep Giles' other side busy. Giles' incredibly fast mind tried to look for a way out.

These kids are naturally good fighters...

Despite Giles' thoughts, he finds the whole situation more interesting than he thought.

Giles starts to use 10% of his power. After seeing what the strongest students of the class can do, Giles is sure that the class is capable of at least surviving against him at 5% of his power.

10% is enough for Giles to defeat his students, excluding the crazy unique powers they have. 20% of Giles' power, as of now, is capable of obliterating all of them, even if they use their unique powers.

Sensing the increase in Giles' power, Dante quickly goes on the defensive. While Selena didn't notice the increase in Giles' power, her danger sense quickly warns her that staying on the offensive is dangerous so she quickly switches to defense.

Before Moriah could attack Giles with her transformed legs, Giles sends three pressurized air cannons towards her, breaking her momentum. She blocks the 2nd cannon which breaks her guard. The 3rd one sends her flying.

With 10% of his power, Giles quickly attacks Dante and Selena with a flurry of blows that leave afterimages. Despite using the maximum speed his current strength can give, Giles holds back on his actual power. Each strike could shatter stone and dent metal but they do their best to defend themselves.

Selena shouts as she starts to feel overwhelmed by Giles' attacks.

"Vera! I need a bit of help here!"

Giles cautiously looks around but doesn't see Vera.

Suddenly an arm seems to materialize behind him. Giles quickly reacts and turns to grab it but it disappears almost immediately.

Giles returns his attention to Selena but when he turns around, she is already gone. Now that Selena was gone, Giles focuses all of his strikes on Dante, who was slowly being pushed back. His defense was slowly getting broken.

While Giles continued to attack Dante, he hasn't fully processed what happened with Selena. That's when a powerful ball of fire hits him square on the chest, knocking him back a few feet.

Before Giles could enter a proper stance, a path of ice quickly moves across the ground and traps his feet, locking him in place. Taking advantage of Giles' imbalance, Dante strikes him on the stomach. Giles breaks the ice covering his legs and he strikes Dante, who blocks Giles' kick with his arms. This still sent him a far distance.

Before Giles could escape the icy prison, he sees a shadow go towards him.

Without missing a beat, Giles quickly raises his arms to block his head as he sees Moriah's powerful leg fly towards his upper body. Giles feels a powerful shockwave as he barely manages to stand still from Moriah's immense strength. Giles gasps in pain.

Such strength! Her transformation must've enhanced her physical capabilities by so much!

Still, on the ground, Giles tries to push back Moriah but Dante managed to return and deliver a flurry of attacks causing Giles to split his attention.

Giles continues to fight despite being off-balanced. Each time Moriah and Dante give Giles space to breathe, Gus and Calmas continued to conjure powerful blasts of fire and waves of ice. Thankfully, Giles' resistance is powerful so it doesn't affect him too much but it is annoying.

The barrage of strikes and elements was starting to piss Giles off.

Giles shouts.


For a split second, Giles increases his power to 20%. Time slows down and he quickly stands up.


Giles's body splits in two as he moves with extreme speed. With so much speed, Giles looked like he had two bodies that separately attacked Moriah and Dante.

Dante couldn't react to Giles' insane speed and is sent flying by a powerful punch to the gut. Dante is struck with so much force that he flies through the air and lands on the dirt, plowing through the school's solid ground. Dante is knocked out cold. Everything was moving at a slow rate and Giles sees that Dante was already unconscious.

One down.

Once Dante was out of the picture, Giles continues to attack Moriah. Each strike delivered powerful hits that ignored Moriah's defenses. She couldn't react to his speed. Giles completely destroys Moriah's defense leaving her open. She internally curses as she sees Giles' fist go towards her. If this attack connects, it would remove her from the fight.


Before Giles' attack connects to Moriah, Seth suddenly materializes in front of her. Giles' punch strikes Seth, straight to the stomach, but the large student barely reacts which shocked Giles, who was using 20% of his power.


Giles hides his surprise since he didn't know how Seth suddenly appeared. Giles knew that Seth wasn't fast. How did the slow student suddenly appear from nowhere?

Taking advantage of Giles' sudden pause, Seth quickly makes a left hook towards his teacher. Still faster, Giles catches the blow but he notices something terrifying. Seth's attack has the same strength as Giles' 20% punch. Giles' legs suddenly dig through the ground as Seth's powerful attack breaks the ground and pushes him deep.

He has the same level as my strength!

Struggling against his own strength, Giles senses two individuals materialize behind him and he turns around to block their attacks.

Moving fast enough, Giles easily catches Cieran and Nicholas' attacks while continuing to fight with Moriah and Seth. Their faces were filled with anticipation but their excitement was quickly extinguished with Giles' next words. Giles gave the two excited students a grim look.

"I thought I told you two to rest?"

The duo sees Giles' menacing look and feels a shiver go down their spine. Without hesitation, Giles raises his arms while still holding Cieran and Nicholas. While Giles held onto the two newcomers, he held back Moriah and Seth's assault with a single leg. Giles slams both Cieran and Nicholas to the ground with breakneck speed.

The duo screams due to the extreme speed Giles is subjecting them to. They try to get away from Giles but his iron grip wouldn't let them go.

Giles is about to slam the duo on the ground so that he can knock them out, reducing his current problems but before they hit the ground, they suddenly disappear. When the two students quickly disappear, Giles returns his full attention to Seth and Moriah. Despite acting quick, Giles was surprised.

This again!

Without the handicap of only using one leg, Moriah and Seth were starting to get overwhelmed by Giles' superior strength and skill. But they had help. Fire and ice continue to attack Giles at every opening, giving Moriah and Seth the needed breathing room.

Continuously being attacked on all sides, Giles hears a girl's voice ring beside him.

"Don't leave me out!"

Doing his best to block against Seth and Moriah's attacks with the support of Calmas and Gus, Giles momentarily turns his head to the source of the voice.

Giles sees Livia suddenly materialize. Without warning, dozens of spears appear beside Livia as she charges towards Giles. Upping his power to 25%, Giles uses one hand to release a powerful airburst which pushes both Moriah and Seth a few feet away.

Without Moriah and Seth pestering him, Giles simply moves forward and uses his arms to effortlessly redirect Livia's spears away from him while simultaneously getting closer to Livia.

Lowering his strength to 10%, Giles throws a powerful punch towards Livia who left herself open to Giles' attacks.

Managing to regain their balance, Seth and Moriah try to get between Giles and Livia to protect Livia. But Livia doesn't look afraid.

Giles' fist struck a solid object and the sound of metal hitting metal resonates around the area. The shield absorbed Giles' attack and it releases a shockwave that strikes Giles.

Tough enough to take at least 10% of his power, Giles withstands the reflected shockwave. He immediately recognized the aspect, an ability different from a unique power.

Lanceae aspect!

Giles quickly realizes that one of his students might have more than just a powerful will and unique power. He tries to back away.

Livia shouts a command.


Before Giles could move away, hundreds of spears rain down from the sky. Ice grips his legs and Giles was stuck once more. Moriah and Seth were smart enough to stay away.

Unable to move away fast enough, Giles breaks the ice holding him and he increases his power to 25%. Using his enhanced speed, Giles dodges in place barely evading the rain of spears. Giles quickly returns to 10% and he senses another someone behind him.


Selena suddenly appears from thin air but her appearance has changed. Her body is covered with tattoos that are sprawling all over her legs and arms.

Selena??! It hasn't been 10 minutes. How did she transform?

At an elevated level, Selena throws a punch towards the surprised Giles.

So fast!

Surprised by Selena's sudden increase in power, Giles is struck and he is sent flying towards a marble pillar. The marble pillar shatters in half as Giles passes through it. When Giles hits the ground, he comes to a sudden realization after experiencing it multiple times.

Vera... So her unique power is incorporeal and localized time. Interesting...

Giles stands up and stares at the amplified Selena. He looks at Seth and Moriah who goes by her side to support her. Calmas and Gus had the elements in their hands. They were prepared to attack him. Selena's face is still normal but her tattoos are spreading all over her body, a sign of her reaching her first marker. Stretching a bit, Giles studies Selena.

Hmmm, 10-minute Selena can stalemate me at 10%.

Behind Selena, two holes in space appear as Vera uses her unique power.

Giles sees Cieran and Nicholes charging up their unique power.


A concentrated beam of plasma and an eroding beam of darkness shoots out from the hole towards Giles.

Giles dodges and the beams hit the pillar and ground behind him.

The pillar is immediately turned to molten rock while the dirt turns to dust.

Manipulating light and darkness? Best friends with opposite powers... huh, ain't that neat.

Cieran and Nicholas gather power again but Vera closes the hole for them. Looking at his very powerful students, Giles felt happy.

Good... Good.

Giles smiles at the fact that his class is quite powerful. At least, this time, he's sure that he'll have fun teaching.

Giles cracks his knuckles in excitement.

I'm glad that my students are so talented. They'll be able to reach great heights.

Before Giles could continue his thoughts, he hears Suzaku shout.

"Sir! We're way past our time! It's' already 1 PM!"

Giles looks at his indestructible watch.

"Oh shit, you're right."

Despite his enjoyment, Giles also wants to go home. Fen is probably itching for something to eat.

Well, time to clean up.

Giles amps up to 50%, just in case his students pull something out of their asses.

Selena was currently using her unique power.

Its name is 'Infinite War'.

As long as she stays in combat, Selena will continue to gain more physical strength, speed, and durability. This increase in power comes in nonlinear intervals.

Her first increase in power is achieved when she stays in combat for 5 minutes. Her next increase comes at around the 10-minute mark.

At 5 minutes, Selena has enough physical power to overwhelm most of his peers. This is why she was enrolled in the Catastrophe class. At 10 minutes, she could fight her middle school teachers to a stalemate.

As of now, 10 minutes is allowing her to survive Giles' 10% but she didn't know that.

But even if she somehow manages to reach her next interval, which is 20 minutes, Selena wouldn't be able to survive what she's witnessing now.

Giles disappears from the battlefield.

Selena tries to follow Giles with her vision but he was too fast.

Giles appears in front of Gus and Calmas. The two of them continued to make his life difficult. With unmatched speed, Giles quickly knocks them out with a single hit. He makes sure to reduce his power output so he doesn't blow their heads off.

Selena tries to move and protect her classmates but Giles is too fast. Selena couldn't catch up and Giles appears behind her. With a single strike, Giles knocks out Livia, who tried to block with her shield. Moriah managed to stay awake for a few seconds but Giles' attack knocks her out.

Seth tries to protect the two of them but he is nowhere the level of Giles nor Selena. Giles appears in front of Seth.

While Giles was using 50% of his power, he used 30% to deal damage to Seth.

Seth uses his unique power which allows him to absorb any amount of physical force. Seth's body seems to bounce as the force that Giles uses too much for Seth's current level of power to survive. Seth is quickly sent flying and he is embedded through solid stone.

Giles then turns his attention to Selena. Still wanting to continue the fight, Selena needed to reach the next interval.

"Vera! Get me out of here!"

Selena feels Vera's power affects her. When Vera is about to grab Selena, she suddenly feels someone enter her isolated realm. Vera has never felt anyone forcefully enter her world before and she starts to panic. Looking around, Vera couldn't see anyone except Cieran and Nicholas charging their power. The look on their faces meant that they weren't aware of what was happening outside.

Then Vera hears a powerful thud as Giles used the opening to strike Cieran and Nicholas. Vera sees Cieran and Nicholas lose balance as they fall to the ground, unconscious. Before Vera could do anything, she is knocked unconscious when she feels a hand hit her neck.

Giles carries the three of them out of the pocket dimension. He dumps them on the ground and then stares at the exasperated Selena.

Selena shouts at Giles.

"Is this your strongest!? If so! I'll be able to beat you if I last for 20 more minutes!"

Giles stares at the defensive Selena.

Her 30-minute state might be too much for my 30% but not for my 50%. She's seriously overestimating herself here.

Giles replies to Selena's brave statement.

"I know. I just need to knock you unconscious."

He lied. After all, he wanted her to always think she has a chance.

Selena gives Giles a dangerous smile. She starts to think that she's finally found the person. The one that can give meaning to her.

Yes! This is what I wanted! An unstoppable opponent to force me beyond-

Before Selena could finish her train of thought, Giles appears in front of her with blinding speed.

Selena tries to react and protect herself but Giles pushes past her defenses and lands a powerful blow at her stomach.

A strong thud resounds the field as Selena's eyes seem to lose their color. Her tattoos disappear as she loses consciousness.

First Meeting

Results: Half of the class unconscious while the other half watched the other half get knocked unconscious.

Giles heaves a sigh of relief as he watches the field repair itself from the damage they did.

I'm glad that the principal decided to infuse his will into the whole school. It's almost immune to damage.

Giles turns back to his class. He looks at their expectant and slightly afraid faces. Remembering his role as a teacher, Giles speaks with a loud voice. He still needed to push a point.

"Notice your unconscious classmates. These are young individuals, who thought that just because of their great power, they were allowed to gang up on a teacher."

The class looks at each other. Most of them see the truth in Giles' words.

"If it was any other person, he or she might have been really hurt. What if that person was Suzaku? Imagine attacking someone just because they dislike him?"

Iza raises her hand.

"Sir they just did that because they knew you were strong."

Giles raises an eyebrow. He replies.


The class seems stumped by Giles' nonchalant reply.

"Why does it matter if I am strong? Strong or not, you can't just attack someone. It was fine when I was checking Anne, Cieran, and Nicholas' strengths because we agreed on it. It was a consensual fight. Suddenly attacking me just because I'm strong, that's wrong and it will never be right."

A student, who hasn't introduced himself, asks Giles a sarcastic question.

"So if it's consensual, it's okay?"

Giles looks at the student and repeats his earlier instructions.

"Introduction first before anything else."

The student introduces himself.

"I'm Sufian Curone. So, it's okay if someone consents before I attack them?"

Giles answers this sarcastic question with his answer.

"A lot of things are okay with consent but if your thing is fighting, who am I to judge?"

Sufian seems to blush but he regains his composure and seriously asks Giles a question, one that fits the context of the situation.

"Can we challenge you at any time we want?"

Giles nods.

"Yes. Just approach me. I will make time unless I am required elsewhere."

Sufian nods.

The class looks at Giles with respect. Seeing that his students no longer have any questions left, Giles dismisses them.

"Everyone dismissed. We resume our class tomorrow. Don't be late."

The class says goodbye to Giles and leaves for their bags. Steve asks lazily.


Giles responds.


Steve gestures at his unconscious classmates.

"What about these guys?"

Giles looks at his students.

"Leave them be. They'll come to and will go home on their own. This is a lesson they need to understand."

Steve nods and he stands up to leave as well.

Once everyone is gone, Giles takes out a small folder that contains all the details for the class. Giles takes out a list that contains basic information about his students.

"Some students haven't introduced themselves yet... Let's see who hasn't introduced themselves yet."

Class Roster NAME Gender AGE UNIQUE POWER ASPECT POWER Anne Jaxon F 17 Will of Movement (B-Class) - August Derrick M 16 Absolute Zero (B-Class) - Ben Priger M 16 Dragon Soul (A-Class) - Calmas Waslow M 17 Supernova (B-Class) - Carly Cote F 16 Vibrating Core (B-Class) - Cieran Villegas M 18 Absolute Darkness (A-Class) - Dante Zeiss M 15 Legend Realized (SS-Class) - Eliza Dazen F 16 Spatial Control (S-Class) - Iza Sarano F 16 Touch of Death (S-Class) The Sicario Bloodline (Mortal Level) Livia Lynn F 17 Chess Master (A-Class) The Lanceae Technique (Mortal Level) Moriah Tremain F 17 Devil Seal (A-Class) - Nemera Zenderval F 16 Nature's Command (A-Class) - Nicholas Witer M 18 Absolute Light (A-Class) - Orba Alvertion M 16 Energy Absorption (B-Class) - Price Versi M 18 Seeking Energy (B-Class) - Selena Woreset F 17 Infinite War (A-Class) Seth Stardun M 16 Kinetic Absorption (B-Class) - Stevie Ephraim M 18 Sloth King (S-Class) The Perfect Blow (Mortal Level) Sufian Curone M 16 Six-Armed Manifestation (C-Class) Desert Sabre (Mortal Level) Suzaku "Michael" Girin M 16 - - Vera Krause F 16 Shifting Realms (B-Class) - Vergil Angelo M 18 Body of Blades (C-Class) Dimension Blade (Celestial Level)

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