《Chillin' in a dungeon》Chapter 5: Arid winds of change (part 1)


Over 20 moons had passed since Zeyn had become the new warchief. Since his birth, he had been slowly nurtured for the role, and yet no matter how much time passed or how many raids he successfully performed, the feeling of inadequacy wouldn't leave him alone.

Right now he sat all alone, the sandy wind of the dunes softly brushing past his face as he observed the red moon up in the sky. His father used to tell him stories about it, such as how its color was a result of all the blood spilled by Zeyn's ancestors, or how it was said that the founder of the clan could easily hop to its surface.

However, that was not what busied his mind right now. Since the death of the previous chief, his father, the clan had kept decreasing in strength. First, some loyal friends of his father suddenly revolted, leaving the clan and taking with them everything they could. Then some of their biggest oasis had succumbed to the desert, leaving hundreds famished.

"Ohh father, I'm so sorry, I wasn't capable of carrying out your dream. My people... your people, look up to me aching for answers, and I have nothing to tell them." A hint of sadness mixed with unwillingness flew by his azure eyes.

As he quietly enjoyed the peace only a world of sands could give, muffled footstep came from behind him. Usually, he would have unsheathed his saber, suspecting it was an assassin looking to end his bloodline, however, not this time. He recognized the gait and relaxed, soon a pair of slender arms hugged him from behind.

The person who hugged him said nothing as if she didn't want to spoil the silence he had been enjoying while still conveying a single message: "I'm here for you."


Zeyn softly rubbed the arms of his wife, Azela, quietly enjoying her smooth skin the color of red gold, and just like the precious metal, her skin could make many men go crazy with the desire to possess her. However, she was his and he was hers.

Her lips pressed on his neck, where a blade failed to cut deep enough to be the last one. Moist lips brought him away from the arid dune he was sitting on and then parted shortly after, looking for another scar to cancel with the power of love.

"You know," he said ignoring her tender attention. "if we don't find a new oasis soon we will lose many clansmen." Her kisses halted for a moment. "Abib, if that's the will of God so be it, however, I trust you, we all do. We know you'll find a way." She said before resting her forehead against his back.

He audibly sighed and took a pebble from the ground. 'Oh great inshallab, if you still care about your people give me a sign, anything, please.' he prayed in his mind, flashes of his starving people flooded his mind as he observed the area hoping for a miracle.

However, nothing happened. The ground was still sandy and barren, the sky still clear, revealing a starry sky and the wind blew dry against his skin. He mocked himself mentally, if praying god could solve anything the desert would be full of life and he would be a farmer, not a warchief.

Throwing the pebble away he got ready to get up, however, something caught his attention. Where the pebble landed it bounced back as if hitting a wall. Suddenly the sand covering the dune in front of him avalanched revealing a buried stone structure.


Zeyn almost couldn't believe his eyes as he recognized what that was, a giant 5 meters tall gate.

Keeping Azela behind his back, Zeyn unsheathed his saber and slowly advanced towards the humongous gate. As he stood right next to it, Zeyn could notice patterns sculpted on the gate, images of battles and life, animals and plants. He cautiously poked the gate with his weapons and as if welcoming him, the gate opened up on its own revealing a long tunnel leading down into darkness.

Suddenly his ears perked up. "Azela, can you feel it too?" he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Hmm!" from behind him came the short but energetic answer of the woman he loved. Yes... they both felt it. The humidity that would only appear next to a luscious oasis.

At that moment both of them felt that their god hadn't abandoned them!

"Run back to the camp, you have to warn the others, bring all the warriors. we don't know what's down there, however, it must be ours!"

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