《It That Laments》Chapter 17
Half an hour later, she found herself troubled because of her hasty reply.
Right after she nodded, Prima brought her to a room where people were reciting lines from a script. It did not take long for her to realize they were actors and actresses.
“Your attention, please.”
Prima clapped her hands hard few times and brought silence to the room.
“Because of a not so unfortunate reason, I’ve decided to change the script for today to the other one with her filling the missing role. And with that, I’m counting on you,” she said then winked and stick out her tongue.
What came next was, as expected, an eruption of complaints. They threw their script to the ground and went wild with their voices. Some even fell flat to the ground and went unmoving. Obviously, they voiced their complaints directly to her which she replied with a simple,
“It’s decided so no-no complain.”
Amidst the falling spirit, Prima added one line to boost their motivation.
“By the way, because there’s no change in the schedule you only have around thirty minutes. Good luck,” she said with a heart mark and went away before an outbreak.
Daaaaaamn, they spewing their bare feeling with no restraint whatsoever. It shook the air like the roar of the king of beast upon knowing his family was killed. The raging and uncontrollable emotions resonated within the room until they were satisfied.
A silent with only the sound of exhausted breaths. Then followed with sudden simultaneous activities that ignored their previous wild behaviors. They took out the other scrip and started entering their roles, which from Nely’s eyes was like going crazy.
There was no time for her to worry aboutothers. Shortly after, someone who seemed to be the leader came and asked about her acting experience. She shook to tell her inexperience. Once they took notice of her lack of words, she explained her disability. They held their heads and squatted down with a grim expression as if God had abandoned them.
As much she wanted to help them, it was one thing she could not do. So, she stayed silent as not to further bother them.
But, the leader soon got up to his feet and with his quick thinking devised a play where the narrator tells the story and her action while she only needs to move her body accordingly. Which made them need to improvise the script greatly with the already little time they have. What a great trouble they need to add on the already troublesome situation!
Perhaps because of that, their tension was oddly high. Or it might be because of the adrenaline rush actors feel right before the play? Only they know.
Nely wanted to say they didn’t need to do this and go on with their initial plan. Yet, before she knew it she was left with someone who would handle the narrator and cram her the movement within this short amount of time.
Honestly, although she felt bad for them, she thought it was impossible. Even if they played their role perfectly, she would just ruin it. That was why she thought it was better to forget about her and do their things.
Nevertheless, her words fell on deaf ears. Or rather, it did not even fall because her mouth said nothing.
The narrator showed a swift and sharp movement for her to copy. She blankly saw it with agape mouth and thought, it was impossible.
Once she did one round, it was already time for the play. She went panicked when she noticed she had not changed into costume. Fortunately, the clothes she happened to receive and wear was fine. What a happy coincidence!
Although, that did not help much for her current turmoil. The next moment she was already on the stage with no proper preparation whatsoever.
A bright light shone upon her. Hundreds of eyeballs gathered on her were like the mystic eyes of petrification, holding her rooted to the ground.
Was it summer, or winter? The air of silence caused her sense to went awol. She shed sweat which was cold but made her body hot. No. Was she even sweating? She could not even feel her own body from the nervous.
Ignoring her sorry state, the narrator advanced the play.
“Long time ago, when the world was filled with darkness, people desire for someone to become their beacon of hope. Yet, the Gods did not answer their wish. The darkness grows further and swallows the world starting from the west. Kingdoms fell to ruin. People are left for the hideous monsters to prey upon without the protection of the safe wall. So, fearing they would be next in line, people of the south-west though. If Gods won’t send them someone to become their beacon of hope, they should just make it themselves!”
Nely stepped forward despite her trembling legs, and the lights except for the one on her dimmed.
“Behold! She’s the beacon they picked from thousands of common people! What an honorable duty she was given! If it is her, the darkness is nothing to fear. They have no doubt and placed their hope on her. So, they ordered her. Now, draw your sword and slay the darkness!”
That was her cue. She followed the instruction and did just that. After her so-so swing, the stage went dark and the scene changed.
“Was it thanks to her ability or plain luck, the south-west was at peace. After she was appointed, she managed to protect the south-west and the darkness stopped its advance in there, and instead aim north. People praise her deeds and believe the darkness won’t dare to approach as long she exists. As time passed, they begin to think it’s not good to monopolize her for themselves. That’s why they decided to send her as a helper to other places. The first is the town at south where the monsters are more active.”
Another light appeared with a man not far from her.
“Alas, the monsters have ravished my town. No one was spared. Not the people. Not even women and children. And especially not the livestock. I wish to pay them back if only there’s someone to watch my back!”
“Oh,” he said upon taking notice of her. “You, the lass over there! Could you be heading to the town of the south? Forget it. It’s already the dwelling of monsters. Return to where you came from if you value your life.”
Nely did not heed his warning and walked for a few steps until she was stopped again.
“Wait, wait! If you insist on going, I suppose I too will follow you. Despite how I look, I used to be the best archer in town!”
The man started boasting his carrier, but the uninterested Nely ignored and left him behind. The scene darkened as the man hastily called out to her which caused giggles from the audience.
“And so, this was the start of her journey.”
Going with the flow, Nely successfully liberated the town with the help of the Archer who saved her from a pinch. He then stuck with her upon knowing of her noble quest to help people in need.
From the South, they went east where it was the furthest from conflict. As if it was their fate, trouble came to them in a form of conspiracy. With the help from a knight they got along there, they managed to unveil the truth and saved the place from going into a war. As a token of gratitude, the knight joined them on their quest.
Similar things happened in the form of monster subjugation, saving the princess from a wicked mage, and so on.
Her once lonely journey had become merry. Her fame also spread through the continent as a noble group who help people in need. And finally, they reached the North where the darkness was most active.
“On the land where darkness is most potent, our hero devised a plan to launch an ambush on the darkness core, and to do that she needs the help of a certain man who’s known of his lack of cooperativeness.”
Finally, she was at the beginning of the last part. She thought it was a miracle she was able to come this far without any major mistake, although done poorly from the professional standard. But, what she could do? She was suddenly asked to act without any training.
To be honest, she had no idea why Prima asked her to do this as the payment. Was there anything she would gain from this? Nely’s embarrassment when she failed? Might be. Just her amusement from troubling her? Likely.
Nely might not know because of their shallow relation, but Prima was such a child. She would merrily laugh at people’s misfortune and even added if she could if it would amuse her. That was why the actors and actresses did not question it and sent a sympatric gaze at her, thinking she was this time’s victim.
Thinking about such thing now was useless. She should focus her attention on the stage.
At the other side of the stage, stood a man with a menacing look. Hand on the sword on her waist and body facing the side furthest from Nely and party. It was clear just from body language alone that he was rejecting them.
Nely would leave the man alone if not for his information of the terrain.
Unlike the theatrical dialogues until this point, the man’s dialogue as short and blunt as if to further enhance his unfriendliness.
“Our hero tried to dialogue with him, but he doesn’t even lend them his ear. But, she did not stop for he is their only hope.”
A sudden sense of uneasiness assaulted her. It was so out of nowhere that she stopped momentarily, causing an awkward silence. It was supposed to be a scene where she convinced him.
People began to wonder what was going on. So was she as strange memories surfacing in her mind.
No. This was not right. This scene was strange, she thought. Truly, it was strange considering she knew how it matches with the script nor did she knew the source or variation of a similar story.
Her mind and body froze as if the gear connecting the two things was removed. She opened and closed her mouth repeatedly, trying to get a thing out of her throat. Unfortunately, she was unable to get it out just like words.
The image flowing on her mind, however, showed her the way. She followed it and drew her swords.
Ignoring the confused man, she slashed the thing at him with a smooth motion, unlike her previously so-so swing.
Confused as he may be, the man barely dodged and fell to his back, only for Nely to point the tip of her blade to his face. She stared at it and slowly moving his sight to her face, questioning her action. Her expression was nothing but serious.
Nely ignored his inquiry, merely focusing on something in front of her which was not the man. She was in a strange state where she could not help but obeying a certain force. She was possessed, in simple term.
Thinking it was a mistake, the narrator improvised the play with using all the creativeness she had so it could return to the proper track. That, however, was put to waste as Nely acted again.
Wrong. Her lips made that word. Followed after was another slash which the man blocked with his own sword.
Wrong. She thought after delivering another slash.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
No matter how many times she swung her sword, chased the man, got parried, she could not dispel the sense that something was wrong. Terribly wrong!
At the corner of her mind, she realized her action of slashing the sword despite not fond of violence and the memories flooding into her mind, were strange even by itself. But, those two were minor compared to the sense of wrongness she was feeling.
It was comparable when one opens the door upon returning to their home and felt to themselves something was wrong despite no apparent clue in sight. Whether it was the air, smell, or just a minor placing of the family picture, to people keen enough, they would notice it.
Leaving behind whether this was a supernatural ability human possess or subconscious noticing the minor change, it was no doubt something was going on.
A good tense, confusing minutes for everyone including Nely herself. Without knowing the reason, it, the sense, thinning out from her as if giving up, leaving her in an awkward situation where she was locked in a bout with the male actor. Once she stopped her pursue, the male actor similarly had a confused face.
“A-and so, upon displaying each other’s strength, they both were able to respect each other. She was also able to convince the man for his help after the friendly bout.”
Missing not a single moment for further trouble, the curtain was closed for a longer time than usual. She was dragged to the side and harshly warned. Of course, once asked the reason for her sudden improvised, she could only hang down her head because even she did not know why. She only knew that, although it thinned out until she could no longer feel it, there was something about her and the scene.
Now then. It was time for the curtain to rise again. So, she was spared from further scolding after a strict warning.
The last part where she and party went to ambush the darkness went without trouble, except for the story-related ones. After accomplishing a great deed, they were given handsome rewards by the country.
The darkness also ceased its invasion, so the party decided to each return to their home. Only the newest member, the uncooperative man, decided to stick with her to the south-west. The reason was that she thought it would be sad to separate just like that without bonding like the other party members. He also had no business in the North because the darkness was no more, and south-west was near the darkness.
Finally, the play was concluded with an open ending where they lived there while preparing for the incoming battle when the darkness return.
Without further delay, after the curtain was lowered, Nely was taken away. She was prepared for another scolding because she was aware of the trouble she had caused. Indeed, she was prepared. But her low casted face, trembling feeble-looking body, and tears on the edge of her eyes told the other party enough on how much she was sorry.
Scolding existed to tell children what was bad. That was why they spared her even after they returned to the waiting room.
Nely was an honest person. Her emotion was directly conveyed from her lifeless walking, tear-filled eyes which seemed ready to spill at any moment, and the sobbing that leaked out. It would be immature for them to scold someone who was now making herself as small as possible in the corner with such a sad face.
When they were troubled on how they should handle her, the roof of the problem, Prima entered the room with Scond.
“Good work! Good work! That was a good play despite your lack of preparation. Well, I think there are lots of points to fix, but I will forgive you this time,” she said, not minding the glares that criticized her.
“Sorry, trouble.”
Scond apologized in her stead, bringing his head down in an accustomed motion. No. There was no need for him to do that, everyone thought. The leader acted as a representative and voiced out his mind, also sending a reproaching look to Prima while he was at it.
“That’s right. Why do you need to apologize? It’s their job to entertain me and the audiences. We paid them for that! You’re complaining about the sudden change? Well, unexpected things happen all the time. Just like a pop quiz, it’s your fault for not preparing for it.”
“You’re being ridiculous…”
“Do I? Whether that’s true or not, I’m your client. So, suck it!”
That was her being ridiculous. The actors and actresses were unable to make a good come back and instead silently endured. If it was not for the good pay, they would already get her! Well, no actually.
The moment they did that, Scond would send every single one of them to the wall with more than a few broken bones. He was not without his weapon because Prima told him it blocked the way. If he had it at hand, worst case scenario, broken bones change into dead bodies.
It was because of his presence people could not harm Prima, and she could do as she pleases.
“Oh? Look at that! I thought the mold on the wall was oddly big, but it was actually Nely,” she said, approaching her with a few long steps.
“Hello, earth to Nely! Hmm. Wow, just look at the century-aged zombie face. Come’re let me just do this and…”
Prima placed her hands on Nely’s cheeks and started kneading them. Up, down. Up, down. Stretch, squeeze. Stretch, squeeze.
“Damn. Just look at these rice cake cheeks. It’s so soft. Mine if I take a bite? Don’t mind if I do!”
Nely did not respond and only made an unpleasant face. But, once a soft bite reached her cheek, she jumped in surprise and pushed her away with a bright red face. Her wide opened eyes surveyed the room, trying to understand what had happened when she had already known from the start.
She listened. That was why. She, however, did not expect the sudden action and was not given the chance to evade or even think. After all, there were barely any seconds after Prima asked her permission, which she did not give of course.
“Now that’s a better face,” Prima said with an impish grin. “You know; sad face doesn’t suit this entertainment district. This’s the place to have fun and take a break from all those harsh things outside here. That’s why smile, Nely!”
She placed her fingers to the corner of Nely’s mouth and pulled it into a big smile. She then nodded few times, satisfied.
“Yup, a smile is great. Way, way, way, way better than things like that ugly expression. That’s why as long I’m here, I won’t accept a single sad face around. Not on my watch!”
Nely could not understand what pushed her so far. She agreed that smile was better than a sad face without a doubt. But, why force her to smile when she was feeling down? We smile when happy. We cry when sad. We tremble when scared. Was there any point in Prima’s action?
The moment she showed that to her face, Prima explained.
“Sad face is a deathly contagious disease. It spreads the bad thing called sadness only by showing it to other people. And what sadness do you think? It causes misfortune. No matter what, a person with a sad face will always think in a bad way. So, even when good things happen, they won’t notice it. That’s misfortune.”
She turned around and walked a few steps, still continuing her talk.
“Then what about a smile? Well, it’s also contagious but good. When you smile, you’ll spread it to people near you, making them smile and happy. Do it and they will even forget their misfortune! So, if either is contagious, don’t you think it’s better to spread the better one, right?”
She looked at the actors and flashed a smile, one so cute that it felt unexpected coming from someone who arrogantly ordered people around. Lured by that smile of her, they did the same. One by one, smile after smile. As if competing, they showed their best smile. First was a poor attempt with a plastered smile which resulted in a mocking. Next was a smirk resulted from the previous. Followed were a laugh and another attempt. A smile. A grin.
And would you look at that!
Life came to the once awkward room and was brimming with it. Just by directing a smile she was able to change the mood of a gloom room into one with laughers and smiles.
“See, isn’t it wonderful? Now, try doing it yourself!”
Nely’s hesitation held her for only about three seconds before she dismissed it. She tried to make one, but perhaps the guilt still weighing her for it had some awkwardness in it.
“Come on, that’s not your best. Scond, show her an example!”
He smiled, showing his white teeth, with eyes curving into a gentle crescent with a touch of friendliness and straightforwardness. Surely, there was nothing in his life he needed to hide, his smile told her that.
“Your turn again. Don’t think about unnecessary things! Forget it! Smile please!”
So, she smiled. She just smiled. She lifted her mouth, lowered her eyes, and gave her the smile she ordered.
“Oh, that’s a nice smile! That’s your reward for your hard work. Keep the change.”
She nodded but something caught her.
“Now then people. There’s aren’t any schedules for your play today. As a way to congratulate the success of your sudden play, I’ve booked a restaurant. Don’t worry about the price. It’s on me!”
The moment she said it was on her, they cheered like rioters when assaulting a castle where Nobles lived lavishly. It was so great they let the problem be gone like water to the drain. Hardship? It was incomparable to a free meal with someone’s money.
Their mind soon was filled with delicious meals, cute waitress, and free boozes. Once their mind went there, they could not stand still anymore and rushed outside, bumping against each other along the way. They were excited enough to leave the important stage set, and her, who hadn’t told them the place’s name or location. That fact caused Prima to slightly crooked her smile into an evil one.
Her reason to smile at sad people. Was it really to make them happy and not because she enjoyed looking down on their pathetic self? Either way, the thing on her mind that caused such a smile could not be anything good.
She was about to follow them before Nely held her hand.
“What? Of course, you’re also welcome to come. Rather, come! How could we leave the main lead behind? Oh, I guess they’ve indeed left you with me and Scond to go who knows where.”
Nely shook her head and showed Prima her hands.
“That wasn’t it? Hmm, hands? Here,” she said and placed her on top.
Nely heavily shook her head and did the same motion again, causing Prima to curl her eyebrows.
“Ah, could it be about the reward? Why didn’t you say so to spare me from wondering that much?”
Nely ignored her joke and waited for her answer in anticipation. It didn’t sound like one, but that got to be a joke, she thought.
Prima opened her mouth but closed it again, changing her direction to Scond.
“Scond, go on ahead first. You remember the place, right? Yeah, the usual one. The one who offers cheap foods because the ingredients barely expired.”
Scond nodded, but for some reason, there was a concern in his eyes.
“Alright. Alone?”
“Of course! Even if I’m small like a fragile and delicate flower I am, going to a restaurant we frequently visit is something I can do alone. Just what could possibly happen? Got kidnapped by a group of people in black robes?”
She said it in a joking manner. She meant to say that the town, especially the Entertainment District, was like her own backyard. Even yesterday she went around the town alone. There was nothing for him to worry about. Not here.
That was why she addressed him.
“Scond, I know you're still worried but it’s fine. Here we’re save. The years we spent here is the proof. So, do me a favor and lead them the way before they came back like an idiot they are. I’ll follow as soon I’m done here,” she said in a kind, caring tone while showing him a reassuring look.
He did not look convinced but nodded nevertheless. After looking back once at the door, he went out.
Finally left alone, Prima let out a sigh.
“He sure is a worrywart.”
Although she said that, there was a kind smile on her face that showed she appreciated his concern.
“Now what were we talking about again? Right. The reward.”
She sat on the nearby chair and thought for a bit before she continued.
“I think there’s no problem with the reward. I gave you the information just like I promised, no? What are you dissatisfied with?”
Nely expressed her question by moving her body and hands. Unfortunately, she was unable to convey it properly, causing both of them to knitted their eyebrows.
After thinking, Prima decided to ask her anything that came to her mind. If she got it right, then the rest was easy.
“Let’s see. It doesn’t seem you’re dissatisfied with the reward. But first, is it about the reward?”
Nely replied with a nod.
“Good. Is it 5W1H questions?”
Once again she received a nod which caused them to be happy with the progress.
“This’s easier than I expected. I might have a thing for this! Back to the question, okay. You’re wondering why a smile is a reward, or why you deserve it? Both? You sure are greedy despite your looks.”
She poked her side teasingly. It was neither ticklish or hurt. But, because it was not a good feeling, she brushed her hand away and reminded her to return to the topic.
“Then let me start with the easier question. For why that’s your reward, simply, because a smile is his weakness. That’s the information you want, right?”
She might be right about that. But, a smile was his weakness? Smile. That thing on her mouth moments ago? She could not understand where this came from.
Just how an expression be anyone’s, not to mention Selv’s, weakness?
“Hmm, how should I explain this. Have you ever look at the sun for a long time that your eyes feel like burning? After that you won’t do it again, right? It’s like that.”
Watching the sun. Of course, she had done that, although quite in the past. Indeed, she no longer looks at the sun too long because she knew it would hurt her, but she still looked at it from time to time. She failed to understand the feeling and that troubled Prima.
“Aaah, then do you have something you’re bad with?”
She had, plenty of it. But, the first that came to her mind was a sharp weapon.
“Say this fake knife I took from the prop is the real thing. How would you feel? Scary, right? And why is that?”
Triggered by her question, the experience of that night surfaced. It was dark. The moonlight slipped through the gap on the wall. A cold blade against her slender neck. Her mouth was covered and her body hurt. Other time, people were slashed into two, blood splattering to the dirty ground of a damp building. The long blade coated with its victim’s blood looked at her as if requesting more prey.
Every once and then she would wake up from such nightmare, drenched in sweats and raising heartbeat. Just from remembering, it caused her body to shiver.
“That’s right. It’s because there’s an experience related to the thing from a month ago. His case is also like that. He has some bad experiences with a smile. That’s why we can say that’s his weakness.”
She got up and placed her hand on Nely’s shoulder.
“Don’t think too much about it. Even if I say smile, it’s not like he got hurt from just any smile. Only a bright and cheerful smile without cloudiness gives him trouble. Yes, just like children’s smile.”
A bright cheerful smile like those of children. That was a strange way to put it. How was it different than children’s smile? Did she mean he was also bad with children?
But, Annatashya, Prima, Astral, and many others directed their smile at him all the time. Surely, there had to be one that met the criteria when she went around with him. Did he show such a response? She could only disagree.
He did not hate people’s smile. That was certain from her eyes. If he does, that should be apparent either from his reluctant action or expression. What she said confused her rather than enlighten her.
“Well, if you want to know more, you can ask the person himself or Annatashya! This’s as much I can say to you,” she said, glancing at the half-closed door with someone on the other side. She let out a soft smile and raised her shoulder as if saying it can’t be helped.
Nely who saw her action also looked at the door and found someone who worriedly watched over them, now with a huge lump of metal behind him. Their eyes met. The person panicked, causing his weapon to hit the door, letting out a nice bang. He hurried to make his escape but the two of them clearly caught his figure.
The two looked at each other and let out a giggle.
“It seems someone is waiting for me, so I’ll explain it shortly. Next is about why you deserve the reward. Let’s just say everything has a meaning, even if you don’t know about it. And what you did was enough to earn you that. Are we good now? Okay.”
She said her farewell, took her belongings, and off she went. Not long after, her voice of teasing could be heard from the corridor. Her voice sounded happy for whatever the reason it might be.
Nely felt warm imagining the interaction of those siblings. She didn’t know what it feels to have a sibling because she was an only child. But, she thought it was nice.
She wondered whether she would get one if she asked, only to dismiss it herself by lightly shaking her head.
Now, she thought about what she should do. She finished for what she came for, whether it was useful or not aside. What should she do with the things she earned today? Although there was the option of organizing her thoughts, her mind naturally reached a certain action.
Front confrontation. There was only that.
She had thought of doing a more elaborate scheme, but that did not suit her. Her mind was not sober at the time. Asking people for his weakness? What good does that do? If there was something she did not like, she faces it directly and says it.
If that did not work, she only needs to repeat with greater force. Delicate problem? She knew nothing nor care nor would do anything even if she knew.
Depend on the perspective, she might be an egoist and blunt. But, she can also be seen as someone honest with straight personality. That was her good points.
Once she reaffirmed herself, the cloud that covered her vision form the dark warehouse dispread, showing a broader and brighter view with plenty of sunlight.
Accordingly, her mood and mouth were raised not that the unpleasant fuzziness was gone.
Before she went out, the mirror on the room caught her attention. She stared at her reflection for a while. She was smiling, with a huge smile reminding of a sunflower that blood all year long.
Yes, this feels refreshing, she thought.
She felt it had been a while since she smiled like this. The thing from last month weighed her greatly that she rarely smiles lately. But, that was over.
Weighting over it will do nothing. That was why she decided to smile, just like how Prima does. She smiled once again to blew her weight completely and made her exit.
Blown by the cold, salty wind, she went to her new destination, where someone needs a share of a smile.
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