《It That Laments》Chapter 5: The Daily Life of a Guardian II
Selv and Nely moved away from the commercial district. Their next destination lies on the east side of this town, the Entertainment District.
Considering the distance between each district and Nely’s stamina, they took few breaks along the way. While at it, Selv checked on few people nearby. Such was also one of his duties. As a reward, he earned freebies to share with Nely.
Half day already passed by the time they reach their destination. Unlike other districts, one need to pay for entrance. In exchange, people could use most of the fascinating facilities inside.
Using Selv’s face pass both entered the Entertainment District free of charge. They were stamped on the back of the hand as proof of the entrance. Then, what lies beyond the gate was a land of dream.
that gets bigger along the way, tiles that make sounds when stepped on, a long vehicle that moves along a rail and let out hongs, structure that spring left-right just like the real spring, and many more. Various interesting looking things were placed as far eyes could see. Houses Combined with unique people that lived here, it was as if coming out from books or dream.
Dream and Hope was the foundation. The smile was the objective. This district at day is an amusement park.
As one would expect from children as young as Nely, her eyes sparkled from the out of norm place. On the other hand, Selv who had gotten used to it only thought of meaningless things, such as mouse mascot or a globe statue in front of the entrance. It somehow tickled his brain, but he did not prevail and unable to remember further details.
Nely literally jumped in joy and pulled Selv’s sleeve while pointing at a silver gargoyle statue. It was a piece with fine details that made one wonder whatever it was alive or not. Usually, seeing such thing would make children cry, but no one was afraid here.
With laughter and smile, the atmosphere made one forget about fear and implant the suggestion that there was nothing dangerous here.
Both stared at the statue and wait for it to do its thing. Then, it opened its mouth and bubbles flew out. The transparent foams moved along the wind, passing by people, buildings, and toward the sky they go.
Finished with that, Nely pulled Selv’s sleeve hard. A smile plastered on her face, she dragged him as something piqued her interest.
Selv has some business here, but
“I guess a little is fine.”
Seeing Nely in high spirit, Selv said.
They spent a good hour touring the place, and an additional hour to try out the attractions. Spinning cups, merry go round, mirror house, and the infamous roller coaster.
The design may vary from the one in his memory, but its function and mechanism were similar. Selv never expected people would actually make it from his vague memories.
As expected of the genius inventor. A free-willed person that pursue interesting things by any means. People might call him as genius inventor because of his exploit, but Selv could only see him as a mad scientist.
He felt a tuck on his sleeve. No need to say, it was Nely. At the moment, they were around hundred meters above the ground, inside a compact room that swayed whenever they move, a Ferris wheel’s cart.
“What is it?”
Nely raised from her seat, swaying the place a little, and pointed at something beyond the window.
“Aah, that’s the sea.”
A vast clear blue just like the sky. Moving perpetually toward the land in a nice fixed rhythm. Filed with abundant life forms, it was the mother of all.
It seemed this was Nely’s first experience seeing a sea. Not that it was strange or rare. So far, the independent town was the only big place of community that has access to the sea. There were few villages near the sea to supply the town and cities with marine products, but it won’t grow into towns. They won’t take the risk.
After all, what lies behind the sea is the Land of Demons.
Yet, Nely was glued to the window, fascinated by the sea. In her young eyes, what does she sees in it? A wonder, mystery, or even blessing?
Nevertheless, it was a thing Selv no longer able to perceive.
To Selv, a sea was nothing more than a big pond to fill this town’s stomach. As his age increase, the color lenses of his eyes become less. When he passed hundred, he only has black and white left. No, maybe it was even more before.
His world became monochrome at some point in more a distant past. So far, he could not trace it back.
No, it was not good, Selv thought. More than this would make him suffer from a headache. So, he stopped.
“How is it?”
Selv started a trivial talk to wait for the attraction to reach the ground. He held no expectation for an in-deep reply from her, who could not speak. But, he was ready to interpret her language.
Yet, the response he got was a smile. She turned around with a million-dollar smile on her face. No additional gesture whatsoever. Just one big smile. So innocent and pure befit of her age.
She got him.
Being shown that kind of smile, no proper adult would stay indifferent. It was a smile that was going be lost when someone reaches a certain age.
Upon seeing something like that adults would feel dirty or reminded of the things they lost along the way.
Sev could not bear such smile and looked away, for he was the same as other adults.
Just out of nowhere, he was reminded of a certain person. One that can be said to be his child. He had long left the nest and lives independently. No contact was made in these past years. Did he drop dead already or has a family of his own, Selv does not know.
Will this one also become the same? He hopes not. But, considering her situation such thing was not unlikely. If it comes to that he has no choice.
It was because he took the request to help her.
Can’t be helped. Have no other choice.
As he thought of reasons to convince himself, the cart reached the ground. So he moved forward, without mushing over things.
Nely on his side, holding hands so they won’t be separated. They moved farther from the main attraction to the wall. Once they were few meters away, a huge road devoid of obstruction was there. Following it, they reached one of the four gates that separated the town from outside.
Once they passed the gate, a world of gentle white entered their eyes. Field of white flowers stretched until the cliff that separates high and low ground. Beyond it was the sea and horizon.
The wind carried a slightly salty taste and a calming smell.
Hiding among thousands of flowers was a boy. Looks young and barely reaching two digits in age. He was sleeping with a peaceful face. That itself sounds good, but he also hugging something in exchange of pillow. It was hard and made out of metal. With a length over twice his body, sharp points on certain parts, and rough shape, it was something close to the word lump of metal.
“Scond, wake up!” Selv shook his body.
He only received a groan. Then he tried for the second time but harder.
The boy, Scond, squirmed for a while before he replied.
“Mmmm, Selv?” he rubbed his eyes, still half-asleep.
“You went and used that thing as your pillow, again. Look, you’re bleeding here and there. How many times do I have to tell you-“
“Aaaaaa, sto~p! Me, don’t hear,” Scond plugged his ears with fingers and tried to bury his head to the ground, so he could escape from Selv’s scolding.
But, Selv did not stop. He grabbed him by the collar and forced him to seat straight.
“It’s not like I don’t understand your feeling of wanting to hug something when sleeping. But! A weapon is out of the question,” Selv firmly said.
Scond did not even try to object. Not that Selv would accept any reason even if he did.
This was not the first or second time. Almost every occasion, he would find him sleeping with that dangerous thing in hands. The person declared that it was not a problem since he is used to it. But, that was not good enough of a reason.
Selv tried to fix this bad habit of him, but the result was unsatisfiying. He held the air from leaving his mouth. Then, he looked around in search of someone.
“Where’s Prima? I don’t see her.”
“Prim, went,” Scond replied with pieces of words.
“Is that so? Well, that could wait for later.”
Selv checked on Nely. As he had expected, she has a strange look on her face. She found Scond’s way of speaking rather unique.
Not using the full sentence, but the person did not seem lazy to cut the words as much as possible. And, his pronunciation was also off. She felt something was amiss.
“He’s dumb,” Selv said.
At first, Nely was angry. Despite not knowing the person, she thought it was rude to insult a person. Even if it was Selv who did it, her feeling did not change.
“It seems you misunderstood something. But, either way, both meanings are correct to explain him.”
Nely did not know the other meaning of dumb, so she was still mad at Selv who seemed indifferent. She was somewhat disappointed in him.
But, her misunderstand did not last long. Selv guided her as he explains.
“Scond is dumb as in he cannot talk. Or at least, he used to.”
Still angry, Nely looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“He was a subject of a certain military experiment. Using their special means, they messed up his brain function. They altered and replaced or reduced unnecessary functions that an obedient soldier would not need, such as learning, to enhance his control over muscles and vitality.”
By the time Selv took a breath, Nely’s anger was changed with confusion. She didn’t understand few words he used.
“To put it simply, they made him stupid so they could use him,” Selv said, anger mixed in his words.
Nely thought whatever people that evil actually exists in real world. A sheltered girl she is, Nely believed such thing exists in the world of papers and ink.
But, when she looked at someone who was younger than her went through such things, blood went to her head. She got angry at something that was not related to her.
“I appreciate your feeling. But, there’s no need for you to be mad since it’s something of the past.”
Yes. It was already in the past. The people behind such experiment were no longer in this world. They had become a stain on Selv”s sword.
Still, her anger did not submerge for a while.
Selv could not fathom why she still angry. No, he no longer could.
It would be lying if he said he had forgiven what they did to Scond. But, that was because he was related and could have done something to prevent it. His feeling was directed at himself.
As for Nely? Selv could predict but not understand. After all, he had lost such ability ages ago.
“Well, don’t mind it,” he said that and ended the topic. “Scond, I’m counting on you for the usual.”
“Ay,” Scond replied.
Selv then released Scond from his punishment and both started to warm up. It might be a little confusing for Nely. But, after they finished, took some distance, and faced each other with a weapon, everything became clear.
They shrank their vision only to the one in front of them. Other trivial things such as the flower field, butterfly, the evening sun, and even Nely were cut off to increase one’s concentration. Yet, with their other senses, they grasp their surroundings to a certain extent to prevent blunder.
Then, with the wind as the sign, Scond leaped at Selv with his huge block of metal in his hand. He swung it and a strong gust of wind swayed flowers and made Selv’s clothes dances furiously.
In a nick of time, Selv dodged by moving to the side.
He countered, but Scond was not an easy opponent. He jumped to evade the slash. Using his weapon as cover, he turned around and faced Selv again.
Putting strength into his legs, he jumped to ram Selv. Despite his child-like figure, the force in his leg was great.
An instant before the collision, Selv rolled to the ground and swiped his feet. Losing his balance, Scond let go of his weapon and rolled few times.
“Ouh,” Scond groaned.
Although he let out such sound, he had properly broken his fall with that roll. So, Selv did not ask for his well-being, but rather said,
With those short exchanges, they went back for another bout.
Nely who saw that from the sideline could not help but thought that male was a strange thing. Why do they keep doing things with violence as their basis?
Even without it, she believes people would understand if they talk since the other party also a fellow living being. Naïve thinking befits of a girl at her age.
She never knew how ugly a person can be. How people sacrifice other for their interest. Kill in the name of love and honor. Rob the unobtainable thing for self-satisfaction.
Those are few of the devious and horrible deeds of men. So much one’s life would not enough to tell all of it.
Yet, despite the unshakeable truth, her thoughts also held true. For beneath those acts also exists the equal deeds of men. It was a shame that such men were few in number.
Nely, who at first took interest in their training, soon lost interest and played with the flower on the corner. She also enjoyed the ocean view from close. Occasionally, she also peeked at the two.
“Hah, hah.”
Despite his overwhelming advantage, Selv was the first to be short on air as he held his chest. Scond, on the other hand, was still full of energy. Is this the gap between age?
“Don’t mind me. Continue,” Selv said with a ragged breath.
They resumed. As time prologues, Selv’s expression went from bad to horrid. Still, he did not stop and pushed himself to the utmost limit.
His movement became sluggish and steps were unstable. A periodic cough and shaking body. Even his conscious was vague. Selv’s current state was miserable enough that even a gust is enough to make him fall.
Nely could not stay put and went between them. She grabbed his clothes and shook her head few times.
“I’m fine,” Selv said with a pained expression. It was not convincing in the least.
“Enough. Selv. You look. Bad.”
Selv took some time to catch some breath before he finally agreed. Without delay, he laid on the ground, still holding his chest.
Nely looked at him with a look of concern.
“Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious. My old wound just acting up again,” he said with a smile.
Even to Nely, it was clear that he was putting up a front. After all, his smile was pained and sweats were pouring out from him. This weak side of him was the opposite of Nely’s impression of him.
Her impression of him of this few days was strong. The strongest person she knew. He would not lose in a fight even against many. He also helps many and is loved by them. Even with the fresh relationship between them, he is the ideal human to her.
Yet, now, he spread on the ground with a pained face.
To lessen his burden, or at least make him feel better, Nely took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his face.
“Thank you. That’s kind of you.”
Even in this situation he still gave her his attention. That made Nely felt some kind of irritation and showed it through action.
“Ouch. Nely. Please be gentle with my face- ouch!”
Selv face was wiped in the roughest manner possible. He was at her mercy.
“Sev. Funny.”
Scond, who had taken a seat nearby, said so and laughed.
Ten minutes later, Selv was freed and was able to move. Leaving behind Scond and the flower garden, they went back to Annatashya’s shop in the commercial district. Selv bought some souvenir along the way and nothing special happened along the way.
They got back and opened the door. Soon after the bell rang, Annatashya’s voice came.
“Welcome back. You have a guest.”
Sitting on the counter was a man. A white military uniform cladded on the man’s body, accessories on the man’s shoulder tell of the man’s fame and deeds.
Selv knows him. He was one of the children that had left their nest and went to the Capital. He earned quite an important position while Selv was not looking and grown into a fine, independent man.
The man turned around to face Selv.
“It’s has been a while, Selv.”
“Ah, it has been a while, Gilbert. Are you eating well?”
“Enough to keep me alive.”
Such was the exchange between the two people whose relationship was close to a father and child after these years.
A prickled pain poke Selv’s chest together with a sense of discomfort. It was not like he was unhappy for this reunion. He just felt out of the place.
This is the feeling of a human who had spent a long time, more than he should have. Every time he faced such situation, Selv was unable to hold his feeling that told him he was not supposed to be there. Amidst people few generations newer than him, he was the only elderly.
An elderly have no place in a new society. So, he had chosen to stay away from the city, all alone in his house. If it was not for the summon, he would still be there.
“I see. Glad to see you’re doing well,” Selv said and went to take a seat. But, he noticed Nely was not following him and stood there as if legs were rooted.
Before he could ask her.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Nely,” Gilbert said.
Nely was clearly taken back by Gilbert presence. She stood, gasping her mouth like fish out of the tank. She seemed to want to say something, but cannot from the shock.
Seeing her state, Annatashya informed Selv of the circumstances.
“You see. Nely is Gilbert’s daughter,” she said, surprising Selv.
A person that was like his son came back after a long time and brought his daughter he had never thought he would have out of nowhere.
Selv was unable to process this information immediately.
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𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | Error 69𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣 & 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧/ˈɛrə/nouna mistake; an accidental wrong action or a false statement.----------❝ While your at it, keep it low. Wouldn't want anyone hearing my name escaping those lips. ❞❝ What makes you think I'll do that? ❞❝ Could be the fact that your pressing your thighs together or the way you're crossing your arms over your chest because you don't want me to see your hard nipples. ❞----------Thirteen slow years have passed since the traumatic event took place, becoming a hacker was all Athena had worked for. After endless and sleepless nights behind a computer screen, Athena Castillo was true to her word and became 'Error 69', a hacker that has no trace nor information. Yet, after hacking a unknown source and receiving the information she wanted, she found herself kidnapped, none other than the Italian Mafia but falling for sinfully attractive yet insufferable Valentino Romero wasn't part of the plan.Without knowing who to trust, Athena starts to learn how the not known to eye business works but when her hidden past and family dark secrets start to arise and unfold, Athena discovers who she truly is, and most importantly, she realizes everything is not what it seems. With life or death situations around the corner, will her partnership with the mafia be enough to dodge them?✤Bc: @DevilishWritings----------
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