《It That Laments》Chapter 1: Look, the sky is still blue, as always.
In a town where the sky was gray, someone ran. A youth, covered with a dirty looking cape that showed none of his body features, sprint the street. From the hairs that were showing itself from the gap between the cape and hood, it was right to think the youth was a female.
Passing a narrow alley, almost hitting a person at the exit, she kept running without a care about the angry shouts from behind.
The only thing on her mind was to run. Only that.
Single-mindedly, desperately, she looked for hope.
Help. Help.
The girl numerously shouted. But, not even one person took a notice to her plea. No wonder because no voice came out from her mouth except her rough breaths.
The girl was silent. The girl was sick. The girl was mute. Because of that, her silent plea reached no one.
“Hah, hah.”
Her chest ached. It had been over ten minutes since she ran. Fatigue hit her hard and her legs and body started to disobey her. In the first place, she was not that fit to sprint for ten minutes straight. The pain signed she must stop or else something bad would happen.
Still, despite the pain, she continued because that was the only choice she had.
*cough cough*
The smoke from the nearby factory entered her eyes and throat. Her eyes itched and her throat made her coughing nonstop.
She hated this.
The girl wondered what she had done to deserve this. She did nothing evil. The worst she had done was breaking a vase to get her parents’ attention.
What caused the girl to be in this situation? Was it her gender? Weakness? Or her disability to speak?
The girl could only speculate. Still, her feet cease to move forward, despite not having any specific destination.
Forward, forward, to somewhere that was not here.
As she blindly ran around, she reached a dead end. She panicked upon noticing the approaching footsteps. It belonged to her pursuer, the girl thought
She searched for a means to escape and found an old rusty ladder. Without minding the smell of iron, she grabbed it and went up.
Climbing unexpectedly took lots of energy. Unlike running, she needed to use her whole body to fight against the gravity and climb one at a time.
Because the ladder was old, every time she climbed up it gave out a creaking sound. The girl prayed that it will hold on until the end.
“Search for her! She must be around here!”
The sound of a husky male came from the right corner and surprised her. At the same time, the ladder broke, she fell with no chance to react.
The girl could only watch as the world fell down on her. As she falls to her death, the only things the girl saw was the broken ladder, a wall of steel, and the dirty sky.
Ah, this is the last thing I would see.
She hoped for something better but felt it was suitable for someone like her.
Afraid of what was coming for her, the girl closed her eyes and let everything went as it desired.
She experienced the full force of gravity. Her back received cold from splitting the air, arms and legs lifted upward from g-force, and her long bright hairs danced in disarray. Soon enough, she stopped falling. But, no pain came. Confused, slowly, she opened her eyes.
“That’s dangerous. You would have died if I didn’t catch you,” someone said.
What she saw was a face of an unknown man. He wore a cape, just like her. But, from this distance, his messy black hair and smiling face were in full view. His face looks average, but on his neck hangs a sparkling pendant with wing shape. For a second it caught the girl’s attention.
The girl looked at him and wondered. From where did the man come from? Why did he save her? Or such.
“Are you alright? Can you stand?” The man smiled at the girl in a daze.
She silently nodded.
The man bent his body and lowered the girl so she could get down by herself. The girl moved her leg one at a time until she stood. Then, she noticed the sword at the man’s waist.
From the design with no decoration, she knew it was a practical sword used by people with no relation to the government and mainly for slaying things. These days, the law did not forbid people to carry weapons. Rather, they encouraged it due to the appearance of Death, humanity’s worst enemy.
Just one thing caught her mind. The guard part of the hilt has a strange crest she had never seen before. Normally when a sword has a crest, it means that it was the product of a famous smith that the country has approved.
A sinister three-legged bird.
Although she was not that knowledgeable, she knew the current famous crests were the rising dragon from the Zwei, Undying bird of Noex, the fearless tiger of Kyo, and onyx tortoise of Meak.
But, man’s crest does not belong to the four. Perhaps, it belonged to famous smith of a foreign country. She had no way of knowing.
After he had put her down, the man stared at her face with a strange expression. Was there something on her face?
She had wanted to express her gratitude but as the man was like this, she delayed it. Only after he had looked to the point the girl wondered whether he was ogling, he opened his mouth.
“You, did-”
“There she is!” someone’s shouted.
Surprised by the sudden shout, the girl twitched. Soon, they were surrounded by rough looking people.
“Who are you, people?” the man looked around and asked.
“We’re no one special,” said a man seemed to be the leader. “Just give us that girl and we won’t do anything to you.”
“That doesn’t sound peaceful,” Disinterested, the man paid no further attention to them and asked the girl. “Are they your friends?”
The girl shook her head with great vigor.
Seen her answer, the man went in front of the girl and blocked the path between the ruffians and her.
“There you have it,” said he, hand on the handle of his sword. “I suggest you to peacefully leave this place without doing anything stupid.”
“Hah! That’s a funny joke you said there, bro. Are you playing hero?” The leader sent an eye contact to his subordinates.
With a simple eye contact, the ruffians drew their weapons from behind their clothes. The weapon varied which mainly consisted of blade type weapons.
The ruffians snorted at the man because of their numeral advantage and some leaked out snickers.
“I see that you’re someone with experience,” said the ruffian with a mocking tone. “You should understand your situation, bro. We have fifteen people here while you are alone with that unarmed girl. It should be obvious who has the advantage here.”
“Certainly. The situation is not good for me,” he affirmed the situation and nodded.
“Right? So just hand over that girl and we will do nothing to you, “the ruffian smiled since he received a positive response.
From how the conversation going the girl let out cold sweat because it did not go favorable for her. Even if she wanted to break through this situation, she did not have the necessary ability. So, she came to a conclusion.
She was thankful that the man had saved her before, but she thought it was wise to give up so that the outsider, the man, will not be involved in her dispute. It was the logical and correct answer for the girl. Yet, the man stopped he.
“Is this what you want?” he asked.
The girl did not catch on. This whole thing was the result of her actions while he became the victim. She wished him to be spared from her mess.
“From your situation, it’s obvious that you have something going on. But, is this the end you want?”
Of course not, the girl wanted to shout. But, she who had neither voice nor strength could not do anything. For her to escape alone was already something akin to a miracle. Hoping more was asking too much.
“I see.”
Without even hearing her reply, the man perceived her will. The man decided to draw his sword for that reason. His slender sword bathed in light, reflecting it as if shining. After letting it let loose to cut the air few times, it settled down pointing the ground.
“Do you seriously intend to fight us with that thin sword? I thought you could decide better,” the ruffian’s leader said in surprise. Those words represent everyone at that place except the man.
But, the man did not mind them and directed his sword at the people in front.
“Well, people used to call me an idiot, so I decided not to think too much and move as I please,” he shrugged and positioned his sword.
Once a weapon was unsheathed, things will not end peacefully. The girl tried to stop the man by pulling his sleeves but her intention was ignored. After all, the man likes to move as he pleases.
Sensing the inventible clash, the ruffians also prepared themselves. Despite their appearances, they were not ordinary ruffians. A sense of command exists among them and they did not let their guards down even with their numerical advantage once it became serious.
“Please let go of my sleeves. You will hinder my movement,” he said, glancing at the girl.
The girl complied. But, she wondered whether the man did this to help her or just want to fight.
They glared at each other for a minute or two. Then one who made the first move was one ruffian. With axe on his arm, he swung it at the defenseless man. It headed at the man’s weapon, perhaps intending to neutralize him without injury. But, because of that, his attack was easily dodged.
The man shifted his center of gravity and dodged the axe by a paper margin. In return, he stabbed the ruffian’s solar plexus with the handle of his sword. Making him fell to the ground, trying to catch air with his gasping mouth.
The next person used a thick sword to cut him diagonally, yet again it was dodged. Countered and he slides toward the next person with mace. He thought the mace was something hard to handle because he could not receive it and the blunt damage was harder to treat compared to slash. But, if it hit him that is.
He spun and slashed the ruffian. Next, he did the same thing all over again but with a different ruffian. The man’s movement never stops even for a second. He continued to move, slide, spin, and retreat depending on the situation. From the girl’s eyes, it was as if the man was dancing.
His fluent movement that kept flowing, like water, sometimes bold and sometimes timid movements, and the ruffians that went down one by one like leaves. It was an astonishing sight. While she was dumbstruck, the man had found his way to the ruffian’s leader. He was the only one left.
“I- Impressive,” the ruffian’s leader said, cold sweat flowing down his face. Sword was at his throat, leaving enough distance only for him to gulp his saliva.
Even after that activity, the man did not even let out a sweat. He then quietly sheathed his sword.
“Now will be as kind to let us go?” The man requested in a polite tone despite the dispute a moment ago.
After being threated with a weapon like that no one could say no. But, due to certain reasons, he could not let things go this way.
“B, but, we have our own circumstances,” he said, legs barely held his weight from the wobbling.
One would praise him for his bravery to talk back after all that. But, his resistance was answered with a simple, “Oh, so what?”
The ruffian gasped and he prayed to everyone he knew. To his eyes, the man was dread itself.
The man who did not accept no as an answer walked passed the ruffian and called out to the girl.
“We’re going,” he said, not giving a second glance at the ruffian as he passed.
The girl did not even have the time to or dare to question the man and merely moved. When the girl reached the man’s side, he remembered something and said to the ruffian who was still standing still.
“There’s going to be a daily maintenance of the pipes, so wake up your friends and go away from here.”
Leaving those words the man left the place with the girl following behind. Confused by the man’s words, he looked at his friends that were on the cold ground. Upon closer inspection, he realized that their chests were moving.
“Impossible!” he shouted.
He checked every single one of them and was dumbfounded because none were killed. Their clothes had a hole in them, except the first person, but that was all. No casualties and not even a blood spill to the ground. The man knocked them all from the shock of being slashed. What scarier was every hole in their clothes was at the vital places where death would follow if wounded there.
“Who is that man?” he asked to no one in particular.
Feeling dread, the ruffian decided to wake his friends and swiftly get away from that place.
“Ah, I forgot to say it.”
At the end of the corner, the man called once again and delivered his additional message.
“My name is Selv. If your boss is from here, he should spare you with my name. Later.”
Leaving behind his name, this time Selv left for good. The ruffian wondered where he had heard that name before and petrified upon knowing how infamous he was.
At the brown filled town, a man and girl were walking side by side. The man, Selv, walked without caring for the nervous girl beside him.
Initially, he had thought the girl would separate from him once they were far enough from the ruffians. He had bid her farewell. But, the girl stuck to him. Thinking it was just coincidence, Selv paid her no mind.
Slowly, they walked pass the industrial district where they were and entered a wider road. From there the atmosphere took a sudden turn. The heavy machinery sounds grew distant and replaced with the sound of people, talking, jesting, and flirting.
The number of people drastically increased compared to the corner where they came from. Because of that, the girl opened her eyes wide. She had stopped moving and looked at the people around with her mouth opened as if inviting something to be put inside.
Selv did not wait for her. He had something to do in this noisy town so he hastened and went into the crowd of people. Late to notice, the girl lost sight of him and were left alone at an unfamiliar place.
Passing through an apple shop, someone called out to Selv.
“Oi, mate. Long-time no see.”
“Ah, Nauver. It’s been a while,” he said after a short gap. “How’s your wife’s condition?”
“I told you I ain’t Nauver, I’m Merk,” he shouted, bumping his leg to his stall in the process. He groaned then continued. “And, yeah she’s doing fine. I’m as well. “
“Is that so?” Selv looked at his leg and laughed. “Sorry about that,” he said, not speficing about the name or leg.
This was not the first time he had mistaken the man’s name. But, due to their long time of acquaintances, Merk did not mind it and understand his mistake. Moreover, he had half given up on that.
“Anyway, what are you doing around here? It’s rare for you to come here,” Merk asked.
“Well, it seems the Lord has some business with me,” he said, taking out a letter from his pocket and waved it around. “The letter said it’s urgent, so I had no choice. Don’t you think he should be the one who came when he’s that one who has a business? Since when did that little Vincent become this arrogant?”
Selv sighed and shook his head twice. There was clearly not even a speck of respect whatsoever toward the lord of this town from his attitude.
Seeing that, Merk broke into laughter.
“Hahaha, only you can treat the Lord as if he was a child. I’m amazed you can still call him little despite that mustache of his.”
“Well, I have known him since he was a baby,” Selv said as he remembered the past.
To him, the mentioned Lord was still the same old kid he held on his arm and pissed himself at night after a ghost story. It was still the same even after all those years had passed.
“But you sure still the same as always, really,”Merk said, looking distant.
“People don’t change that easily,” Selv replied.
Because he was the one who said it, Merk thought it must be right and questioned no more. After all, despite his looks, Selv was older than him. Then, to change the topic, Merk asked the thing he was wondering for a while.
“By the way, who’s that girl behind you?”
“Who’re you talking about?”
Selv turned around and found the girl who he had left behind, breathing heavily from the desperate effort of searching for him.
“Aah, her…” he scratched his head, looking on how to explain. “She somehow sticks to me after I helped her.”
He did not notice that the girl’s presence until now. Moreover, never he would have thought she searched for him despite being strangers. Normally thinking, when someone was abandoned by a stranger one would not search for them and go back to what they were doing or ask another stranger. Except when there was something more going on.
Selv thought he had no choice. Surely, something must be going on when a girl was being chased bunch of ruffians. He ought to lend her a hand or sort.
“Can’t be helped. Hey, Nau, I mean Merk. Do you know where Anny is?” Almost mistaken his name again, Selv asked.
“Hmmm,” he thought for a while and let out an ‘A’. “Not long ago, she had come by. So, I figure she would be at the usual place,” Merk said.
“The usual, huh. Got it,” Selv said, turning around, ready to go. “Thanks for the information,”
But, Merk would not let him go without doing anything.
“If you feel so, then buy something from my store.”
Truly, a merchant he was. He would use every chance he got to earn a profit. Even if the party was his old pal. Selv caught on that he would not let him go unless he bought something.
“Fine, give me two of these apples,” he pointed and took out his wallet.
“Thank you for your purchase. Come again,” Merk said with a huge smile on his face.
“I would love to avoid a money grubber shop thought,” he complained and placed an apple in front of the girl. The girl tilted her head and inspected the apple that was being offered to her.
“It’s my treat,” he said, placing the Apple on the girl’s head because she was slow.
It was then the girl let out a shameful noise from her stomach. Embarrassed, the girl averted her gazes away. She then took the Apple and lightly bowed to show her gratitude.
“Don’t mind it,” Selv said. “it’s children’s privilege to bother adults,” he placed his hand on her head and pat her few times.
The girl was slightly annoyed from being treated like a child. Appearance wise, they should not be far apart. The most should be around four years.
Selv, who was oblivious to the girl’s feeling, pulled his hood and started walking after a simple, “Follow me.”
Left with no choice, the girl bid Merk a farewell with a head bow and half-ran to follow Selv.
“Take care,” Merk shouted to the two that were about to blend with the crowd. “Once everything has settled down, come and buy something from my store, girly.”
The girl, unable to reply back, only looked back in response.
Selv walked. Through the noisy main street, he made his way. On his side was a girl who barely matures enough to know about the world, holding a half-eaten apple.
The girl’s cheeks were filled with happiness as she enjoyed the after taste in her mouth until there was nothing left. What caused her now slacken cheeks were the bright red fruit in her hands.
One bite of the so-called forbidden fruit made her trembled and spoke of gratitude toward the God she barely believes.
Aaah, this was the blessing of living being. The girl prayed.
Never in her life had she encountered such fine fruit. Until recently the girl had lived a quite sheltered life where she did not need to do anything and people would bring her anything she wants. But, the apple she had tasted there was inferior compared this one.
The Apple was this town specialty. Raised with the best seed you could find on this continent and the specialist had spent years for creating the perfect and unbeatable fruit. To the point, the country would yell at them to research something more beneficial.
Still, the girl’s reaction was quite something, thought Selv. She was way too happy for an apple. Not that it was a bad thing.
As she was about to take her second bite, the girl became aware of Selv’s gaze and hid her apple with her body.
“No, I will not take it so be at ease,” he said with a forced smile.
In half doubt, the girl stared at him for few good seconds before she lowered her guard and munched the apple again, only to slacken her face again.
“Really, I wish I can enjoy things like her.”
Selv muttered such thing and took a bite himself. The usual crispy texture and sweet juice entered his mouth. Yeah, there was nothing different about it. Selv affirmed. His tongue had grown accustomed eating it, unlike the girl.
He then felt a stare. The girl on his side greedily wanted the apple on his hand despite the fact her share was still not finished.
“You want more?” Selv asked with hesitation.
The girl awkwardly looked down. But, from her eyes that kept looking at the apple, her intention was clear.
“Here, you can also have this,” Selv said as he handed his Apple to her. “I’m not hungry in the first place.”
The girl happily received it and began to enjoy her fun time again, unaware of the warm gaze from the man next to him.
It had been a while since Selv saw someone eat an apple in such delight manner. When was the last time? He had forgotten, but it was certainly a long time ago.
“What do I find here?” someone said with a funny tone. That person smirked at the scene of Selv and a girl walking together and thought of a way to mess around.
This could be interesting, she thought.
“Se~lv! Everyone look, it’s Selv!” she shouted, catching people’s gazes with her unique voice and colorful outfit.
“Urg,” Selv groaned. He followed the voice and found the person he least want to meet. Furthermore, she had gone and informed the people around of his presence. What troublesome person he had met, Selv lamented.
As he was walking toward his destination, occasionally, people with enough attention would call out to him. But, because he was in sort of hurry, he only greeted them. But, this time he was caught by her, Prima.
Following her, few other people called out to him. In the lead, Prima asked.
“Hey, hey, I haven’t seen her from around here. Who’s that girl? You daughter, or perhaps… wife?” Screw that. I will ask her myself!” She said as if there was no full stop.
The people that had greeted him were all curious about the girl that was following him. Their eyes were like those of hyenas’.
The poor girl was soon surrounded and barraged with questions which she could not answer even if she wanted to. She looked toward Selv in hope for help in half-tear from being surrounded by strangers.
Looking at her state, Selv thought that she was indeed a child. Still, what should he say to free her from the grasp of those hyenas? One wrong word and things could escalate because of Prima. Selv scratched his head in wonder.
“Aah, can you spare her for around that? As you can see she’s not used to be surrounded by many people at once,” Selv asked in the form of advice.
But, his wish was disregarded and their target changed to him.
“Hey, hey, what is your relation?” Prima asked. Her eyes were filled with curiosity.
“You could say we’re acquaintances that just met a few minutes ago. I’m in the middle of helping her until you guys came,” Selv answered without a hint of hesitation.
“Is that so? How boring,” Prima said, stretching her last word. “Go back to what you were doing guys. It’s the usual thing,” she hushed the people around with a sour face.
Once Selv had explained she was under his care, for the time being, they immediately lost interest. One by one dispersed and returned to what they were doing. To them, what Selv was doing was something they had grown accustomed to. This was not the first time case.
“See you later, Selv. Next time, I will wait for interesting things from you!”
Came and went like a gust of wind, Prima’s figure and her colorful outfit blended away.
“Come on. Let’s go,” Selv said in a somewhat tired tone.
Still, in a shock state, the girl failed to respond. So, Selv took her hand and dragged her with him. The girl seemed unpleased to be touched as her body tried to resist. But, her child-like resistance was like nothing to Selv. He could not waste any more time and forcedly took her to his destination. Soon, the girl stopped resisting because it was useless.
The place they headed was a small café down the street. Located closer to the town’s exit than the main plaza, it was quite a remote place, unsuited for business. The exterior suited to be called run-down, but the same could not be said inside.
A clear bell sounded the moment the door was opened. Soon, following after the sweet fragrance of some herb, a feminine voice came from behind the counter.
“Welcome. How may I help you? Oh, my.”
A woman in an apron made her appearance. She was somewhere in her early thirty. With hairs braided to the side, she gave out a mature feel. Seeing her customer was long-time regular, she directed a kind look at him.
“It has been a while, Selv. I thought you have forgotten about me.”
“It’s been a while, Annatashya. I did forget about you until thirty minutes ago.”
“How cruel. Even after those passionate nights we went through together,” Annatashya cried with a melodramatic action of putting her hand to cover her mouth. She did not forget to let out a sniffling sound. As the result, the girl misunderstood and let out a hostile gaze at Selv.
“Yeah, that never happens,” Selv cut.
Fufu, Annatashya chuckled and let out her tongue. Her gestures and manners were so feminine it fascinated the girl. But, Selv who had known her since while back did not see anything womanly from Annatashya. The young mischief Anny’s still could be seen in his eyes.
“I’m happy that you’re still the same. So, what brings you here today?” Annatashya asked.
“Actually, I want you to take care of this child for a while?”
Selv pushed the girl’s back to put her on the front. The girl was surprised by the sudden push. Still, she managed to greet Annatashya with a bow.
“How polite. Nice to meet you. What is your name, little miss?”
“Annatashya, she can’t talk.”
“My, is that so.”
Annatashya thought she was quite shy for her age, but she was wrong.
Selv had noticed since the start that the girl was unable to speak. But, he was certain of it after the girl was surrounded by his acquaintances and did not even try to speak. Usually one would respond with a word or two, especially children of her age.
So, Annatashya tried a different approach.
“Then, can you do sign language?”
The girl tilted her head. In this world, where the literacy rate is low, someone who could understand sign language is extremely rare. It was to the point of there was one or none at all in a single town. You would not expect a person who failed at multiple tables to do arithmetic, right? Well, except people like the girl due to their condition.
In half doubt, the girl nodded.
“Then, can you tell big sis your name?”
The girl did as she was told. Moving her hands to make gestures, she spelled her names.
“I see. So your name is Nely. Nice to meet you. I’m Annatashya, the owner of this humble café.”
Nely widened her eyes in surprise of Annatashya’s ability. Other than the people that had taken care of her, she never meets anyone that could understand her, until now. She was in high tension and bombarded Annatashya with lots of question, using sing language of course.
“Yes, yes, please calm down. I won’t be able to keep up with you if you continue at that pace. Let’s see… I’m able to understand language because I need it for my job I guess. Ah, I meant my previous job. Then, the next question…”
With a pace as if to put someone to sleep, Annatashya answered Nely’s question one by one, slowly. Still, even if she had said she could not keep up with Nely’s pace, to Selv it seemed there was still room to spare.
Yes, this was the reason Selv took Nely here. The user of sign language was low and he was also not among the few people able to do it, so he had no choice but to visit one of his acquaintances who could.
Even if Selv wanted to help her, when he was unable to know the request there was nothing he could do. He looked outside and noticed the bell of the church was slightly moving. Soon, he also heard the sound indicating the time was noon. It was time for him to go.
“Where are you going?” Annatashya who had noticed his movement asked.
“I have an appointment with the Lord. I’m leaving her in your time until it finished,” Selv replied as he moved toward the exit.
“Sure. Take care. Don’t bully the Lord too much,” Annatashya said in teasing tone.
“I don’t bully him, thought.”
Selv looked at Nely with concern for a second and there he went off. Annatashya and Nely saw him off and stared at each other.
“What?” Annatashya asked with a smile.
Nely then moved her hands to ask about Selv.
“Him? He’s just a normal you can find anywhere.”
Unsatisfied with Annatashya’s answer, Nely inquired again.
“What is it? Do you fancy him? Give it up. He’s not someone who would not easily settle down. Not about that? Fufu, I wonder what you’re talking about?”
No matter how many times Nely asked her about Selv, she only received vague answers. The woman clearly well informed about the strange man that had helped her, but Annatashya would not provide her with anything. It was as if she was saying,
“If you want to know about him that much, why doesn’t you see it with your own eyes?”
Although Annatashya’s answer was right, Nely did not satisfy with it. Sensed her childish thoughts, Annatashya chuckled and lightly pat her head. Nely’s sulking state touched her motherly instinct or sort.
While being patted, Nely tried to send a protest for her to stop, but that request was denied. Annatashya kept patting her like a dog without minding the message she kept sending.
Strangely, she did not feel unpleasant once she got used to it, unlike the time with Selv. She was unaware but she leaned her head toward Annatashya’s direction unconsciously. In response, Annatashya used her other arm to hug her.
Perhaps pleased, or she was just too kind to leave her curious to death, Annatashya gave her a clue.
“That person, you see, can’t leave people in trouble alone. Regardless of their gender, status, age, economy, and even race, he will help anyone who called out to him. That’s also the case for you right, Nely.”
Nely nodded at her word. But, what made her wonder was how understood her thoughts when no voice could come out from her mouth.
“Well, that person excels at that kind of things. Most likely he read your gesture and expression to understand your needs.”
She was still in half doubt whatever a man could possibly do that kind of difficult things, but Annatashya lightly replied with,
“It’s possible. Anyone can learn to read people’s gesture and expression with enough training, more the reason why it’s possible for him.”
But, why did he help? There was no reason for him to help a complete stranger like her, Nely conveyed.
Hearing that, for the first time her smile crumbled with a hint of pain, although only for few seconds. Annatashya closed her eyes and put her fingers to her cheek as she pretended to think.
“Let’s see, let’s see, I wonder why…” She repeated those words as if chanting. Nely was not sharp enough to notice her acting and eagerly waited for her.
Nely’s eyes, full of expectation, stared at her. Bathed in that expectation, Annatashya felt that she needs to answer it back. So, she arranged her words and slowly opened her mouth.
“Perhaps, it’s because he wants to do it, not related to acts of kindness.”
Her words caused a big question mark to appear above Nely’s head, but she stopped her hands as it seemed Annatashya was not finished yet.
“You must be wondering whether an act of helping other without kindness exist right? It exists. Unlike altruism, he did not do it for people’s sake, but the same could also be said to egoism because it’s not for himself.“
Then why? Nely was already to the point of shouting if she could.
“Nothing,” Annatashya answered as she looked toward the bell tower that could be seen from afar.
“Like a lifeless puppet, he does that only because his puppeteer has moved him to do so. There was no kindness or self-satisfaction, not even a sense of accomplishment. It’s the same as when one does not think of anything when breaths. It’s his natural behavior to keep him alive.”
That was the end of Annatashya’s hint. She thought that was a quite generous hint if she had to say herself. Nely did not quite get the message that she conveyed to her and became more confused about the man called Selv. Whatever she understands the message was not Annantashya’s concern, nor do she felt obligated to explain further.
The only thing Nely understood was kindness was not Selv’s motives of moving. It was something else that also did not beneficial to him. But, if it not kindness then what was it? Nely racked her brain and found nothing as her answer which also what Annatashya had said earlier. That confused her deeply.
“If only that isn’t the case, it would make things easier for us,” With a small voice, Annatashya muttered.
Once, she had also been saved by him and now she was still in debt to him. Because Selv seeks nothing, the only thing she could do to repay her debt was helping him with this kind of mischievous request. Obviously, no matter how many small requests like this were accumulated, the day where finish her goal was still far in the future.
Moreover, it was extremely rare for Selv to request something unless it was something he could not do, such cases like this.
That man would help people with nothing in return. He would not depend on people unless he must. Like a saint. Like a misanthropist. He, Selv, lived his life doing something meaningless to him but meaningful to others.
“That’s why he’s our guardian,” Annatashya muttered to no one in particular. Her tone carried fondness and at the same time, sadness. But, she who was there at that place clearly heard her words and pondered.
The sky outside was clear, contrasted to her feeling. The same blue sky she had seen for the last ten years she spent in this town where there was nothing special about it except its apple and a myth. A cliché myth of a being that will grant wishes with a price that could not be paid.
Today, however, the sky is still blue, as always.
- In Serial288 Chapters
Triple Strength
Wiremu was a young level 1 Hunter when his village was raided by Imperial Slavers. If he was destined to live his life as a slave then he would kick that destiny into Troll shit and make his own. Triple Strength is a LITRPG world where the three categories of attributes are Physical, Mental and Spiritual. Follow Wiremu and Tabitha as they learn and grow. Or maybe they become slaves and the story ends early. Probably not. This was written for fun and shared for the same purpose. If you are not having fun, move on. However, if you have any ideas about how to improve the fun, please comment. There will NOT be regular updates. There will instead be irregular postings of multiple chapters at a time.
8 204 - In Serial255 Chapters
The Wolf Saga, Wolf that Devours Empires
The Empire of Human is about to enter a turbulent era. A World Power has fallen. But mere hours after dying, he is reborn as a half-human, half-elf boy named Wolf. The story follows this odd boy as he grows up, his relationship with his father and those around him, his lack of common sense from being raised in the wilderness, and his desire for revenge. Witness Wolf's journey as he aspires to climb to the peak of the world to unravel its mysteries, and as he tries to figure out why it’s wrong to decapitate a street thug when the man tries to mug you. “I mean, the man literally said ‘Money or life,’ so what’s the big deal?” Releases Mon/Wen/Fri. (GMT-ish) Trigger warning. The Wolf Saga may not be suited for you if any of the following disturbs you: - The story will have fighting and killing. The gore will not be explicit, but there will be descriptions such as "head burst like a melon", "instantly turned to cinders", "blood splashed/fountained" etc. Most of the violence will be performed by the protagonist, some of it before he reaches his teens. If such scenes bother you, you should probably give Wolf a pass. - The story will have sexual content. It's there for a reason. Once again, these scenes will not be explicit. Genitals will be mentioned sometimes, but never described in detail. Nude bodies will be described in passing, without too many specific details. If you're afraid of nipples, you should probably give Wolf a pass. - The story will have a decent amount of cursing. If you haven't given up by now, this is unlikely to bother you. Still, I believe I should forewarn you that a number of curse words will be making appearance from time to time. - The story will have no small amount of loss for the main character. If you enjoy novels in which everything is fine, the protagonist makes it at the last moment and saves the day... This is not such a story. Life happens. As a reader, I'm annoyed with heroes making it in the nick of time, so for the sake of fairness I used dice on a number of occasions, making do with the result. Sometimes it was anticlimactic, sometimes it was tragic and it led to the story you see before you. Dedication: This story is written for Tired Mom and Wolf, whose arrival the rest of the pack is eagerly awaiting. Thanks: I would like to thank Tired Mom for her proofreading and encouragement over the years. I would like to thank you, Dear Reader, for taking the time to read this big pile of words.
8 241 - In Serial13 Chapters
Diary of an earthling
I, Victory Pierce, am keeping this diary to document our expierences in a fantastical world.
8 143 - In Serial24 Chapters
My first love - jimin
; first love , It's my first love . "Let's just cancel the wedding" y/n said and walk away......Started : 16-10-2019Finished : 25-11-2019
8 56 - In Serial6 Chapters
Something changed that night
One shot story for @royal888's fan fiction contest for her original story A Mob Boss's Heirs
8 144 - In Serial18 Chapters
My new stepbrothers the sequel
7 years later, Rosalyn is 25 and has a family of her own living in a two-bedroom flat in manchester. They decided to move back to her hometown to be closer to her family. All her nieces and nephews have problems of their own so trying to be the best aunt, mother, sister and Wife she can she gets a little caught up in the moment. But life in her hometown never was perfect and it's time for the genius herself and her brothers to realize that.This is the sequel to My new stepbrothers so if you haven't read it I recommended reading it first
8 202