《Duality of a Soul》Chapter 10
Ahhh hello darkness my old friend, guess who’s come back to talk to you again? Yup that’s right! It’s your boy, the ONE and ONLY SHINNNN is in the house! How are you doing on this fine day?
Great. I am definitely going bat shit crazy. How long am I going to be stuck here in this god forsaken plane of existence? A voice calls out to me earlier during the battle, I need to-
Oh shit the manticores! Common son wake the fuck up Shin so we ca-
Wait what? Is there somebody here with me?!
Huh?! Oh great, here we go again. Just another day traversing across time and space I suppose. Anyways, who is this geezer with a big ass jewelry chain around his neck? Wait, this place looks familiar. Where have I see-
“Rayshin? I said you look just fine. Now follow along and let’s not be late yes? We still need to walk there.”
Looking at a figure reflected off a full body sized mirror, I can see a young warrior probably in his mid to late teens staring back at me. With short and neatly trimmed black hairlines, smooth beardless face, sharp eyes and toned muscles, his body sports a healthy glow across golden brown skin. Wearing a darkly trimmed sleeveless white tunic, a half circular golden chestplate filled with different colored gemstones wraps around his neck and extends out to the shoulders, which has a single black pauldron on the left and leaving the abdomen area open. Below his waistline straps on some short of leathery faulds apron-like skirt ending just above the knees. A short curved dagger is positioned securely on an armoured belt. Golden fingerless bracers and greaves with open toed brown sandals complete the look.
Whoa! Talk about sweet fashion sense.
My body turns away from the mirror and moves on its own along the spacious living quarter after the old man. What’s going on? I seem to be walking forward yet not in command of my body at all. Can’t feel a thing from head to toe. Weird.
Ah! My boy Rayshin is in control huh?
“What’s that? Oh yes everyone is probably there right now waiting for you. I can’t believe that you were late because you could not decide on which colored armors to wear. Hahaha! Don’t think that you can fool anyone...I sense the nervousness in you my young knight, call it the intuition of an older and experienced man.”
Damn I can’t hear at all what Rayshin is saying but I can somewhat sense his emotions. Hmm the old man is correct Rayshin here is a little nervous, afraid even. But why? Tsk! How frustrating. Oh well let’s see where we are heading to and enjoy the free ride I guess.
Exiting the room, the old man leads us down a winding marbled staircase that merges into an expansive hallway plaza. Massive obelisks and columns at least fifty meters high with glowing runic inscriptions of some kind are neatly positioned in the hundreds across the open area. The similar runic symbols are present on every inanimate objects. Granite statues of art in all shapes and sizes decorate the surrounding pedestals. Humans and non-humans walk together in groups here and there. Pairs of heavily armed guards swivel their heads left and right as they patrol the site.
Hmm I wonder why there are so many soldiers around? Must be an important place to warrant such security details.
“I’m a little surprise myself, the request describes you perfectly down to your rank, looks and nature element but no ‘name’ is specified, though anyone living in the city could’ve easily deciphered as to WHO they are referring to. I’m guessing YOU have an idea as to why that is hmm?”
Rayshin nods his head as he acknowledges the question.
“Hahaha! Fine fine fine I won’t pry further. I’m looking forward to a good show though so don’t disappoint me.”
Moving through the plaza, the next location we come across is a nature park of some sort with a large reservoir filled with exotic birds and colorful plants at the center. Groves of palm trees surround the stoned walkways across the large public square, with hundreds of bodies dressed in loose clothings hustling back and forth. The sun looks to be at its highest in the sky and the leaves are gently swaying back and forth.
As we’re getting closer and closer to wherever it is, there is an increase in the number of uniformed guards patrolling and stationary as well as better dressed individuals. Aside from the standard soldiery getups, the clothing of the other citizens are more vibrant and decorated in design, with lavish jewelry pieces adorned across their bodies. They seem to be exchanging glances and speaking in hushed tones toward our location while avoiding eye contacts as we pass by.
“Heh the news travel fast yes? It is an event worthy of gossips and interests after all. My my my I’m afraid your peaceful days are coming to an end, if it hasn’t already been over.”
Rayshin is annoyed as he responds.
“Alright alright, jokes aside you know how it is. Make sure to protect your reputation and don’t give them an advantage over us however small it is, even if everything seems fun and harmless...Bah! Look at me talking like an edgy old sack of bones, just don’t mind too much about what I said and do try to enjoy yourself. I can’t believe that I have to remind you to relax so often.”
A half a dozen set of stairs and security checkpoints later, my jaw continue to drop at the dazzling display of architectural prowess all around us. Every steps of the way are filled with these moments of awe and respect to the people responsible for the construction of such wonders. Magic or advanced technologies that I haven’t seen yet definitely play a large part here, I mean how can your average Joe or Jane be able to build all this? Totally mind-boggling. There is only one word that I can think of to describe the kind of place that this might be.
A palace.
A place worthy of kings or those unfathomably rich. Everywhere I (or Rayshin) look there is something to marvel at and it doesn’t help that everything seem to be covered in shiny gold and emerald gems. Man I feel dizzy just thinking about navigating my own ways around this huge place. We’ve been walking for the better half of an hour or so since leaving Rayshin’s room and just now entering the inner sanctums of where we need to be.
“Well you know where to go, I need to greet the delegation members at the top and will be watching you from there. Good luck!”
The old man then leaves to take care of his business. Proceeding onward through another set of stairs, we come to stand in front at a large double doors.
With a light nod of acknowledgement, a guard motions us to enter into a meeting room of some sort where there is a large oval stoned table in the center and sitting tools positioned all around. A young human male with shoulder length straight hair and red sleeveless robe approaches from the front.
“Ah Rayshin! Come come come we have to leave right away, I was notified just a minute ago that they have arrived and are waiting for us. You couldn’t have left your place a little bit sooner? Jeez.”
Feeling apologetic, Rayshin looks down to his feet.
Leaving the room and circumventing our way through another route, the young man and his two Kroctar bodyguards lead us out of the building and arriving at a large open space location with stepped seatings all around. There is a large crowd of spectators filling in from the sides. A tiny Bastion arena? Here? Although not as impressive in size and scope, somehow I doubt this location is used daily for the same purpose. Even the onlooker humans and non-humans alike are a bit reserved, all quiet and no smiles, taking their seats quickly at an orderly fashion. I notice everyone is well dressed for the occasion.
“Alright Rayshin head over to your spot. Wait for the other side’s introduction to begin and then start yours. After that just follow the instructions.”
As he begins to walk away, the young man turns around and says, “Oh and Rayshin, don’t you lose!”
Approaching toward the center, at a distance away I notice there is a human figure already standing with arms crossed waiting on stage. Stopping just ten paces short, I observe a female beauty with light amber skin, heavy brown eyeliners and dark shoulder-length braided hair decorated in long golden beads watching us like a hawk. Her makeups add an air of nobleness to her looks. Dressing in leather garments outfitted to cover the better parts of her body, her clothing oozes a sense of sensuality as well as combat practicality. A speedy dagger to the throat type of girl no doubt. Hard to miss the two small pointy silhouettes tucked away at the bottom of her vambraces. How dangerous, better to be care-
Recognition and excitement flare up inside Rayshin which trickle down to me. Oh god just calm down fool before you get us both trapped by this chick!
After making our full stop, the girl clasps her arms together in a fist with a light bow before looking up and begins to sound off in a sultry voice for all to hear, “I am the Second Princess Shanya of Ranmia, Acolyte, Commander and Chief Ambassador here to request a friendly match against one of Zan Empire’s rising champions. May it foster the spirits of camaraderie and collaboration as well as exchanging dancing techniques between our two nations!”
Dayum! The girl definitely has the royal cred I’ll give her that. Hmm harmless dancing techniques? Perhaps an exchange in the artistic style of local swings? Engaging lectures about songs and cultures? Hah yeah right if only that is believable with both parties dressed in loose attires and readying to tangle, not the current armoured getups. Are there any other intellectual pursuits other than fightings that the people of this world can enjoy?
So far no dice.
Dang it I want to know what my boy Rayshin’s titles are. Better be more impressive than this little princess! Hold up, the excitement I’m feeling right now is off the ceilings. Don’t tell me that my boy has already been ensnared by the alluring siren before this....
Lowering her voice down to a whisper so that only Rayshin and I can hear, Shanya winks and says, “I told you that if we were destined to meet again I will make you admit to me your given name. I look forward to our dancings once again young hero ‘Ray.Shin’,” stopping short to enunciate each syllables.
What in the-
“Duelists! Begin choosing your weapons of choice and return at the ready,” announces the young man in red clothing from earlier. Standing atop of a podium on the side of the stage, he is smiling from ear to ear. No doubt thrilled by the prospect of the ensuing duel. The atmosphere of the onlookers have also changed with many excited faces exchanging heated conversations amongst one another.
Looking at our weapons of choice Rayshin chooses a beautiful steel blade with a straight back on one side and a gentle curving edge on the other, starting with the flat hand guard and ending at a semi-spear point where the central ridge meets together. Beautifully wrapped handle with a stylishly arched groove traveling up the center, I can see our grinning pearly whites reflecting off the blade.
Yay for new shiny stabby!
Feeling confident in my boy Rayshin for picking a weapon of regality and class, I peek over to our opponent and balls shrivel up in fear. Hidden behind a massive tower shield stands the girl with a big fucking greatsword of the long-ass variety resting over her right shoulder. By the gods! Her head barely leans over the entire height of the greatshield not to mention the other one-handed wielding monstrosity of a weapon, almost three times her size in length. Pretty sure even without our emotional link Rayshin and I share the same dreadful feeling of fright right now. Not looking good son not looking good. Rayshin’s nervousness doesn’t help to bolster any confidence in us getting out of this scotch free.
Well I sincerely hope size matters not, in all manners of speaking.
With a loud *clang* from a nearby gong, Shanya is the first to strike. Dashing forward with a single step, she closes the distance in the blink of an eye for someone who is holding a greatsword in one hand and greatshield in-
Okay scratch that. No longer resembling a separate straight greatsword and shield, they have been pieced together to become an intimidating two-handed double-bladed axe. The first swing comes as a horizontal slash aiming to bisect us at the waist. Jumping up high and somersaulting forward, Rayshin dodges and twists our body away from the impact, avoiding the shield’s sharp edge altogether.
Turning her body in response, Shanya stops mid swing and brings the axe back to engage her target. Still holding his blade in a reverse grip, Rayshin arches our head back and slides forward down on our knees while slashing at Shanya’s exposed left calf. Lifting up her leg, our opponent stomps down on our blade and pins it uselessly on the ground. With his right hand still gripping onto our pinned weapon, Rayshin uses his other hand to push our body up for a vertical kick aiming for the head.
Wow so far no punches are being pulled, these two are really going at it trying to outmaneuver each other.
Knocking away our kick with her own forehead, Shanya brings her great axe in front of her chest. Rayshin uses the momentum to slip our blade free from underneath her foot. Standing just four paces from each other the two combatants stop and hold their postures still, daring the opposite side to start the next bout.
A thunderous round of applause resound among our spectators as cheers and whistles can be heard throughout the crowd. Hahaha! This is it. This is what I’m talking abou-
Wait, Oh no I’m turning into the same battle maniacs as these people. That aside though it is a fantastic display of combat skills in both parties, I am completely in awe at their physical prowess.
Glancing at the vigorous crowd with a snicker, Shanya locks her eyes on us and licks her upper lip. Releasing her shield from the sword with a metallic *click* she throws it rapidly spinning at our location. Sidestepping to the right to avoid the spinning wheel of death, my stomach sinks in as I see Shanya is right there on top of us with a two-handed grip on her greatsword bearing down with an overhead strike.
Raising the weapon up high in a fake horizontal block with both our hands for support, Rayshin instead spins our body at the last second before the collision and parry the greatsword away while body-slamming into our opponent.
Grinning while setting back into her stance Shaya yells out two ominous words, “Get ready!”
With sword in hands, our opponent frowns in concentration as she lowers herself into a striking posture. There is a shimmering orange glow circling her sword as recognition and alarm flash over our body.
“Wait! Please don’t be reckles- Quickly, activate the barrier around the stage at once!” Someone screams from the audience.
“Aaaaaaaaa!” Releasing a fiery aura, Shanya launches herself skyhigh while pointing her flaming sword downwards at our standing area. Looking up and preparing to meet the strike head on, a metallic sound of blade spinning makes Rayshin snap our head sideways and dives forward to dodge the boomerang-like shield, barely escaping with our neck intact. Oh shit! I thought that thing gets tossed away earlier. How did it fl-
The force of the blow from Shanya shatters the ground underneath as large chunks of rocks and dirt piles are gouged outwards by the overwhelming display of brute strength. A roaring firestorm is quickly sucked away by a blue barrier dome surrounding the battle stage. As the smoke begins to clear out of the way, I see us on one knee supporting Shanya as she lies on her back with her arm around our neck, laughing joyously as she caresses our face amidst the ruined stage.
I notice a glimmering blackfire sword in our left hand as well as a vanilla-white blade on the other.
“I admit my defeat to you Knight Rayshin of Zan, Wielder of the dual Elemental Blades and Hero...of my heart.”
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An old archmage sees all his lifework destroyed in the flames of zealotry. His friends and fellows are killed, his home destroyed and he is consigned to eternal imprisonment. But its not the end for Gorren An-Tudok. The old mage has a last trick in his sleeve, one that will see him start a journey into a new world of power and possibilities. The research for revenge and survival will see him ascend to heights unheard of and to reach for divinity itself. From humble beginnings, through obstacles, victory and loss, friends and enemies and family. Facing himself, destiny and the world, moving through the mysteries of magic, will he manage to reach what he wish for? The odyssey of the Black God begins.
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Redemption is a fickle thing. Nine detectives and nine serial killers find themselves playing a dangerous survival game of deductions, pretending, and - murder. With your life and alias on the line, what would you give up for a shot at redemption? ... The main premise and kick of KtJ is that it is a guessing game of sorts. 18 high school students of various ages and backgrounds come together and are given aliases, such as "King", "Killer", or as the protagonist is aptly named - "Protagonist". They do not know each others' identities, and what's more - 9 of them are anonymous detectives, and 9 of them are serial killers. The cast is given a list of their names, and a list of the identities of the serial killers and detectives they are being held hostage with, and are forced to interact to guess the identities. The people who are able to connect all identities will get "a special advantage" in the killing game, but it isn't specified what. Alongside this, each cast member is given three secrets they are able to reveal at any point for an advantage in the killing game as well. However, one of these secrets is their name, and revealing that secret will result in a minor "punishment" as well. [COVER ART DONE BY RILIE @kisikils] [Illustrated]
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Blurb:Layla lives in a multi-planar universe where gods and superhuman immortals roam. Immortality is possible but only to those with money, power, and connections. Layla isn't worried about that, though. She's just trying to pay the rent. Robinhood style, of course. Atom is the self-proclaimed Mantle of Procrastination and good times. He Ascended from Earth a thousand years ago. A millennial NEET shut-in at heart, he enjoys video games and holo tube while spending time with his female companion, who does all his deific duties for him. Join the crazy adventures of a lazy God and his unwilling follower's rise to power. The first few Arc's of the story is an Academy arc. I think you will know if you like the story by chapter 6 as the first chapter may be confusing (or sucks, idk I like it so whatever)._________ The story is a slow burn. If you are expecting quick progression, I suggest looking at some of the other great stories on RR. I personally enjoy and Patreon several, but that's not what I'm writing. That might hurt my chances of trending anytime soon (or ever lol), but that is fine with me. I'm sure some of you will appreciate the story as much as I do in writing it. FAQ: The story has elements of xianxia and wuxia along with some GameLit (at some point). The story takes place in an age where tech has advanced to a complete integration with magic. Imagine everything running on mana or qi instead of electricity, and you will get the idea. There will be crafting but not until later in the story. It's actually a core plot elemenet for Layla. I'm writing this story for my own enjoyment and as a way of relieving stress in my life. I'm not a pro author or a naturally gifted wordsmith. I don't have beta readers and every chapter posted is a first draft. I'm still learning and will strive to improve as I continue the story. If you don't speak up I can't work on improving as an author. I welcome any criticism and encouragement that would help me become a better writer. I can't believe you read this far down! ;) Enjoy the story. --Cover Credit-- Cover art (emblem) by: Oxana Che Cover Design by: Miblart
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