《Duality of a Soul》Chapter 3


“MOTHERFUCKER WHAT THE BLOODY FLYING FUCK ARE YOU!??” I scream in bone-chilling terror as the definitely non-human creature is currently crouching and feeding on the leftover foods that it just snatched from my still trembling hands.

Still reeling from the panic attacks, I am one step away from going ‘kill or be killed’ on this fool. Holy shit jingle balls! Sneaky fucker suddenly bum-rushes me out of the blue with his fangs out. I’m so going to...

“Another quick lesson then my child,” a muffled voice is suddenly heard speaking. “...Whenever you are struggling in combat and death is just a breath away...just condense your frustrations and scream them out...” The voice continues to echo in the back of my mind. “...No tangible benefits except the act of yelling will let you to channel your fears into actions and might deter others’ actions against you…just long enough for an aspiring future Blademaster like yourself to turn the tide of battle to his advantage...A sort of rally cry if you will. With your innate powers however...Here, let me demonstrate to you so you can understand….”

Hmm more partial echos of the past? A combat lesson? Blademaster? The instructor sounds like a complete quack. I need to focus on- Wait, what the hell happened?!

Sprawling on the ground with his latest stolen grubs foaming out of this mouth, the terrifying food snatcher looks to have...fainted? Blood seems to be dripping buckets out of a nasty long gash just above his right eye...Has that always been there before? A little twitch and spasms here and there confirm that the fiend is still alive. Maybe I should just K.O. this fucker just to be safe...

“AAAARRRHHHHHGRRRRRRR!” Suddenly bursting forth with a renewed vigor, the mad creature starts to look around in a panic until its frenzied eyes finally set themselves upon me. Tense seconds go by as I ready my sweating body for a final showdown between life and death while tightly pinching my asshole in fear.


“A well executed Wind strike to the head without hesitation,” murmurs the leaking blood bag in front of me. “Merciless and domineering for one so young...You have my respect and admiration fellow warrior, you’ll definitely fit in well around here,” declares the annoying bastard with a double-fanged grin and a light bow.

Wind strike? Feeling that I need to say something to rectify the misunderstandings, I stop myself. No point in denying any of the bullshit that this fool just spewed. Somehow I earn his respect and not his sharp fangs to the neck just now...Win-win.

“YOu mOve fAst.” I guess I still need to fine tune my vocal cords to be at right speaking volume. Oh well might as well get the niceties out of the way. “NamE?”

With his bleeding face tilted on one side, arms scissor-crossed and posture straightened, he answers in a smug tone. “Thanks for the praise eh! I am known as the ‘Bloody Fangs’ of Bastion Arena, but you can call me...Vinn when it’s just the two of us” says the bastard while doing another flexing pose. “And you?”


I hesitate before the simple question. Forgotten. I sadly thought. My name. A name to be called by others. What will it be?

“SSSss...Sh...Shin..” I enunciate the name slowly, “I Am KnowN as...Shin.”

It just feels right. Simple. Renewed.

“...Shin,” whispers Vinn softly. Is it my imagination or was there a sudden flash of alarm on his grinning face just now?

After a long pause Vinn finally responds with an even bigger smile, “A truly fitting name.”


“STOP AND FACE ME COWARD IN THE NAME OF ISHA!” I cried out in a numbing pain amidst a scorched battlefield. My voice carried all the power of anguish and despair humanly possible towards my target. Bloody scenes in the aftermath of absolute carnage and smoking ruins. Countless bodies littered around me, friends and foes alike embracing each other in the final throes of death.They had believed in me and I sacrificed them all. The ghosts of my fallen warriors are silently judging me. I could see them waiting...watching over me in the final battle to come.


Grabbing a half-ruined tower shield from underneath a singed corpse nearest to me, I advanced toward my nemesis sword and greatshield at the ready with heavy injured steps. My upper armor had been partially melted on top of my skin. Its reinforced runic steel-coating was searing at my charred flesh. The last desperate counterattack had destroyed my connection to Lexxina. My loyal elemental weapon sacrificed its remaining lifeforce to save me from instant death. This magic infused broadsword that I found will have to make do.

Once again I gave a silent prayer to the all knowing Being. May Isha protect me. May He give me the strength needed to smite down this evil before me. May He grant me the mental fortitude of battle.

Each excruciating moments had led me here, a chance to justify this madness. To stay sane. To stay balanced. Each day that passed I am drowning further into self depression. Into the alluring lullaby that promised the sweet release of pains and sufferings. An ethereal calling to join my fallen brethren in the pilgrimage to the hall of our forefathers.

But not after I finish what we had set out to do when we kissed our families goodbye...I would see this through no matter what, I would save everyone even if I perished here today. For it was my responsibility as one of the kingdom’s champions.

To kill the one responsible.

To avenge those who had-


The hooded entity before me turned around and spoke. A voice that I had known throughout my life. A voice so near and dear to my heart I still seek the wisdom in its memories. Tears had begun to form underneath my remaining working eye. My subconscious was putting together the implication of this realization. My will to fight had been extinguished. My already broken heart fractured into pieces.

“...Why...How...No...YOU?!” I called out into the night. Unable to accept the truth before me.


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