《Uncovering The World!》Volume 2 Chp 20: Assassin
Hello once again and thank you for picking out this chapter!
This chapter will start one of the arcs I thought of which revolves around Nyorin.
100 followers celebration! BANZAI BANZAI!
In the near future, I will create a chapter regarding my 100th follower mark :D
Nyorin's POV
Yawn*, what a nice sleep I had.
I noticed that I was snuggling into Saladin but didn't care and continued.
My face is slightly red as I watch Saladin's sleeping face.
His eyes opened and were looking at me which made me pause for some moments then released him from my arms while getting up from bed.
Saladin finally returned after a week of him being missing but afterwards he explained everything to me and Laura.
My state was miserable when he was not insight which confirms that I can't go on without him anymore...
I was standing with a blushed face while looking at Saladin who was laying in the bed while trying to escape from Laura's grasp.
Laura also has feelings for Saladin which could be told by looking at her behavior towards him.
Though I spent not that much time with Laura, I could already be considered as a friend to her.
Day by day I've been wondering if my oldest sister is doing well while hoping that she will not be forced to marry like what I experienced from my father.
If you were to ask me, if who would I marry then that would be obviously Saladin.
Thinking back, we never were fond of each other while nothing ever crosses my mind that I would fell in love with the person I loathed back then.
I did the morning routine of taking a bath, changing clothes, cleansing my teeth with water while grooming my hair.
After I finished my routine, I saw Laura has woken up recently and was talking with Saladin while she has some sort of blushed face as she seemed to be talking about how she was clinging to Saladin's arm.
The conversation between them was short and while I was wearing my accessories, I noticed that Saladin's right hand has a black mark on it with the shape of some what a dead flower.
He never had that thing in his hand which made me curious.
Saladin told me and Laura that he is going out to receive his award in the hunters guild.
Me and Laura bid farewell to him as he exits our room leaving me alone with her.
I did want to have a conversation about Saladin with Laura for once and so asked her that I needed to talk to her.
She accepted my proposal and sat on the bed after I told her where was it.
I sat beside her and then said to her
"Laura, do you like Saladin?" - Me
I said while having an almost serious tone.
She was shocked on what my words uttered while I can see that she is shivering slightly.
Laura then said
"Yes, even if you have to hate me... I would still like or even love Saladin..." - Laura
I knew she had feelings for him but I also don't want our friendship to end...
Then I uttered
"You know I also love him..." - Me
She then replied
"I know that very well... but I still can't help but love him..." - Laura
It is wrong to stop someone from suppressing her feelings...
So I said something which not only made Laura shocked but also me.
"Why not both of us try and become wifes of Saladin?" - Me
I mentioned 'as wifes' which was wrong at my part.
Laura was shocked on what I said while having a red face from hearing the word wife.
She then bowed slight while having little tears from her eyes.
"I don't know what to say and It never crossed my mind that we both can love him, so I really thank you that you would accept me to love Saladin" - Laura
I asked Laura to raise her head and then I hugged her with a smile in my face.
After a while, we were chatting together about us loving the same person while giggling on which part of Saladin's personality we fell in love with.
It was confirmed that who was accepted first would be the first wife.
Saladin's POV
I submitted the key to the counter lady and got my cash which was 18 deras.
She was shocked on how I managed to complete the quest as it may have been a fraud request.
The key was nothing special and it seems that when I spoke about the garden to the counter lady, she was clueless on what place I was describing to her.
After I finished everything that I needed to do in the hunter's guild, I then head to the market to purchase food ingredients for lunch.
I took the route which would cross the town without the worry of trespassing crowded areas.
The sun was blocked by clouds which looked like it is going to rain anytime.
There was something bothering me while I was walking on the cobble pathway.
It is as if someone is watching and following me while concealing his/hers presence.
I then did something which might bring that person out which was activating my martial technique 'Empower'.
As I was activating it, I noticed that the person who was stalking me revealed him/her-self.
The individual is wearing an empty white mask while have long blond hair with some orange color at the end.
Mask with a design of nothing but two circular black holes.
By the individual's hair and structure of body, I can safely say that the person is a female.
She is wearing thin leathered long sleeved shirt which matches with her black leggings.
For her feet, she worn a pair of brown boots while covering her with some some sort of cloak hiding her barely visible sheathed sword..
I then asked her
"What do you need?, and why where you foll-"
Before I could finish my sentence, I was lunged by her sword which she unsheathed with swift movement.
I barely back stepped and move to the right while grabbing out something from my bag.
If it weren't for Merdrek's training, I would receive an even more worser damage than a small wound in the side of my stomach.
She noticed where I moved to and swung her sword towards my direction but was blocked by my dagger.
It was hard to maintain defending with merely this dagger so I pulled out my long sword with my left hand and tried slicing horizontally with it.
The individual was about move back wards but was stepped in her right feet by mines and was unable to move and so guarded my full swing with her sword which caused her to fly a little bit to the right.
There was a wound in her her left shoulder and a small cracking her sword from my attack.
She got up quickly and was shacking a little from the impact of my full swing.
Then she charged towards me while lowering her sword nearly touching the ground.
The individual then swung up vertically her sword aiming towards my head which was easily countered by me kicking her body forward.
Kicking her caused a flinch in her body which was enough time to slice her face, I managed to land a hit on her face but no harm caused to her but her mask was sliced in half and fell to the ground.
She managed to dodge at the last second which caused her to be unharmed from swing.
I can already see her face which was not bad but nothing compared to Nyorin's and Laura's.
Black hematite eyes and a perfect structured face for a girl near the age twenty.
The expression she was making was nothing but a poker face.
She moved back slowly and pulled out a circular object from her back.
The individual then hurls it towards me which I rolled to the left knowing what the thing might do.
Nothing happened and knew it was a bait by the sword of hers already pierced threw my left thigh.
It was hurting badly which I gritted my teeth to keep my voice of agony from coming out.
I noticed that the weapon had poison in it as I can feel a great sensation of itchiness and pain from the sword.
The poison was strong, as I can already feel it coursing slowly through my veins.
She then pulled out her sword and was still making that poker face without caring on how she played dirty.
'I see, she wants to play that sort of game...' - Me
I then threw both my long sword and dagger on to the air and did something that anyone would hate me for a first time in ages.
Before she could hack my head away, I grabbed hold into her bosom which I noticed her poker face changed into a slightly flustered one with lots of anger in it.
Afterwards I punched her stomach with my open left arm causing her to feel pain and then I jumped up in the air grabbing both of my weapons while swinging them vertically towards the girl.
She blocked the high attack with her sword but was futile as it breaks from my full powered vertical swing.
Her sword was in shatters, and immediately I kicked her with my right leg causing her to slam the nearby wall from my force.
I then walked towards her while limping as the poison was getting hold of me.
The individual's body was greatly wounded by my kick which made frozen in place while laying in the ground.
Before asking her, I sheathed my long sword to have an open hand free.
I pulled her back collar and made her face avert to me and I asked where she hide the antidote.
She was still having that poker face but this time, blood is flowing down her right nose.
The lady then said
"Kill me already, I failed my mission"
I didn't reply to what she said, and searched her small pouch which was strapped in her belt for the antidote.
It took little amount of time until I found a small bottle with a label saying antidote.
I drank it immediately and the effects came as quick as possible which cured the poison.
The bleeding wouldn't stop in my thigh and so I bandaged it with the remaining cloth which I took out form my bag.
Then I told the lady which once had a mask
"If you are not going to tell me anything then it's better off that you die" - Me
She still has that poker face but this time her eyes has no life in it.
Before I was going to pierce my dagger into her throat, I was stopped by one falling tear in her eye and her words that came out her mouth.
I felt like what I was doing is the wrong thing... but unlike stories I read, this is real life and it's unpredictable if you let everyone go as who knows what they might do in return.
Then I placed the dagger inside my bag and told her
"I don't know who sent you to kill me neither do I care, but consider yourself lucky that I didn't lost all kindness that makes me still human" - Me
I walked away from her and was still remembering on what she said on when I was going to stab her.
'Mother and father..' - the girls words when she was going to get stabbed by me
While my distance between her and I extend, I noticed that she got up while trying to make her way towards me.
She was desperate to finish me as I can tell from her eyes, it's as if she doesn't care about herself but just wants me dead.
Her body was trembling as she walks towards me while limping and as if she is about to fall any second.
The broken sword she has was wielded in both of her hands.
It was really painful as I could tell that she is trying her best to get to me.
Her eyes are really dull as if she is about to lose consciousness anytime now.
What is it that makes this girl push her limits, is the question there.
If she would just had laid there and wait till she can move again, her death would be not be short.
I sighed and punched her one last time in the stomach area causing her to finally succumb unconscious on the ground.
If no one treats her now, she would die from blood loss in her wounded shoulder, which I did something that would immediately count as idiotic.
I tore some of her sleeves with my dagger and made it into a long cloth like bandage.
before I could wrap it around her shoulder, I washed her wound with some water in a bottle and sprinkle in some sea salt which was in a jar from my bag.
After fixing her up, I then placed her laying down beside a wall.
'This is a bad thing if I heal her as she would repeat killing me of, but I didn't care' - My thoughts.
I checked the stuff inside her pouch and found out her name from a book with her name written in it.
'Sherah' - her name
Afterwards I left her there unconscious and knew that she might be okay if I just treat her wounds.
I then made large distance between her and by the time I reach the stalls with food, I didn't head much attention to what happened.
Then I purchased meat, herbs and spices from a merchant which only cost in total of 3 deras with 70 copper.
It was enough ingredients to last us at least four days.
While the ingredients are heavy, it still was easy to carry due to my strength which made it easy to reach the inn in a matter of time.
When I opened the door of my room in the inn, I saw that Laura and Nyorin were talking while smiling and rolling in the bed together...
My mother was reading some sort of book while happily snickering.
'They seemed to bond more while I was out...' - My thoughts
They saw me standing with the ingredients and then came towards me while asking what I brought.
My mother greeted my return and continued reading her book while completely being immersed in it.
I didn't want them to know on how my life was going to get forfeited before and so kept it to myself.
Then I said to both of the girls who asked
"You guys seemed to be much more friendlier to each other than before" - Me
Their faces became red and where looking at each other then looked at me...
Don't tell me...
"Did... you guys did it?..." - Me
Both girls turned much more red and started lightly hitting me while saying 'no'.
Afterwards they told me that they resolved an issue between them which caused them to be like this.
I asked them and my mother if they are hungry which they replied 'yes' happily.
We gone behind the inn and set up some sort of fireplace where I cooked the meat with.
Both the girls where watching me cut the golden brown cooked meat into fine slices and sprinkle herbs with spices on it.
My mother was cutting vegetable and making into what seems to be a salad
Nyorin's eyes were open with glitters on then while Laura is sniffing on the wonderful aroma.
We all ate happily while both girls compliment on what they were tasting is something extraordinary.
Laura was whistling while sitting down on a chair.
My mother returned to the inn room to continue reading her book which I found out it's all about a romance and comedy.
I'm cleaning up the fireplace and the meat while Nyorin is laying in the grass having a happy face from what she ate.
If it weren't for Nyorin's daily intense training everyday, I would say that she would become fat.
Though that is untrue as she even said to me that her body works weirdly as no matter what she ate she wouldn't gain unnecessary fat.
I could say that it may be due to her half blood of fenrir.
Laura didn't know what to do so she came to me and asked if she can help with anything which I gave her a job on carrying the remaining spice jar.
We returned to the inn with a happy mood and so decided to play something which will entertain us for some time.
I asked if mother wanted to play, but she declined with a smile and continued immersing herself in the book.
The game we played was quite simple as it involves us in each turn doing something which everyone agrees with.
After some turns in the game, I noticed that everyone is happily laughing on the sets of things we did.
Though there was a embarrassing turn as they both kissed me in the cheek.
Some hours passed of us doing the normal things that we do everyday and eventually slept later.
My eyes where really tired which made me sleep instantly.
Sherah POV
When I opened my eyes, after what occur with me trying to assassinate the person ordered from my lady.
I was still baffled on how strong that person is, though I would have killed him if it weren't for him touching my breasts...
The person had lot's of skills and I'm pretty sure he didn't show most of what he truly is.
I'm still not dead as I thought I would have not mind... dying for the princess as she might support my family from what I tried.
I got up and was feeling immense pain from my body which was due to the cram.
My princess was staying at a nearby inn which she personally chose.
Since I was small, I was never the talkative person and was really only open to a boy when I was young.
After some time of walking, I finally reached the inn where my lady is in.
I knocked the door which she told me to enter and so I did.
She was shocked on my appearance and asked on what happened.
Though she was a princess, she always treats me as a close friend.
Tears were coming down from her face, as she apologizes on how she miscalculated on her part.
My lady was hugging me as she was glad that I lived.
I told her all about what happened which made her confused as to how her second most trained guard got easily beaten by that man, I mean boy...
The truth was that my princess named 'Yurnixa' was trying to find where her missing 3rd sister is located.
We found where she is after lot's of time searching.
The problem was that she is being held captive by what seems to be a boy who might be older than he looks...
Though we were thinking that maybe it is the opposite...
After I knew that boy might be a pervert, I thought to myself that I must save my princess sister before it is to late.
My body was really tired and decided to sleep in the floor but was stopped by my princess as she asks me to sleep with her in the bed.
In usual terms I would decline but today I didn't think well and slept with her.
Thank you for reading, please leave a feedback of what you think of the chapter.
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