《Uncovering The World!》Volume 1 Chp 12: Meeting


Thank you for reading this chapter, once again made by Derejird :D

I'm quite busy no a days, and so I can't frequently release chapters.

Anyhow, enjoy reading :D

Nyorin POV

You might call me a stalker but I really want to know what is Saladin doing.

I followed him without him knowing my presence.

He met the girl he talked to yesterday and started moving along with her.

Blending with the crowd, hiding in the corner of alleys and pretending to chat with random people to keep them from knowing my presence.

They were looking at shops and stopping to pet a cats head which made me jealous as they look like a perfect couple.

After they entered the adventurer's guild, they were looking around the interior of it while I was in the behind gazing on how beautiful the place is.

They then reached towards a man who seems to be the receptionist of this guild.

I was about to walk and surprise Saladin until I heard them saying that their going to be in a party, which made rush to them with my at most speed while shouting that I will join as well.

They were surprised by my shout and I could see Saladin has a opened mouth while looking at me with a shocked expression.

I then averted my eyes towards the girl and was going to say something until I found that this girl is freaking cute and beautiful at the same time which made me lost of words while admitting complete defeat on her looks.

"I..I..won't admit defeat and lose Saladin to you.." - Nyorin

My face became red after saying that and I noticed her face became strawberry colored also.

She then replied

"Sorry...b-but we aren't like that we are just f-friends" - Girl in black dress

The receptionist was looking at us with a enjoyed smile while looking at Saladin as if he is indicating he is a lucky one.

Saladin shrugged the receptionist taunting with a slight red on his cheeks.

I then said to Laura

"Friends?... and nothing more, you sure?..." - Me

"Yeah... as I don't think anyone will like a blind girl like me... and it looks like Saladin is taken already by you..." - Girl in

black dress

She said that with a sad tone

'Blind!?, while also thinking she is not able to be loved by someone...' - My thoughts

I had a pain in my heart as I felt like a jerk from telling her Saladin is taken..

"...Sorry" - Me

she shook her head then said

"It's okay..." - Girl

We then heard the receptionist say something

"Okay so you have three members on your group/party right? - Receptionist

Saladin then came closer and said

"yes that's correct" - Saladin

He said while looking at me and Laura.

"Then please write and place your mana, aura or martial passive skill in this seal magic documents for each of you while before doing that please read the terms and conditions ." - receptionist

He then handed each of us a document, I then read the conditions to check if there is anything bad as magic documents are lethal when binding someone to a debt.

There was not anything strange and so I placed mana in the document which made it glow in a yellow hue.

After that I wrote my name in the document and noticed both Saladin and the girl did the same.

The receptionist then received the documents and placed on top of what seems to be a stack of documents.


He then smiled towards us and asked us for our names in no other reason then getting to know one and another.

I told my name is Nyorin while hiding my family name as it's confidential.

The girl in a black dress told hers without saying her family name also and her name was Laura.

Saladin told his name while saying his family name which was Valirus.

This made the receptionist eyebrow slightly went up as he Saladin said Valirus.

The receptionist then looked at Saladin then said

"Are you by any chance related to Klintos?" - Receptionist

By hearing what the receptionist said, Saladin had opened eyes and then he said

"Yes, do you know Uncle by any chance?" - Saladin

"Uncle?!, and yes we knew him actually he was quite Infamous at this adventure guild for being a lowly perverted failure" - Receptionist

This made Saladin eyes have a taint of hatred but quickly dissolved as he says to him

"You might used to be a failure but mark my words, in my eyes he was a man that can't be compared to anyone" - Saladin

When he said that, I was staring at his face which was cool and mature then usual.

"What ever floats your boat kid, but you must know that to get a adventurer's license you must be able to past the test with your group and if one of you fails, all of you fails" - Receptionist

This made me shudder as I had a fear of failing and letting Saladin and Laura down.

We gave our farewell to the receptionist and exited the adventurer's guild.

Saladin proposed to have a chat in our inn with Laura which was what I wanted also.

While we were heading to the inn, I saw a bunch of cute sandals and shoes which made me want to look.

I asked both of them to wait as I search around for something that suits my long sleeved red blouse and skinny black jeans.

There was a sandal that matches my clothes and bought it.

It was in red colored, black underneath and had a rose on top while acting as any other sandal should be.

Before leaving, I noticed that Laura didn't had anything to wear for her feet.

'I'm not doing this because she knows Saladin and is kind to him and me...' - My thoughts

I bought for Laura a pure black sandals with a nice design of thin straps of fine leather covering the middle of the feet and between the first pair of toes.

Using up three deras to purchase for both of the shoes, I exited the shop and handed the pair of sandals to Laura.

She was asking on what it was and I replied with it being a sandal.

Saladin was not with Laura as he was staring while have eyes of wanting at a show case of swords in the nearby weapon shop.

Laura then tried looking for my arms and grabbed it while having little tears in her eyes.

She then said to me

"Thank you for this beautiful sandals. I thank the goddess Feides for making me to meet both Saladin and you, if not I would have been dead or turned into slavery..." - Laura

She was really happy which made me felt as if she was someone that I can befriend with.

But I wondered something and asked her

"If your blind how come you know it is beautiful?..." - Nyorin

Laura gave me a smile then replied

"I didn't know how the dress I'm wearing looks like but I know it is beautiful and pretend I can see it as I don't want Saladin to see my expressionless reaction..." - Laura


She then explains on how she can barely see objects but she knows what a mirror is as she can see ehr own aura by looking through one.

We then chat a little about her dress giving her the details which made her even more happy.

Saladin came back from the weapon store and was going to greet us until he was hugged by Laura which made all people surrounding look at him.

I was speechless as I hear Laura repeats the word 'thank you' to him for what seems to be her clothes.

I didn't want to be left out as after Laura finished hugging, I then hugged Saladin to.

This made the surrounding man look at Saladin with envies.

After wards all three of us started moving again towards the inn after causing a commotion.

We were walking and happily chatting about things we enjoy.

I found out that Laura loves cats while Saladin enjoys reading stories about adventurer's.

My enjoyment was kept secret to them as mine was quite embarrassing which involved me snuggling onto Saladin's body while hugging him as a body pillow.

We passed the crowded food stalls, stores filled with people and children playing games.

The air of the town was fresh as it's not so near to a forest which we were our living quarters not so long ago.

There were also Merchants who were advertising about selling well mannered slaves for cheap prices.

The hearing of the word slaves made Saladin twitch a little and I could felt sorrow coming out of his eyes.

After a while of walking, we reached the inns main door and opened it for us to enter.

It was supposed to be lively as usual the inn at this time but was not, as today there was a crowded event nearby in a lake were someone who catches the biggest fish would earn tons of gils and food supply.

Mine and Saladins master Muzaik went also to participate the event which kept me, Laura and Saladin by ourselves.

All three of us greeted the inn keeper and headed upstairs to our room.

Before we entered the room, there was some individuals living nearby spoke to Saladin telling him that he is doing a threesome this early for his age.

Saladin's face became red as the word threesome reaches his ears.

Me and Laura were having a confused face to the word 'threesome'.

Saladin then opened the door of the room while telling us to enter, he gave a glare at the individuals who spoke to him before

We entered the room but before having a sat in the bed, both Laura and me asked Saladin on what 'threesome' means.

He made a deep sigh as he speaks to us.

My face became really red and Lauras face became as red as a tomato.

It basically meant me, Laura and Saladin having sex together at the same time...

'Kyaa!, making babies with Saladin is something not supposed to happen until we confess..., but what about Laura?, will she also confess to Saladin and do the word 'threesome' with us?, am I okay with it... actually I might not mind"

We cooled down after a while sitting.

Saladin was taking a bath while me and Laura were chatting.

She told me about her life which made me really sad and my life could not even compare to hers.

Laura then also explains on how she met Saladin, after hearing on how Saladin saved her, it made me understand on how she was with him.

I asked her if she has feelings for him but she replied with a sad expression and told me she doesn't know.

She was confused if to like or admire him, her choice was to see on what type of her person he is.

Laura stopped thinking of liking him after meeting me which made my heart pain a lot.

I decided something and told her that she should not stop liking him even if I'm there as I still didn't hear his reply on my confession.

She was a bit shocked on what I said but quickly died out as she says that Saladin won't like a blind girl like me.

Even though she is my rival, i gave her some advices and made her feel happy on how Saladin doesn't discriminate anyone.

I then told her of my stories on how I originally disliked him and on how we met while gradually my feeling grew strong towards him.

I also explained about Saladins past to her and all about her previous loved one called Kioni.

She was shocked with teary eyes as she tells me that he also experienced similar to what happened to me.

We giggled and laughed about Saladin and other stuff.

She then told me with a sincere smile while stuttering if I wanted to be her friend.

I accepted her and told her that she was my first female friend except for my sisters.

After a while, Saladin returned with looks of refreshment from the bath while wearing his white shirt and grey pants.

We looked at Saladin while blushing from remembering all the talks about him.

He looked at us dumbfoundedly while asking what is going on.


We replied in unison while giggling with slight blushes in our cheeks.

He then said

"You sure got along in short amount of time" - Saladin

We then said that we were both destined to be friends and all those girly words was not supposed to be said by me which I really hate but didn't mind for now.

After we talked with Saladin about the test, we ate dinner with all three of us and then bid farewell to Laura as she goes to a nearby inn to stay for the night.

It's been some time until Laura left and Saladin was now thinking while sleeping in the floor.

yesterday he was to sleepy that he accidentally slept in my bed which I didn't mind.

There was a soft sheet filled with cotton down in the floor which we bought before in order for Saladin to sleep in comfort.

I asked Saladin if he wants to sleep with me.

To tell the truth I was expecting a 'no' but he accepted but before he did he asked if it is okay with me which I replied with a yes.

He laid down beside me which made me blush a little as I hide half of my face with the comforter.

Saladin has also a slight red in his cheeks but he quickly slept with a smile in his face.

The urge was real and so I kissed his forehead.

My lips were not satisfied and so I moved into kissing his lips lightly.

After I kissed his lips I quickly covered my whole body with the comforter as my face becomes red and I think to my self

'second kiss for me...' - My thoughts

Saladin has his own comforter and later after a while in deep thoughts, I decided to hug him and lulled my self to sleep.

No cliffhanger for this chapter but that doesn't mean other future ones won't :P

Here is a question and please comment if you want answer

Question: How many love interest or wives would the main character 'Saladin' have?

Question two: Nyorin or Laura, which interests you more?

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