《Uncovering The World!》Volume 1 Chp 2: Sadistic (Rewritten)
Saladin's POV
It has been a month since both me and Kioni became a couple.
At first my mother disapproved of our relationship due to how my character is. But thankfully, Kioni helped me out on persuading to change her mind.
Our daily conversation didn't change in any aspect like before... though the malicious or sadistic side of my love is appearing frequently.
Ever since she discovered my true personality, I thought it would be okay to do kinky stuff to her... Unfortunately she doesn't want me to do any of those stuff until our relationship deepens.
Well at least I got a lover..
Speaking about her, Kioni came next to me and asked "What are dazing around for?"
I stood up and replied back "Just thinking about my new life."
After hearing my words, she made a deep sigh before saying coldly "Instead of that why don't you already think of a way for us and your mom to escape this place!"
She caused shivers through my spine before I replied in panic "Y-Yes Ma'am!"
~/````````````/~ Near outside the mine area, two man in cloaks were standing while conversing.
"You sure the mines have good loot boss?" Said the short person.
The man who's wearing a black hood replied back "Definitely, I used a trust worthy source and it says that this mine holds the most value in gold with jewels inside a vault some where inside."
"If it's only for that much, aren't we suppose to raid something which require less the hassle?"
"I'm not raiding for that purpose only, you idiot."
After the short man started scratching his cheeks from being called idiot, he then asks "Than what reason is there?"
"The Luchus Dark Great Sword is kept inside also."
The boss words caused the short man to fall in his behind before questioning loudly in disbelief "Something valuable as that is kept in that cranny mine!?"
"It indeed is, as the head of this mine was a famous labyrinth explorer in his youth and so it already makes sense why would it be there."
While trembling in excitement, the short guy was thinking and muttering to himself 'All the things I can get after selling the sword which would amount to at least 10,000 gild! Equivalent to buying a castle!'
Authors note: there are three types of currency in this world:
1. The lowest and most used is called 'Crip' Not Chips
2. 100 of those Crips is equivalent to 1 Dera
3. 100 Deras is equivalent to 1 Gild
"Then what are we waiting for boss!, let's plunder this place to the bone and have fun with the beautiful slaves!!"
The boss laughed before whistling in a bird like sound.
31 hooded individuals then appeared with all kinds of weapons as they greet the man in black hood.
Back in the mines with Saladin's POV
Right now I'm doing the usual mining with Kioni as she picks up the salt stone on the ground.
It was pleasant as I can talk about my past and hear about hers, while not worrying about getting punished by guards as they aren't here.
Kioni's past was unknown and so she couldn't even tell her origins as the most distant memory was of her getting adopted by the farmer.
She's my lover but I can't trust her words at all... As the way she talks have no sense of sincerity or filled with stuff she wants to hide.
I'm used to knowing liars and I can tell that she's just feeding me false information including about her adopted father... But I can't help and play along with it.
The way she speaks reminded me of a distant memory that I buried up.
Shaking off my previous thoughts, I decided to continue mining... but then a large explosion ringed through my ears.
My head kept on buzzing but I made sure to grab hold upon Kioni's hand while sheltering her from the debris with my back.
Before I threw away my pickaxe, I told her to follow me. If only we could run then its more unlikely for us to get hurt.. Meddlesome cure.
"What is happening?" I thought to myself.
The first thing I must check is my mother's place and hope that no harm will befall on her.
Kioni has been holding my hand tightly while showing a smile? No... I'm just imagining things.
As we were about to walk around a corner, suddenly someone restrained with his arms. I reacted immediately and tried
A muscular bearded man also grabbed hold on Kioni with his arms and restrain her tightly while moving away which caused our once tightly hold hands to untangle.
Since the person is behind me, I can't tell his appearance but all I can say that he's incredibly strong.
That feeling of being watched has disappeared which is truly wonderful as now I can think freely.
It's best to stop wasting energy so I stopped struggling and consoled myself to stay cool or else something bad may happen.
But the thing I'm worried the most is concerning my toy's, I mean her safety and who knows what they might do to her if I just wait.
If only my arms were unrestrained then I could use 'that.'
Even though I never once get to use it for a very long time.
Before I can think of any plan, I needed to distract them so I imitated the expression of a raging lover and yelled out "Release me and Kioni right now or you will get hurt!"
This was the best sentence I thought of to announce my false anger and idiocy.
Observing closely around my surroundings, there are two light sources on the walls and two paths on the right.
One of the paths leads towards the resting ground of the slaves and other one is where the entrance is located which I take is the place where this hoodlums are from.
Judging by the bearded man's clothing, it seems that they're not just some ordinary bandits but instead an organised group in strong numbers.
And you might be asking how the hell can I tell this aside... Well their logo is a famous one in my town, so I could recognize it anywhere.
Anyhow I have to play along acting as the 'Stupid madly in love lover' in front of them.
The bearded man revealed a grin before saying "Hah, so this girl must be your loved one. It's fun seeing the faces of guys when their lover is the hands of mine."
Man, his words are truly annoying. If only I can just dispose of him and get over this.
Anyhow I still need to play along even if it meant hurting her.
So I yelled at them "If you dare hurt her I will-"
But I was unfortunately cut of due to him dislocating the arm of Kioni which in term caused her to scream.
"Or what?, what will you do?" The muscular bearded asked before smiling.
He then starts licking the face of Kioni who was showing no expression except the sight of tears on her eyes.
I miscalculated that he would harm her before I can work with a plan but what can I do.
Acting as usual, I started gritting my teeth in anger before yelling out loud from the top of my lungs.
"Even if you're yelling till you bleed. You should remember on how powerless you were when your lover is in need." The bearded man replied calmly.
He then continued "Since you threatened me, I'm afraid you'll have to suffer while watching something spectacular. I thought of leaving you alone and just having my way with the girl... so it's mostly your fault. Mael dislocate that lads shoulder."
The man who was called 'Mael' responded back "With pleasure, Nick."
Mael let go of me for a moment before doing the thing he was told which made me scream.
I'm not really confident in my screaming skills but it should be sufficient by look of their satisfied faces.
And as for the pain, It is nothing compared to the abuse I had. I don't really remember my childhood as its completely vague but I'm certain that it resembled living hell.
Plus the whipping in this mine gave a hefty endurance boost which is quite handy.
The bearded man looked towards the path leading to the exit before saying "It's best we hurry up with our little fun here."
By the looks on his face, there isn't much time left.
I still don't get why would they fool around though... Unless, they and everyone their working with has finished plundering. No that ain't right, if it is, then they would not be in a hurry and why here a place with mostly salt rocks with little bit of other metal?
So the only logical reason for them slacking around is maybe due to them being already done, but there must be something stopping them from leaving or in better words remaining them here... I'm may just be over thinking this or due to the constant scream I'm letting out is affecting my brain.
The bearded person who's named Nick made Kioni face me before saying "You said earlier to release her right? Well, I'll do what you asked and release her from this world."
His words were quite hard to understand, as expected from a moron. In translation his basically saying that Kioni will die by his hands?
My eyes closely inspects the expression of hers and saw nothing but calmness as if she already knew her 'death.'
She sure is mysterious.
"..." She quietly looked at me.
It's best I better say the last single line which I'm going to copy from almost any books I read before "NO DON'T! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! KILL ME INSTEAD OF HER!"
In truth, there is no one I would die for even if she's my wife or relative.
The bearded hooded man made his hands emit a blue hue and slowly crushed the head of Kioni making blood paint the room and pieces of her head go everywhere. My face was then tainted with some of her blood and brain chunks.
Quite overboard I say. If I were a normal person, the reaction of mine would completely be similar to someone mentally loose and tries to deny reality... I think. As this brilliant person(me) never gotten to see what people think nowadays.
Just like what I said, this brilliant person changed the expression so it could resemble someone who's in mental break down. Just a general fun fact, I'm quite good at this part.
"You should see the face that you made! So fucking priceless and especially noise of the her innards of the her explode. Now I'm starting to regret not raping her... HAHAHA!"
I heed not to what that psycho is saying and instead the regret of not having my first taste on Kioni could not be possible anymore.
She told me before to think of a way on escaping with her... But I never once considered taking her with me.
Kioni was just like a tool to help me escape as I have no need for such plain girl except maybe for some extra money with slave selling.
I might have changed my opinion about her if she would tell me her true nature and also explaining her recent calm expression but its too late now... Oh well.
Why am I acting like this you might be asking? There's an answer to that, I'm quite abnormal... or better way to interpret that 'Special' in the head that is.
I don't deny my madly desire on women but I don't believe in love though.
Like how friends are just the people you grant to witness your 'emotion'. Maybe its just my way of thinking.
And don't let me get started on the word 'Love'.
Out of no where though, an eerie voice spoken to me stating "I've been watching you. Do you want power? To kill those fiendish bastards and in return a solemn is all I need."
As expected it was all along a demon that stalked me for long.
So if its a demon, there has to be a catch to it. So I replied back to it in my thoughts "What's the demerit of accepting this power you provide?"
Silence for a while before it replies "Aren't you supposed to be engulfed in anger? Why so composed and calm after seeing your lover died?"
A few seconds pass before the demon continues "Anyhow... There will be nothing that will harm your body."
"You really expect me to believe a demon? Swear it by your name then I might believe you." I calmly told.
The demon hesitated before replying back "This young lady has not seen a human act like this for so long but in order for me to earn your trust. I swear by name of 'Vearli D'Hourlion' that I vow no condition or harm when this lady grants power. Happy?"
I replied back "Much indeed."
My whole body suddenly felt a surge of power coursing through my veins. I was then engulfed entirely by dark lighting, as everything I see becomes slowly purple and not any color.
That doesn't mean I'm blind... as deeper shade of purple and lighter shade is what helped me picture what I see.
I could feel the curse inside me that restrained my capabilities to sprint vanish which was the most important part.
It is quite the good feeling, like I can crush anyone in my way with just a flick.
When the lightning covered my body, the person holding me immediately let go and rolled back before taking out his sword with fear in his eyes.
The same goes with the bearded guy, he had a scared expression and made his hands emit a brighter hue of blue.
Well I can't admit how scary I must be looking right now with the touch of poor Kioni's blood covered over me. It must at least make someone shit their self which is why I love demons. Also the fun messing with them, take note of that.
I then said to both of them with a joyous expression.
"Hello there, I'm glad you chose the best tour guide. I can show you all the famous sites in Hell." I said calmly as I approach the man called Nick.
I forcefully relocated my shoulder which had a delightful sting pain.
Before I do anything rash, I thought deeply about the place.
Like how no body will interrupt due to when I shouted before, no one else came to look.
The place I'm in has solid foundation and won't have cave ins anytime soon.
So there is nothing to worry when I take care of this people.
Both man looked at me with alert as if they were prepared to pounce anytime soon.
I shook my head while uttering 'tsk tsk' which then with my immense speed the gap between us decreased to the point where I'm right by him.
He couldn't comprehend as to what happened as I can expect he saw nothing but blur.
As I concentrate all the new foreign energy in my body towards my fist, I gave the bearded man Nick a nice liver blow.
That caused the man to cough out blood before dropping his sword and falling in his knees.
Of course when I meant liver blow, it also includes his rib cage which I personally made them shatter like glass.
It's not over though as I have a grudge on him for killing off my toy.
So I raised my leg backwards and kicked his jaw as hard as I can.
A thunder clap sound was heard when my leg 'swooshed' to his chin.
I predicted his head to fly over... but having his neck torn instead is another pleasurable sight to behold am I right?
It's truly a shame that the bearded man died without much of a fight even though I wanted to study more about his 'Enhancing strength technique'. Oh well..
About the other man who was perhaps called... 'Male' or 'Mael' whatever his name is, he's not living long.
As I looked towards him, I noticed how his pants are completely dripping and reeking of piss.
His body trembling as he points the sword towards me.
I shrugged while laughing as I approach him.
"What's wrong, is it because your friend over there witnessed hell before you. Well don't worry you'll be joining him very soon but your death will not be as swift like his." I said with a malicious laughing tone.
Mael then shouted madly as he approaches and used his sword to vertically slice me.
Though I just stopped the slash before he could even wind up it with my fingers as I cough behind him.
With ease, I bend his sword as if it was paper.
His expression was not doing so well as if blood has been drained from his face.
I threw away his sword before dislocating both his arms just like what he did to mine.
A scream soothing to the ears was heard before I forwardly kicked him on his stomach.
He fell to the ground which was now a perfect spot for my experimentation to commence.
Loads of juicy information I can get from this lad... but before that I need to 'break' him or not. Depends on how much I can threaten him.
Before any asking, I made sure that his legs will never work again~
The first thing I said to convince him from actually speaking is "I'll make you experience hell before going there if you don't answer my questions. And believe me, I can do nasty things."
It's easy to tell if he's lying or telling the truth due to his condition being filled with anxiety and strive to live.
Mael nodded which then I told him "Good. Now then the first question I'd like to ask is about why you and your fellow comrades are aiming this salt mine with no major benefit outcome?"
He then explained me all the things with hoarse voice.
With the new information I gathered, my thoughts were then organized by me as I make sure to not forget it.
The cunt who captured I the past idiot and placed me here was a famous 'Labyrinth explorer'.
Which this meddlesome people thought to it would profit them to plunder this place.
And also not to mention the 'Luchus Dark Great Sword' a one of a kind rare weaponry which is equivalent to a castle worth.
The loss of Kioni is slowly starting to diminish and replaced with me wanting that sword.
Also I gathered a lot of things regarding on what is their band of jokes are.
Their leader being a once renowned assassin and ex father of a well known princess.
They were called the 'Stupido Vultures', I'm just kidding with you.
Honestly their group is truly retarded to go with no organized name at all which frustrates me.
I also asked the man 'Mael' about their base location, but he didn't tell at all and instead handed over the map. Not really handed, more like asked me to grab the map from his pouch.
Since their leader and everyone else are here, it'll great to visit their hideout to get all their stash. Though this plan can only work if the leader dies and a large amount of them.
He seemed to answered everything I need to know so I killed him swiftly. Actually I chocked him slowly~
Watching his face change color slowly was utterly refreshing.
I sat down beside the dead Mael, and then started checking his clothing for anything valuable.
But before any of that, I really need to change my clothing so I swapped on what I'm wearing with our dear 'Mael'.
As I feel joy on my new clothing, I inspect further the gold amulet he was wearing and found a portrait of young little girl who looked adorable.
Accessories don't belong to dead people so I wore it instead.
And as for the pouch he had, it contained nothing but a few Crips and vials of liquid which is kindly labelled as poison.
After placing the pouch in my pocket, I stood up and made a happy joyous smile as I finally obtained poison.
An idiot would keep the vials labeled as poison, so I ripped it off after remembering them in case those pestering guards want to inspect me or something.
Eventually the power I had disappeared which was a pity as I loved that feeling.
After a while I noticed that my body grew shorter which made me experience a new feeling.
"Did my height decrease? Or am I imagining things." I told myself.
A spectral appeared in front of me and said "That's the price for that power you experienced which revoked away three years of your age."
I became quiet for a moment before stating calmly "Oh dear. It appears the demon is a fool."
A silence followed after my words before the demon replied back "May I know why am I disregarded as a fool?"
"Well as I asked before if the power has any side affects, I recalled you swore that there ain't any which is why you are a fool." I replied back before laughing.
The demon then asks "Even if I broke a vow and didn't full filled my promise, it doesn't affect me in any regard."
After hearing its words, I pointed at it before saying "Ah, and there is where you're wrong as you should know better than anyone what would happen if a demon doesn't keep its promise. As they would be unable to return back to hell where they live. Not to forget the divine punishment if the demon doesn't follow the orders of the person they broke promise with."
Hearing exactly what I said, the demon laughed before asking "You're truly an amusing human. But you should know the thing you just said only works between demons."
I smirked before replying back "I'm quite aware of that but sadly it is you who isn't checking properly if whether I'm a demon or not."
The spectral haze disappeared and replaced with a beautiful lady around her 20's who has two small horns on her forehead, crimson long hair, and wearing a black robe with gold ornaments.
She then tries calling out a portal in demon language which I understood due to learning one of my mother's book.
At first she looked calm but slowly her expression turned dire.
Her tone turned louder and louder until she looked back at me and said "Impossible!"
After she said that, I imitated the laugh she made before then said "I'm truly lucky today as I got my hands not only on poison but also a demon with beauty. If I recall correctly your name would be 'Vearli', It certainly has certain charm to it whenever I say it or perhaps call upon it."
The demon Vearli tried using magic to dispose of me but unfortunately for her, I started speaking.
"There is no problem with me dying. But you should know by doing so, you'll never be able to visit hell in anyway possible and not to forget having all magic stripped from you similar to a mere human." I said to her before smiling wickedly.
She hatefully scoffed me by saying "Then this young lady won't kill you but instead slowly torture thee until you forgive me then-"
I cut off her sentence and said "I Saladin Valirus, commands you to not harm me in present or future."
Vearli's once swirl of flame that emitted from her hand had disappeared completely when I finished my words.
She tried using magic again, again and again but nothing came out except her once said demon words.
I came close to Vearli who was taller than me by a head difference and started patting upon her like as if she was my personal pet.
Her eyes are filled with hate as she grits her teeth which was a sight to behold, as now I know how I looked like when my father is nearby before.
I then stopped patting on her as I asked "You said something about 'solemn' you need?"
Vearli closed her eyes as she sighs before taking off the ring on her hand and giving it me.
The ring looked like it was made from black metal with a design of two swirling snakes aiming to eat upon the black gem on the top.
After inspecting it, I asked "I never experienced a women asking me for marriage? Isn't it too early as we just met."
A strong killing intent appeared on her eyes as she restrains herself from hitting me.
Her attitude made me smile before I said "I'm just joking about that. Can't take some humor? Anyhow I demand what is this rings purpose and what's yours for giving it."
Vearli looked at me with disgust before saying lazily "That's a ring which absorbs souls from the dead. The souls then can be exchanged for powers or something like reviving your loved one. It can also absorb certain materials but I'm not so sure about that. My purpose in giving you this is so you can be a part of the foundation bringing up hell to its formal glory which in this lifetime you'll be trained by me."
I nodded to her words before I ask "This time tell me the truth, what is the con of wearing this ring."
She rolled her eyes before replying back "It's cursed, so you can't remove it once worn unless you're dead or like me a full demon. Another thing is... 'You'll be invalid to enter Heaven.'"
"I really understood long ago I'm not touching that place as the way I am currently, and as for the ring being permanently worn isn't considered a con, more like something beneficial." I said to her.
Her eyes surveyed me before asking "What truly are you?.."
"A human mixed with demon blood. A person not wanted in society. A man who loves woman. A boy who is superior in psychology." I replied back proudly.
Vearli remained silence from my amazing words. Only after a while she asks "Aren't you going to wear the ring and absorb those three souls."
At first I couldn't see what she meant but when I wore the ring, I could clearly witness two red colored and a dark crimson orbs floating in the air.
I then asked her "What does the color of those orbs meant?"
"They aren't called orbs dimwit, they are souls in sphere form. Their color represent the characteristic of how they lived this life. Green is for righteous deeds, Yellow for a good fair amount of good deeds, White is in the middle, Red is for a murderer, and the darker the color red appears the more the person has killed in this life." She replied to my question.
I thought for a while carefully before asking curiously "Since my once loved one died and the other two man, it would mean the souls only belong to them. Then why are all of them a murderer? Unless Kioni killed someone."
"You almost got it as the thing you should know is that your lover is someone who killed thousands of people." Vearli told me which then she sat down on the poor 'Mael's' dead body.
If I knew that earlier... I would have some value on keeping her alive.
Since it goes like this, the only solution is to use this ring I have to revive her.
This would do me much good as I would have a lover that is capable of killing loads which is excellent for the long run.
I knew she was mysterious, but not at this level.
It's like as if I don't know her at all.
Interesting. Yes that's is a fine word for a woman that I might see much use when I know her.
Kioni might not even be human.
The only missing doubt I had with her personality is... why me?
She could easily escape the mines but instead a lot of false info about her was fed to me.
'In what purpose' is the question I want answers about.
Let us recall my status.
I'm half human and half white demon elf and son to a famous slave holder.
Unless she came to execute revenge upon me for dealing with a certain slave in the past... No that's impossible as well due to how she waited for two years.
Does it relate to my bloodline or perhaps my mother...
I shook my head then came to realize something I almost forgotten.
Oh I almost forgotten about my mom.
If she dies, then a lot of my plans would be destroyed.
but first thing first, I asked Vearli "How do I get their souls sucked in my ring?"
"Just touch the body and soul should be absorbed." She replied back before going back to a state of dilemma on what to do.
I immediately absorbed all souls including Kioni's.
Though before I head out, I scavenged on both my lover and the bearded guy.
There was nothing on Kioni as expected.
On the bearded guy, his stuff was descent.
I'll just list them as follows:
1. A black scarf made of raw silk. width at least of two arms.
2. Exactly Five Dera's and 26 Crisps for his money.
3. Shackles which are new that tells me he escaped prison recently. I didn't have use of this so I left them.
4. Strong leather vest and boots which I used on my self to wear. I don't mind if their bloody.
5. A basic manual to lock picking with a set of different varieties of lock-picks.
6. And of a leather backpack which I found some of the stuff listed above in there.
I covered my face with the black scarf so I can disguise myself nicely.
Placing the pouch I got from Mael into the backpack and everything else inside it, I then wore the vest and boots with pride covered my face.
Vearli already stood up long ago and seemed to have placed all three dead bodies into a portal only for her use.
When asked her purpose, her reply was only "In case for food." Which I nodded in silence as there was no words to be said.
Well I'm set. Time to meet mom.
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