《Soldiers of Mana》Chapter 18 - Finishing What They Started


The confusion began to settle leaving a wary air and heightened senses as some of the council had mixed feelings about the situation. Some have already been at odds for a long time due to inner power struggles, peace had been held due to one said not being ready to get aggressive, as were the other faction had no acceptable reasons for confrontation. During this moment, Harvey's faction seemed ready to go all out. They were no longer able to hold in their eagerness towards the plans of taking over the mercenaries along with control of the village.

“Niko, what are you doing! Why have you attacked Harvey so abruptly?”

“I have deemed Harvey the leading cause for the assassination attempt on my life among other problems, such as the obvious rebellion he was concocting within the shadows”

“we can't just attack and kill him nor his followers. Keeping order by making them go to trial and properly convicting them is extremely important!”

“This is no longer an issue that needs further investigation, he came after my life, you are either with me or against me at this point in time. Everyone who opposes me within this room will not be leaving alive”

Without paying the others any mind I continued engaging Harvey and his followers. Harvey's Mana cloak illuminated the still dim room with a warm orange glow reminiscent of a cozy fireplace. Ah, his attribute was fire, attributes have no direct effect on one's capabilities but, normally reflected one's personality sometimes even influencing it as well.

Having a fire attribute leader can be useful because of their calm and well thought out plans, along with being able to properly rally their soldiers, the more grounded and collected they are, the more effective they will be.

“Niiiikooo! Heya boi! wanna quit thinking useless shit and lemme have some fun? Heh, heh!”


“Wait, Okin, is that you? How are you here? I thought you were gone?”

“Well, I am apart of you separated using our mana as a medium. So of course with the reunion of our mana I am back, duh, you fucktard. Now enough bullshit lemme at em!”

Not wanting to deal with Okin's overabundance of energy I said fuck it, allowing him to take control. Immediately the merging of my main source of mana with the mana used to separate Okin molded the mana cloak into an exotic more majestic cloak, surrounding my body in darkness causing myself to resemble the grim reaper. I could see shock and horror in the gaze of our watchers as well as fear in the eyes of my foes.

The change was instantaneous leaving the enemies engaging me vulnerable as I took their moment of weakness to swiftly chop them all to pieces leaving only Harvey himself on his factions side.

“Hahaha wow Y'all are trash, man, I was kinda hoping for more fun since I don't get to come out to play much. Well, fucking hell, hey, yo pops, you better do your best to stay alive or else your death will...be...oh, so painful.”

A gaping smile spread across our face as Okin taunted Harvey. From his face I could tell he was intimidated, no longer able to hold himself back, Okin launched a vicious punch directly at Harvey's face. Harvey put his guard up in anticipation but, right before impact Okin teleported behind him grabbing around his throat lifting him high into the sky before dropping him down slamming his body into the ground.

Our strength was too abnormal for the average warrior. Harvey had very little chance to counter, let alone defend against the violent attacks of Okin and I. Okin continued his attack on Harvey by hitting him with a ground and pound, relentlessly slamming our mana strengthened fist repeatedly into his face.


Seeing that Harvey no longer had any fight in him, Okin started the slow and painful death that was promised at the beginning of the fight. Okin Picked up a knife that one of the followers had used, stabbing it into Harvey’s right leg twisting the handle to embed the blade as deep as it would go. Harvey refrained from screaming out in pain while keeping a look of hatred on his face.

“Hoh, I see. You think by refusing to scream out you have won something? Welp, no worries I accept your challenge. I easily pierce through the reinforcements of your mana cloak, you are too weak to stop me from toying with you as I please, but, I insist, keep trying to hold out as long as you can it would be boring otherwise.”

Harvey’s face twitched in reaction to my words. He knew I was correct, he wouldn't last too long against continuous stabbing, eventually, he would buckle under the pain. Okin raised the knife in our hand preparing for another go at Harvey’s leg when Erica grabbed our wrist.

“Erica, sweetheart. What did I mention before, hmm?”

“I am not stopping you to oppose you, I am stopping you because you have already won. If we are gonna torture him which I don't mind at all, I hate this bastard just as much as the rest, but, I would like to at least get some information out of it. So, at least allow us to ask questions in between the stabbings deal?”

“... Fine, make the questions quick though, I do not have the same self-restraint like Niko has, I just want to see the streets dyed in red.”

Erica paused for a minute looking as if she had some questions to ask. I am guessing it is regarding not only the change in attitude as well as the insatiable bloodlust compared to the good little kid from earlier who did such a good job at holding back until the end, but also to the comment about Niko, which obviously would sound weird to someone not aware of my dual personality situation.

“I have some questions to ask you later Niko, but for now let's go ahead and finish this whole situation up.”

Erica moved past the questions she had realized that it would be better saved for later, and instead beckoned Katie to come over. Erica had Katie, and what was left of the council who were either not followers of Harvey, or smart enough not to retaliate clean up the bodies scattered all around the room. Erica, the chief and I moved to the prison along with Harvey for further interrogation.

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