《Into The Valley Of Gods》Chapter 3 "Traitor"


On the other side. King Arthur and Queen Sariah got separated with their kids. the leader of the kingsguard Gerard and few of his men are approaching the king. "My liege, Are you alright? where are the young princes and the princess?"

Arthur frowned and Sariah whispered something on his ears "my dear gerard is acting strange. He also ordered the guards we trust to go fend off the traitors." Arthur got a little bit of surprised on his eyes then it dissipated. Arthur turned to Gerard and said "I dont know gerard, When everyone is got alarmed and frigtened, Edmund get the kids out of the Royal dining area. I wonder where did they...!!!! You!!!!!!!!" Before Arthur finished Gerard waved his sword directly to Arthur's Leg. Then the other royal guards that is standing behind the Queen, Before they reacted they got their throat slit that came from the other royal guards on their back.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Arthurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!" The Queen yelled and screamed then she dashed in to his husband side but she got heavily slapped by Gerard. "Oh im so sorry my Queen. I didn't mean to slap you." Gerard said with a look that is full of lust. "You traitor! don't you touch my wife or else, i will hang you and your whole family and skinned you all alive!" Arthur yelled. An Evil laugh resurfaced around the whole area and a fat man that looked like a greasy meatball of fat appeared laughing heartily. The fat man is staring at Sariah with full of lust then looked at Arthur and said "Oh! Hello Arthur, Hehe, Im here to take over your Fareah Kingdom by the order of our Lord Emperor Lucious Alucard Draconia!. Not only that, My Emperor asked me to bring Queen Sariah the rightful bridge of the Emperor.". After a few sneer spouted coming from the mouth of the fat man. Arthur spat a mouthful of blood out of rage. Queen Sariah slowly crawled to Arthur's side. "Ok i will come with you, Just...Just dont hurt Arthur and my children. i will cooperate with you." Sariah said with a very gloomy sad face. Tears slowly dripping down from her cheeks.

Gerard kicked arthur on his face then Arthur fainted.

Meanwhile. Edmund and a few men luring some enemies with Annette as the princess but as soon as they successfully escaped. A Crossbow bolt hits on Edmund's Left Eye. and almost all of the soldiers followed him died by the surprised attack set up by the enemy. Whats left is the injured him, Two personal guards of Ying And Annette.

Edmund casted a spell then a magic protecting circle appeared on their feet. "Annette and you two, Go and meet mavis at our rendezvous point, You dont have to worry about me this magic will teleport you to a certain town, Remember Protect and Serve Gabriel and his two siblings. and lastly if i made it out alive, Tell Gabriel that he needs to go to the Blazing Phoenix Auction House in Barlen kingdom to look for me ok?."

Annette nodded with tears in her eyes then he turned his head one last time to Edmund "My lord Edmund take care we will wait for you!" Then the magic circle shines so brightly then they disappeared. Edmund cast another spell and summons a Huge Black Cloud that is buzzling with thunders and lightning. Then it shot a huge Lightning bolt around him and he disappeared.



Ying got alarmed on what the weird voice said. He carefully tried to look around then he turned to mavis while the two children are holding his hands. "Mavis i sense someone they are surrounding us within 50 meters of our range."

Mavis got startled and he hold the two kids immediately". Ying forgot that Mavis cant speak so he just faintly shaking his head and said. "Mavis i know you are loyal to us and our family but please. Dont say this thing to anybody in my family only the four of us here will know. Its for my safety and yours too is it ok?. Mavis stared at Ying with respect and nodded. Then Ying waved his hand then they arrived in the space.

Mavis gawking and looking around him, He doesnt know where they are but the only thing he feels is the strong flunctiation of energy that is coming from this area. The Qi condensed in this area is so strong, Mavis Feels that if they are going to stay at this place he will gladly teach the kids and gabriel some battle arts. It will be a good place to train, he also think that he can breakthrough if he stayed this are a little longer.

Mavis looked and stare at Ying, He seems wanted to ask something. Ying saw this and he lightly chuckled "Mavis dont worry this place is called Space Farm. And i own this place. In this space we are safe no one can enter without my permission, Also we can live here Happily without worrying about food.

A prompt sound is heard *Prompt sound* System:[To lift the host's servant named "Mavis" genetic defect, you need to reach level five. After obtaining the infirmary, it can be done]

Ying got surprised to what he heard. He can make Mavis talk? what the hell is this Overpowered space! he only needs to level it up to heal Mavis from being mute. Mavis got shocked and a teary eye flow through his face and looked at ying with benevolence And Respect. He also stated that he will risk his life for the safety of Ying and his siblings. He know what he heard and he knows that Ying will heal his genetic defect. Also that genetic defect is not just being a mute. Actually his tongue got cutted out by a famous assassin that he encountered. Also that assassin used an evil kind of poison that will make his battle qi crippled and forever cant breakthrough. If Ying just know this he will probably throw a party and starting to believe that god is his bestfriend.

Back in the days, Mavis is a famous Bounty Hunter he is called "Lightning Swift Mavis" he is fast like lightning and can kill an entire town within 5 minutes. But due to his ill fated luck. He encountered a powerful group of Assassins called "Clowns". They are a group of assassins that are wearing different kinds of mask and jester disguise. All of them are very potent in killing and all of them have different kinds and methods to kill. Also some of them are a bunch of people that are called "God's Children" because of the special abilities they had since birth. Mavis also is one of the God's Children. He had a special ability called Acceleration. Which makes him move really fast. but not just because you are a God's Children makes you amazing. You need to train and raise your abilities rank to make it more powerful. Mavis Acceleration is 6 star. which means he is above average. But a 6 star ability user is not a cabbage that can you see grown around. After he got defeated and mutilated. Arthur saw his bloody self in the forest, Then Edmund cure his injuries and told him that he can stay as long as he wanted. In his heart these two Brothers are the best people that he can trust and follow. Not just they are kind and Goodhearted. They are also strong individuals. Then he decided that he will serve these people with utmost loyalty.


Ying is just staring at Mavis reaction, He felt the bitterness in Mavis heart. He also felt some joy in his heart, Because he is having a hard time talking with Mavis. Atleast if he got healed he can answered back using his voice and no more writing scrolls and waiting too long for replies. "Come follow me so you and my brother and sister can rest well and have some food." Ying said and proceed through the farm house. Mavis and the two kids that is still in confused state followed then after walking for 15 minutes they saw a normal looking farmer's house. When they entered full of wonders and amazement. They were just like a child that entered in a candy store. They fancied and touch everything unfamiliar they see. Even Mavis got a full of excitement on his face sitting and feeling the sofa.

Ying showed a faint smile. The unfamiliar feelings gushed through his heart again. He feels so happy, This is the first time that he is sincerely happy. "Mavis, Serena, Stephen are you guys hungry? come follow me". The three people that has been called followed Ying and they entered the kitchen. Their eyes are looking around the whole kitchen. Because they kept seeing unfamiliar stuff. Ying opened up some canned goods and cooked them up and served to the other three. The three people gawked, Its their first time seeing Gabriel cooking something. And it is really a rare thing to a prince serving food to a servant like Mavis thats why they all got confused. The other three smells something delicious and they dig in the food thats have been served.

Ying is so happy that the choices and variety of canned goods in his pantry is too many. Ying also learned that if he keeps getting leveled up the items and food on his pantry will also getting better. But in Ying's case this is already a luxury. Then Ying get two beer cans in the fridge and throw the other one to Mavis. Mavis without knowingly instantly catch instinctively and looked at his hands with full of questions and wonder on his face. Ying chuckled and said "Mavis just copy what i do." Ying put his finger on the top and he flipped something then a pluck sounds heard. Mavis did the same thing and he successfully do it. then he suddenly smelled a nice bitter sweet aroma that can only be smelled in Ale. "Go try to sip it like this" then Ying sipped on the beer can. Mavis did what he asked to and he got a full of surprised on his face. His young master gave him A delicious Ale that is so light and no disgusting after taste.

Ying looked at Mavis face with a pleased expression. Then he looked at the two kids whos waiting for him to give them the same weird looking drinks that Mavis had. But Ying didn't give them beer instead he got a jug of milk. The two kids got disappointed in their eyes. Because hey only get the milk that is on a weird container not the same thing that Mavis is drinking. But then after they tasted it. Two Bright Eyes and a joyous smile. Stephen yelled "This is the most delicious milk that i've ever tasted, It also has a sweet taste on it and it got no after taste. Thankyou big brother!" Ying felt a touch in his heart. because it is the first time that someone thanked him.

"Dont worry we have lots of things in this house. Also the one Mavis is drinking is for adults. But dont get disappointed i will give lots of delicious drinks and food for you two." Ying chortled and the two kids gets up on the table and hugs ying on his waist. Ying really likes this kind of feelings, He patted the two kids head and let them finishd their food. Now Ying turned to Mavis and said "Mavis we will not stay here for awhile but the kids will stay here. Dont worry we can enter in this place whenever when we want. And we can also use it as an Escape. If something terrible happen." Mavis nodded and write something on his magic scroll. "No problem young master. But we need to go to the place that your majesty's told.

"Dont worry it wont take a lot of time. I just need to get to level up my farm up to level five then we will go." Ying replied.

Mavis nodded then he finished eating after that the dishes cleaned. The leftovers are instantly disappeared.

Then the two kids chatted and laugh heartily "This magical place that big brother owned is very coooool!! i wish mom and dad can be here. Also we can give uncle Edmund some of those sweet jelly things to surprised him" Stephen chortled.

Ying goes outside of the house then he start commanding the system for farming.

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