《Cosmic Contingency》Chapter 25 - Interclass Magic Competition
"This symbol. This one too. I have seen this before."
Cyziel skimmed the advanced magic virtual book that he had just received. To his surprise, a lot of the contents of the book contained information that he has already seen before. It contained information regarding the ratio of energy and essence, the arrangement and formation needed to cast the spells. It was like a copy of the physical books he had before as a kid. There were some new magic that he didn't recognize but the most recognizable difference are the added videos showing the effects of the spells.
"Other than the language it seems really the same with the books I had. Either my people contributed in creating this or they were actually able to find remnants of my people's belongings." Cyziel surmised. "For now, I think I'll finish the basic magic book first."
Cyziel closed the virtual book for the advanced magic and continued reading the basic magic from where he has stopped before. He used the remaining time he had to understand each new magic he encountered. Most of the magics are already familiar to him. There were only some differences. Due to the spells in the book not really being complicated, he didn't really find any issues understanding them. With his incredible mind, he was able to formulate both the magic words and symbols to cast them without actually trying to practicing them.
"Cyziel! There you are!" Rika shouted from afar, running towards him.
Cyziel curled his brows. "Is there something wrong?"
"The interclass competition is starting! Miss Larka told me to find you!" Rika gasped for breath.
"Oh! Thanks!" Cyziel smiled, tapping Rika's back while providing her some Aether energy. "Alright! Let's go."
Looking at the distance, it is quite apparent that the students and instructors are gathering towards the large arena located in the center of this indoor training area. Cyziel could already see Ru, Vera and Jorak waiting for him. The group assembled again together.
"So are you all joining this competition?" Cyziel asked.
"Well! It depends if someone challenged me!" Jorak answered. "Oh! And please don't challenge me!"
Ru chuckled. "Yeah yeah! You should go for at least target the top 10!"
"Wait! How does challenging work?"
"Everyone enrolled in this institute are immediately added in the students registry. You would have your own profile. Look here." Ru activated her watch and she clicked a shortcut icon in the holographic screen.
The screen changed to a page regarding the Styrtan Institute. There were sub pages regarding the rankings of the students in each batch. There was a subpage named freshman which are for new students. Another one was name intermedis which are for those who have been studying for more than a year but are not considered graduating yet. Finally, there was a page named maximas who already finished most of their studies but have just a few requirements that they have not been able to complete. Most of the maximas are already here for more than 2 years.
Ru clicked the subpage for the freshman and it listed hundreds of names by order of their current rank. Vera can be seen in the front of the ranking with her rank as 3. The 2nd was Elvin and the 1st was Morgan. Ru searched for the name of Cyziel and he is currently listed at the end of the ranking.
Rika giggled. "Look! You are currently the last!"
"What? I have never been last! Why is Volus and Ortix not at the end?" Cyziel scowled, his competitive spirit suddenly got pumped.
"Relax. It might not have been updated yet." Vera interjected. "Let's check for Ortix and Volus."
Ru searched for Volus' name and it showed that he is 72 in ranking. Clicking on Volus' name showed his profile page. In addition to some basic information, the profile page contained the breakdown of how the points of each student are calculated.
Name: Volus Shen
Race: Dielif
Planet of Origin: Dielif
Energy Affinities: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Elemental Sensitivity: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Combat Grade: 75*
Magic Grade: 80*
Martial Grade: 70*
Technical Grade: N/A (Needs to take exams)
General Knowledge: N/A (Needs to take exams)
Mission Grading: TBD (Update in progress)
Total Merit Points: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Remarks: *Redacted* (Private Information)
"Hmm... Isn't that low?" Cyziel inquired, rubbing his own chin.
"That's already good! He is in top 100! Moreover, the asterisk on his grades means that they are still just estimates!" Ru answered.
"Come on now! I am only ranked 140 and you guys haven't been here for a month!" Rika pouted, feeling embarrassed.
Ru then searched for Ortix' name and surprisingly it showed a rank of 48.
Name: Ortix (Profile not updated)
Race: (Profile not updated)
Planet of Origin: Daraksta
Energy Affinities: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Elemental Sensitivity: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Combat Grade:85*
Magic Grade: 75*
Martial Grade: 95*
Technical Grade: N/A (Needs to take exams)
General Knowledge: N/A (Needs to take exams)
Mission Grading: TBD (Update in progress)
Total Merit Points: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Remarks: *Redacted* (Private Information)
"What? How is it that Ortix is so much higher?" Cyziel furrowed his brows.
"Ortix is actually quite popular after defeating Jaza during their combat classes." Jorak replied.
"Wait! Who is this Jaza again? Is he someone strong? Anyway, while I am taking history lessons for weeks.... Volus and Ortix are taking combat classes?" Cyziel frowned, crossing his arms together.
Rika giggled again. "Didn't know that you actually have this side on you. You are really competitive you know!"
"What I-" Cyziel lowered his head, feeling flustered.
Vera coughed lightly, interrupting Cyziel. "Instructor Garland might have wanted you to learn the basics first since he is a survival instructor. Instructor Nathan is known to be strict and combat oriented. As for Jaza-"
Vera showed Jaza's profile and he is ranked 13.
Name: Jaza Osteich
Race: Ocarian
Planet of Origin: Ocarin
Energy Affinities: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Elemental Sensitivity: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Combat Grade: 83
Magic Grade: 70
Martial Grade: 90
Technical Grade: 90
General Knowledge: 90
Mission Grade: A
Total Merit Points: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Remarks: *Redacted* (Private Information)
"Oh... He is actually pretty high but since Ortix is lower than him, this means that the other scores are still pretty important. " Cyziel rubbed his chin before suddenly smiling. "Alright.. Let me check mine. So I am ranked 487."
Name: Cyziel (Profile not updated)
Race: (Profile not updated)
Planet of Origin: Daraksta
Energy Affinities: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Elemental Sensitivity: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Combat Grade: N/A (Needs to take exams)
Magic Grade: N/A (Needs to take exams)
Martial Grade: N/A (Needs to take exams)
Technical Grade: N/A (Needs to take exams)
General Knowledge: N/A (Needs to take exams)
Mission Grading: TBD (Update in progress)
Total Merit Points: *Redacted* (Private Information)
Remarks: *Redacted* (Private Information)
"Uhmm... Cy... You haven't verified yourself yet?" Ru asked. "You need to link your account so you could see all your own data."
"Oww... How do I do that?"
"You could probably ask instructor Garland for that." Vera interjected before looking at the central arena. "For now, find someone to challenge. You can challenge as many as you want. Since this is a magic class, you are not allowed to use combat arts. This competition has a large impact on your magic grade so take it seriously."
"I would also like to add that the ranks in the list by default is based on the total grade and not just by magic but you could also filter the ranks by magic grade." Jorak added. "Well... I don't think that's a problem for you though."
The interclass magic competition has finally started. Most of the starting challenges were from lower ranked students. The students would challenge those 10 or 20 ranks above them and the results are mostly 50/50. It didn't take long until the challenges reached those in top 200.
Two women were currently fighting on the stage. One of them was a short bulky woman from the teeny race. Cyziel saw her take the test before in the Earth arena and the woman was able to cast a level 3 spell. Her opponent has a natural apple red hair and fairly light skin tone which signifies her race as a Lucrim.
The lucrim woman continuously generated a stream of fire which the teeny woman blocked with an earth shield. The teeny woman then waited for the stream to end before transforming her shield into multiple earth spikes. Unluckily, the lucrim woman was just baiting for her to remove her shield. The lucrim woman already has a fireball ready and launched it immediately hitting her enemy.
"The challenger lost and the winner is Farsa!" Instructor Sara announced. "Do you wish to rest first or do you want to challenge someone?"
"I am still fine. I would like to challenge rank 134!" Farsa answered.
The teeny woman was helped down by the other instructors as she was brought to a woman who seemed to be a priestess. Another instructor was beside the priestess who seemed to be proficient in light magic. The two were assigned for taking care of the injured.
"Alright. Rank 142 Farsa is challenging rank 134 Ru. " Sara shouted. "Please come on stage."
"Goodluck Ru!" Rika shouted as the rest of the group cheered her up.
Ru jumped up the stage and greeted her opponent but her opponent didn't really returned her greeting.
"I don't really like those people who just cling to those who are strong. You are lucky to have Vera on your team." Farsa mockingly said.
Ru just smiled and ignored Farsa's taunt and instead prepared herself.
There was a translucent screen currently dividing the fighters and a countdown from 60 was usually given for the 2 fighters to prepare. Ru already saw some of Farsa's ability and she was already thinking of the best way to fight her. 3...2...1... The screen disappeared and the fight begun.
Farsa immediately casted her fire stream. Ru knew that she couldn't directly combat her with wind magic or it might just strengthen her spell. She instead activated the wind magic to speed herself and dodge the fire stream
"Quas Lectere! Splash!" Before Farsa could even turn her fire stream towards Ru, a mass of water dropped on her causing the fire essences to destabilize and stopping her spell.
Ru just stopped a level 3 spell with a level 2 spell causing the audience to be amazed.
"Iara Stiz! Iara Stiz! Iara Stiz!" Ru didn't gave her much time to react. She casted successive wind strikes.
"Firas Vumae!" Farsa used the stream of fire on the ground to push her away but she still got hit by two wind strikes. She felt as if she was hit by 2 invisible punches on her chin and stomach causing her to lose balance. "Firas Ciraculus!" Even as she fell, she casted a fire ball towards Ru.
"Iara Bria! Wind breeze!" A strong wind appeared. It didn't do any damage but it actually helped push the fire ball to another direction causing it to miss Ru. She then dashed towards Farsa. "Iara Ustere! Gust!"
This time. The wind was not harmless. A strong blast of wind hit the lying Farsa causing her to fly away and hit the arena's barrier. Farsa groaned. It was obvious that she was in pain and was already unable to battle. The other instructors helped her get down.
"The winner is Ru!" Sara declared. "Do you wish to challenge anybody?"
Ru nodded. "I want to challenge rank 74."
"Are you sure about that?" Sara was surprised. She could see that Ru has improved but everyone in the top 100 was really strong. "Well. It seems that you are confident of yourself. Rank 74 Myla get on the stage."
*She dare challenge me? Did she think that she could beat me?* Myla was angered but kept her emotions in check.
"Be careful of her. I saw her pass the level 4 magic exams earlier." Watako warned.
Aqola looked at Ru then at Vera's group. He didn't want to believe it but it seems the group of Vera started to get stronger. Cyziel suddenly came to his mind. Is he related to their sudden improvements? I cannot let this continue!
"Hmph... She just have learned level 4 spells." Myla smirked. "I'll make sure to teach her a lesson."
Myla jumped up the arena and a screen was again created.
"I do not know were you are getting your confidence but you are making a mistake to challenge me." Myla furiously stared at Ru.
Ru quivered a bit then looked at her friends. Her friends looked concerned about her. They knew Myla was one of the ruthless people in their class but it is also one of the reasons she didn't like her. She then saw Cyziel smiling at her. It was just the same smile that he usually did but this time she felt a great encouragement from it.
The battle have again started. Unlike before, Ru's enemy didn't immediately attack. Myla just stood in front of her. That is how confident Myla was of herself. Myla thought that Ru is someone that she shouldn't be scared of.
"Iara Stiz! Iara Stiz!" Since Myla didn't attack, Ru started first with two wind strikes.
"Noxum Premere! Extinguish!" A large cloth of darkness appeared in front of Myla and engulfed the attack causing both spells to disappear. "Is that all?"
"Quas Ciraculus! Water Ball!" Ru created a large mass of fast moving water that launched directly towards Myla.
"Tronus Ultas! Lightning bolt!" Myla created a bolt of lightning that pierced the water ball causing it to burst. The bolt didn't stop and continued towards Ru. Due to the speed of the spell, Ru was not able to react.
"Ahhh!!" Ru groaned with pain before she dissipated the lightning in her body with pure aether energy.
"Did you challenge me for this? I'm disappointed." Myla started to walk towards Ru. "Well let me end this! Tronus Niwe!" A lightning whip appeared on Myla's right hand. She lashed it on the ground and it created a crackling sound.
Ru knew that she couldn't be hit by that whip or it would cause her a lot of harm. "Iara Aufu!"
Ru started floating up but Myla wouldn't let her achieve what she wants. Myla lashed her whip again and it slightly extended reaching towards Ru.
"Iara Sare!" Ru used wind thrust towards the ground to accelerate her upwards. The whip just barely missed allowing Ru to catch her breath.
"You think I can't reach you there?" Myla furiously shouted.
Myla then casted lightning bolts towards Ru while Ru kept on using wind thrust to propel her left and right and dodging those bolts.
"How long can you last? You think you could dodge forever?" Myla laughed.
Ru knew that she couldn't keep on dodging. She knew that she needed to go on offensive. She just need to find an opening. Myla is increasingly getting annoyed and that would be her chance.
Myla suddenly paused her attack. She was charging electric essence on her right hand. She wanted to use an area wide electric attack. It was at this point that Ru casted her own offensive spell. "Iara Aeze! Wind blast!"
The wind blast is a compressed attack. Once the compressed ball of air arrived in front of Myla. It exploded. It hurled Myla, causing her body to roll twice on the ground. Ru immediately rushed towards Myla. She wanted to finish the fight but then a lightning whip suddenly extended from Myla, wrapping itself in Ru's right foot. Myla then pulled the whip. The continues shock of the whip and its pull caused Ru to fall on the ground.
Myla stood up, walking towards Ru as she swiped the blood on her mouth. "Did you actually think that I would fall to your tricks? I do commend you for that last attack. I didn't think that my extinguish is not enough to block your spell. I got hurt you know?"
That is right. Myla was able to cast extinguish before the wind blast exploded. She jumped back to give her enough time but the wind was so strong that it was still able to reach her. Fortunately, the wind was weakened that it only caused her minimal harm.
"Ahhhhh!!" Ru continued to whimper in pain due to the lightning whip. She is trying her best to protect herself using Aether energy but it is not enough.
"Sadly! I can't kill you but I'll give you some present." Myla retracted her whip before it disappeared. She then stretched her two hands towards Ru. Lightning essence and Aether energy rapidly gathered on her two arms. Lightning seems to have covered Myla's arms.
What can I do? Was I overestimating myself? No. I haven't lost yet. Ru then started to ponder on what spells she could use then she remembered the fight between Cyziel and Vera. Cyziel was able to summon water from the ground then casted an ice spike but that spell is too difficult for her. No she just needed something similar. A water spell from the ground. She has read something about it but she cannot remember its magic word.
Suddenly, her newly gotten mark shone. She felt her connection with the elements increase. It is just like the story of Cyziel were some of his race are born with great connection with different elements. She started to recreate on her mind the spell that she saw from the book. The symbols that she read that seemed distant to her was now comprehensible to her.
"Time for you to go! Tronus Disare! Discharge!" Myla haven't mastered this spell yet. She actually failed during her test. She wanted to cast this spell for her level 5 promotion exam but she could only charge up to her arms.
Before her spell could actually take effect, Ru tapped the ground then a spout of water gushed from where Myla was standing. Ru didn't say a word but spells casted from symbols are far faster than those casted with words. The gush of water hit Myla as she finished her spell. Not only was she knocked up by the water, she was also electrocuted by her own spell.
Myla fell down the ground continuously shaking. She was not able to talk due to the spasms that she is currently experiencing. The instructors immediately helped her for healing.
Myla actually planned to challenge the top 50 rankings. She knew that she has improved a lot but unfortunately, she might not be able to challenge anyone anymore.
"Winner Ru! You don't plan to challenge anyone again right?" Instructor Sara declared as she walked at the lying Ru. She gave her hand to help her stand up.
Ru took Sara's hand and slowly stood up. She was happy that she won but at the same time, she was also not contented because she think that she might have only gotten lucky. If Myla didn't retract her whip and continuously shocked her then she might not have been able to plan for a counter attack. Moreover, the enlightenment that she got during the fight was something she had to ponder over.
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