《Cosmic Contingency》Chapter 23 - Unexpected Results Part 1
Outside the room, it could be seen that the indoor area was now filled by students from different classes. Each class are gathered in different locations. There were multiple rectangular arena which are temporarily erected for the magic lessons and exams. The reason for the need to gather all the students of different class is due to different teachers would be testing them.
"Larka! What took you so long inside? Everyone were waiting for you!" A male earthling holding a long staff and wearing a green mage robe shouted.
Larka waved her hand. "Ah! Be quiet Elric. I was testing a new student. So which element am I assigned for today?"
Elric sighed. "You are assigned for the Earth magic. Didn't you remember?" Elric pointed at a platform on the far right corner. "That stage is the one assigned for you."
"Yeah! Yeah! Thanks." Larka tapped Elric's back causing him to almost lose his balance. "Cyziel. Come follow me!"
The platform was already surrounded by multiple students. Most of them are from Teeny and Coryn.
"Cyziel. Stay there for a while. " Larka jumped up the platform. "Alright! Class starts! For today. I will be guiding you about 3 basic earth elemental defensive magic. Turn to page 67 of your E-compendium Magic for Everyone."
Larka activated her watch. A large holographic screen appeared containing a virtual book. She turned to page 67 and the screen was fragmented to 3 smaller screens. Each screen contained a video of someone using a different kind of magic. Below each video are text with explanation.
Each student around followed suit. Each of them activated their watch and accessed the page. Cyziel didn't know where to find it and one of the students behind him noticed. It was a chubby guy with orange hair wearing a traditional black long sleeved martial artist clothes.
The chubby guy walked towards Cyziel's right. "Hey man! Need any help? I'm Bachus."
"Ah I'm Cyziel. Thanks! Where can I find that compendium?" Cyziel politely asked, nodding his head.
"Look here. You just need to search it." Bachus showed him how to search for it.
Cyziel emulated what Bachus was doing but he was not able to find the compendium.
"You don't have a copy? Speaking of which I haven't seen you before!" Bachus scratched his head. "Are you a new student?"
"Ah yes. I just started a few weeks ago."
"Ah Perfect! Just think of me as your big bro and I will teach you a lot!" Bachus laughed. "Here. I will send you a copy of the book! Let me see your contact details."
Bachus peeked at Cyziel's screen to look at his contact information. A moment later, Cyziel received a notification asking if he wanted to receive the copy of the compendium in which he accepted. He was now able to access the information in the book.
"Oh Instructor Larka is demonstrating how to perform the magics. Read that later!"
Larka started to perform the 3 earth magics consecutively.
She started first with a level 1 magic called sand attack. The magic word for it was Tegar Zan. It generates a large amount of sand instantaneously in a single burst. It is both an offensive and defensive spell that aims to blind the opponent. Due to its fast casting, it is great against unsuspecting enemies. Earth essence and Aether energy is usually focused on the hands but more experienced casters are able to generate with other parts of their body.
The next was a level 2 magic attack called Clay cushion. It creates a barrier made of clay of different shapes and size depending on the caster. It is great against strong blunt attacks to reduce the impact of the attack. It is casted using the magic word Tegar Klei Kusi.
Finally, another level 2 magic called rock armor. It is similar to the spell rock fist which covered the fist with a type of rock. The difference was the properties of the rock used. In offensive rock spells, the priority was to generate rocks that are heavy that would cause greater damage to the opponents. The durability of the rock is just a plus. Inversely, the rocks generated with the rock armor spell are light weighted but dense enough for protection.
After teaching the spells, Larka gave the students 2 hours to practice the spells. She doesn't expect anybody to just learn them right now. The students should have practiced them by themselves on their own. The instructors are just here to guide and give them sufficient example and help. This is also happening for the rest of the students being taught by other instructors.
"Yes! I finally was able to do the clay cushion! Cyziel! Look!" Bachus shouted at Cyziel who was sitting on the ground reading the Magic for Everyone.
Looking closely, Cyziel was actually not at page 67 which was assigned for the day. He started reading from page 1. He would look for a moment on a page then turn it to another page. He seemed to just be skimming on the virtual book. There are only a few pages where he would take a few minutes.
Cyziel looked at Bachus. He could see a very small clay barrier in front of him. "Congrats! By the way, I haven't seen you casted the sand attack yet!"
"Oh! I actually already practiced that before so I already mastered it. Additionally, I am a genius!" Bachus loudly laughed, causing some of their other classmates to momentarily look at him. "Anyway, I haven't seen you practicing anything! Oh... I get it! You do not know yet the basics of magic. You should start at level 0 magic. Gather Earth and Condense Rock are pretty easy you know!"
"Nah... I'm fine. Just continue practicing. I will be reading these things first." Cyziel smiled. Ironically, Cyziel cannot understand some things from the virtual book due to the language. He is currently using the language from Earth that he learned from Ru and Rika since his language is not incorporated yet with the technology. He mostly relied on the visual examples like pictures and videos. Luckily, his understanding regarding magic far surpasses anyone in the room.
"Are you sure? If you say so! Just tell me if you need any help." Bachus turned back and continued practicing.
After two hours, Larka came back. She actually left the group to check on her other students like Vera and she seemed really happy. The only thing that confused her was Cyziel. She was actually observing him but he only sat the entire time so she doesn't know if he actually understood anything.
This kid! I have high expectations of him but he is only sitting down. Ah yes. I don't even know yet what his elemental affinity yet! He actually might not have any Earth affinity! I'm so stupid. Why haven't I thought about it. Larka swiftly moved towards Cyziel. "My apologies. I forgot that I do not know yet what your elemental affinity is. The interclass exam and competition would soon start so there is no time but I could at least personally test your Earth affinity if that is fine with you."
"Oh... That's alright but I could already tell you that I have Earth affinity." Cyziel nonchalantly replied.
"That's great! What I actually taught today would be useful for you." Larka felt elated knowing that she accidentally didn't waste Cyziel's time. "Do you want to take the exams for today?"
"Yeah sure! Nothing wrong with trying." Cyziel nodded.
"Excuse me instructor. We actually have questions regarding the spell sand stream." A man, with a really short horn on the right of his head, asked. Behind him was a woman who looked similar to the man but her horn was on the left of her head.
"Oh that's fine." Larka seemed proud of the two new arrivals since sand stream was a level 3 spell. "Cyziel, just ask me if you have any questions. I need to entertain your other classmates."
The man and his sister fiercely scrutinized Cyziel for a bit before ignoring him. Larka and the two sibling went to some other place leaving Cyziel alone again which he actually preferred.
In just 3 hours, Cyziel was able to read more than 100 pages of the book before he was interrupted.
Larka made multiple loud claps to get the students attention. "Alright. I will be starting the Earth exams. Anyone who plans to take other elemental exams should volunteer fast otherwise you might not be able to take them. Remember, the higher your ranks and grade then the greater merits that you would receive."
The event for today was actually mainly focused at the exams and interclass competition and the lessons are just a bonus that instructors usually give to supplement their learning and to make the competitions more exciting. Some talented students are able to learn additional spells before the exam and competition. The students are able to switch to other elemental lessons if they chose to.
"Bachus! What is this merits?" Cyziel asked.
"You don't know about the merit points?" Bachus was surprised. " These are the points that are awarded for high performing students. You could get free food or you could be provided a good lodging specially if you want to just stay in the institute and continue training. Their are also amenities that are open only for students with high merits. Most importantly, those with really high merits might be recommended to the capital university!"
"I see. I probably need to join this test and competition."
Bachus laughed. "Bro! It is not that easy! I am currently only a level 2 mage and I am already above the average. Those who are really good could already cast level 3 and 4 magic spells. You have a long way to go but don't worry. I will teach you what you need!"
The students started to step up one by one in the arena where the instructors are standing. They were asked the highest magic that they are able to master so they could perform it. Afterwards, the instructors would give them a random spell that they needed to perform which is usually weaker than the one they previously performed.
"Let me go first teach!" A tall bulky man shouted. He was a Coryn like Larka so he was actually quite close with her.
"Alright Bran! What have you got?" Larka inquired. "Come up here."
Bran jumped up the arena. The arena was then enclosed by a cylindrical barrier which is made to protect those outside. "I'll do a stone bullet barrage!"
"A rank 3 spell. Let us see it!"
Bran placed his two hands in front of him and Earth essence converged before they fragmented in front of his hands. "Tegar Ula Arrer!" The essences combined with Aether energy condensed to form multiple stones that thrusted forward at a very high speed, continuously hitting the barrier of the arena.
"Not bad! Very good. Alright..do a rock armor!"
"Uhmm.. I haven't mastered that yet." Bran scratched his head.
"That's fine. Just show what you could do."
"Alright. Tegar Mare!" Bran's upper body slowly got covered by a rock armor.
"Not a full body armor but it is enough to cover your torso." Larka smiled. "Congrats! You passed the level 3 magic exam for Earth."
"Yes!! Thank you Teach!" Bran jumped down the arena.
"Who's next?" Larka shouted.
"I'll go! I'll go!" A frail earthling jumped up the arena.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'll do a clay cushion! Look look! Tegar Klei Kusi!" A small circular clay shield appeared in front of the guy.
"You call that a clay cushion? What would that protect you from? A pebble?" Larka disappointingly said causing the other students around to laugh. "Alright... Go also cast a rock armor."
"But I also haven't mastered that yet!" The guy protested.
"Are you gonna do it or not?" Larka furiously asked.
The guy shivered."Tegar Mare!" A rock armor formed to cover his stomach.
Larka shook her head. "You should practice more! You should focus on gathering more Earth essence otherwise you won't be able to cast anything large."
The exam continued and different earth magics were used to impress Larka. A lot of the students were able to be promoted to a rank 2 earth magician. Bachus was one of them. He was able to cast the clay cushion that is big enough for him to pass. There were some who passed the rank 3 exam like the 2 Varian siblings who asked about the sand stream spell.
"It's him! He is finally taking the exam." Bachus uttered.
"Who is he?" Cyziel inquired.
"He currently has the best Earth affinity of the batch. His name is Agnar."
Agnar went up the arena and nodded to Larka. "Instructor, I will be creating a sword using the Earth element."
"A sword? Hmm! Okay.. Surprise me!." Larka suddenly casted a silent spell creating a dummy made from soil. "Okay. Try cutting that dummy with your spell."
"Tegar Kuwar Zuwar! Crystal Long Sword!" A sword made from a mineral called quartz formed in the hand of Agnar. He then slashed it horizontally towards the dummy causing it to split into two.
Larka softly clapped. "Very good. A sword made of a hard mineral. It's fairly lethal so be careful of that. If you pass this test then you will be promoted to a higher rank. Go create a boulder!"
"Generate Boulder?" Agnar jerked then he suddenly smiled. How lucky! I was practicing it for the interclass competition. "Alright. Tegar Larga Ensus! Generate Boulder!" Agnar started to gasp. The energy and essence he needed to cast this spell was quite large. He was giving his all. Little by little a small rock in front of him started to grow. It reached a meter and a half in diameter before it stopped growing and fell down the ground. Agnar also fell down due to exhaustion.
"You really outdid yourself. Congratulations. You pass. As one of the most elite in this year's batch, you get additional merits. Go have a rest!" Larka stepped towards the boulder then touched it. She injected some earth essences then casted a spell causing the boulder to crumble. "Anyone else?"
Agnar got down from the stage exhausted but feeling elated. He knew that he topped the class again.
So I need to cast at least a level 4 spell to have the highest merits. Okay let's see. Page 86. This magic is not bad. Cyziel started to look for level 4 spells that he could use. He watched the videos and visualized how the spell was created using the symbols. "Alright. If I transform this symbols to magic words then it should be Tegar Ave-"
"Hey Cyziel! What are you doing talking to yourself there?" Bachus asked.
"Oh nothing! I planned to volunteer next!" Cyziel then turned towards instructor Larka. "Can I take the exam?"
Larka twitched hearing Cyziel's voice. "You really want to take the exam? Well. I already told you before that its okay. You could show me any abilities you learned for today."
Cyziel smiled then jumped up the arena. This should be similar to seismic scan so there shouldn't be any problems. Cyziel then touched the ground. "Tegar Ave Laxae! Earth Wave!" The arena started to shake then an outward oscillation was generated from Cyziel causing Larka who was also in the arena to tumble. The barrier dissipated most of the spell but it was still felt by those who are close to him.
"Earth wave?" Larka who was still lying on the ground uttered.
The other surrounding students started to search for the spell in the compendium and they were surprised that it was actual a level 4 spell. They haven't seen the guy before so it caused a little commotion between them. Agnar stood up from where he was currently sitting as he looked at Cyziel. The same happened to the Varian siblings with horns. They mistakenly underestimated him for some nobody.
"Apologies! Is there something wrong? Its a level 4 spell isn't it?" Cyziel helped instructor Larka up but he was scared that he might have overdid it.
"No.. Nothing is wrong but that is not an Aether spell. It is a Nether spell which is quite rare." Larka was actually trying to hide her amazement so the other students would not be alarmed. She didn't think that Cyziel would be able to cast a level 4 spell. Moreover, it was a Nether based spell. Where did this guy come from? He seems to be friends with Vera. Are they related?
"Should I have done a different one?" Cyziel scratched his head.
"No.. No...It's fine. Let me give you your additional test. I apologize but I cannot be biased. Since you did a level 4 spell then you would also have to cast another one with a similar level. Have you read about the Earth clones?"
"What's that?" Cyziel shook his head. "What page can I read that?"
"I see. You haven't read it before. It's at page 106 but it is okay. I can't promote you yet to level 4 but I could at least give you a lower level spell." Larka shook her head, pondering on how Cyziel was able to cast the previous spell. He might have been familiar with the previous spell so he was able to cast it but I am sure that given time then he would be able to cast these other spells.
Cyziel ignored Larka and started to view the page 106 and he saw some spells related to confusion and escape magic. Not all of the spells were Earth based but he found spells related to what Larka asked him to. There was a spell named Clay clones and beside it was a spell that complemented it.
Cyziel's eyes shone as he then looked at Larka. "Let me try it!"
"You want to try it? But..... You haven't done it before?" Larka's eyebrow furrowed but she knew that Cyziel was a genius. "Alright. I could at least let you try it once."
Cyziel raised his right foot a little then stomped it lightly. It was the same as when he fought against Vera. The arena started to fill with soil of different make up. It reached a meter in height pushing Larka and Cyziel who was standing in the arena higher.
"What are you doing?" Larka shouted, surprised at what Cyziel was doing.
"Oh! I need this for my spell!" Cyziel nonchalantly replied. "Tegar Klei Likare"
Multiple humanoid clones were erected above the soil. Even Cyziel was covered by Clay. Every student surrounding the arena was genuinely focused at him. It even took the attention of some other teachers and students. Afterwards, the clay clones broke and Cyziel was nowhere to be found from his initial place. He reappeared in the corner of the arena were another clay clone broke down.
"Did I do it right?" Cyziel joyfully asked. He thought of the time when he was still a kid and learning something new was kind of his hobby.
Larka was speechless. Her mouth opened wide but no words came out. It took her a few seconds to calm down. "It's perfect. You... Get a rank ...fi--four magic ranking for Earth... At least for now."
Larka was actually quite angry. She has plans for Cyziel but she didn't know that he would do something this flashy. She even wanted to stop Cyziel after he filled the arena with soil. The amount that he generated was already enough for him to cast a level five spell. It needed more essence than the boulder that Agnar casted. He then casted multiple clay clones even though one clone would already suffice. Moreover, he casted a burrow earth spell and relocated himself to another clone.
Larka stepped closer to Cyziel. *We will talk again later. Don't take other exams yet but you could watch!* She whispered.
Cyziel nodded as he stomped the ground. The soil immediately dispersed into earth essences as he jumped down from the arena.
Everyone was looking at him with awe and suspicion. They were not familiar with him. They haven't sparred with him before but they knew that they have another amazing classmate. The reactions for those competitive people are different. They knew that they have another enemy to beat.
"You lied to me! So that's why you are not practicing!" Bachus shouted. "Are you some kind of special student that the school has hidden?"
Cyziel laughed. "No. What nonsense are you saying. I am a new student didn't I tell you that?"
"You must be the son of some noble from the capital! Someone like Galos!" Bachus crossed his arms, trying to make sense of what was happening.
"I don't know what you are talking about! I don't even know who is that." Cyziel continued laughing as he walked away planning to watch the other exams.
Bachus followed before Cyziel, making sure that his other classmates are able to see that the two of them are close.
Meanwhile, another commotion was happening. It was even louder compared to the commotion Cyziel caused and it was happening where Vera was located.
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