《Cosmic Contingency》Chapter 9 - Recognition
Vera and Cyziel was standing 5 meters away from each other. Vera was currently wearing a tight shorts and some sort of tight vest which accentuated her curves. It was what she wore inside her mage robes which she took off when sparring with Jorak. Cyziel, on another hand, just removed his jacket which left him with his white shirt. Vera still has her haughty look as she looked at Cyziel who was smiling at her.
"Take this seriously or you are really going to get hurt!" Vera started to frown as she saw that Cyziel was still just casually standing in front of her. "Are you not going to attack?"
"Do you really not want to rest for a while?" Cyziel looked at Vera as he can see that she was full of sweat from her previous spar. "I just want it to be fair for you."
"Hmph! Shut up and attack! Don't make any excuses!" Vera shouted seemingly thinking that Cyziel was just trying to delay their fight.
The wind in the room suddenly turned placid then an invisible pressure filled the room. Everyone unconsciously looked at a similar spot and it was Cyziel who was standing there. They could feel that it came from him. His once bewitching smile is now replaced with a look that is determined to win.
Cyziel started to walk slowly towards Vera. "Don't say I didn't warn you. Prepare your defenses!" Cyziel suddenly disappeared.
In Vera's perspective, she already rated Cyziel to be a decent fighter but what she was feeling right now screams that she still underestimated him. The pressure she felt was from someone who is very experienced in fighting. She saw Cyziel walking closely to her then he disappeared. More specifically, he dashed with a speed she didn't expect.
Cyziel appeared before her. He attacked with a palm directed at her stomach. Fortunately, her reflexes are fast enough. She immediately stepped sideways then without giving any time for her opponent, she performed a roundhouse kick. "Do not underestimate me!"
Against her expectations, Cyziel just casually caught her foot and threw it back which caused her to lose her balance and be pushed 4 steps backward. Without enough time to stabilize herself, she already saw Cyziel rushing at her. She raised her two arms and activated reinforce arms combat arts to block the incoming punch but it was actually so strong that it threw her towards the back of the room hitting the dummies and caused it to fall with her.
"Vera!!" Rika and Ru shouted as they ran towards her. Ru then looked at Cyziel for a moment. "You are bad!"
Uhmm... I did try to pull my punch. Was that still so strong? She is fine. Isn't she? Cyziel was still baffled and was looking at his own fist. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to attack so hard."
Jorak does not know whether he should be worried or to laugh. It is the first time he saw Vera getting overwhelmed and it happened in an instant. He does not know much about Vera's background but he knew how strong and competitive she was. It is said that she already has recommendations for the Capital's University. Ru once told him that Vera was not really bad. She just hated it when people look up to her so much or when they use her for their own benefits but due to her talents, these things was really unavoidable for her.
"I'm fine! No need to help me!" Vera refused the help that Ru and Rika gave her and stood up on her own.
As Rika could see Vera's arms were a little bit swollen. She looked back at Cyziel. "You should not have punched her so hard!"
"I'm really sorry! I didn't know that my punch was that strong!" Cyziel scratched his head. He was starting to feel bad after getting reprimanded by the 2 ladies.
"Enough! It was my fault! You guys go retreat in the other side!" Vera interjected as her face became serious. "I apologize for underestimating you!. Let's continue our battle."
"Vera! Are you really gonna fight him seriously?" Ru anxiously asked.
"You should have seen how strong is he didn't you and I could say that Cyziel is still holding back." The room suddenly got hotter and essences of fire were starting to glow around Vera. "But I haven't lost against someone my age and I am a mage not a warrior."
"Alright! Everyone lets go to the other side! Jorak please help move the sofas!" Ru who could feel Vera's determination gave up on trying to stop her. She and the rest went to the other side of the glass wall but stayed to watch the fight.
"Prepare yourself! I will be fighting you now as a mage not a warrior." Vera lifted her hands as fire essences start to accumulate in her hands. "I do not know how high your experience against magic so I will test you first!"
"Wait! Wait!" Cyziel suddenly shouted. He saw that Vera's surroundings are starting to get hot and he doesn't know if her clothes would be able to take it. "Uhmm.. I think you should wear your mage robes first!"
Vera immediately understood what he meant and looked at her clothes. She was flustered for a bit which was actually quite rare. "Ru!!"
Ru immediately went to get Vera's mage robe and gave it to her. "Be careful you two!" She then went back to the other side.
Vera wore her robes on top of her current clothing. "Don't think I will go easy on you because of that!" She immediately removed her flustered expression as she saw that Cyziel was smiling at her.
"Who do you think would win?" Rika, whose hands were crossed as if she was praying, inquired.
"Cyziel is very strong. He probably is stronger than Draka physically." Jorak shook his head. "But magic is a different thing. If he could rush and knock her out again with some combat arts then he might win but Vera has defeated a lot of warriors and she sure knows how to defend herself."
"Most people think that Vera is only a level 3 magician." Ru sighed as she looked at the figure of Vera. "But that is only true for wind and light magic. She is actually already a level 4 magician on fire magic."
"And here we are still stuck on level 2 magic on a single element." Rika added as she then focused on the two at the other side. "They are now gonna start!"
Vera once again gathered fire essences on her hands as she muttered an unknown language. "Firas spiculi! Flaming spike!" A flaming arrow like projectile was immediately formed and flew towards Cyziel. She was just testing him so this spell was actually not that strong. Cyziel just caught it with his hands and crushed it. He was again against her expectation. She knew that he would be able to block it but catching it with his bare hands? Even the others were alarmed when he tried to do it.
"That won't hurt me a bit! You should try a stronger one if you got a chance." Cyziel once again charged forward but this time, Vera would not fight him head on.
"Firas Riclus Laxae! Fire Wall!" A wall of flames appeared between Vera and Cyziel but Cyziel almost ignored it. She saw him step on it before stepping back again. A fire wall is a level 3 flame magic but he was not harmed a bit.
This shirt is not fire resistant! I should have bought a better one! At least my pants and shoes looks undamaged. I think I would need to be more careful or else I will be going home naked. Cyziel who stepped back removed his burnt shirt and threw it.
Vera finally understood. Cyziel only stopped due to his clothes. She could now confirm that Cyziel was also magic resistant. She did not know if he cultivated his body but she knew that she could not hold back anymore. She then saw Cyziel use a similar combat art to reinforce item on his shoes and pants. Reinforce item is a combat art that is mostly used on increasing durability of a weapon or turning a non-weapon like a stick to a suitable weapon. She could now also confirm that he was holding back before if he punched her with raw strength even though he can use reinforcement skills.
Cyziel resumed his attack but she was now prepared for it due to the moment she got when Cyziel took of his shirt.
She stretched her left hand to face the wall. "Iara Sare! Wind Thrust!" She used the force of the wind to propel her away from where she was previously located, at the same time Cyziel arrived there but he was too late. Cyziel's attempt to grab her missed.
"Brit Istare! Flash!" A bright white light shone in front of Cyziel and thinking that it blinded him, Vera immediately followed it with another attack. "Firas Ciraculus! Fire ball!" A ball of flames immediately went for Cyziel. The seemingly blind Cyziel actually reacted and he kicked the fireball back to Vera. It traveled back to her and exploded.
When the light from explosion of the fireball has died down, a panting Vera could be seen behind a barrier made from pure Aether. She was able to block it but it really took quite a bit of her energy and her confidence. A level three magic was kicked back at her. How could she expect that?
Will I really lose? The magic that I was proud of was being defeated with combat arts? How could this happen. No! This is not yet finished. Vera thought to herself as she suddenly emitted a larger amount of Aether energy.
I see she really is proud of herself. Well, I understand her. I really haven't suffered much defeat until I arrived in Daraksta. I guess the only thing I could do to show my respect is to show my true strength. Cyziel thought as he looked at Vera who was not showing any signs of surrendering.
Vera kneeled down and touched the ground. "Firas Dalan! Floor of flames!" The floor started to burn starting from the area around Vera and it was only a meter until it reached Cyziel but then he stomped his right foot which actually surprised everyone watching it. Large amounts of water suddenly gushed out and it continued to pour out until the water was nearing knee level. It put out the fire that Vera casted.
"Silent magic!" The three watching on the other side of the glass immediately shouted. Even Vera was thinking the same.
"Doesn't that mean that Cyziel is at least a high level mage? And he casted a water field didn't he?" Ru blurted as her face who was still showing pure shock suddenly become flustered. "And here I was trying to teach him the basics of magic!"
"Vera is going to lose won't she? I didn't think that Cyziel was actually this strong." Rika who was also surprised suddenly smiled. "Its great that he became our team mate."
"Yeah this is also our luck! With Vera and Cyziel, we probably are the strongest group here." Jorak chuckled.
Vera suddenly felt the water on her feet got cold. She immediately looked at Cyziel then jumped up. "Iara Aufu! Float!" Wind suddenly gathered below here and brought her up at the same time the place were she was previously standing froze and ice spikes shot out encasing the previous location. It was a pyramid shaped enclosure made from ice. If she was a little bit late then she would be trapped inside. It was also fortunate that the ceiling of the underground room was a bit high or she really would have gotten pierced by those spikes.
That was an advance usage of ice spike! It is more similar to an ice prison! How did he do that so fast without even saying anything? Is he a level 6 mage or even higher? Then I guess I should give it my all or I really won't have any chance. Vera contemplated as she gathered all energy that she has.
"I refuse to believe that you would still be unscathed after this!" Wind and Fire essences started to gather together between her hands that are facing each other horizontally. "Firas Vumae Iara! Surging Gust of Flames!" A continuous stream of fire that was being enhanced by the wind flew towards Cyziel.
Cyziel shook his head. He knew that she was exhausting all her energy but he was praising her for being able to cast a mixed elemental spell. He has a lot of ways to end the battle but he knew that she would not be satisfied if he beat her by just outsmarting her. He decided that he would fight fire with fire. He would beat her convincingly.
His eyes turned back to its golden color but it was not noticed by the other three and only Vera was able to see his magnificent eyes. He made a similar hand position as Vera but different colored essences were gathering in his hand. The three outside could not understand what he was casting but it was only for a moment because a colorful ray of light appeared and clashed against the stream of fire. Little by little the stream of fire was being pushed back.
Vera was panting and giving her all but his enemy didn't seem to be fazed. She knew that she really had lost but she didn't want to give up. The rainbow colored light was now in front of her. A little bit more and the light would consume her but then it suddenly disappeared. Without the ray of light blocking her stream of fire, it gushed out again. Vera was astounded but she finally understood. If Cyziel didn't stop his attack then it might kill her with her current status. Vera also wanted to stop her attack but due to her confusion, it became too late and it hit Cyziel.
Cyziel just stood in front of the stream thinking that she was too weak to hurt him and he was practically right but he still got some burnt marks which would eventually heal given enough time. After seeing that Cyziel was okay, Vera felt glad. She also saw the burnt marks that she made on his body. It was not really something to be proud of but she was satisfied with it.
Using almost all her energy exhausted her and she finally can no longer fly or even move and she started to fall down. What she forgot was that there were countless ice spikes below her which would definitely puncture her defenseless body. Fortunately, Cyziel already caught her. He flew right into her without her even noticing.
"What are you doing?" Vera asked with a meek voice at Cyziel who was carrying her.
Cyziel started to fly down. "Keep quiet if you don't want to have holes in your body."
Vera looked below and saw the spikes that are now starting to melt and she suddenly felt embarrassed. She looked at Cyziel again then she remembered that he was currently topless that it almost made her look away but when she saw those golden eyes, she was not able to turn her head. This time their eyes was looking at each other with almost no distance.
"You are actually this strong. I recognize my defeat. You are someone who is far better than me. And..." Vera's cheeks are now getting red then tried to move her head closer to Cyziel's ears. *You have beautiful eyes. You should not hide them.*
As soon as Cyziel heard what Vera said, he immediately turned its color back to black. It was now his time to get embarrassed. Concurrently, the other three went into their side of the room but there were still some puddles of water left that wet their shoes.
As Vera heard the three enter, she again lost her composure. "Let me down!"
Jorak saw that there were some weird scenario happening in front of him that he went beside Ru. *Ru! It seems that you have a new competition.* Jorak then chuckled.
"Shut up Jorak! I don't understand what you mean!" Ru pinched Jorak as she went towards Cyziel and Vera.
Cyziel gently put Vera down as he then smiled back at the arriving three.
"Are you alright Vera?" Ru concerningly asked as she held her hands.
Contrary to what the others expected, it seems that Vera looked happy and it was correct. She should have been sad that she lost but instead she felt happy that she was not exactly what people think she was. They thought that she was born with everything and without hard work, she would still be able to be on top. But the truth was far for her, she always have worked hard to be on top. Her family didn't have much time for her so she always focused on training so that they would recognize her.
But this also caused her to be alone. Before meeting Ru, she didn't have any friends. They were always scared of her. It doesn't also help that her parents tells her not to mingle with them because they were not on their level. Her parents always instilled her of their superiority to others. She hated that word. She hated being superior to others.
Right now though, she was the one feeling her inferiority. It was not really bad for her. It just means that she still have a lot of things to improve on and it would only help her have a new goal.
Vera looked at Ru then smiled. "Yes. I am okay. Don't worry!"
Jorak suddenly pointed at Vera with a surprised face. "You! You!"
"What is it Jorak?" Rika jerked as she got surprised with the sudden shouting of Jorak.
"Didn't you see it? Vera smiled! She smiled!" Jorak was sarcastically making a worried look. "She is definitely not okay!"
"Are our sparring not enough Jorak?" Vera lost her smile as she looked at Jorak but it was obvious that she was joking.
*Ehem Ehem* Jorak placed the side of his fist on his mouth. "You should rest first Vera. By the way, how does it feel to lose?"
"Jorak!! Stop bullying Vera!" Ru pouted as she placed her hands on her waist.
"You already forgot how it feels to lose?" Vera was back at her haughty personality as she forced herself to straighten her back. "Do you want me to make you remember?"
Rika went in the middle of Vera and Jorak and stretched her arms. "Okay guys enough!" She then looked at the quiet Cyziel. "Aren't we forgetting someone? He was asking us a lot of questions before. Now it is time for us to ask him."
Cyziel sighed as he knew that this would be a long night. "Uhmm before that... Ru can I borrow some clothes?"
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