《Shizuka》Chapter 2 - 1 Lookout On The Edge
The town is bustling with life as always but not in the usual lively manner. Instead, it’s an uproar. The annual Blood Moon Festival is just around the corner but not only are the preparations not done, there are even obstacles. The obstacles are none other than the Demon worshiping cult, Au’ruum.
The town isn’t exactly in lockdown but the flow of goods and various stuffs have slowed down to the point that it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to mistake it as a halt. There were three entrances into Bluebell Town but now only one is open for the masses.
The blame can’t exactly be put on the governing peoples. Au’ruum is really a big deal after all. To turn this whole town in chaos from just a few presence of its members. They didn’t know about the Arch Demon appearance though. Hyx did a good job of preventing its mighty presence from reaching the town. Looking at the town’s current state, I can’t imagine it would be like if they had known an Arch-Demon had appeared.
I don’t know if this was any comfort but Hyx and I have dispatched all of the remaining Au’ruum members in Bluebell. And that whole conundrum was two days ago.
And no, I’m not inside the town. I’m on the edge of a cliff belonging to a small hill that offers a full view of the town and a clear view of the cottage where Hyx and his companions are currently living in. The hill wasn’t small per se but it could be called as such by default. Although it is shorter by a huge mile compare to the distant mountains, the peak is still a long fall. It’s high enough to almost trigger my hidden acrophobia.
I managed to calm myself with the fact that I’m no longer your average normal human. It works, for now at least.
As usual, I have Talia by my side but she was not lying on the grass. She’s levitating. It seems she has also received an upgrade after defeating the Arch Demon. It isn’t a new skill or spell but she has learned— nay, she has recalled her ability to levitate herself. She still has a lot of gimmick under her sleeves but she merely “forgot” it. I don’t know why that’s that case but for now, her and mine inference is that her memories recovery is directly proportional to my growth. And so far, my growth rate is going well.
If only I can say the same about my body….
Anyways, Talia is silent as always. Hyx could learn a thing or two from her.
In spite of the considerable distance, a small but sharp scream from the far away town manages to grasp my attention.
“Jesus…” I muttered as I witnessed smoke coming out from a part of the town. It’s a riot.
I was surprise but taking a moment to think, I concluded that the riot might have been inevitable. Although with the presence of Templar Knights, I doubt it would escalate any further. It kinda took me by surprise when the local guards are cooperative with the Templar Knights. I guess if compared to my former world, Templar Knights could be inferred as an international authority, to a certain degree. Whether it was an unspoken or official authority, I do not know.
As for the young cleric that I have saved, we dropped her off at a conspicuous place where she could be easily found by the Templar Knights. By we, I meant Cormac. Only he could go from places to places in the most inconspicuous method with his shadow-type magic. From what I can sense with Abaddon, the young cleric is in good health and no issues or whatsoever. Job well done for Cormac, I guess?
“Hungry?” asked a voice that gives ambiguity to its gender. Needless to say, it could only be Hyx. I only recently took notice of this ambiguity. Although his voice could pass as a girl’s but hearing it from a boy wouldn’t feel out of place either. Maybe it’s because the tone he uses that made his voice sounded less feminine.
He is dressed in some simple clothing; tunic and pants. I’m sure he can create more stylish clothing with Spirit Formation but he doesn’t seem like someone who minds fashion too much. As for me, I’m also dressed in tunic and pants but they are more formal-looking and combat-oriented. I also have a piece leather-esque chest armor over the tunic. I called it leather-esque is because the leather isn’t actual leather made from animal’s hide but create with Hyx’s Spirit Formation. It feels like leather in every way but it transmit Mana much more efficient than a normal leather ever could.
After my “quick” observation of our choice of clothing, my eyes go to his hands. In his hands is some sort of food wrapped triangularly in a leaf. There’s no food-wrapping paper nor plastic. So these banana-like leaves are the best choice at present. It’s believe that these leaves are good keeping the food warm but I have personally yet to confirm it. My previous excursions with the Empire, the provisions were all kept by an attendant with storage-like magic.
Although I wouldn’t deny that using magic is definitely, more convenient, reliable, and cheaper— but I can say with certain; wrapping the food in these leaves are better in preserving the flavor and fragrance. Not that such luxury was taken into account on those kind of excursions.
Wordlessly receiving the pack food from him, I unwrapped packaging to find a three layer sandwich. While I’m not a hearty eater but that was before. After coming to this world, I moved as much as an extreme sportsman, maybe more. My usual diet no longer cut it for me. Hyx must have thought this through which I was given this big sandwich.
I’m grateful he delivered food to me while I’m on a lookout but I have to ask, “you didn’t use any meat of unsavory origins, did you?”
“It’s Metal Tusk Boar meat. It’s pork, alright? So just eat it.”
I’m pretty sure it’s called Steel Tusk, not Metal Tusk but I’m not too bothered with it to correct him.
“So how’s it looking? Any strange movements?” a serious question came out from his mouth but still looking aloof like always.
“Plenty but none were interesting enough to warrant our attention,” I replied after I swallowed my first bite. “There were plenty of strange movements in and around the town but I guess those were just people trying to sneak away from this chaotic situation. Nothing too suspicious, so far.”
“And the Demons?”
“Nada. Whatever is it, no more Demons appeared beyond the one we culled. In fact, I think their numbers stopped increasing after we escaped from the… you know, that place…” Of course, by “that place”, I meant the underground place where we fought Valuma.
“I would like to say that’s a good sign.”
“But?” I probed.
He sighed “but I can’t help but think that Valuma may have a hand in the Demons’ dwindling numbers.”
“You think she’s raising an army?”
His mouth and eyes arched as he shrugs “Not exactly it but something that probably has the same end-result.”
Hyx did told me that Q’nu are unpredictable and they can do bizarre stuff that you think it was possible moments before. But of course, those were only what Aedrox could do. Since he’s the strongest and the their King, the other Q’nu might not be as threatening as him. Even so, that doesn’t make them any less dangerous.
Finally, his eyes left the landscape scenery and went to me. “Well, out with it.”
“Out with what?”
“You seem like you have a lot of stuff to say to me. I know those kinds of looks. Since I was kind of a brat before I regain my reincarnated memories, I get these kinds of looks a lot. They all have something to say to me but they just find it difficult to due to my disposition and the consequence that follows.”
Someone really needs to teach him about abbreviating his sentences. “Okay then, I’ll be frank.”
“Hi Fra—”
I shot him a glance in which he discontinued his imminent horrible dad joke.
“Carry on,” he said. He unwrapped his own sandwich and proceeds to take a bite.
“Do you already have a daughter?”
Whatever he had put into his mouth, all were immediately spat back out. And yes, I waited for him to take a bite before dropping it on him. I just wanted to have my petty revenge for his constant smugness.
“Do I have a what?” He managed these words after a few cough.
“A daughter.”
“A daughter? Why would I have a daughter? All the girls I have messed around with, they all have contraception, okay?”
Well, while one would think contraception was rare in such times, but this is a fantasy world. They do have contraception medicines. And it’s also a common unspoken-rule among female servants who works with nobility to have always have contraception medicines at the ready. Masters forcing on their own servants isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Basically, the tradition of carrying contraception was form from the common recurrences.
“I may had been a brat and a piece of shit but I wasn’t stupid. I’m well aware of what I can get away with and what I cannot.”
“What about Xatara? Ring any bells?”
“No? I don’t know any girl named Xatara. Why are you asking me about this in the first place?”
“Because….” I lay down my sandwich on my lap. “I saw a little girl, no more than two or one years old. Her name is Zoey and—”
I stop talking. My gaze focuses on Hyx who let out a suspicious hint.
“Zoey… Xatara… That can’t be a coincidence” and his gaze met mine. “Can it?”
“I’m sorry but Abaddon does not gives me psychic abilities. You’ll have to enlightened me on that.”
“Yeah. I guess you could call it karma— or cause and effect. Should have known. Although, it was just a one-time-thing. How could this happened? I read it in a book that getting pregnant after only one time is rare. Was it twenty percent? Or is getting pregnant the type of situations where the less you desire it, the higher the chance of getting it? Maybe it’s that? Perhaps. Or maybe I just have very strong sperms. I mean, who knows. And— wait. Angie… Oh no… What if she knows? Then what should I—”
Realizing Hyx is going off the rails with his speech and thought, I slap him slightly on the cheek. I always wanted to do that ever since I met him. “Calm down.”
“You’re right. You’re right. I should calm down. First thing first, I should make sure Angie does not know of this or I should break it to her in a—”
“Hyx! Relax.”
I slapped him again. “Just tell me. Who is it? Who’s the one you had unprotected sex with?” The unfiltered words are on purpose.
“Her? Your first love and also the one who tried to kill you? She is Xatara?” He did say he had sex with her that one time he “saved” her from the First Beast.
Hyx nodded.
I thought for a while but I just can’t make any connections. So I asked “how did you figure that out?”
“Well… when I congratulated her on starting a relationship with Luna, Vira approached me for advise on their relationship. One thing after another, the topic shifted into adopting a child since you know… they’re both girls. And our conversation further drifted to the topic of adopting an infant; what name should we gave to the baby, et cetera. I recommend Zach for boy and Zoey for girl.”
“That’s all?”
“And the name Xatara, is her favorite flower. I assume she has changed her name? Put two and two together and volia. That’s how I figured it out.”
“You said her memories were altered.”
“It is.”
“And how could you not notice she was pregnant?”
“Well… come to think of it, there was a brief time that I hadn’t seen her for about a few months or so. Everyone was told that she was on a mission cum exam to raise her rank. Heh… Why the fuck did I not notice….?”
Hyx was always quite aloof and laid-back with whatever transpired but this moment, his face is filled with urgency is quite the treat for someone who has been putting up with his whims. I can even feel the corner of my mouth lifting.
“So… what are you going to do?” I asked.
“I would like to confirm the truth with my own eyes but I should let Angie know about this first.”
I can see why going to Angie would be his first move. Under the serene angelic facade, there’s a storm brewing with fury. That was what I always felt from Senna when I got close to Hyx. But looking at this logically, your current partner would have wanted to know if you have any children prior. Dragging things out would often just made things worse. Or at least that’s what I have seen on TV dramas.
“Um… Good luck, I suppose?” Those are my honest words. I have no idea what to say other than bidding him good luck in breaking the news to his wife. Perhaps this might be the last time I’ll be seeing him, alive.
“Yeah. I should go immediately.” With that said, the air around him closes in on him and he vanished at the next second. No matter how many times I saw it, it’s always tripping to see Spatial Magic at work.
Now left to my own device again and nothing seems to be happening at the moment, I decide to check on my stats which I have neglect for quite a while after defeating the Arch Demon. I didn’t forget about my stats. I was merely out of commission after such an intense battle. My mental health was the one with the most damage. It wasn’t just about physical strength and stamina in a battle; the ability to come out with optimal action moves after moves was quite hard. It was hectic to keep track of those little things and took a lot of conviction to pull it off too.
Now, how should I allocate my points. I have twenty-two skill points and eighteen ability points. I also have a new title which I have no idea why I have it. It’s “Maiden’s Hero”. I did save a female cleric but that wouldn’t be the first time I have saved some damsel in distress.
I wonder what made her different. It couldn’t be merely because she’s a cleric, could it?
Anyways, back to distributing my points.
I stare intensely at my stats, my index finger fluttering against the screen. Sometimes, I envy the normal way of leveling up. Their skills and abilities upgrade on their own in accordance to their habits. Sometimes, I can’t help but think that I might be doing something wrong. Although I’m not an avid gamer but I am familiar with MMO RPG games and a situation called “failure build” exists across almost all RPG games. And unlike these games, these are actual stake. I doubt I can pay someone or some god to refund and reset my stats. Can I?
Just as my thoughts are getting side-tracked, an irregularity in my stats catches my attention.
There’s an unusual notice at the bottom of the window, just right above to hidden log tab.
Allow assimilation of Lightning Magic: Lv. 10 into Dragon Mystic Arts: Lv. 5? - (Yes / No)
Come to think of it, Hyx did told me Arcane Arts of a higher tier would absorb the lower tiers to empower itself. It not only bolster the Higher Tier’s power but also retain the lower tier’s abilities. Furthermore, the absorbed lower tier’s abilities are also empowered due to it now being under a higher tier Arcane Art. But it was suppose to be an automated function.
Maybe it’s just like usual, my stats upgrades are all manual. Free reign over my own growth.
Since there isn’t any downsides to this, I pressed yes with my proverbial finger in my mind.
With that, I can feel something squirming in the flow of my Mana. The odd sensation feels something akin to a knot being tied but letting loose after. I understand it’s the Mana structure inside me reorganizing itself. After a while, the feeling subsided and I check my stats again.
Despite absorbing a level ten magic spell, Dragon Mystic Arts’ level increased only by one.
As for my ability points, I decided to dump ten into Speed, and the remaining eight points; I split it fifty-fifty for Attack and Magic. Nothing’s changed, just like what I planned before. It’s a glass canon build but not actually. The trick here is to increase my Magic stat which would also strengthened my defensive spells. Which in turn and in a way, raises my defense. I guess this is what you call exploiting the loophole. Kinda feels like a game when I did this.
For my skill points, I focus it on the uncommon Arcane Arts I have. Tempest Wings and Dragon Mystic Arts. I managed to raise both to level seven which cost me in total twenty points.
Dragon Mystic Arts: Storm Dance - Acquired
Dragon Mystic Arts: Dragon Roar - Acquired
Dragon Mystic Arts: Mystic Claws - Acquired
Tempest Wings: Sky Reach - Acquired
Tempest Wings: Shadow Assault - Acquired
Among all the new abilities I acquired, the one that stood out the most is Dragon Roar. If my guess is on point, this is the infamous dragon breath which is the staple power and feature for dragons.
Seeing as how there’s no one in the vicinity and I’m pretty much doing nothing, I decide to give my new skills a test run. I throw the remaining sandwich into my mouth and run towards the vast opening field away from the edge of the cliff.
Now which to start with?
Hirano Shizuka's Status Information
Hirano Shizuka
Contracted: Talia Lox
Class / Job
Scout Hero
Dragon Knight
Gender & Race
Female / Human
Hero of Zerogian
Arcane Arts
Magic Melee Arts – Lv. 5
Body Strengthening – Lv. 4
Wind Magic – Lv. 5
Spirit Magic – Lv. 2
Lightning Magic - Lv. 10 (Assimilated)
Water Magic - Lv. 1
Aerial Dance - Lv. 3
Dragon Mystic Arts - Lv. 7 (Lv. 5 ~ 7)
Tempest Wings - Lv. 7 (Lv. 5 ~ 7)
Title & Deeds
Abaddon’s Apostle
Scout Hero
The Elusive One
Demon Slayer (Arch Demon)
The Audacious One
Resolute One
Mondra's Companion
Dragon Blade
Culling of Serpents
Maiden's Hero
Overall Power Ranking
Effective Combat Strength
2180 (2000 ~ 2180)
Attack - 490 (450 ~ 490)
Defense - 250
Magic - 440 (400 ~ 440)
Resistance - 200
Speed - 800 (700 ~ 800)
Remaining Skill Points: 2 (22 ~ 2)
Remaining Ability Points: 0 (18 ~ 0)
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8 198