《The Paths Of Life (Cancelled)》Quick Announcement


Howdy y'all! Hope you are all well!

Anywho, theres two reasons why I've been away and they are as follows:

The first is I've been tired. I've mentioned in a prior post (now deleted I think) that year end is killer for me, but wow I seroiusly underestimated the issues that would occur this year at my job. Ive been working on avg. 16hr days, typing the day away, and when I finally clock off, take my hour long commute and get home, im just too tired. My wrists have been flaring up already from just work and although I really like my story and really want to get it out, it's not my livelihood so I can't risk carpal tunnel or whatnot.

wrong. None of it feels right to publish and the few sentences that I get out I re-write almost immediately. Now I know I'm not a great (or even DECENT. hah. Ahem.) writer and I shouldn't dwell on it too much, but for some reason this upcoming chapter just seems far below even my capabalities and I would actually be ashamed to publish.

Now I know and understand that with practice I will eventually reach that level and everything else, but damn right now I just want to be there already. Bah.

And yes I have self-esteem issues and working on them (originally I wrote 3 paragraphs on this but soon realized it was way too personal so I deleted it) but its tough to overcome when I'm just too busy and tired to try, so please bear with the silence for now and I'll be back soon enough.

I just have to take it a step at a time right?

Well I'll be back soon enough! As soon as all the books are closed, clients off our backs, and my mental state restored, I shall return! If you have any tips, questions, or comments, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them! Thank you for sticking around and I'll do my best to keep you entertained!

- Decent Cross

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