《The Paths Of Life (Cancelled)》Chapter 8 - Encounter
Jaire’s fingers hurt, his face was freezing, and worse of all, he had a really bad itch on his back. He had climbed a lot at the Academy, but trees and rocks were completely different from flat, vertical walls. From afar the wall seemed smooth, but up close he saw it had been worn down just enough to crimp climb.
“Hurry it up Jaire!” Karebal barked, looking down at him from the ledge above.
I’m going I’m going. He sighed. This sucks. It couldn’t have been a secret tunnel or something huh? Ugh. If I didn’t listen to Styx I’d still have my climbing gear too. If only I-
“Ow!” he yelped. He looked down and shot a dirty look to Ghost, who was by his ankle, pointing a stiletto at him. The whole climb, whenever he would pause for too long, they’d repeatedly poke him until he kept moving.
I swear I’ll get you back for- “Ow! Stop it! I’m going!” He yelled and continued on.
Ten minutes later, he finally pulled himself through the embrasure, and dropped upon the floor with a heavy thud. Oh thank god, I didn’t think I was going to last any longer.
“Good job Jaire!” Maverick said while extending his arm.
“Thanks.” Jaire huffed and pulled himself up. How did they get here so fast? There has to be a trick to-
His thoughts stopped as he gasped in awe at the sight ahead. Mesmerized, he stepped towards the outer battlements and let the scenery come into full view. Far ahead, the fertile land they lived on ended and a desert began. Upon its yellow sand, numerous twisters and sinkholes popped in and out of existence while Zvyrs jumped and swam through the dunes. The desert stretched far into the horizon, only to end upon the hundreds of mountains that stabbed at the skyline. Upon the far right, he could barely make out the start of the Miljoz, the “million tree forest”, where the bulk of the Zvyrs lived.
My god. Millions- no, BILLIONS of towns could fit in there! And there is even more land beyond the end?! How can it be so big?!
“It’s a beauty ain’t it?” Maverick said as he leaned upon the embrasure by Jaire’s side.
“Yeah” Jaire replied. “It really is.”
“Mmm, nothing beats seeing it for the first time, but even after all this time, I still find it amazing. Really puts things into perspective I say.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we came to this world with the intention of conquering it right? But look at all of that. It’s just so huge! And we…*Sigh*. How are we ever going to do that huh? Hell we can barely keep ourselves alive as it is. Just who do we think we are right?”
Jaire slowly nodded. But, humans did it back on Earth right? So maybe it’s not so far-fetched. Then again, they probably didn’t have Zvyrs to deal with.
“Ah, sorry for ranting.” Maverick apologized as he scratched his head.
“No it’s fine.” Jaire replied, to which Maverick smiled and patted him on the shoulder before hopping onto the embrasure.
“Well, time to get going.” He said as he turned to face Jaire, “Just one last climb dow-whoa!!”
Jaire instinctively lunged forward, but he was too late, and Maverick tumbled over the side.
“NO!!” He screamed and watched in horror as Maverick fell. Yet to his shock, Maverick righted himself midair, and planted his feet upon the wall. Although he kept falling, he glided down the wall looking as calm as possible. Moments from fatal impact, Maverick launched himself off, somersaulted, and landed squarely on his feet.
How did he do that!? Jaire thought in slack-jawed amazement.
“Alright, keep it going. Jump.” Karebal spoke.
Jaire’s eyes widened as he spun around, “I can’t do that!! That’s impos-”
“Stop wasting time. We don’t want to be late.” Karebal snapped.
“B-b-but-” he stuttered, unable to find the words he needed.
Thankfully, Jackal groaned and approached, “That’s enough, he says he can’t so he can’t.”
Thank you! Please talk some sense into him!
“Let’s go.” She said and placed her hand on his chest. The next thing he knew, pain shot through him and he was suddenly in midair, staring wide-eyed at her and Karebal.
“AHHHHH!!!” He screamed as he began to fall. He flailed wildly but all he accomplished was to spin uncontrollably. NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Suddenly, he felt his clothing squeeze tight and he was pulled backwards. Alarmed, he looked behind, and saw Jackal falling by his side, with his shirt firmly in her grip.
She planted her feet on the wall as Maverick had done, and they dropped at a much slower pace than he expected. Near the bottom, she hopped off with him in tow and landed safely on the grass, dropping him as she did.
I’m alive!! Oh thank god I’m alive!! He thought while practically kissing the floor.
“Good job Jaire!” Maverick congratulated.
“Get up.” Jackal spoke, “You’re embarrassing me.”
How could you do that!? He internally screamed as he scrambled to get up. I take it back, you’re just as bad as Psyma!
Seconds later, the rest of the crew landed around them.
“Let’s go.” Karebal called out and began running northward.
Ughhh! Can’t I at least have a minu- “OW!!” A sharp sting prodded his back and he began to run as well.
“Great,” Karebal said with a yawn, “We’re a bit early. Rest up everyone.”
Jaire flopped to the ground, desperately heaving for air. They had run at a breathtaking pace, and he would have long fell behind if not for Ghost’s constant stabbing. That bastard. He probably enjoys it. I’ll teach him to mess with me...one of these days…
As he stared up at the sky from the floor, he looked over to the wall. Patches of new stone covered it, ranging from the size of a person to that of a house. They were the scars left behind by the constant attacks of the Zvyrs. Some days, the pounding was so loud it reached his home, and he used to soothe his crying siblings as his parents did with him. As he stared at the marking, Maverick’s words echoed in his head.
Stop it. This isn’t the time. He shook his head and took a deep breath. Why the hell did we even hurry, wasn’t Navaro supposed to be ready and waiting?
A loud horn sounded from the wall.
“Get up Jaire, they’re here.” Maverick said.
Speak of the devil...
He sighed and rose. Ahead, the gate groaned as it opened. It was a large double-doored stone gate, with each door housing half of the town’s emblem. From the opening, two files of five people emerged.
One composed of the traders, easily marked by the large and heavy packs they carried upon their backs. Since they travelled through Zvyr territory, they forwent carts and wagons in favor of maneuverability and stealth, only taking what precious goods they could manage to lift.
Come to think of it...there’s no way a trader sold those stupid blue eggs for only 50 qip...ugh, I’m so stupid.
The other line consisted of the Seekers. Each was fully decked out in their classical outfit, light armor beneath a cloak and helmets that left only their eyes and ears exposed. They carried longbows and javelins for weapons, favoring long range combat and speed above all else.
If I only made up my mind I would be with them instead…
He sighed and stood by Ghost, who waited in silence. Once the gate closed again, the Seekers spread out in a forward arrow, centered on the traders.
“That’s our cue. To positions” Karebal spoke.
Maverick and Jackal split up and took the flanks, while Karebal and Alpha headed to the front. Ghost led Jaire to the tail end,
Wait, this isn’t right. “Um, shouldn't we get closer?” He asked Ghost. They had stopped around five meters away from the backs of the traders, too far for comfort.
Silence was his only response.
He wanted to ask again, but stopped short as he looked to the others. The other Sentinels were also positions far from the main group, and they didn’t seem to mind.
At once, the caravan began to jog North, towards the looming forest.
With a creeping trepidation, he jogged along Ghost, hoping it would all be explained soon.
The grassland they trekked over was eerily silent, only broken by his huffs and steps. Ghost made no noise, not even the slightest shuffle as they ran beside him. I guess that’s why they call you Ghost huh…
Thankfully, they moved at a slower pace than the mad dash from earlier, so aside from his rising anxiety over the fear of being mauled to death, he was perfectly fine.
To keep his mind off of his impending doom, he decided to look at anything but the forest ahead. To the right, he saw the large Dzivir river, which stretched endlessly to the North. As far as he knew, only Protus had made it back alive from an expedition up the river, though many have tried.
On his left, he could barely make out a group of Hunters in the far distance. They stood in a circle around a jiji, a boar-like Zvyr with a spiked carapace on its back. Its main body only reached waist high, but it was incredibly resilient against piercing and slashing damage. Standing within the circle, a lone Hunter faced the Zvyr.
That’s probably a new recruit. Damn, that should be me, slowly training up in live combat, not running head first to the most dangerous place around...
He sighed internally as he jogged along, cursing himself for every decision that led him here. As they approached the dark forest, his heart began to race.
Oh god, this is happening, this is actually happening!
Ten minutes later, they were finally at it’s base. The trees skyrocketed much higher than the wall had, and even straining his neck he could not see the top. It was also dark inside, heavily obscured by the heavy canopy above. There was enough light to see, but just barely. He could not make out more than a few meters ahead.
Dammit, I should have brought the torch as well.
The Seekers dashed forward, spreading out as they entered the thick forest while the Sentinels and the traders entered shortly behind.
He gulped as he entered by Ghost's side. Why the hell did I agree to this!?
Yelps and chirps echoed from every direction, and he twitched in anticipation. In his mind, every shadow concealed a waiting Zvyr, every noise an inevitable pounce. Even the flowers seemed monstrous to him, as he imagined the sharp teeth and thornish vines that Lin produced hiding beneath their pedals.
Come on dammit! Just attack me already!!
He stayed on constant alert, straining his eyes to their limit for even the slightest shufflfe.
I'm over thinking. We're fine. The Seekers are around, they are probably herding the Zvyrs away. Yeah. that must be it, otherwise Ghost wouldn't be so calm either. Just relax. Take a deep breath and relax. That's it.
His muscles began to ease, releasing the tension that had ran through them for the past hour. We are going to be just-
The ground trembled.
What the hell was that!?
Suddenly, hundreds of screams and roars came to life in a monstrous symphony. He held his ears shut and ducked. Ghost paused to look to the left, but Jaire saw nothing but more darkness.
What the hell is happening!?!?
Branches snapped from above and came crashing down as dozens of shadowy figures raced across them, screeching as they passed.
The explosion was closer, and the ground trembled so fiercely he stumbled to the floor. Panic erupted within him and the next thing he knew, he was running away. He ran through the bushes and over the roots, scraping along in his wild dash. Ahead, he saw the break of daylight, and burst into full throttle towards it. Screw this place!!
He leapt over underbrush to freedom, landing with a soft thump on the dirt floor. “Oh thank go-”
He paused dead. He wasn't outside on the plains, but in a huge dirt hole illuminated by sunlight. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered why the branches would allow light through, but his main focus was on the creature at the other side of the hole.
A trebleren sat there, next to the carcass of another beast. It was almost half his size, but it had a large insect-like head with mandibles and antennae, while its face was scaled and housed large reptilian eyes. It’s body was covered in poisonous needles and had a long tail with a fluffy tip. Lastly, it possessed human like hands, though they were far more grotesque and armed with sharp and deadly claws. But far worse than all, it had stopped eating, and was staring directly at him.
Oh...shit…oh shit oh shit oh shit...
He began to tremble as it continued to stare. Its antenna wiggled around as it's tail flickered, slowly dropping the chunk of flesh it was currently eating.
Shit shit shit! What do I do? What do I do!?!?
Dozens of scenarios played out in his head. He wanted to reach for the knife, but he wasn’t sure he could get it in time, let alone fight head on. He wanted to run, but it would surely catch him, if not alert another Zvyr. Come on think!! There has to be a way out of-
“YIIII!” It shrieked and charged at him. Twenty different options spun in his mind, screaming at him to do something, anything, but he just watched in fear as it leapt in slow motion, claws aim straight for his head.
He winced.
*SPLAT* A gooey substance landed on his face.
He slowly opened his eyes, wiping the ooze as he did. Blood? Wait, where did it go!?
He looked behind him and saw it laying against a tree. Several seconds passed but the Zvyr laid still. He took a careful step forward, unsure if the beast was dead or not. Suddenly, a figure dropped upon it and he jumped backwards in alarm.
“Ghost!!” He cried out in strange mix of shock and happiness.
Ghost stared at him for a second before looking down at the Zvyr. They stepped on it twice, and seemingly satisfied, hopped off and focused on its head. A squelching noise came out of it as Ghost righted themselves and approached Jaire with a blood-soaked stiletto in their hand.
Wait, he killed it?? How?! When!?
“Wh-” He began, but stopped dead as Ghost put the stiletto it to where their lips would be.
He slowly nodded and Ghost motioned for him to follow as they began to walk back into the forest.
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