《Kova + Rey》4 - October



"Have fun at Reyna's right of passage this weekend. It's so disgusting your clan is hosting it on your land." Nyx scoffed shaking her head. Lucian's noticed it absolutely infuriates her that he used to be really close with Reyna. She has never understood his clan's partnership with the DiEdaans. She calls it an obsession with their coven, but it's just the way the VonUmbras and the DiEdaans have always been.

"It's not my choice. My Dad is trying to show the realm he respects the DiEdaans. Plus, their sacred grounds were destroyed by demons." Lucian shrugged.

He didn't care that his clan was hosting her right of passage. He just hates that his parents are forcing him to attend, it's not exactly the way he'd like to spend his birthday weekend.

He and Reyna's birthdays are a day apart, they used to celebrate them together when they were younger. He always teased her that he's the oldest as they're only separated by a few minutes. He smiled at the memory, he was born at 11:57 on October 30th and she was born at 12:01 on October 31st.

"Yeah and let's not forget my clan destroyed those lands. Wouldn't mind doing it again too. Worthless DiEdaan scum. They just want to rule us all and your father is falling for it." Thane huffed and Lucian shook his head. He may not want to ruin his reputation, but Thane's ignorant views of her coven are starting to annoy him again.

He used to be able to ignore it, but now every time he insults her a small twinge of anger sparks inside of him.


"I don't want to have my right of passage at the VonUmbras! Why can't we have it here?" Reyna whined as she followed behind her parents over a small bridge that led through an opening to the demon forests.


Normally, when a DiEdaan witch turns sixteen she or he is brought to the DiEdaan's sacred land deep in the forests of Litanya. It's said, their land is where creation of the realm began. Unfortunately, the VonCaligos destroyed Litanya during the genocide.

"The VonUmbras want to show a truce of peace with our coven. This is for the good of the realm." Her mother smiled at her and she huffed turning her face away from her.

"But we can't even have it in Litanya, at least let me have it on our new lands." She grumbled as her father laughed.

"It will be fine, Reyna. Our coven is right here around you. It'll be just like in Litanya and come on, you've always been excited to get your own familiar." He smiled kissing her head as she sighed.

"Oh you're here! Everyone is so excited for you, Reyna!" Marika, Lucian's mother, smiled pulling her in for a hug as Daivik and Lucian stood behind her. Reyna laughed in her arms, she's always had a good relationship with his parents. It's just a shame Lucian turned out so different from his humble parents.

"We're so glad you agreed to this, Reyna. We know you'd rather have your ceremony at home, but -

"I know it's for the good of the realm, Daivik. I understand." She smiled and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," he smiled, turning to his scowling son, "Lucian why don't you show Reyna to her rooms for the weekend." He asked as Lucian turned his glaring eyes on his father.

"It's not like she doesn't know her way around our house. She's staying in the same rooms she always has. She can find it herself." Lucian huffed walking inside. Marika's eyes deepened to black as she looked at her son's retreating form.


"Excuse me," she gritted her teeth, "Lucian VonUmbra! Don't you walk away from me, you snobby little demon!" Marika yelled as she walked inside and Reyna could almost see a trail of fire behind her as she grabbed her son by the ear and shoved him into an empty room.

Reyna bit her cheeks to stop from laughing. Serves him right for acting like that.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him lately," Daivik sighed, "I'll show you to your rooms, Reyna."

"No, no I got this Daivik. I remember my way around." She smiled walking inside, she hasn't been to the VonUmbra estate since she was eight years old. But, she still remembers every secret passage way and hide out she and Lucian used to play in.

She sighed walking up the grand staircase and down the familiar hallways to her guest bedroom which was, of course, right next to Lucian's. She opened the door and smiled seeing her ceremonial dress in the corner of her room. Her Aunt Varati made sure she was the one to make her dress and she made sure it was delivered to the VonUmbras before she could see it.

She touched the shimmering starlight fabric and the gold crescent moon epaulets on the shoulders. The heart shaped bodice was littered with diamonds and rhinestones while the light, silky fabric fell delicately to the floor.

She let the dress fall from her fingers and looked around the room. They didn't change anything. She picked up an old drawing on the small wooden desk near the window. It was one of the pictures she drew of her and Lucian playing in the forests. she ran her finger over the silly drawing, slowly sitting on her bed.

She sat the drawing down on the bedside table and lifted the gold and crimson blankets to look under the bed. She laughed when she saw a dusty wooden box, she grabbed it and blew off the dust. She traced her finger over the carved lettering on the box, 'Kova + Rey' .

She can't believe it's still here! They used to put random things they found on their adventures inside of it. Crystals and rocks they found along the river, old stones she brought from Litanya, rolled up maps they used to make of the forest. It was silly stuff but it was their box and their treasures. She sighed, what happened to him? They used to be so close. She never thought time or distance would ever come between their friendship.


Lucian walked angrily down the hall to his room rubbing his ear. He slowed to a stop, catching Reyna out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting on her bed smiling to herself, looking through their old wooden box. He blushed forgetting that was there. He couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips at the stupid things they used to collect.

Reyna looked up at him standing outside her door, catching him with a slight smile on his face. She glared, lifting her hand and used a lick of power to slam the door in his face.

He grimaced at the closed door. He never should have let her catch him watching her. It doesn't matter, he growled. He just needs to get this weekend over with. He yanked his bedroom door open and slammed the door. The sooner this right of passage is over, the better.

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