《Kova + Rey》2 - Lucian - The 'New' Girl


Lucian looked back to see Reyna escape into the bathrooms but not before he saw a tear fall from her violet eyes.

He quickly squashed the guilt rising in his chest. She doesn't understand, he can't be seen with her. Demon clans are still weary of the DiEdaans, especially students who came from clans who aligned themselves with the VonCaligos. The wounds are still fresh and some clans still feel prejudice against the dark skinned, starlight haired coven.

They think her coven is too powerful and they'll try to take over the demon clans. He admits that is completely twisted coming from the species that ran a coup on their own people, against his clan.

He knows he should help bridge the gap, especially in the academy, but he has a reputation to uphold. While his father is trying to mend the wounds in the wider society, Lucian has to keep the demons' faith in the VonUmbra clan. His father can't see that it's too soon for integration.

"Why did she call you 'Kova'?" The Blonde demoness asked, her hand tightening around his. Lucian sighed, looking down at her brown horned head. He can smell the jealously rolling off her. She doesn't like that the DiEdaan knows something about him that she doesn't.

"Don't worry about it, Nyx. It's nothing." He smiled, pulling his hand away from hers. He weaved his way through the desks, dodging the vampires and sliding out of the way of a few unicorn horns. He sat in the back of the classroom and stared out the window.

His faint smile fell from his face. Reyna calls him Kova because that's what he wanted her to call him. He never liked the sound of Lucian on her lips, it always felt wrong.

He preferred her to call him by his demon name and it just became their thing. He'd call her Rey and she'd call him Kova. No one else called them that and no one corrected them when they referred to each other so informally.


To this day he has never let anyone call him Kova and now she won't either. His heart clenched with guilt and regret at the thought. He's waited so long to see her again. He constantly worried about her, angry that his parents wouldn't let him talk to her. He lost his best friend and the VonCaligos were to blame.

So he threw himself into the demon society to fill his mind with something other than the fear that Reyna was dead. He told himself he joined so he could figure them out so and take revenge on the VonCaligos for what they did to their families.

Then he became friends with Thane VonCaligo and his cousin Lucy. They were nothing like he thought, they were good. Maybe a little arrogant and completely ignorant about Reyna's coven, but he liked them and they helped bandaid the loss of her.

So he ignored the things they said about the DiEdaans and let himself fully immerse in the society. By the time the news broke that Reyna DiEdaan would be returning to the Magics Academy, he already let himself develop into someone she wouldn't understand.

He filled the hole she left with the demon society. He doesn't need her in his life anymore, their friendship was childish.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm sure you have all heard we have a new student joining us today." Mr. CeLani, a centaur with a deep brown coat, short brown hair and deep brown eyes, announced as Reyna stood next to him. All traces of her tears were gone from her face. Her violet eyes and the starlight freckles on her chocolate cheeks glimmered in excitement.

"Hi everyone, I'm Reyna DiEdaan. It's nice to meet all of you." She smiled as some students gasped and loud chatter filled in the room.


"Alright calm down, I'm sure Reyna wouldn't mind answering one or two questions, right?" The teacher asked and she shrugged nodding her head.

"Is your hair really woven from moonlight?" A vampire asked and she laughed, shrugging her shoulders, "Possibly, we are all born under a full moon."

Lucian sighed, shaking his head at the ignorant question. Nyx smirked next to him raising her hand, popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

"What was it like watching half your coven murdered by demons?" She laughed and Lucian's heart clenched, his eyes darting to Reyna.

Her vibrant violet eyes hardened on Nyx. He could see the anger swirling inside of them. Reyna wasn't like the rest of her peace-loving coven. She's always had a bit of a bite to her and Nyx has no idea who she has just insulted.

"Nyx! That was completely inappropriate. Reyna, you don't have to answer that." Mr. CeLani said shaking his head.

Reyna smirked her violet irises spreading over the whites in her eyes, "I don't plan on it." She said her voice deathly calm as she pointed her finger at Nyx.

"I'll show her." She growled as Nyx began to scream next to him. She fell from her chair, curling into a ball, crying and writhing on the floor.

Reyna put her hand down, her eyes returning to their vibrant violet. Lucian watched in utter shock as she calmly took the only empty seat in the front of the classroom.

It's been a long time since a DiEdaan has attended the Academy and Mr. CeLani looks terrified. A slight smile tugged at Lucian's lips, Reyna only used a tiny portion of her power to reduce Nyx to the floor. She is lucky Reyna hasn't had her right of passage as a DiEdaan or Nyx would be in far more pain that this.

"Um, Lucian why don't you take Nyx to the infirmary?" Mr.CeLani asked nervously.

Lucian nodded picking Nyx up from the floor. He glared at Reyna as he passed. She glared back at him, she just drew the line in the sand. They aren't friends anymore and she has made it clear she is not being kind to anyone who hurts her. He can't blame her for that, but she better stay out of his way too.

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