《Arcane Cycle》Sile, True Paladin of the Holy Empire of Ivalice. (XIX)


The Heavenly Slayer started a fierce rampage. It unleashed a barrage of powerful skills in the midst of the demonkin army, killing thousands of them with each wave of his dual bladed sword, they could do almost nothing in order to defend themselves. It wasn't that they didn't have the means to retaliate, but this was a foe they were unprepared to face. You don't use a catapult to kill a mosquito, but who could have imagined that the human army that they viewed as insects could bring something so fierce that they were now desperately running for their lives?

Although the Heavenly Slayer was only one entity and in normal circumstances it could at most support a portion of the army while the demonkins could outnumber the rest of the fronts, its sheer power and unmatchable speed let it travel from one side of the battlefield to the other unhindered, leaving behind corpses littered everywhere. The control that Sile had over the actions of the Heavenly Slayer were very limited, she could only try to persuade it to attack certain spots on the battlefield while preventing it from raising its blade against the human army and no more. Since not all demonkins were on retreat, she would aim for those who were still clashing with the army, in order to prevent more loses in her side.

The demonkins felt helpless. The four Celestial Guardians were bones hard to chew, high defensive power but with very limited offensive capabilities. They were confident that sooner or later one of them would fall from the accumulated assaults, and what followed was the slaughter of the whole human army. The Heavenly Slayer completely tipped the balance of the fight. While they were trying to take down the Celestial Guardians in front of them, they had now to watch out at their own backs in order to avoid fatal attacks.


The demonkin generals thought at first that the Heavenly Slayer would only be summoned for a couple of seconds, two or three minutes at most, but they miscalculated. Two hours passed by and the Heavenly Slayer had wiped more than one hundred thousand demonkins while closing all of the shadow devourer's summoning circles and preventing new ones from opening. Although they had received some reinforcements, they didn't have a quick method to take down the Celestial Guardians and then there was nothing they could do since they couldn't predict how much more the Heavenly Slayer would remain summoned, the idea of it being summoned permanently crossed their minds and they went almost insane. They started a full retreat.

The human army didn't gave chase, instead, they changed to long-range weaponry and started firing arrows and bolts that were charged with a special spell: Turn earth to swamp. Those arrows were almost harmless in terms of damage, and the spell could only create a four square meters area of swamp that would last for about 10 minutes, nothing too flashy. However, when tens of thousands of those arrows and bolts are fired at the same time against a retreating army, that harmless spell transformed the terrain into a purgatory, with the Heavenly Slayer as the executioner that could reap their souls with a wave of its blade.

The demonkins let out a string of curses and could only helplessly watch as their retreat was slowed substantially. It was obvious that this was a trap laid very carefully by the humans and they fell for it face first, almost a third of the first wave of demonkins perished by this point and they hadn't finished their retreat!

*Cough* *Cough*

Sile coughed a mouthful of blood and fell to one knee, almost collapsing on the ground. The light wich surrounded the spell circle in which she was standing started to diminish dramatically, it seemed as if it would collapse in any given second. Simultaneously, the power of the attacks of the Heavenly Slayer decreased substantially giving some breath to the demonkins to retreat further and even launch some counter attacks.


The burden of casting Heaven's Slash which only used a tiny portion of the power of the Heavenly Slayer was huge, to maintain the Heavenly Slayer summoned for an extended period of time the price she would have to pay was unimaginable. She clenched her teeth and wiped the traces of blood from the corner of her lips and then tossed to one side the jewel she was holding previously, which shattered immediately when it felt to the floor. Moments ago, when Sile took out that jewel, it was filled to the brim with a boundless and majestic light aura, but now it was completely sucked dry.

"I have... just a little more... not sure.. if it's enough time..." Sile murmured panting. She then searched in a pouch near her belt and produced an identical jewel to the one she used as catalyst to summon the Heavenly Slayer, however, the radiance this one possessed was lacking compared with the first one. "To fill... one Emperor Jewel... it took me almost two years... I never had enough time... to finish filling a second jewel..." Sile said while standing up slowly, "If I have to... trade my life... to pay for the sins... of my master..." She gripped tightly the jewel in her hands, so tightly that blood started flowing drop by drop, "If my life it's the price, so be it!"

The light of the spell circle stabilized and Sile once again started pouring more light aura to her summon, but it goes without saying that this time the Heavenly Slayer wasn't at the peak of his power. Nevertheless, it was something that couldn't be underestimated.

Isiurem was still watching with a cold gleam in his eyes, a muruderous aura was surrounding him. "Release five abominations." He said with a calm voice, a calmness that carried a heavy killing intent.

The three figures that were behind Isiurem trembled at the same time, looks of astonishment and horror in their faces. "Sir," One of them said hastily, "Without opening the Infernal Gate, we will not be able to control them, and they would go berserk!"

"Although our loses are heavy," Said another one, "Even if they are ten times heavier, they can not compare to the price we have to pay to recapture one abomnation, let alone five!"

*Swish* *Swish* *Splurt*

Before the third one had time to speak, he opened his eyes wide and shut his mouth immediately. With two swift motions, Isiurem beheaded the other two of his companions without giving them the slightest chance to retaliate! Isiurem looked at the last one directly in the eyes and then he pointed slowly the tip of the sword at his neck. "What? Do you feel like lecturing me about how to manage this citadel too?" Isiurem said with a menacing tone.

"No... sir." The remaining of the three soldiers answered trying to hide his fear... and his anger.

"Then go and release five abominations into the batttlefield!" Isiurem said retrieving the sword from the neck of the soldier, then he turned around and looked outside, "Sile, I wanted to kill you, but now, I will show you true despair!"

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